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If you sell to me on ebay, your Grandmother might die

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Mai Tai posted on 05/14/2005

Or your Aunt. And real quick like, as in during the time that you are supposed to be shipping me my item(s). Just wanted to forwarn you.

Geez, how many times am I going to hear this lame ass excuse from ebay sellers?!? It's like the common excuse from every bad seller I've encountered on ebay, at least the last 5 sour transactions that have happened. Are they all in collusion in conspiring against my ebay purchases? At least come up with an original excuse, like "The Dog Ate Your Tiki" or something.

I dunno, maybe it could be that my ebay voodoo curse will reach out and drain the life out of your dear ol' Grandma if you sell to me on ebay. Just a forwarning. Ask Limptiki - he'll vouch for my ebay voodoo curse!

Pomaika i posted on 05/14/2005

I had a guy tell me that he was really impacted by last year's hurricanes and couldn't get to the post office. When I got the package, it was from North Dakota.

I'm in FL, so he would have been smarted to say that he sent it, but it was delayed by the post office because of hurricane's OR come up with a better lie!

Kono posted on 05/14/2005

On 2005-05-14 00:48, Mai Tai wrote: At least come up with an original excuse, like "The Dog Ate Your Tiki" or something.

I had a seller tell me that her puppy chewed up the mask I won. I was highly suspicious as the mask had a Buy It Now about five times what I won it for. I kept watching her auctions to see if she relisted it but she never did.

I'm quite sure she did lie. Her email to me was pretty flippant: "I have to cancel this auction. I just went to wrap your mask and saw the puppy chewed it up, sorry." I should've told her I'd take it anyway, chewed up or not just to watch her squirm. Scumbag.

hewey posted on 05/15/2005

Should have asked for photographic evidence that it had been chewed. She would probably say it was already in the bin anyway...

Mai Tai posted on 05/17/2005

On 2005-05-14 16:59, Kono wrote:
I had a seller tell me that her puppy chewed up the mask I won.

Good thing I wasn't the purchaser of that item. The puppy would have surely died from chewing on the mask, and then the Grandma too from the shock of seeing her precious pooch make such an untimely demise.

I can hear the excuses now... "My Grandma died from seeing her puppy die from chewing on the mask that your cursed soul purchased from me on ebay..."

beachin posted on 05/17/2005

Aw geez....I read your thread, thought about selling you something and my puppy just died, while choking on a tiki. You are cursed!

tikifish posted on 05/17/2005

Don't worry, my buyers also have family members die at an alarming rate. I always check to see if they kept on buying items on ebay during their troubled times, and sure enough, they did...

It seems such tragedies only stop you from paying, not bidding.

Mai Tai posted on 05/17/2005

Yep, those tragedies stop you from paying, and shipping too. One must keep bidding, however - the retail therapy of bidding helps you to get over your grief of lost loved ones.

SES posted on 05/17/2005

I also get the line "PLEASE don't give me negative feedback! My husband packed the item." when I have received broken things in the mail.

tikifish posted on 05/19/2005

Oh thats a new one!
I get annoyed by sellers who dont leave me positive feedback until I receive the leave them postiive feedback. In my opinion, if I paid on itme and paid properly and wasn't a jerk, then I should get positive feedback. Pronto.

MachTiki posted on 05/19/2005

GREAT eBayer. Real pleasure to do business with. Highly recommend. Would do business with again. A++++++++

[ Edited by: MachTiki on 2005-05-19 14:08 ]

tikigreg posted on 05/20/2005

To all errant ebay sellers, I have only one thing to say:

"It puts the lotion on the skin, or it gets the hose again!"

mrs. pineapple posted on 06/23/2005

This isn't about eBay, but I work at a design/ad agency, and we are using a fairly well know illustrator to do a big project for us, and he just missed a deadline because of a death in the family. Interesting, because I worked at a different agency 4 years ago, and we used him for a project at that firm, and, yep, he missed a big deadline, because of a death in the family!

Moral of the story, if an agency I work for hires you to do illustration work, make sure all family members have their life insurance paid up!

Oh yeah, this guy is a complete jerk, and I warned my current bosses about his history, and they ignored my advice. But they did allow me one chorus of "I told you so", which was kind of satisfying!

"You're the mayor of shark city, people think you want the beaches open."

[ Edited by: mrs. pineapple on 2005-06-23 11:52 ]

stuff-o-rama posted on 06/30/2005

Mai Tai, the power is strong with you...

Although my family was in perfect health when you purchased an eBay item from me, the day after I shipped it my great nephew had a fever spike of 104. I picked up his father (who lives in Florida) at the airport and drove him to the hospital in Sacramento (where his mother lives). Turns out the little man (he is only 6) had an appendicitus that went into pneumonia. We just brought him home today.

I need a drink. :drink:

stuff-o-rama posted on 08/01/2005

After 4 weeks of waiting for a payment for an auction, I politely e-mailed guy and asked if he still wanted the item. (Auction stated payment must be received within 14 days. He never responded to previous e-mails). I got this response

i have been the hospital and i did not forget you i will send payment out tomorrow......thank you

I turned him in today, 6 weeks and counting...

