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Hey! We are gay... and we didn't even know it!

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toaster fetishism: straight or gay?

report at 11

ah shes just spewing she sold her last tiki mugs in a garage sale now she knows how much they meant to her $$$$$$


Man, what people are allowed to write these days as professionals. It's sickening. I think she wants Howard Stern's job. The shock journalist of "art" and "culture.""Tiki!? Those guys are fags!"

It's fine to have an opinion, but if you are writing as a professional, I'd like to see a reasoned one. At least it is so off the mark that it is laughable.

And I think there are certain "culture gurus" out there that are getting really pissed off that tiki didn't dissappear a couple of years ago and still keeps hanging around.


On 2007-07-13 06:36, Swanky wrote:
Man, what people are allowed to write these days as professionals. It's sickening. I think she wants Howard Stern's job. The shock journalist of "art" and "culture."

Man, don't lump in Hpward Stern with this moron.

[PC on]
It's interesting to me that people still feel comfortable using the word gay in such a derogatory and demeaning manner. Is it possible to just get it straight (pun intended) and not to use the word gay to mean bad, second-rate, or undesirable?
[/PC off]

Man, what people are allowed to write these days as professionals. It's sickening. I think she wants Howard Stern's job. The shock journalist of "art" and "culture."

Heh, more like the Camille Paglia of recreational activities.

This type of snarky, sarcastic journalism where the author seeks to hammer their insights via sneering innuendo and grandstanding is usually seen in the Village Voice, NY Free Press, Time Out, etc. Ms. g-- seems to feel that it is her moral duty as a journalist to ensure that her audience participate exclusively in deeply motivated activities, and anything not fraught with meaning or having social impact is deemed frivolous.


It’s unfortunate that she chose to target the Carters (as well as tiki, retro, collecting) as somehow responsible for distracting the general public from "issues of national import", but I suppose that everyone needs a windmill to tilt at. Since her writing style is pretty unremarkable, perhaps she’ll tilt herself back into anonymity. Well, I’m off to continue the frivolous, non-politically-motivated activity of housecleaning.


An aside: did any one else catch the "actual journalists" phrase Ms. g-- used in "Father of fireside chat honored" segment? M’ dear, your insecurity is showing...

On 2007-07-11 21:18, tikiskip wrote:
Kristin or is it Chris?

Kristin's problem is that every man that she ever had sex with came out as gay the next day, just look at her if I was a confused homosexual she the type of woman I'd have sex with to prove to myself I was heterosexual, and then realize that just had sex with a woman who was so masculine that I might have well slept with a hunky lumberjack.

i bet she is a secret agent for the flair bartenders.

What!! We aren't Gay???

I wouldn't encourage it, but you can always email her your opinion (for or against) at [email protected]

On 2007-07-13 13:46, tikipedia wrote:
I wouldn't encourage it, but you can always email her your opinion (for or against) at [email protected]

I have already invited both it and it's editor, along with the link to this post. Basically, I invited them both to "join their new friends at Tiki Central".

That was yesterday. I haven't had a response back yet. They are both probably out stomping on baby chicks, (only the Gay tiki collecting ones)!


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2007-07-13 14:08 ]


Seeing this would excite her beyond belief.

She probably thinks she's above explaining herself b/c she thinks she's in the right.
I doubt she'll show with all of us against her.


Well, she did provide the service of publicizing the event, with date, time, and location details.

If fastidiousness about interior decor is, for a man, stereotyped as "gay" in our culture (and it is), it is interesting how tiki can liberate people from this straitjacket. Until I got into tiki, I was a typical barbarian. Decoration? "Themed" rooms? I devoted about as much attention to such things as I did to the internal politics of Mozambique. Then came the tiki and exotica fixations, and suddenly I've got grand visions about, well, interior decorating. Hey, life is funny I guess.

I suppose the pre-feminist, un-PC male heterosexual randiness suggested by a good percentage of tiki art and style counteracts the whiff of "gayness" otherwise imputed to the decorative enterprises by ho-hum, conventional thinkers. Either that or it just looks good.

Wow. I'm gone for a few weeks, only to return and discover that I'm gay. I feel so...... liberated. So, I'm gay. I just thought I was a drunk all this time. Does that mean I can stop going to AA?


