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Big Bang Creations - new Yipwan Drum Mug pg 86

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Babalu posted on 06/29/2007

[ Edited by: Babalu 2011-02-03 08:40 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2011-02-03 09:09 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2011-04-10 08:59 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2011-05-15 23:36 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2011-05-22 12:20 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2011-10-09 17:08 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2012-02-12 10:18 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2015-07-05 20:00 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2015-07-05 20:01 ]

little lost tiki posted on 06/29/2007

That Man-o-War is Awesome!
Something about those jellyfish,the way they move,the way they function...
like aliens or something! And what about those venus Fly Traps?WTF?
Anyways,that man-o-war is gonna have to have at least 3-4 colorways!
What kinda pallette are ya considering for that fine work of artistic mastery?

Paipo posted on 06/29/2007

This is a great project you guys have cooking - what a cool idea to branch out from the chop-chop into mugmaking for the masses. I can't wait to see the fired and glazed results. Manowar is my favourite I think, just cause it's so damn weird and original. Will he have a removable head?

Babalu posted on 06/29/2007

Hey thanks LLT…I think your right, the Man of War is going to need a mixed palate of color for sure…It’s been so long since I took a look at all of the cone 06 glazes that are in the market place that I’m going to have to jog down to Free Form Clay and look at all of their test trees. If the Gods are smiling on us on Saturday, and the casting turns out good, I’m sure that I will ruin a few of these testing glazes.

Paipo, thanks for the feedback man! Yea, that top is removable. I got to go down and buy me a Big Gulp with a straw to make sure that I make that straw hole big enough. Those will be cut into the greenware after I pull the cast on them.


RevBambooBen posted on 06/29/2007

Is that an Olympic oval in the background?

I kinda miss clay too. Used to have 2 of the big ones.

Plus a gas car kiln that was bigger than a van.

The clay room at our old shop used to say on the wall...

Start the Day with A little Clay!


Babalu posted on 06/30/2007

Hey Ben, thanks for stopping in man…

Nope, that’s not one of the big ovals, it’s one of the octagons….wished I had a big oval, or better yet, I wished I just had a smaller kiln for testing and such. These things munch power.

Sam Gambino posted on 06/30/2007

Very nice claywork, Babalou. I love to see a tiki with attitude who's out of the box, so to speak!

Babalu posted on 07/01/2007

Hey thanks for jumping in Sam…

We had some fun yesterday playing with these molds. I’m sure there are several ways to approach molding a mug, but TikiDav and I did with what we had on hand. Lots of things learned from ole TikiDav there…be watching for a mug or two to take on life from him too. I have a new appreciation for what Squid, and you other mug makers do. We didn’t get finished yesterday; we will jump back into it here soon. I guess pictures are much better than words, so….

TravelingJones posted on 07/01/2007

ROCK ON BABALU! Dang sweeet pic's of some kick @$$ designs!! Man of War is off da hook!!! T'anks planty for posting molding process photos too... GO DEEP! :D


OceaOtica posted on 07/01/2007

looks like some nice mold work there. lookin forward to seein the finished pieces.

Babalu posted on 07/08/2007

Hey Traveling Jones and Ocea Otica…thanks for bouncing in you two!!

Just pulled my first cast today on the “Man of War” mug.

suburbanpagan posted on 07/09/2007

Awesome work! Looks great babalu!

Babalu posted on 07/09/2007

Thanks for the prop SP...

I've had a few really great PM's come my way...thank you very much for the complements!

Yes, if they turn out ok, I will be selling some others. I still have to come up with a funky glaze pallet or two, and pray that the kiln Gods are smiling down on me...I haven't fired up my kiln in over 2 years. Looks like she's working ok though...

I had originally planned on just making one for everyone that attended that last Chop, and one for those few regulars that couldn't show up, but then I thought it would be nice to sell some extras that we could use the profits for to help fund a Large Luau Chop Chop, or something along those lines. Of course, as always, you would all be invited to this Chop or any other for that matter.

I have no idea on cost right now, but it won't be over the top.

Let me get one or two done and let's see what we come up with. I guess the number of folks that show interest when we get to that point will more or less determine the number I build?? I thought maybe 60 total??

I will be at the next Chop this Saturday (unless the Bird is born around then)...Let me see what all the other Choppers there say.

Hey, thanks again!...

hewey posted on 07/09/2007

Cool work! Cant wait to see it with a glaze :D

benella posted on 07/09/2007


Total top cool work, Babalu.
Can't believe my eyes, j'adore.


Bowana posted on 07/09/2007

On 2007-07-08 20:09, Babalu wrote:
I guess the number of folks that show interest when we get to that point will more or less determine the number I build?? I thought maybe 60 total??