Haole'akamai posted on 08/01/2005

Yeah, I was a TA (teaching assistant) for some undergraduate Education courses at UC Santa Cruz. One Quarter, we had (no joke!) 9

Mai Tai posted on 08/06/2005

On 2005-06-30 13:20, stuff-o-rama wrote:
Mai Tai, the power is strong with you...

Although my family was in perfect health when you purchased an eBay item from me, the day after I shipped it my great nephew had a fever spike of 104...

Oh, ouch! Sorry about that. I just re-read this thread tonight. No wonder you were pretty adamant in telling me that all of your tiki stuff from your move has been sold, and there isn't any more stuff around! Maybe I should have a friend start buying stuff for me instead.

I'm sure a lot of people around here want me to buy something from KohalaCharms. JOKE! That's a joke!!! Funny!!! A-hahahahahahahaha!!!

stuff-o-rama posted on 08/09/2005

*On 2005-08-06 01:45, Mai Tai wrote:*Oh, ouch! Sorry about that. I just re-read this thread tonight. No wonder you were pretty adamant in telling me that all of your tiki stuff from your move has been sold, and there isn't any more stuff around! Maybe I should have a friend start buying stuff for me instead.

Seriously, that is funny. But I really did sell all that I had to sell (or am willing to get rid of at this time). I had a string of health issues starting with my great nephew. It was if my family was handing off the baton in a hospital relay race. It went from my great nephew, to my sister, to her son, to my other sister, to my Mom's boyfriend. I wish I could really blame it on you but it's just a co-inky dink. Otherwise I would have cursed you with "negative feedback" Don't buy from this guy! He will curse your family's health! I'm not kidding!"

The good news is everyone's fine now. I won't put you on the "banned" list. All though I might will you into the corn. (Joking, of course!)

oh, and the guy who was "in the hospital" finally sent the money order. It was postmarked last Friday. The power of eBay feedback rules once again!

stuff-o-rama posted on 08/01/2007

Once again, the death in the family has appeared.

I sold an item to someone last week, today I got this notice

I have not forgotten about the doll. I had a death in the funeral my mother passed from cancer she had for 12 yrs I will send payment out money order on thursday let me know if its ok Again i am sorry. Chris please send me your address so i can make sure i have the correct address

The funny thing is my name is not Chris, nor did he buy a doll from me. However he does owe me a big chunk of change. Is it wrong for me not to be sympathetic when it appears to be a form letter? I noticed on his eBay feedback that he has purchased around 20 items in the past two days... hmmmmm...

VampiressRN posted on 08/01/2007

I gave up on eBay. I didn't have any bad experiences, but I figured if I kept using it, I might kill off some relatives or close friends. :lol:

Mai Tai posted on 08/01/2007

After re-reading this thread, I'm tempted to change the title to "Don't Post On This Thread, Or You Might End Up On Bali Hijinks!!!"

I miss TikiFish. :(

Jungle Trader posted on 08/02/2007

HA! I've bought only one thing on e-bay (Trader Vic's ashtray) and have never sold anything there. I guess I'm old fashioned, I prefer a handshake and a smile.

closettiki posted on 08/02/2007

i list on ebay...i run between 60-100 items per week..for about 2 years now ..mostly hawaiian shirts...a lot of vintage ...a lot of 60- 70-80s shirts ..some older......i call it my second job...or my slush fund..but it pays for my tiki pursuits....my trip to hawaii last month..my tiki bar. disneyland for the kiddies ..my bad habits..ive may have even sold to some of you.......but your right ..ive heard some of those same excuses..the hospital one seems to be a favorite ...i had one lady tell me that the reason she had not paid me was because her computer was repossesed.....now thats funny...is there a list of excuses that buyers use?...i cant find that link.....but hey its a living....and ive bought some cool stuff via ebay....

Johnny Dollar posted on 08/02/2007

tikifish is fine, as long as it puts the lotion on its skin, i throw in the occasional chicken bone...

Feelin Zombified posted on 08/02/2007


what is it with you always forgetting your articles and prepositions???

The Tikifish... THE...

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/03/2007

..problem is, you never buy from me on ebay!! my shipping track record is flawless....get on over there, i got some auctions up now....

Unga Bunga posted on 08/03/2007

God damn Tips!
You got enough products on your website that wouldn't fill a page of a Sears catalog.
Get with it!
And your still pushin those matini lamps?

And what the hell is a Tikfish?


woofmutt posted on 08/04/2007


I miss TikiFish. - Mai Tai-

A common misconception, the Tiki Fish is not extinct. Tiki Fish are still plentiful and fairly common. Most fish shops and even major grocery chains will currently have them as July-September is Tiki Fish season.

The Tiki Fish have often been confused with the Teepee Fish which is almost completely extinct due to the popularity of Teepee Fish oil in the 19th century. (It was most commonly used to oil Buffalo hunters rifles and Fur Seal clubs.)

Tiki Fish have thrived as they are bottom feeders which can consume all sorts of garbage (and even manure pellets in the case of the farmed Tiki Fish) yet their flesh is firm and white and is excellent smoked or in fish sticks.

