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Babalu - Lapatiki 3 - The way out is the way through

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timidtiki posted on 09/30/2007

Nice Rabbit Tiki!!!! It looks as good as the Beaver Tiki posted elsewhere on TC.

Hakalugi posted on 10/01/2007

On 2007-09-30 16:41, timidtiki wrote:
Nice Rabbit Tiki!!!! It looks as good as the Beaver Tiki posted elsewhere on TC.

You mean the mug from the Tiki Trapper?

Babalu posted on 10/01/2007

Hey Ben - thanks boss...took it a little further today. Almost done. Little more sanding, and I think I'm going to have to decorate his ears a little.

Hey Hil - what's happening lady? Well, this guy is a wall hanger dude, so he is very thin, but I flipped him over and put a tail on him just for you. :)

G - I found out that Lapaki means rabbit in Hawaiian, so it's a Lapaki Tiki, or how about a "Lapatiki"

Benjamin - Hey man! Hope things are cool in your neck of the woods. I'll be over your way next month...work stuff. Thanks for stopping in.

Timidtiki - Shucks! beavers have been done...darn, I'll have to find some other little woodland creature to tikify other than beavers now. :)

Hakalugi, best damn name on TC...interesting mug there partner. Nice teeth.

Best, Babalu

Bowana posted on 10/01/2007

Oh Babalu, you are such an odd man.

Yet somehow, strangely enough the rabbit design works very well as a Tiki. The compactness of the body fits well into the parameters of the form that is considered acceptable as a Tiki. The shape of the mouth conforms to that which is expected in Hawaiian Kona Style figurative sculpture, as well as that which is found in a turn of the century French Pavé Easter Bunny.

Stupid art school.

Tiki-Kate posted on 10/01/2007

On 2007-09-30 19:45, Bowana wrote:
Oh Babalu, you are such an odd man.

Yet somehow, strangely enough the rabbit design works very well as a Tiki. The compactness of the body fits well into the parameters of the form that is considered acceptable as a Tiki. The shape of the mouth conforms to that which is expected in Hawaiian Kona Style figurative sculpture, as well as that which is found in a turn of the century French Pavé Easter Bunny.

Stupid art school.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Babalu - Disney really should have hired you to design their Tiki Kingdom line. I think you could have pulled it off.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/01/2007

Damn you Space Hippies!

It's a rabbit with Konaesque tiki dentures?

I declare your work to be TIKI! And, I just had a great idea for a mug...

My notebook of mug designs is almost full!
Buzzy Out!

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/01/2007


little lost tiki posted on 10/01/2007

you rock Babalu! great off the wall approach to the genre! Why are you soooooooooooooo into bunnies? :D

Hakalugi posted on 10/01/2007

On 2007-09-30 19:12, Babalu wrote:
...interesting mug there partner. Nice teeth.

Just to be clear, the Tiki Trapper beaver mug is not mine. I believe it belongs to Johnny Dollar.

More info on it here:

benella posted on 10/01/2007

LAPATIKI is simply beautiful.
Will you come to Paris next month ?


Babalu posted on 10/01/2007

BOWANA! - Thanks for jumping in brother! "French Pave Easter Bunny"...that's what I'm a saying too. Your a riot Sir B!

Kate - Why thanks, but Disney? Have you ever been to Disneyland the day after Thanksgiving? I have, I ain't never going back. :)

Buzz - "Space, the final frontier"...you should make a mug burner! I think that a "House of Buzz" would rule the roost.

BK - "?" - I can kind of tell from other threads that this fellow may not be, well, you cup of tea. I think Bowana put it best when he said I was an "odd man". I guess, in a way, I have always kind of marched to a different drummer. My mom claimed I was dropped on my head as an infant, and that it all started there. Really though, I did start this chipping at the PIFA Festival with full intention of doing a more traditional type of mask, but when I picked it back up here at my house....the head dress that I had started on it just started to scream bunny ears to me. When's Geko going to release you dual mug guy? Gotta have one of those...it's really unique.

LLT - No, you the man! Where did the bunny thing come from...I'm starting to think that I might have been a bunny in another life. If you put all my various past lives together, I'm not quite sure whether I'm working my ways towards, or away from Nirvana. :)

Hackalugi - That Tiki Trapper Bar looks Like a place I could spend a weekend at sliding off a stool...the pink beaver on this match book just cracks me up.

Benjamin - Nope; I be rolling into the UK and Germany endish Oct. on a quick trip this time...may get to Paris before Christmas...if I do let's get together and have a cocktail if we can? I been admiring your work too Ben; you've been up to some wild stuff yourself.

Hey, thanks to Ben, Robin, and Grog for stopping in on my Bilge thread...Perry did a few others to. I'll have to go back and see if there is anything else I can throw in there that was coverted from old slides onto that disk.


