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TIKI MODERN and the Wild World of Witco BOOK LAUNCH September 13th

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bigbrotiki posted on 09/07/2007

Here is the official announcement:

BIGGER than the Book of Tiki! (...and ten dollars more, too :) )
SEVEN HUNDRED never before seen images! (that's 100 more than the Book of Tiki!...well, about 5 of them actually were in the BOT).
CLOTH cover! The NEW TESTAMENT of Tiki!
Completely NEW ridiculous theories about the meaning of Tiki culture that nobody else would have conjured up!

The MARTINI KINGS will provide their exotic vibes, and TRADER VIC'S is on board, though at press time it was still unclear if a catering license (for liquor!) was in place. If not, you will just have to get intoxicated by the horn of plenty of rare eye candy in my book, and selected WITCO pieces that will be on display :) It's OK to just get a book and get the hell outta there, too,

P.S.: Parking in the Farmer's Market lot will be easiest, the store is in the clock tower between the parking lot and the GROVE pedestrian zone. If the lot is full, you may choose to park in the Grove garage, BUT, please be advised that the Taschen store cannot validate for the Grove parking, only for the Farmer's Market lot.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2007-09-07 11:30 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 09/07/2007

AAAAAAAAAH! Good news, Trader Vic's can do alcohol! And they will provide one of the Chinese mixologists! Now don't start requesting by name, that's asking too much! And don't show up too early, while we're still setting up, just to squirrel some free hooch, that's impolite!

There is another problem. TIKI MODERN is a whopper. To look at it is a two-handed affair. You can't hold your Mai Tai AND look at it at the same time! Dilemma. Solution: Bring your wife, she can alternate holding the book or holding the glass for you. Or even better, she can hold the book open and flip the pages so you can view it WHILE you sip your Mai Tai! :D

This only works though if your wife is not a Tikiphile, and does not like Mai Tais, or SHE will look at the book, or drink the Mai Tai.

On the other hand, if you decide to just fore-go the book offer, so you have your hands free to drink, I totally sympathize with that.

inkylouise posted on 09/07/2007

this looks like great fun! too bad it's during the week, or Smiley and I would come out!

bigbrotiki posted on 09/08/2007

OK, I had to bump this up to the top now so it can compete with THE OTHER TWO posts about the event. Notice that I, in my usual humble manner, did not use my own name in the announcement. But it is ME. The author. I wrote this. The thread above. Because I can and I wanted to.... I better stop now. :)

RevBambooBen posted on 09/08/2007

On 2007-09-07 18:56, bigbrotiki wrote:
OK, I had to bump this up to the top now so it can compete with THE OTHER TWO posts about the event. Notice that I, in my usual humble manner, did not use my own name in the announcement. But it is ME. The author. I wrote this. The thread above. Because I can and I wanted to.... I better stop now. :)

Prove it!

Double Dog Dare!!!!

VampiressRN posted on 09/08/2007

Damnitall...wish I was in town to attend. I love the Martini Kings....and drinks via TV....way too kewl. Got my book on order though....so looking forward to it. Have fun at the signing all you lucky bast*rds!!!! :)

Hope someone takes pictures...and posts posts posts. :drink:

bigtikidude posted on 09/10/2007

Bump, this Thurs. folks.


Tiki Diablo posted on 09/11/2007

I'm there! I plan on a whole new wave of artistic inspiration for myself!!! Can't wait!!!

suburbanpagan posted on 09/12/2007

I'm with Diablo! This is going to be the best piece of artistic inspiration to come along in a while!

kick_the_reverb posted on 09/12/2007

If only this was on a weekend...have fun y'all.

atomikitty posted on 09/12/2007

I'm SO there!

This book is amazing folks-page after page of tiki eye candy and great historical insight!

Finally a tiki event stumbling distance from the house! :)

Congrats Sven - See you Thursday!

bigbrotiki posted on 09/12/2007

So y'all can spend some more money (and I can make some), I am bringing twenty TIKI MODERN European Book Tour posters to sell. For 40 bucks, in cash, to me (not the store), you can own one of these beautiful rich prints on thick art paper, signed and numbered by Dr. Alderete:

The whole shipment (50 of 200) got bumped a little on the upper right corner, so there is a slight crease there, but that'll smoothe out in framing or hanging.

