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Online Tiki Chat....

Pages: 1 11 replies

Tikitackett posted on 05/01/2003

In case anyone is looking for a nice, quiet, tiki place online for chatting, I just opened my online TIKI LOUNGE at http://www.tikitackett.com.

When you go to the main page, click "Tiki's Lounge", and then click "chat". If you get a request to accept a file from "webmaster", accept it, as it is a java fix for the chat room.

Mahalo! And hope to see you chatting sometime!

Tiki Tackett.

DawnTiki posted on 05/01/2003

Hmmm? I went to check it out but the screen just stayed gray?

Tikitackett posted on 05/01/2003

You may have to wait for the applet to load...it isn't instantaneous at first...but once it is loaded and connected, it will run real-time.

Sorry...should have mentioned that... :(


DawnTiki posted on 05/01/2003

Nope, tried it again, maybe it's my computer? It looks really nice, like you have put alot of effort into it. I'll try again tomorrow :drink:

Tikitackett posted on 05/01/2003

It took my computer (on dial up) about two minutes to load the whole thing...then it worked fine...

Give it a try tomorrow. I also noticed my server is running a little slowly today...that may be another factor.



hanford_lemoore posted on 05/01/2003

Yeah, it looks great. it loaded fine on my PC. Good work.


trustar posted on 05/01/2003

Got in with no problem, even at work. Nobody ta'home thought. We will be checking in later.

Thanks for the efforts.


TroyAloha posted on 05/02/2003

Site worked great, but no one is home. How about setting an Enchanted Tiki Chat Time?

I'd love to drop in.....

DawnTiki posted on 05/02/2003

Uggg! It's my computer turning against me. It wants me to go dust or do some laundry. Evil thing!

Tikitackett posted on 05/03/2003

Ach Ya! I almost forgot to make a schedule!

Please watch this post, as a schedule will soon be available. Right now, I am managing GRAD NITES 2003 at the Magic Kingdom, so I won't be able to join you all...so I think I will start scheduling times when this is all over...will only be another week.

Watch this post and "TIKI'S LOUNGE" for times and dates! :)

Much Love and Aloha!

Tikitackett posted on 05/06/2003

Okay...here it is...the first chat at "Tiki's Lounge".

5/10/03 (Saturday) at 8:00pm EST. All are invited! :)


Tiki Tackett

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