Better get on that!! Mu hoo hoo ha hahahahahahaaa! :)


Babalu posted on 07/10/2007

Hey thanks Hewey & Benella...your words keep me going!

Dave...Hey dude, I got 3 "MoW's" pulled so far :)

Here's the first pull on the one Dave and I helped Cammo with...nice little mug. I think Cam wants to have some of these for sale at Oasis. I think he might be over guessing on just how many that can be done....we'll see once he dives in. We both have full times else where too. Time to get dirty Cammo!

mieko posted on 07/10/2007

Looking really good! I'm very excited about these mugs!

benella posted on 07/11/2007




Superb, j'adore.


Babalu posted on 07/21/2007

Have'n a little fun this morning...I did a "one off" in celebration of my new grandson "The Bird"...I will have to do some sort of funky different glaze on this one...plan to set it free into the world at some point, if it turns out...I want to help these kids build up the kiddie's kitty however I can. :)

Okay...a little vanity add on :)...Amy and I decided that as new grand parents, we would share in a mid-life crisis thing together...we brought this 68 Cougar...we have both wanted one since we were dating as kids. Even got the all important Benzart hanging from the rear view mirror. Time to go on a road trip!! Fear and Loathing baby!!

4WDtiki posted on 07/21/2007

Congrats on the Bird!Being a grandparent is the greatest! 8)

That Cougar is very clean. 302 or 351?

Babalu posted on 07/22/2007

Thanks Wheeler, It was fun to meet your grand babies...they are great kids! Brother, you look waaaay too young to be a grandpa!

The Cougar has the 302 in it. I wished it had the 351. Still, she gets up and goes....you can take her for a spin at the next Chop.

mieko posted on 07/22/2007

Congrats on the grandbaby and the cougar!!

Clarita posted on 07/26/2007

I like the bird mug and cammo's too! Can't wait to see the glaze,Nice car too! congrats on the grandparenthoud!

Babalu posted on 08/07/2007


Well, I have a few test colors to show now on the Man of War mug. Hope some of you will throw back some feed back on color choices that you see here, or even maybe some that you don't see here...I hate glazing...always have.

This is the one I sculpted for Cammo...he glazed it up nicely. I'm sure he would like some input on color as well if you don't mind?

Tikisgrl posted on 08/07/2007

On 2007-08-06 17:48, Babalu wrote:

Well, I have a few test colors to show now on the Man of War mug. Hope some of you will throw back some feed back on color choices that you see here, or even maybe some that you don't see here...I hate glazing...always have.

This is the one I sculpted for Cammo...he glazed it up nicely. I'm sure he would like some input on color as well if you don't mind?

I like the earth tones for the man of war they show off the mug without distracting. As for Oki? It's a fun mug and all of the colors look nice. I'm kind of partial to the purple and dark blue though.


Babalu posted on 08/07/2007

Thanks for jumping in Tikisgrl. I think I need to do another test firing. I had a look in my head with the color on the Man of War, but these colors just aren't jumping back at me like I thought they would. I think that pinks gotta go for sure. Having the lid and the body more the same value, or the same hue seems to work better.

little lost tiki posted on 08/08/2007

great work on these! Still diggin the Man-o-War!Head and body same hue fer sure! The darker blue one and earth/brown one are looking snazzy Babalu! The speckles in the brown one are pretty cool!
How about an olive-ish tone?
Great Job man! :)

Babalu posted on 08/08/2007

Big thanks for the critique LLT, it helps tons...Olive sounds interesting...are you thinking something more opaque? Getting store brought olive is kind of hard to find in a translucent glaze. Keep the bottom, interior, face, and logo on the back different...translucent? Again, sounds interesting...worth a try for sure.

Going to do another firing in a few days if anyone else has any ideas on color I would very much love to hear your thoughts.

Babalu posted on 08/15/2007

Well, This firing went much better...Kind of like Xmas opening kilns like this. Many flavors to pick from. Any favorites?

Cammo glazed this first one. I think the process has mucho potential.

This next one is one I did for the summer art swap (carving area thread). It has 2 heads; one of which I hand built just for this swap.

his next one was a tribute mug to my new grandson..."the Bird"

The next several are in no order...

I glazed this one as per LLT mentioned.

Oops..missed one

Schooled by the finest.....Capt. K and Master G

[ Edited by: Babalu 2007-08-14 22:32 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2007-08-15 14:47 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2007-08-15 14:49 ]

CheekyGirl posted on 08/15/2007

Is it possible that these mugs keep on mugs keep on getting better and better.
I am so in love with the white/green/blue glazing -- amazing.