For the discriminating collector who is unable to drop in tomorrow I listed one on e-bay:


ravenne posted on 09/13/2007


Whoa! sweet! Modern tiki book release!

Hmm! I'll have to see if I can swing by, this is like round the corner for me! :D

hiltiki posted on 09/13/2007

I'll be there with a friend, see you all there.

RevBambooBen posted on 09/13/2007

Be there


Be Square!!!

kingstiedye posted on 09/13/2007

awesome poster, sven. i really dig the doc's style. any idea when the 8 ball books are gonna ship?

crazy al posted on 09/13/2007

be round

TIKIBOSKO posted on 09/14/2007

Great seeing who ever we saw there, Sven you should be proud the book is amazing.


Bora Boris posted on 09/14/2007

Wow! That was a great event. Thank You Sven!
Sven and Taschen know how to throw a fantastic release party.
What more could you want?


A Trader Vic's Mai Tai


These Idiots

The Big Tiki's • Big Tiki Dude and Big Bro Tiki

Atomikitty is a Goofball

It was a great night!

and Tiki Modern is incredible, Thanks again Sven!

[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2007-09-14 20:49 ]

Jah Jim posted on 09/14/2007

I too had a great time at the book signing at Farmer's Market. Thanks for the email, Crazy Al.

SUPER book Sven!!! No matter what you collect regarding tikis and Witco, it's likely in there, but so much more.

It's a compendium for those who are truly interested but don't have the TIME, SPACE and MONEY to collect ALL that STUFF. Great job by everyone associated with Sven, Taschen and the book. Please call it by it's full name, TIKI MODERN and The Wild World of Witco, because (in my opinion) Tiki and Witco helped each other become more successful and important in our pop culture.

This book is rated Two Jim's Specials.

Jah Jim

The book at home. Sharp cover design, isn't it?

Sven, on a Witco throne, with a Witco map of the world behind him, visiting with those there to show their love and respect for his work and commitment to tiki style.

Sven greeting artist Miles Thompson (new show just opened at Jesus de la Luz Gallery on Hollywood Blvd. 3 blocks west the Tiki Ti which will open up again after the family vacation this next Wednesday)

Sven signing one of the many copies of his new book sold on this balmy California evening.

The music and dancing were excellent.

Sven seemed very comfortable, to all of our enjoyment.

Thanks for the Mai Tais Trader Vic staff! They all said they wanted to come by the Tiki Ti sometime. Ben, nicely shown in the previous post to mine, has been working at Trader Vics for 35 years! For those not there, they made their mai tais in batches with real ingredients, topped with a Trader Vic toothpick with cherry and pineapple wedge.

Thanks Taschen Corporate staff. You know who you are.

Jah bless you all.


tikiyaki posted on 09/14/2007

Great time, Great event, GREAT BOOK....

More Inspiration for new music :)

BTW...My first time seeing the Martini Kings. Kings indeed. They make it looks so easy. EXCELLENT !

Sven, Congratz on an amazing book....Good Luck and I hope you sell boatloadz of em' !

vintagegirl posted on 09/14/2007

Why that silver-haired man is an imposter! Here is the REAL Sven Kirsten:

(OK, so only those who attended Tiki Oasis 3 might get this one.)

Here's some other pics of the evening:

The true Professor of Tiki

Schoolmarm CheekyGirl commands Sven to write "I will not write in my own books" 100 times.

Steve gets his book signed.

Bamboo Ben and BigTikiDude

Me and Ben

Atomic Cocktail lurks while Floratina gets signed.

Naomi (the proprietor of 8 Ball) smiles coyly with the poster.

Matteo on the Witco throne.

And now we all must follow suit: Kirin on the throne.

TikiLion on the throne.

And yours truly.

Congratulations to Sven and a highly successful premiere!!

GROG posted on 09/14/2007

Damnitall! Looks like it was an awesome event. GROG was SO looking forward to this and getting a copy of the book, but GROG end up having to work late, not able to make it. GROG jealous all you people who have new book!

