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Whose idea was pineapple & coffee?

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mbanu posted on 06/13/2006

Any idea what bartender first came up with that kooky tiki flavor profile of coffee liqueur and pineapple juice?

KuKuAhu posted on 06/13/2006

I wish I could answer your question with a name, but I am guessing it was a Hawaiian what with all the Kona coffee and the pineapple and the glavin.

I use this combo all the time, and am a big fan. It's funny you'd bring it up as I just did a little demo on Friday night for some folks where I used that very combo. The point I was trying to make was that coffee liqueur (and coffee brandy) has a place in many good tropicals, and that it should not be collecting dust or used only in "creamy dessert drinks".

I have been considering whipping up an all Kona coffee liqueur myself for some time now, but I find I am fairly satisfied with the usual common store shelf brands of java booze. How much better could it be with Kona coffee? I dunno.

All hail coffee and pineapple. It isn't just for breakfast.


weirduncletiki posted on 06/15/2006

An unusual, yet intriguing and engaging flavor profile to be sure. The Castaway was the drink that really made me think of The Grog Log as high literature.

Any other recommendations for this concoction?

-Weird Unc

Tikiwahine posted on 06/15/2006

Ohhh yes, it is a grand marriage indeed.
I would love to hear some cocktail recipes that make use of it.

Also, coffee liqueur & beer. I have a buddy who loves this combo.
(specifically with starbucks brand liqueur)

lanikai posted on 06/15/2006

On 2006-06-13 07:26, mbanu wrote:
Any idea what bartender first came up with that kooky tiki flavor profile of coffee liqueur and pineapple juice?

the same wingnut who thought up the ubiquitous "Hawaiian pizza"... ya know the one with canadian bacon and pineapple.
which we islanders here, dissavow any connection to; past, present and future.

mbanu posted on 06/15/2006

On 2006-06-14 21:32, weirduncletiki wrote:
An unusual, yet intriguing and engaging flavor profile to be sure. The Castaway was the drink that really made me think of The Grog Log as high literature.

Any other recommendations for this concoction?

-Weird Unc

The amount of coffee brandy is critical. Too much and it tasted just as disgusting as it sounds. :wink:Too little and you wonder what the fuss is about. Just enough, and it creates a new flavor that's neither coffee nor pineapple. :)

Tikiwahine posted on 06/15/2006

All hail the Mai Kai's 'Black Magic'!

Definitely one of my top 5 favorite drinks.

BastardoSaffrin posted on 09/17/2007

Hey, I'm not able in that place of the world to find Coffee Brandy. Any substitute? Any Coffee Liqueur would do the trick? Maybe that devilish Kahlua?

Chip and Andy posted on 09/17/2007

On 2007-09-17 04:58, BastardoSaffrin wrote:
Hey, I'm not able in that place of the world to find Coffee Brandy. Any substitute? Any Coffee Liqueur would do the trick? Maybe that devilish Kahlua?

You can make your own coffee liquere if you are brave.

You will have to do some testing with the Kahlua to get it right. Kahlua is a cream liquere so it is not going to mix easily with pineapple. It will work, but you will have to play with it a lot.

Please, report back what you figure out......

Chip and Andy posted on 09/17/2007

On 2007-09-17 04:58, BastardoSaffrin wrote:
Hey, I'm not able in that place of the world to find Coffee Brandy. Any substitute? Any Coffee Liqueur would do the trick? Maybe that devilish Kahlua?

And.... welcome to TC.

Do you live IN Barcelona, or nearby? I have only been there once, and it impressed me so much I am coming back as soon as I can.

BastardoSaffrin posted on 09/17/2007


In fact, I didn't mean that I was going to try that coffee-pineapple mix, but I was thinking about Mr. Bali Hai in Intoxica. I understand that coffee brandy is brandy-based (that is a bit obvious), but what is the base for others coffe liqueurs like, for example, Kahlua or Bols? The base can change dramatically the aroma of the drink, so the question is: what is the most similar liqueur to coffee brandy?

And yes, I live IN Barcelona, five minutes walking from Sagrada Familia :) Thanks for your compliments, is a very nice city with pretty decent tiki bars. Um, just that I prefer my home-mixed drinks to the syrupy ones you can have there. Anyway, I recommend anyone here to drop by and have a look at the city, it's is worthwhile.


[ Edited by: BastardoSaffrin 2007-09-17 06:59 ]

BastardoSaffrin posted on 09/17/2007

Um, I have found that Coffee Liqueur recipe in Drinksmixer. Anyone has tried? It also gives a chance to brew it brandy-based instead of vodka. I guess that would give something similar to Allen's coffee brandy. Any comment?

procinema29 posted on 09/18/2007

I don't know about this. But a good long time ago, there was this coffee store that had all sorts of flavored coffees, and I was frequently bored at work so I would enliven things by bringing a little of something different every day. And they had this pina colada flavored coffee.

It wasn't subtle. It was garish and wicked and probably most people would hate such a thing, but I liked it! There was something weirdly pleasing about this strange combination of flavors.

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