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Happy Birthday Doctor Z!

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ookoo lady posted on 08/03/2006

Happy birthday to the host of the late great Castaway Lounge and Casino!

Cheers to the man who amazed us with his tiki collection, entertained us with his parties, intoxicated us with his Mai Tais, and restored us with his patented hangover cures!

The Sperm Whale posted on 08/03/2006

Cheers Doctor Z!!!!!!! Have a Happy Birthday!!!!! Tone Young said to do the "Wild Thang" in "Ohio" today!! But really have a very Happy Birthday!!!

pablus posted on 08/03/2006

Doktah Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Hope your year starts out with a big smile and ends up with a huge smile.
I hope your face hurts you smile so much this year.

UtopianDreem posted on 08/03/2006

May there be many glasses of Beachbum's Own raised in your honor today!
Wishes for a most SPECTACULAR birthday from UtopianDreem & Tiki Bird coming your way!!

DawnTiki posted on 08/03/2006
Tikiwahine posted on 08/03/2006

Happy Birthday Doc Zee!!!

Chongolio posted on 08/03/2006

Happy Z day me Bucko, I trust it will be filled with rum and your favorite seafood and void of any planks to be a-walkin.

Ye olde friend,

Bloody Captain Chongolio

Coco Loco posted on 08/03/2006

Doctor Z is ZAZZ! May your day be filled with wonderful rum concoctions! Happy Birthday!!

Unga Bunga posted on 08/03/2006

Avast Ya Scurvy Dog!
Happy B-Day Z!

Monkeyman posted on 08/03/2006


celebrate like your 40!

Humuhumu posted on 08/03/2006

Happy birthday to the good Doctor Z! I hope for your birthday someone gives you a medium-sized warehouse to house your collection. Hope your day is fantastic!

Formikahini posted on 08/04/2006

Happy Happy Happy Herr Doktor!
You're one of the best things about SoCal :)

kirby posted on 08/04/2006

happy birthday dude...

GROG posted on 08/04/2006

GROG posted on 08/04/2006

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-08-03 18:09 ]

Cousin Dave posted on 08/04/2006

There truly only one DR. in da house

HapZEE Birthday

~~Your distant Cuzin Dave

hiltiki posted on 08/04/2006

Happy happy happy!! :drink: :drink: :drink:

bigtikidude posted on 08/04/2006

From one Jeff to another, Happy B-day man,
have a steak dinner on me, and I'll pay ya for it,
when I see ya next.


freddiefreelance posted on 08/04/2006

I hope someone stuck candles on the Tower of Lapu-Lapus. Happy Damn Birthday!

Tikifrog posted on 08/05/2006

Happy belated Bday Dr Z. Haven't seen you for a while at Long Beach swap meet.
Are you still teaching in our neighborhood?

martiki posted on 08/06/2006

Many happy returns to the mighty Z.

Get your ass up here some time- I've got a cold Zombie with your name on it. Literally!

Tiki Bird posted on 08/03/2007

Happy Birthday Dr. Z!


GROG posted on 08/03/2007

It's been a year already? Well, Happy Birthday Z-man.

The Sperm Whale posted on 08/03/2007

Dude Happy Birthday again!!!

Unga Bunga posted on 08/03/2007

How old can this guy get?

WooHooWahine posted on 08/03/2007

WooHooo! Happy Birthday Dr.Z. I hope you have a Tiki-rrific Year. Have fun in Vegas. I'm sure Spamalot will be a blast. The next time you come down to Sam's we owe you a Mai Tai.

hiltiki posted on 08/04/2007

la la la la laaaaaaa la, la la la laaaaaa la, la la la la laaaaa JEFF, la la la la laaaaa la. ( I know, I am doing it again intentionally so back off!).

Mai Tai posted on 08/04/2007

Is there a drink in the house? Somebody please give it to the good Doctor!

Happy birthday, Doctor Z, hope it's a great one!

Doctor Z posted on 08/13/2007

Wow - thanks for all the wishes, folks! (I guess I don't check in the 'Ohana' forum as often as I should...) I have now reached that novel age whereby the babies who were born while I was celebrating my 21st birthday are now celebrating their 21st birthdays! Kinda puts things in perspective in an odd sorta way... And, according to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", 42 is the answer to everything, so I'm looking forward to a wonderful year! I must say it certainly has started off in the best possible way: while I didn't actually make it to see 'Spamalot' while I was in Vegas, I did leave with an absolutely incredible souvenir!!! :D :D :D

WooHooWahine posted on 08/14/2007

On 2007-08-13 10:03, Doctor Z wrote:
I did leave with an absolutely incredible souvenir!!! :D :D :D


TikiCutie posted on 08/15/2007

See the "congratulations are in order to DR.Z" post in this same forum.....


CheekyGirl posted on 08/02/2008

Happy Birthday Dr. Z!

Some of my fondess memories were at the Castaway Lounge Parties!
Have a great one!

UtopianDreem posted on 08/05/2008

Better late than...???

Hope you had a fab birthday, 'Z!

Mai Tai posted on 08/07/2008

Happy Birthday, Dr. Z, from your Hooptylau pal! Hope it was a great one! :drink:

WooHooWahine posted on 08/04/2009

WooooHooo! Happy Birthday Doctor Z :)

Coco Loco posted on 08/05/2009

Yerserri Bob, Happy Z Day!!!

Matt Reese posted on 08/05/2009

Happy Birthday Doctor Z. Where you been hiding?

[ Edited by: Matt Reese 2009-08-04 19:38 ]

bigtikidude posted on 08/05/2009

Z wasn't at Purple Orchid like he siad he would be.
but he had a good excuse,
family was in town, and had to pick him up at the airport.
hope to see you this weeekend,
at Don's sat.

oh and Happpy B-day.


Mai Tai posted on 08/05/2009

Paging Dr. Z! Paging Dr. Z!!! There is a birthday wish with your name on it!!!

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Hiphipahula posted on 08/05/2009

Happy Birthday Dr.! Have a wonderful Birthday week, year........ Have fun!

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 08/05/2009

Happy Birthday, my friend! I toast you with a double-shot.

GROG posted on 08/05/2009

You've got a funny last name.

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squid posted on 08/05/2009

I hope eet eez Z best birthday yet! Rawk on!

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little lost tiki posted on 08/05/2009

Happy Birth-Z!
Have a few Mai-Tais and enjoy the day!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6de39cc93d928039bd141c2ee00cbcd2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki-Kate posted on 08/06/2009

Happy Birthday.

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hiltiki posted on 08/06/2009


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Hakalugi posted on 08/06/2009

I see you've set up shop at the San Diego Zoo. Happy Birthday!

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Doctor Z posted on 08/12/2009

Another birthday? Dang, I'm too young to be this old! Once again, thanks for all the b-day wishes, folks! I just got back from my annual birthday/anniversary trip to Vegas (hit Frankie's at 10:00am!), then was in Deetroit for a wedding. Coupla days rest, then - Oasis? Hmmm... Not sure if it's in the cards, but if'n it is - I'll see all y'all there!

:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

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