Johnny Dollar posted on 08/06/2007

collecting tiki mugs has gotten old, so i took my collection to the META level... now i collect tiki mug collectors.

so far i have a tiki_bong, a tikifish, and a KokomoTikiBar&Grill... in case you all were wondering where they were :D

Unga Bunga posted on 08/06/2007

He dumped Tiki Toa on Ebay.

stuff-o-rama posted on 08/10/2007

On 2007-07-31 20:57, stuff-o-rama wrote:
Once again, the death in the family has appeared.

I sold an item to someone last week, today I got this notice

I have not forgotten about the doll. I had a death in the funeral my mother passed from cancer she had for 12 yrs I will send payment out money order on thursday let me know if its ok Again i am sorry. Chris please send me your address so i can make sure i have the correct address

The funny thing is my name is not Chris, nor did he buy a doll from me. However he does owe me a big chunk of change. Is it wrong for me not to be sympathetic when it appears to be a form letter? I noticed on his eBay feedback that he has purchased around 20 items in the past two days... hmmmmm...

So I extended the time to pay twice with this guy. I turned him into eBay, after waiting nearly a month, I canceled the auction and turned him in. He retaliated by leaving me negative feedback. The first negative feedback I've ever gotten in 8 years. I'm so pissed off at this guy. Seems he can pay other people no problem, but somehow I'm the bad guy? He kept stringing me along, then he blasts me. I just don't get it. The auction says payment must be received within 14 days, no exceptions. I extended it twice for him anyway because I didn't want to be a bitch about it. Now this. My perfect score is marred for no reason. I'm gutted.

** edit ** I just found out this same guy claimed he sent another seller $3K which he never received. Hopefully eBay will boot this bastard and my negative will be erased. As Earl would say, Karma is a mo fo!

[ Edited by: stuff-o-rama 2007-08-10 15:30 ]

Mai Tai posted on 08/13/2007

Yeah, good ol' ebay feedback. I won an auction for a cool Dual turntable that could play 78 speed records. The turntable, although from the early 1970's, was never opened or used, and was still new in the box - I think it was leftover inventory from an old stereo store or something. Immediately upon winning the auction, I started getting weird e-mails from someone claiming to be the owner of the auction items, and he was claiming that he was unsure of what the auction items actually contained. I responded to the e-mails, asking if he could please tell me what was included in the auction. He responded that he couldn't, because he was selling the items for someone else, and didn't actually have possession of the items. I immediately forwarded the e-mails to ebay's safe harbour department, where they assured me that they would work something out.

Well, they sat on their asses for longer than a week. When the guy responded back wanting payment, I told him that I had forwarded our e-mails and my complaint to ebay safe harbour. He then strangely told me that we had no prior conversation, and didn't know what I was talking about. I re-forwarded all of the e-mails to him, re-stating that I forwarded all of these to ebay safe harbour as well. He again replied that he didn't know what I was talking about, and threatened to give me negative feedback.

At this point, the good folks at ebay were still leaving me out there alone to hang high and dry. There was no response from them - it was around Thanksgiving weekend, so I assume everyone was on vacation. Ebay did nothing, despite my numerous e-mails asking for help, and the guy actually zapped me with negative feedback for non-payment, even though I told him repeatedly that I had contacted ebay safe harbour, and that he should consider this auction null and void. The kicker was that in his negative feedback he said something to the effect of "After 3 weeks I got no payment and absolutely no response from this guy - a total flake!!!"

Thanks ebay weirdo psycho, for ruining my perfect feedback rating.

Oh, and did I ever hear back from ebay? Yeah, like two weeks later they sent me a bullshit e-mail that said something to the effect of "So you received negative feedback. We hope this doesn't sour your ebay experience and that you will continue to shop on ebay." Uh, yeah, thanks for all of your help.

Yeah, for the most part, I'm pretty much done with ebay.

Haole'akamai posted on 08/13/2007

The first set of emails most likely wasn't the same guy, but someone spoofing his email. This is also a part of the phoney "second chance offer" scam.

Apparently the scam got so crazy that they went on Oprah, of someplace, to talk about it. It's why EBay no longer posts bidder info for auctions.

stuff-o-rama posted on 08/18/2007

So I relisted the item, it ended today. There was less than two minutes left on the auction when I got this e-mail:

Hi there, i'm so sorry to have to email you but is there anyway you can cancel my bid, ebay won't allow me, i have had recent personal issues. I hope you can help before the auction ends

I write back that I had no way to cancel the bid on my end.

He writes:

Hi there, it's getting near to my highest bid, if i do win, would it be possible to offer it to the next highest bidder, if they refuse, as mentioned before i will honour the sale, once again i am so sorry to mess you around, and wish i could explain as you would understand if you knew the situation.

Hmmmmm... sound familiar? Whatever could the situation be?

There has been a death in the family that I must attend to

Are you freaking kidding me? Is it possible that this item is cursed? I think eBay should offer death insurance. I am seriously tired of this BS. This item is a f*n albatross.

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