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Jungle's Outpost

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JohnnyP posted on 02/23/2007

Welcome back to the carving section! The PNG mask is the tops, I'm looking forward to seeing that one all finished up with the hair and bonework.


Jungle Trader posted on 02/23/2007

Aloha JohnnyP!
I wasn't sure what to use for the hair on that one. Rope, twine, or I do have access to real horse hair.
btw, I am watching your "Build a canoe and sail" thread. Keep us posted.

seamus posted on 02/23/2007

Hey JT!!
Nice to see some new pics. Looks like you've been hard at work. Love that Maori. I've started one recently myself. Keep at it. I love your work.

Coming to the NW Tiki Kon this year? We need more carvers.


[ Edited by: seamus 2007-02-23 11:12 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 02/23/2007

Aloha Seamus! Dig your concrete Moai especially that big one in the Gallery next to the fence.
I doubt if we'll be coming up this year. Times are tough. Thanks for asking though, I would if I could.
And you keep up the good work too my friend.

quickiki posted on 02/23/2007

Aloha JT!
Nice work, but the Brooding Tiki is fantastic!! Did you ever complete that Marquesan style pole carving you were talking about doing last summer? BTW your tiki mug is one of my favorites, but it's so large that one drink from it usually gets me pretty bombed, not that there's anything wrong with that :)!

congatiki posted on 02/24/2007

Really nice carving JT...the reptile tongue on the PNG is quite fabulous. All of your
stuff is very cool...nice imaginitive work.

Benzart posted on 02/24/2007

Hey JT, you are really going crazy way out there where ever you are. I'm Really loving your stuff as I always have. I Know that I can expect from you NOTHING Ordinary and that is excellent. Every piece you do comes from the heart and not from a patern used a hundred times. I Like your stand on duplication. So it's the Peyote, is it? I think you have the ancients dancing in your head and in your heart!

Jungle Trader posted on 02/24/2007

Bill, Bill, Bill. We haven't heard from you in a while. When will we see your collections/art? I haven't started on the Marq, although I would love to do a piece simliar to Onatiki's. Ya' like "Brooding" eh? I just put one coat of marine varnish on it so it's a little darker than that image you see now.
Hey, you can always put another straw in the Minnie's mug and share it if it's too much. mmmm, I think I'll fix me a strong one tonite.

Hey congatiki from the northwoods. Seems everybody likes something different. I dig your birdman with the reptile. Primitive is good. Thanks!!

Benz, The Wizard of Wood. You know me well. My moods sometimes overpower my heart. It's too bad peyote is illegal for us whities. It can help a man (if taken in the appropriate setting, AND, if he can handle the truth) see himself and where he's going. Could it be?, I'm part Indian?

Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, the ancients ARE dancing in my head.
Carve on carvers. Dance on dancers. Stir in a little Peyote in your breakfast cereal. DIG.

Benzart posted on 02/25/2007

Digger, you probably are some part indian, I think it shows in your work and your love of the land and dirt, you love dirt, the kind in the ground. Do you know for sure? Do we ever know anything for sure?
My grandmother was full blooded Penobscott from Caribou Maine and my grandpa was half Penobscott. So that makes me Heinz 57, all mixed up, true American halfbreed. Thene I was adopted by my Aunt and uncle so I am my own brother and my own cousin and I learned all this from a peyote tree who visited me one night...
It's the ancients again, this time on the Indian side. They want a totem pole and I had to decline, bastards, they Know I don't do that stuff any more, well maybe a small one I could let them mess around with..
Go do some more digging, Digger.

Jungle Trader posted on 02/25/2007

WOW, that is a great story Benz. You have Indian blood. Now I know the spirit is with you, AND it manifests itself in your art.
Although peyote is a cacti. Did you have a dream? If you want to talk offline, send me a PM.

Jungle Trader posted on 03/13/2007

Here's the finished King Kamehameha.

Now.........on to my next.

Actually he's finished for carving. With Polynesiac's advice, I'm going to add color. The headress will be decked out, same color as feathers, orange/red, and yellow on the very top.

Get in touch with your inner native!!
Create Paradise!!

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2007-03-25 17:55 ]

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2007-03-27 22:45 ]

Polynesiac posted on 03/13/2007

Great pics - i missed your last post too with all the masks. Great stuff. THat last PNG mask is out-of-sight! Did you carve the masks with a chainsaw rough out then dive in with chisels?
I always thought a nice thick rope (like1"+ diameter) unraveled would make good hair for masks, but I've never tried it. or would know how to attach it.
That king is REALLY good - you could go "legit" carving on us (like carving real people n'stuff) Are you going to add any color to it or let it grey naturally?