Congrats Bigbro.

[ Edited by: GROG 2007-09-14 01:10 ]

VampiressRN posted on 09/14/2007

Wow...that looked like great fun....love the pictures....especially the throne!!! :)

bigbrotiki posted on 09/14/2007

Wow! Thanks to everyone who came out, making me and my work feel so appreciated! Danke schoen to all my friends who stood in line, Bosko came up all the way from Escondido!

That sure was a sweet evening! Martini Kings' vibes, the expert Mai Tais, it all came together nicely. Signed the most books at an event ever. Thanks all for your appreciation and support, it makes it all worth it. Happyhappy :)

SoccerTiki posted on 09/14/2007

What a great turnout!
Some more pics to memorialize the night!

Tigerlily (Tif) gets her book personalized

Bosko and Sven discussing Tiki Modern while Truus looks on

Hinano Paul is very excited to meet Sven AND get his autograph!

WooHooWahine is psyched to be in Sven's presence!

The Martini Kings awesome as usual!

Chai Rojana (General Manager of the Beverly Hills Trader Vic's) and Ben (his esteemed master bartender mix up a batch of the famous Trader Vic's Mai-Tai!

Chai serving up Crazy Al a Mai-

Tai gets his Book of Tiki signed with his new Tiki Modern
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Bora Boris is happy with his new book signed by Sven
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The boys from Trader Vic's Beverly Hills go home!
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"Mortgages and Mai-Tai...Whatta life!"

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2007-09-14 08:07 ]

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WooHooWahine posted on 09/14/2007

WoooHooo! What a Tiki-rrific Night! Mucho Mahalos to Sven, everyone at TASCHEN, Trader Vic's, and The Martini Kings for hosting such a great evening.

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SoccerTiki & Chai, The GM of BH Trader Vic's
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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/14/2007

Another fast turn around. 10pm last night Jah Jim already had his Tiki Modern book on the chopping block.

Signature? I ain't signin nothin!

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2007-09-14 08:39 ]

Jah Jim posted on 09/14/2007

As everybody who loves Tiki and Witco couldn't make the event, I bought three copies, having one signed to "the biggest Witco Maniac", dated the opening night of the book, and put it on ebay with photos of Sven signing it. The book comes with the post card advertising the event and four photos of Sven signing it. Someone will enjoy it. Jah bless,

Jah Jim

RevBambooBen posted on 09/14/2007

On 2007-09-14 06:29, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow! Thanks to everyone who came out, making me and my work feel so appreciated! Danke schoen to all my friends who stood in line, Bosko came up all the way from Escondido!

That sure was a sweet evening! Martini Kings' vibes, the expert Mai Tais, it all came together nicely. Signed the most books at an event ever. Thanks all for your appreciation and support, it makes it all worth it. Happyhappy :)


You did it again!

( for those of you who don't know, that is my Mom on page 6)

Sven Rocks!

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Joe Banks posted on 09/14/2007
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smgleason47 posted on 09/14/2007

Congratulations Sven on another great accomplishment. It was a fantastic evening and my son Aidan LOVED the Martini Kings. I thought the Mai-Tais were great and my Sven Kirsten Kon-ID mug got a lot of attention (better than the 4 oz cups provided fo sure!) Sven on his throne was quite a sight - all hail the King of Tiki!

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CaliTiki posted on 09/14/2007

Herzlichsten Dank Sven fur einen wunderschonnen abend! Dien neues Buch ist fantastisch! Hoffentlich konnen wir noch schnell mal essen beim Lowenbrau Keller. Vielle Liebe Grusse von Michaela und Christel

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King of Tiki on his throne
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Bumped into my pal Becky (DJ luxuriamusic.com)
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So nice to finally meet my sweet MySpace penpal Tony
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The Usual Suspects
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Thanks Trader Vic's for the yummy Mai Tai's!
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My Mom Christel enjoying the exotic sounds of The Martini Kings
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I couldn't resist a Trolley ride to the the fab shopes of The Grove Nordstrom, Anthropolgie, Michael Kors, etc.
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Sven Kirsten, Tiki Modern jumbo book, Taschen, Witco Art, The Martini Kings, Erochica Bamboo, Trolley Ride, Tiki Tribe people watching, Farmers Market Shops, dinner at Marmelade = A Darned Good Time!

