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Tiki Central / California Events

Hawaiian music at Stern Grove

Pages: 1 4 replies

cynfulcynner posted on 05/02/2003

The schedule for this summer's concerts at Stern Grove (San Francisco) is out, and there's a Hawaiian program!

June 29: Hawaiian music with Willie K and Amy Hanaiali'i Gillom with special guest Ernie Cruz Jr. and San Francisco's Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu

It would be fun to get a group together and have a Tiki Picnic. Has anyone here ever tried to reserve one of the Stern Grove picnic tables?


kahukini posted on 05/02/2003

I think it would be hard to maintain your claim on one, might be more hassle than it's worth... besides aren't quilts and portable chairs more fun?
The main thing is not to miss an opportunity to smoke pot in public, I'm not sure where else you can do that.

tikivixen posted on 05/02/2003

Argh, Cindy, this sounds like fun but I think I'll still be in Florida...recovering...

TikiMama posted on 05/02/2003

That's Pride weekend!

I never miss an opportunity to smoke in public and listen to music, though.

Choices, choices!

cynfulcynner posted on 05/02/2003

On 2003-05-01 21:56, kahukini wrote:
I think it would be hard to maintain your claim on one, might be more hassle than it's worth... besides aren't quilts and portable chairs more fun?

You can reserve a picnic table by calling Park and Rec on the Monday before the concert, but it's really hard to get through. If a few of us got there really early, we could stake out a decent spot on the lawn.

Yes, that's the same day as Gay Pride, dang it.


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