Jungle Trader posted on 03/14/2007

Hey Polynesiac, that PNG was carved with nothin' but chainsaw. All my carvings are....pretty much...cept for a little around the noses.
Thanks for the rope idea. I hadn't thought of unraveling. I'll try it.
I'll probably leave the King just like he is, since it's palmwood. How's things goin' down south?

congatiki posted on 03/14/2007

JT...the King is a very cool piece. Great idea and expertly carved. Always fun to see something
that's a little different...and very good. Your last several posts are very enjoyable. Keep em coming.

tikicleen posted on 03/14/2007

pssssssst....happy (two days late) birthday vic!!!! :drink:

Benzart posted on 03/14/2007

Excellent King there digger. This is a bit different from your normal tiki isn't it?
Perfect facial features and the per portions are perfect so I guess he is a perfect king.

keigs20 posted on 03/14/2007

great stuff as usual Jt I really like the Maori on pg 16

Jungle Trader posted on 03/15/2007

WOW! I get a perfect King from da' Wizard? Thank you Mr. Wizard.
Keigs, congatiki, you guys are doin' awesome work. Keep it up. I may not post much, but I'm lookin'.

TravelingJones posted on 03/15/2007

Yo-Ho JT!

SsweeetT workz...I'm really digging the PNG with reptile tongue! Can't wait to see it decked out with hair and boney nose! Pua shell eyes and is that gonna be a scaled croc spirit spewing forth from da mouth??? freaky tiki SICK!

Flip-flOp-fLipPp... :D

Queen Kamehameha posted on 03/16/2007

Love the King! great size, well proportioned....really nice


Jungle Trader posted on 03/18/2007

I swear these aren't decoys I carved. Came home this afternoon to find a lovely mallard couple snatching a free lunch of mosquito fish from my pond. See the male checking out the rubber ducky? I let them have a few bites then I had to shew them away.

They flew 20 ft. into my pool.

Cut my dogs loose but they ran right past them. Tried to tell the dogs to look at the ducks but they just licked my hands. I feel honored to have them around. Just not too much. They really do make a mess of things. They finally flew away with a little coaxing.

Get in touch with your inner native!!
Create Paradise!!

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2007-03-17 17:11 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 03/18/2007

HARDY!HAR! Duck soup anyone?

Benzart posted on 03/18/2007

Duck soup hell, Roast Duck sounds Better, I'm Hungry!

Jungle Trader posted on 03/26/2007

That king is REALLY good - you could go "legit" carving on us (like carving real people n'stuff) Are you going to add any color to it or let it grey naturally?

Polynesiac, if I was to add color to palmwood, what's the way to do that, since it's so porous?
Anyone want a bust of themselves or a friend? Dig!!

Jungle Trader posted on 04/26/2007

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JenTiki posted on 04/26/2007

I saw these pieces at the FI party on Sunday and have to say that they're even better in person than in the pics! JT does some awesome carving ... and makes great mugs too ... I have four! Unfortunately, there's no room in my tiny apartment for a full-grown tiki! :(

It was great seeing you Vic!

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2007-04-26 15:45 ]

Benzart posted on 04/27/2007

Cool tikis Digger. Stain Palm logs just like any other wood except that the stain really soaks in so have plenty on hand!

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hiltiki posted on 04/27/2007

Very nice.

Jungle Trader posted on 04/27/2007

Thanks Jen, Benzart, and hil.
I used cowrie shell around the mouth of the large PNG. Tried to get boar fur for the hair but it wasn't available at the time so I scored some Cali Brown Bear fur for the hair. WILD.

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Aaron's Akua posted on 05/06/2007

Ka-razee! Diggin' the bear 'fro!

Jungle Trader posted on 06/30/2007

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Tang nervous about posing for photo shoot

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Ku loosens Tang up a bit for a posed shot

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Tang and Ku conversing about old daze on TC

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Sensitive Tang giving Ku the cold shoulder

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Jungle's Lair at night

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King K stained (a little bright, washed out image)

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2007-06-29 22:24 ]

Benzart posted on 06/30/2007

WOAH, Digger! Really cool stuff there. Your tang and Ku really light up the night
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Jungle's Lair at night
I Love the Red stain job and the Ku's details are as Crisp and Clean as ever, Nice efforts. Your Photography is very impressive too. Then on top of all that you bring in this Luxurious, Awesome Landscaped waterfall and mini jungle and it's just about too much to bear all at the same time. WOW, WOW, WOW

congatiki posted on 06/30/2007

Nice work as usual JT...I really like your painted Tang....and as
Ben pointed out...nice photography too.