[ Edited by: CaliTiki 2007-09-14 10:47 ]

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teaKEY posted on 09/14/2007

On 2007-09-14 00:25, Jah Jim wrote:
I too had a great time at the book signing at Farmer's Market.
Jah Jim

The book at home. Sharp cover design, isn't it?

Sven signing one of the many copies of his new book sold on this balmy California evening.

I bet that you are " The greatest Witco Maniac that Sven knows"

bigbrotiki posted on 09/14/2007

I have no problem with Jimbo selling a signed copy, the money he makes on it will flow back into supporting a classic Tiki bar called the Tiki Ti! :)

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JenTiki posted on 09/14/2007

Does the Taschen store have a stash of signed books for purchase for those of us who didn't make it last night?

Jah Jim posted on 09/14/2007

Taschen's number is 323-931-1168. I understand they had Sven sign a dozen copies for their New York store, but beyond that I don't know. They did say they sold over 100 copies of the book last night and they were very pleased at the turnout and vibe of the entire evening. Jah bless, Jah Jim

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JenTiki posted on 09/15/2007

Mahalo for your post Jah Jim. I just called and unfortunately, they just shipped all the signed ones to New York, so I guess I'll have to order it online.

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TIKI DAVID posted on 09/15/2007

love that chair! does anyone know how many of those were produced? or any Witco pieces for that matter?

[ Edited by: TIKI DAVID 2007-09-15 03:57 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 09/15/2007

I doubt that even Bill Westenhaver would remember numbers. I have one catalog from 1964 where the items were marked "canceled" depending on the numbers sold, which are penciled in besides the pieces. But that was not even for the full year, and so many items were produced every year, into the 70s.

I am not really that interested in detailed collector's info about numbers and pricing, it's about the art for me.

I was, however, thrilled to find out that, after I purchased the humongous bar shown on page 238 of TIKI MODERN, only 15 of those were ever made. :)

TD Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TIKI DAVID posted on 09/15/2007

I think it IS about numbers,fowllowed by priceing.if there were hunderds of thousands of these out there i do not think anyone would think they are all that 'pretty'. TD

bigbrotiki posted on 09/15/2007

The mind works in mysterious ways... :) They are NOT "pretty", they are ugly, they are weird, ...they are coooool!

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Hiphipahula posted on 09/15/2007

I got my copy of Tiki Modern & a poster, the book is a blast & can't put it down. I wish I had that Witco map hanging behind the throne, it also graces the inside cover of the book wow! Anywho, we all had a great time, The Martini Kings were awesome & it was fun to see Crazy Al get up there & play his Coconuts & do some actually really good bird calls to the exotica tunes. We picked up some good eats at the Farmer's Market food court too. See everyone soon I hope.. get the book now, you know how tough it is to get a Book of Tiki...


VampiressRN posted on 09/18/2007

I didn't make it to the signing, but at least I got the poster. Thanks for putting it on ebay Sven. :)

bigbrotiki posted on 09/18/2007

Thank YOU. This will be the last for a while, I will be flying to Germany for two weeks tomorrow to start the tour there.

The inscribed and signed 8-ball ordered TIKI MODERNs are going out tomorrow, that offer is now closed, but they will have some pre-signed copies for sale in the store in Burbank from tomorrow on.

TD Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TIKI DAVID posted on 09/18/2007

where is the chair?

bigbrotiki posted on 09/18/2007

They had to take out TWO recliners in First Class to fit it on the plane, but they finally figured it out.

No, really, I whistled and it came back running to my house, where it belongs. :D

MK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4b4230e5d44a7048dccc9236c51a2842?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
martini kings posted on 10/04/2007

mahalo to sven and all tiki enthusiasts that showed up for the fab book launch.
thanks for having the martini kings. we were in trader vic heaven putting away those strong tropical drinks. i can't seem to put down the new book, so much so that it inspired me to whip up a lil cartoon about how i'm feeling!
(from the martini kings)
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