And, of course, congrats on the gran-baby and baby-cat.

congatiki posted on 08/15/2007

These are very interesting Babalu...creative designs and great execution. I think my
favorites are the two headed one...and the bird...love the colors on all of them.
Did you ever finish the tiki holding the skull?

Cammo posted on 08/15/2007


You made a mug with interchangable heads??!!!!! That's friggin' brilliant!

And the Green/Blue/White one EES MINE! I WANT IT! EEETS MINE!!! DIBS!!!

Still, my fave is the LLT dark green one, I saw these yesterday and they are all incredible. Watch out for this Babalu guy, I warned ya.

Bowana posted on 08/15/2007

Those are looking great, Rick. I'm liking the glazes a lot!

I can see the lid already beginning to morph into a bunny. Won't be long now.:)

Dav AKA Bowana

mieko posted on 08/15/2007

Wow - they look great! As I scroll though the closeups, it's just "Oo, that's my favorite" "no wait, that's my favorite". :) I love how the detail came out on the swap one, I like the way Cammo glazed the top one, almost messy. I really like the blue/green with red spots, the darker multicolored came out well, and the olive colored one came out great! I really like that one too. And great photos too!!
Do we get to see them all at Oasis?

little lost tiki posted on 08/15/2007

Incredible! They get better and better every test run! Of course, the olive one is my fave! They ALL turned out SPECTACULAR!
You have created a very beautiful and unique mug! KUDOS! :D

Paipo posted on 08/15/2007

Really nice...great design and some really sweet glaze combos happening with this batch. You guys are really cranking it up!

frostiki posted on 08/15/2007

The blue and brown and brown and blue combos are my favorite

La Esquina Del Tiki! posted on 08/16/2007

Babalu, that red and green glaze on the Man-O-War is absolutely amazing!!! What do I have to do to get one in those colors?


Babalu posted on 08/16/2007

Cheeky, Thank you so much for the feed back. It makes me feel good when people like what I've done.

Hey Brother Conga, Thanks man. No, I never did finish that one carving...it ended up having rotten wood at the core and bottom area which made completing the feet next to impossible. I must admit, I kind of lost interest in it after that...I could still try to save it in some fashion I guess.

Cam...Of course that one is yours. I still want to trick out an Oki or two dude!

Bowana...Watch out folks! TikiDav, I mean "Bowana" is going to be doing mugs in my studio too! This cat has da mad skills! Look for some killa work to come. It's great fun to have Bowana over to the shop, and playing. Bowana, you should post pictures of those 2 pieces you fired over at my place last week. I thought they turned out great! Post-um on this thread if you want to?

Mieko, Real sorry I missed your party sister...my daughter came out from Denver to visit last weekend. Thanks for the comps. I can try to throw some of the MoW's in a box and bring them to Oasis...not sure where I will put them, but I will figure it out.

Paipo and LLT...thanks so much for the nice words guys! That means a great deal to me coming from 2 artists who's work I concider to be some of the very best on TC. You guys are top shelf in my book!

Frostiki...Frosty...I love that name. Got it, do more blue ones. Huge thanks for the comment. It really helps.

Hey La Esquina Del Tiki,

Yes, I will be selling a few of these to help fund another FUN Chop of some kind, and also help to pay for materials, and power used on this little project. I think that LLT green one has to be in the line up of colors for sure. I've gotten some other good glaze ideas from Jonesey that I want to try. I picked the run number of 60 on these from...well, I really just pulled that number out of the air. I have about 30 free ones to hand out to San Diego Choppers first, and then I will build the other 30 to sell. The 9 successful one's I've glazed so far will be part of that total 60...I have about 15 or so to bisque now, and I cast about one a day due to the nasty other job I have. So it may be a little while before all 60 are done. I also like the several head, or custom head idea...so you may see some more of that happen besides this 60, but not that many more. After 60 of these, I am sure this design will start getting on my nerves anyway, and I will want to move on. These 2 part mugs are fairly labor intensive, as each has quite a bit of extra texture added after they are pulled from the mold, so really, no two are exactly alike, also I'm using several different glazes on them which also takes more time. I'm thinking $60. each. Please PM me if your interested...I will make final glaze choices soon, maybe 3 different types, and yep that green one will be one of them....then lets do a blue one and a brown one too. Please, no money first folks, just a color choice...I will do the money thing when I am ready to ship.

Thanks again!