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kingstiedye posted on 07/03/2007
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RevBambooBen posted on 07/03/2007


Sorry but have you been watching

Beavis and Butthead?!?

You been hanging out with Unga somewhere else?

Stay Tiki !!


p.s. cool sheet!

Jungle Trader posted on 07/03/2007

Benz, Conga brah, when you comin' out to Forbidden Island? Keep tiki alive.
Bullet, you are too kind. Gotta get ya' back down at The Jungle. It's getting to be a mature landscape.
Rev, look how many posts I have bro. Jus' kickin' back watchin' the scene, lettin' the new kids have some fun. It's all good.
Even though "Jane" doesn't want a pirate ship deck, I will not lose the dream. It WILL happen one day. Heck, I already have a Rum barrel that I'm going to sink in the ground a little. Looking for a treasure chest now. Flea market tomorrow.

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 08/01/2007

Just a quick shout out to Jungle Trader...

I met tikicleen and Jungle Trader for lunch a few weeks ago at Minnies in Modesto. I had a great time chattin with them both. I had seen some of the carvings Jungle Trader had done and asked him if he would be interested in carving me a tiki fountain. I requested one in the form of a Witco fountain, not an exact copy but something similar. I told him I would finish it my self, if he would do the carving and plumbing for me.

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This is the before picture.

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Here are the after pictures. It looks excellent and works very well. Jungle Trader did an excellent job carving the bowls and the water flows great. I am still in the tweaking stages with plants and surrounding landscape, but I am off to a great start.

Psycho Tiki D (I know I am, I know I am)!

Jungle Trader posted on 08/02/2007

Great job finishing it off Duane. See ya' soon brah.

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Lake Surfer posted on 08/02/2007

JT, that's a beauty! Nice work!

I've done a couple fountains, but never with multiple bowls. Ties in well with your water works skills.

Benzart posted on 08/02/2007

Excellent fountain and Beautiful finish . Great work, Both of you guyz.

Jungle Trader posted on 09/25/2007

A contemporary scale model Polynesian Style Restaurant/Longhouse. A friend built the frame and I decorated and painted it. Thanks to tikiwinebear for the fish float pendant.
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Benzart posted on 09/25/2007

He LIVES!! Hey Digger, been wondering about you and here you come building houses now. When did you get into the construction bidness? Excellent looking Long House there, are you ready to offer them for sale? You going to carve tikis on all the poles? Seriously nice work.

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TheBigT posted on 09/25/2007

Nice job! That would be an awesome restaurant display!!

Jungle Trader posted on 09/26/2007

Hey thanks BigT. Your user name was my name on another forum a few years back, only the T stood for Tarzan. We think alike. and Texas.......I was born there so I'll always dig it.
Benzart Mr. Wizard, yes I live, back in the deep dark dank jungle. Just observing the 4 leggeds and 2 leggeds as they clamor about their busy lives. Yes the Longhouse is for sale but no hurry. eeeep, gotta go.

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suzanne posted on 09/27/2007

These photos of your fabu yard are breathtaking! Love it! Where in Texas are you from? You never told me that!


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kingstiedye posted on 09/27/2007

i saw jt's restaurant at f.i. on sunday. very detailed and beautifully constructed. nice work, jt!

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Howland posted on 09/27/2007

On 2007-09-25 10:23, Jungle Trader wrote:
A contemporary scale model Polynesian Style Restaurant/Longhouse. A friend built the frame and I decorated and painted it. Thanks to tikiwinebear for the fish float pendant.
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That's too cool, Vic! There's a place off the beaten path in Pickens County, SC where an old farmer type guy has a little roadside village of miniature houses, general stores, a mill house with a waterfall/water wheel, etc.. Many tourists stop and take photos on their way to the mountains (especially near Xmas when it's all decked out with lights and stuff)-he even has a donation box--well worth a buck or 2.

Just had me thinkin'-- A roadside miniature Polynesian Village. I think you're the man for the job!

Jungle Trader posted on 09/27/2007

WOW! I was borned in San Antone Suzanne. Hell, Texass is my state. San Antone River Walk and the Alamo are a must see for anyone visiting. Thank you for the compliments.
Bullet, thank you. You got TikiTony's Original Fatutu eh? With the volcano....score.
Howland, now you got me thinkin' my man.
Someday, I swear I'm coming up your way. I like what I see in Columbia, SC.....AND I have a need to see the Pirate Museum. Thanks.

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