Man That's weird. I just got maried and we had our honeymoon at Hukilau 2007! What will I ever tell my wife and kids? I must have a closet inside my closet, 'cause I didn't even know I was gay. Good thing we have people like her and Jerry Falwell to "set us straight". I guess common sense is NOT a job requirement for her.

Tiki Bill.

A quick note sent the journal and the editor this morning:

I must say that as a gay man I find it quite ironic that Ms. Gehring should recommend going to a tolerance art show after using such intolerant language language in the preceding article.

Not only should she be ashamed of using such comments, but the editor should also be ashamed of allowing such comments to appear in print.

GLAAD's telephone numbers are (323) 933-2240 for the Los Angeles office and (212) 629-3322 for the New York office or alternatively you can call The Center on Halsted at 773.472.6469 and they will be able to direct you a sensitivity training group.
Nathan De Petris

Did you give her PFLAG info? I check their website http://www.pflag.org and it looks like there are 3 chapters in Chicago alone...

"We wish we could find the bobble-head Tiki figure that our brother gave us for our birthday last year, after he decided to stop giving us real presents and start giving us funny trinkets instead. Oh that's right, we took it out in the alley and jumped on it repeatedly until it was only faux Polynesian dust."
-Kristin Gehring-

How gracious of Ms.Gehring. I hope the brother is aware of her high regard for him and how much she appreciates his gesture. It's nice to see good manners still reign in our society.

In using the terminology for what it really means, I think more of my tiki collecting variants and deviations are queer (strange, differing in some way from what is usual or normal) than they are gay (happy/merry).

This may not be the case for everyone, but by these politically incorrect standards, I am definitely a queer tiki collector, not a gay tiki collector (although some of my tikis do have gay smiles on their faces).

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I like it that way)!


All my collections are females wrapped in a Tikified female's body.

On 2007-07-18 08:45, tiki_fever wrote:
A quick note sent the journal and the editor this morning:

I must say that as a gay man I find it quite ironic that Ms. Gehring should recommend going to a tolerance art show after using such intolerant language language in the preceding article.

Not only should she be ashamed of using such comments, but the editor should also be ashamed of allowing such comments to appear in print.

GLAAD's telephone numbers are (323) 933-2240 for the Los Angeles office and (212) 629-3322 for the New York office or alternatively you can call The Center on Halsted at 773.472.6469 and they will be able to direct you a sensitivity training group.
Nathan De Petris

To me, being tolerant means being tolerant of people even when they say stupid things and not trying to get them in trouble with their bosses. Of course, I'm not gay either so I don't know how it feels to get picked on for that. But I do feel I would have made a FABULOUS gay man!

well conversely you ought to be tolerant of others' intolerance :lol:

this reminds me of the bloom county where they end up not wanting to breathe so they don't kill any bacteria


Well then, I for one am very proud to be a gay Tiki person. Now I just have to tell my wife the news.

On 2007-07-19 06:14, pappythesailor wrote:

On 2007-07-18 08:45, tiki_fever wrote:
A quick note sent the journal and the editor this morning:

I must say that as a gay man I find it quite ironic that Ms. Gehring should recommend going to a tolerance art show after using such intolerant language language in the preceding article.

Not only should she be ashamed of using such comments, but the editor should also be ashamed of allowing such comments to appear in print.

GLAAD's telephone numbers are (323) 933-2240 for the Los Angeles office and (212) 629-3322 for the New York office or alternatively you can call The Center on Halsted at 773.472.6469 and they will be able to direct you a sensitivity training group.
Nathan De Petris

To me, being tolerant means being tolerant of people even when they say stupid things and not trying to get them in trouble with their bosses. Of course, I'm not gay either so I don't know how it feels to get picked on for that. But I do feel I would have made a FABULOUS gay man!

In a perfect world tolerance of intolerance would be a moot point. I personally believe that people should be able to hold whatever views they wish, but as a society we must monitor intolerant publicly voiced opinions in such a way as to alleviate their impact on the population as a whole and set parameters as to what is socially acceptable in public forums(IE. newspapers, television, etc.).

In this day of instantly accessible information of all manner of ideologies, if a person wishes to express their beliefs in a public forum there are plenty niche communities in which to do so.

And even though I am a liberal at heart I try to remember that there is a fine line between intolerance and hate mongering.

Enough on this for now, however if any one wishes to discuss this further (I am always up for a good debate) please mail me outside of the forum.