PS. Here is my list so far...
SD Choppers = count 32

Maria (Dave's friend)
Mr. NoNaMe
Trish (Mrs. NoNaMe)
Ona Tiki
Cannibal Sam
Cannibal Sam's dad
Aaron's Akua
Cindy (Mieko's parent's neighbor)
Tikihai & Ray
tiki fly boy & Melissa
Diana & Bill (Mieko's parents)

So Far we have 3 non- Choppers down

Traveling Jones
Kings Tie dye
La Esquina Del Tiki - green one

Schooled by the finest.....Capt. K and Master G

[ Edited by: Babalu 2007-08-15 22:01 ]

[ Edited by: Babalu 2007-08-15 22:53 ]

kaha kii posted on 08/16/2007

wow. And youre commenting on my work? pupule! Those creations are amazing! When you said "mugs" I wasnt expecting that! Those are so interesting, with the lids and such. The glazes are beautiful too!!!

hey so, when I "hook" you up with your kahawai lure, ya think I may get my hands on one your buggahs?

We'll talk soon! Again, just awesome.

A Hui Ho!

Babalu posted on 08/16/2007

Thanks for the props Kaha Ki'l....and yeah, absolutely man. Tell you what...if you can carve the word "Babalu" in a visible area somewhere on that most righteous work of art that I'm getting from you, I will toss one of these mugs in.

Bowana posted on 08/17/2007

On 2007-08-15 21:39, Babalu wrote:
Bowana, you should post pictures of those 2 pieces you fired over at my place last week. I thought they turned out great! Post-um on this thread if you want to?

Since you threw out the invite, here ya go!

This piece has been on TC before, but this is it glazed properly instead of primered with Krylon. I'm having trouble getting photos of this piece that I like, so this is it for now. I'm going to attempt tp take some better shots and post them on my own neglected thread.

Now I am done derailing your thread....................Thanks Babaluuuuuuu!!

Babalu posted on 09/16/2007

Another firing....more goodies.

Sir Bowana rules!

Cammo glazed up several, but this "one off" is my favorite.

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One of my weird time traveling friends wanted me to do this "one off" sculpture for him.

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I also fired this 22 inch high hand built mockette, and made this to scale wire grid, to act as a guide...Carving on this 5+ foot log soon...this will be continued on my thread over in carving. It is soooo time to carve again!

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Paipo posted on 09/16/2007

Awesome stuff Babalu...it's great to see plenty more people are going to enjoy one of these fine ceramics. Speaking of which, shouldn't that custom "mug" have a matching "Man of Peace" badge on the back ?
How does the wire grid thing work in practical terms? I understand why, but not how....

Cammo posted on 09/17/2007

These pictures really don't do the Big Skinny Underwater Cthulu Warrior King sculpture justice, it is right out the friggin' most amazing ceramic piece I've ever seen in my life. It isn't bumpy like the photos seem to show, it's smooth and the glaze is creepy-wet looking. It's also hollow! Babs outdid himself 16 times over.

And if anybody's interested, my one-off Oki mug is based on the Original Series Star Trek Episode with Frank Gorshin: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield". (Look it up! I dare ya!)

Thanks to Trailblazer Babalu for Showing Us the Way.

TravelingJones posted on 09/17/2007

Nice work fellas, topps & aces all around! :D
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Babalu posted on 09/18/2007

Paipo - Thanks, Man of Peace...yeah, ok, I see that. I will explain more on the carve of that log in the carving area soon. The whole grid thing (instead of drawing) is something I came up with on my own...it will either work really good, or it will fail miserably. Ya never know till ya try, right? Can't wait to get my new pendant brah...the wife is already saying it's hers...I don't think so.

Cammo - Thanks, but remind me to show you some ceramics books I have when your over next...if that sculpture mockette of mine is the best you've seen, then your in for a real treat brother.

JONESEY, JONESEY, JONESEY!!! Mucho thanks! I've got something special floating around in my brain for you Captain...it will become real soon enough.

Well, I have learned a great deal in the making of these first mugs...One thing is that it takes time to do all the steps yourself...I don't know how many of these steps the rest of you mug makers do yourself, but I can see where subbing out some of these steps might be a wise thing.

Lastly, I'm adding Jonesey, Bullet, LLT (thanks for the color choice), Vince, and La Esquina Del Tiki down for one of the Olive chop mugs at no charge...thanks for the PM's and standing behind this MOW mug so huge. That gives me about 37-40 total to do, of which I have most of done in one stage or another. Still need a little time before all of these will come out of last glaze firing. I know it says ?? of 60 on the bottom of these mugs, but I may stop it here at 40 and move on to the next mug designs, and some needed carving...will still do a few special "one offs" on these MOW's down the road??...I'm just getting kind of sick of playing with this olive one right now. We'll see?

Next year, for the "08" SD Chop Chop mug...I'll build it, but you cats get to glaze your own. I will show you how.

Peace out

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