Cammo posted on 10/01/2007

French Pavé Easter Bunny - man, you sure went to a different art school than I did.

That final bunny looks REALLY NICE. He's showing his teeth in a classic defensive stance. Bunnies will do that in Hawaii. Dude, really beautiful work. Gonna stain it pink? Or pull a mold from it and knock 'em out in concrete?

I hate that picture of me looking like a stupid slackjawed country bumpkin behind Smilin' Babs at PIFA.

Stop giving Buzzy ideas, he's gonna go to the land of imagination and never come back. And we NEED more Buzzies, not 1 less!

little lost tiki posted on 10/01/2007

the pink beaver on this match book just cracks me up.

pink beaver..... :lol:

benella posted on 10/01/2007

Hey Babalu,

Let me now when you come to Paris 'cause if I'm there too,it will be nice to drink some cocktail with you.


Robin posted on 10/01/2007

The best thing my older brother ever said to me was..'why be ordinary.' You're definitely not ordinary, and good on ya. Lapatiki makes me smile. You've started your own Tiki genre by golly...I find that fascinating, although not a huge surprise! Surreal Tiki was bound to happen.

p.s. I was a big fan of Cap Roo myself. Maybe this rabbit thing is an extension of Mr.Bunny!

Clysdalle posted on 10/01/2007

Kick ass babs! and screw those who fail to try anything new or really push the limits....Go on with your bad hoale self!

Clarita posted on 10/01/2007

Enjoying the bunny here! I want to see what's going on in the back too, does he have a tail? Best wishes!

sorry I've just seen the back! great,great!

Tiki Candle Maker

[ Edited by: Clarita 2007-10-01 13:46 ]

Babalu posted on 10/02/2007

Hey, mucho thanks for the "drive by" Clarita, Robin, Ben, Clysdalle, and Cam the Man!

Will let Lapatiki dry out a little and slap some stain on him.

Clysdalle, "ya can't please everyone, but ya gotta please yourself".

Well, back to glazing for a few days...Cammo's getting the jump on me in the glaze department.

PS, Bunny love can be traced all the way back to here...the first bunny.

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Schooled by the finest.....Capt. K and Master G

[ Edited by: Babalu 2007-10-02 07:35 ]

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GROG posted on 10/02/2007

Now, as an adult you still enjoy looking at bunnies.

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Cammo posted on 10/02/2007

Your mom's HOT!

Babalu posted on 10/05/2007

Grog right!

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congatiki posted on 10/06/2007

Babalu this is great....you "wascally wittle tiki carver." Very cool...I love the
side view!

Cammo posted on 10/06/2007

Can I see some more pictures of your mom?

Man, she'd look so cool sitting on a 1960 freeform chair with a disenchanted expression and a drink dangling from one hand. Did she have a Bossa Nova collection, by chance? I vote Babalu's mom as the ultimate Tiki Chick.

Babalu posted on 01/13/2008

"French Pave Easter Bunny"...Yeah Bowana, I guess I can see a little of that...

You know, in the end, I guess it's all pretty darn simple...perhaps it just boils down to a dude trying to create his own version of a "Island Paradise" in his own little part of world. Nothing new about that concept. Cheers man!!

Buzz...I'm bringing your burner back right now...also going to eyeball (maybe mooch) some of your lighter finishes...

Cammo...my Mom would have be tickled pink by your comments...pictures later bro...Everybody thought I was nuts to tie tin cans to her hearst, but I knew that it was the only way :)

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Schooled by the finest.....Capt. K and Master G

[ Edited by: Babalu 2008-01-13 13:37 ]

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Paipo posted on 01/13/2008

Inspired lunacy at its finest! Anthropomorphic bunny leanings aside, that's still one mean looking tiki!

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AlohaStation posted on 01/13/2008

Bunny or tiki - either way - it rocks. Love the burning. Will you be finishing it with a stain or clear?

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Benzart posted on 01/13/2008

What Bunny? Did someone let the rabbits loose? There are HOW Many now? Oh those are Tikis, NOT Rabbits, or are they, uh I'm not sure but I Like'em. When you grill'em they taste just like Chicken?

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GMAN posted on 01/13/2008

:lol: YES! I love it. Thanks for putting this guy up for us all to see. Babalu Rocks you rascally wabbit!

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congatiki posted on 01/14/2008

Fun stuff here Babalu! The "carrot" design is just killer,
a great idea.

Bowana posted on 01/14/2008

I see that you've mastered the wood burning, Babs. He's cool! It's about time we saw this guy finished (as if I had any right to say so, with my track record). Rock on, bruddah!

benella posted on 01/14/2008

Very good one, Babalu. The burnt carrot design is very nice.