[email protected]

Does anyone know if Senator Larry Craig collects tiki? Maybe he just admires it. :wink:

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I need to know my competitors)!

On 2007-07-11 22:23, bigbrotiki wrote:
It seems like an attempt to write in the "insult" style, which is used by comedians and writers sometimes. But she doesn't pull it off, it's neither funny nor intelligent the way she does it, so it falls flat and just comes across as angry and ignorant. Too bad, I would appreciate a GOOD parody on Tiki, but this is just dumb.

I'm entirely with you BigBro!

Please contrast this with a genuine amusing, gently nose-tweaking, and non-insulting (at least, I don't find it so) entry with a "you're gay" punchline in another thread:

Thread: tiki obsession..Normal?

Posted: 2007-07-16 5:18 pm

No. You're gay.

:lol:Sorry, couldn't refrain a reference to that recent thread, just kidding. ...though that leopard print obsession... I don't now...

Your leopard print thirst will be quenched with "Tiki Modern", where I dedicated a whole chapter to this taste aberration. Get the new Tiki Magazine once it comes out (in a month or so), there will be a little glimpse of leopard primitivism a la Witco in there.:)

Now see, that's funny, without the insult.

Part of what's funny is that the clear and absurd authority of this entirely unexpected diagnosis suggests everyone's having fun here, without implying any inferiority.

And of course our much celebrated author did find himself compelled to include an entire chapter in his book demonstrating the very symptom he cites as proof positive...

Why Sven, really?!?
:lol: :P :lol:


On 2007-08-29 13:39, Psycho Tiki D wrote:

Does anyone know if Senator Larry Craig collects tiki? Maybe he just admires it. :wink:

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I need to know my competitors)!

Opening line from Senor Craig's [WIDE STANCE] press briefing.... "Thanks for coming out this afternoon."

What will I tell my wife! Wait...does this mean I can get out of the Air Force?


On 2007-08-30 05:38, TikiLaLe wrote:

On 2007-08-29 13:39, Psycho Tiki D wrote:

Does anyone know if Senator Larry Craig collects tiki? Maybe he just admires it. :wink:

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am and I need to know my competitors)!

Opening line from Senor Craig's [WIDE STANCE] press briefing.... "Thanks for coming out this afternoon."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

On 2007-07-12 11:17, snackbar wrote:
Come on, deep in your hearts you all know that tiki is gay.

Oh my god I need to go there! Tiki + Drag = WIN!


Perhaps she was frightened as a child by a tiki-wielding clown?

Ok, as an artist... a theatre artist at that... I recognize her problem.... the I take Myself way to friggin serious artist... as opposed to the I love what I do... and it can be the most depressing, navel gazing tragedy ever written.. and I'll laugh about it artist.

I'm a flaming Hetero....but have a powerful affliction towards leopard print....am embracing of all diversity, and like to keep my closet doors closed. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? :lol:

On 2007-09-14 17:12, VampiressRN wrote:
I'm a flaming Hetero....but have a powerful affliction towards leopard print....am embracing of all diversity, and like to keep my closet doors closed. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? :lol:

It means you are FABULOUS, Vampiress!!!

Her article does not bother me at all.
She and those like her are the ones I am going to Tiki bars to escape from so if she can alert them to stay away that's a good thing.

This thread is gay.


Caesars Palace Pussy Cat Dolls. Guess I'm gay because this looked good to me. Then again I often thought I might have been a lesbian in a mans body.

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-09-17 09:01 ]

Arent we all, Ojaitimo.


On 2007-09-14 20:31, Matt Reese wrote:
This thread is gay.

And old and tired.

Off-topic, I know, but...

**Could that be a mirror...

...at crotch level?**


Should I add an mmmmmmmmmm.......pie! here? Or would that not be... appropriate...?

(muffled laughter)

Definitely not appropriate.

(more muffled giggling)


Back on topic OK? Let's all try and be adults here

( off topic also , notice the "Shredded Jellyfish" Pu Pu at it's finest.

Life is a state of mind

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-09-20 09:46 ]

According to Kelly, who has worked there for several years, the railing at top was installed after a 1968 suicide. She says a man jumped after his girlfriend broke up with him.

At the top

On 2008-02-05 09:15, bigbrotiki wrote:
Let's all call that phone number! :)

Any questions??


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2008-02-05 10:16 ]

Tiki Sunset Underwear Briefs


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