Babalu posted on 01/15/2008

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Why thanks Paipo! What's hard is to try and think of any culture that didn't have anthropomorphic sculpture.

Aloha - Thanks for jumping in man...I applied a satin clear spar to him. He came out a little darker than I would have wanted perhaps, but he is growing on me.

Ben - :-) They do taste like chickenses...
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Thanks for stopping in Conga....Your inspiration to me.

Bowana - What say you and I quit our frantic, stress filled day jobs, and make crazy wild shit all day long? I've heard that a cat can stay fat on Mac & Cheese and Egg Sandwiches? I may have a blue collar brother, but that collar is ironed most of the time.....off topic: Prepare to VOTE people! It's a responsibility as much as it is a right!

Ben - Thanks Captain! Paris is so cool...I want to go back sometime real bad.

Well, wonder how long it will take to get a Lapatiki 2 finished? I don't want to kill the direction just yet...

Robin posted on 01/19/2008

I really like your Lapatiki. The carrot dreams are really a nice touch...so well executed...like you've been burning carrots in wood all your life! I can't compare this to anything I've seen before...it's so intriguing. Nice.

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Paipo posted on 01/19/2008

On 2008-01-13 13:18, Babalu wrote:

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Reversible tiki? Maybe it's just me but...

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T_birdman posted on 01/19/2008


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Tiki Kaimuki posted on 01/19/2008

If it hasn't already been said, Lapatiki needs to be made into a mug. Very nice work!

Cammo posted on 01/19/2008

Babs, this deserves another trophy!

Here she is, I whipped this one up last night out of a salad bowl and an inverted olive oil bottle covered with tin foil, eets yours!

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Babalu posted on 01/19/2008

Robin - Thank you very much...what nice things to say :) Sorry that your jade piece broke...your work is really coming a long way. Keep on keeping on man.

Piapo - Shhhhhhhhh...you'll give it away.

Word up Birdman! Mucho Thanks...see ya at the Chop!

Kaimuki - Mahalo!! Mug?....ok.

Cammo - Your something else man...I'll pick up your Cavern Tee XL if I can...see ya in a week.
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Clarita posted on 01/26/2008

On 2008-01-14 19:22, Babalu wrote:
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wow, very, very nice!! i thought it was great in the first place, but I didn't see the burning coming, i love the carrots burning!! and the stain turned out great too, I imagine you would have like better a little more pink, but is looking amazing, congrats!!

Babalu posted on 01/28/2008

Sorry I wasn't able to make the Chop on Saturday guys (too many chores)...I did play around a little yesterday on Lapatiki no. 2...lots of work to do yet...right now, he kind-a looks like Snoopy with a goiter.

I wanted to approach this one in the way that Aloha Station does...just kind of dive in. I drew very little on this guy...I just kind of went for it.

I did have this little clay sketch that I did several years back that I am using for some reference to the body shape.

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I am working to keep the top part of this guy more minimal.

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benella posted on 01/28/2008


Amazing, this lapatiki is going to be amazing !

Nice work,


Robin posted on 01/29/2008

I'm glad you started Lapatiki #2 I'm really fascinated with this work. The ceramic bunny sketch is nice too. I've worked in clay for 25+ years, and have really appreciated looking at your ceramic works. Very cool!


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seeksurf posted on 01/29/2008

Nice, he looks furry already with that palm :)

The one before with the carrots turned out great!
Nice work.

Babalu posted on 02/03/2008

Thanks you guys :) Robin, I can't wait to talk clay with you ...25 years is a long time, I would love to see some of your work sometime.

Well, I should be in the studio working on this commission I have going, but it was such a nice day here in San Diego, and there has been so much spectacular work happening in the carving area lately that has acted as pure influence on me, that I just felt the need to go out and carve some more.

Here is the latest on Lapatiki 2 from today's work...

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AlohaStation posted on 02/03/2008

This guy is looking great. I love the eyes. Have you considered carving the mouth out? It may give the face more definition. Keep it comin.

Babalu posted on 02/03/2008

On 2008-02-03 07:58, AlohaStation wrote:
Have you considered carving the mouth out? It may give the face more definition.

Thanks Aloha, I agree 110%....time to pack up the tools - games coming on!

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Bowana posted on 02/04/2008

Why, wook! Wick's wunnerful wooden wabbit! Whoa! Weawwy wild!

little lost tiki posted on 02/04/2008

Good Show Rick!
That first one's Hella-Awesome
I like this second one better,even though he's not done yet.....
the pose in this really lends itself to being BOTH a tiki and rabbit
depending on the viewpoint!
Can't wait to see what this wonderful year will coax out of you!

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