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Cool retro house for sale in Portland!

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great price! Cool basement ready for a tiki bar!!!
check it out!!!!

to be clear, this is in portland ORYGONE.

The really cool ranch in Portland Maine is no longer for sale.



whoops, didnt mean to get any P-town Maine folks excited.


It has a FAG Furnace? I thought those went out of style along with lynchings.


jeez, forced air gas. sheesh.
doesnt matter, we are all gay here anyway, dontcha remember?

Decomissioned Oil Tank... Can it now be filled with Mai-Tai?
Looks like a great pad, makes Oregon tempting.

Hey wait a minute...are those white walls and ceilings???



ack, tiki-snob!!!!
actually it was a recording studio for a while, so no cool paint job. it's all ready for some bamboo walls and such in there!

Well, there is the lure of the "basement" known to all tikiphiles as a mandatory space for large home bars including water falls and vast displays of bamboo, floatsam, and herds of tikis. In Kaleeefornya, basements are a rarity...and so is that price!!! :)

yeah, that price alone makes me want to move to portland! I don't think you could buy a trailer in so cal for that price!

cool house. is that you pea?, or is that your house?


and there's no sales tax in Oregon! come on up ~ Portland is the coolest, funkiest town. plus its home to The Alibi and Thatch.


The Acoustic Guitar doesn't have to stay does it?

That would be a deal breaker.

What's the rainfall per year, again?


On 2007-10-06 09:46, Haole'akamai wrote:
What's the rainfall per year, again?

Portland: 36.3" annually.

we've been in seattle 5 years now, and its not the rain thats the issue: its the darkness in winter. that's the depressing part of living in the PNW. coffee is the cure for the winter blues. that and prozac.

spring and summers are awesome.


Pardon my ignorance...why a decomissioned oil tank? To use for storing oil? As a water cistern? It's just there and you can't do anything about it? Use as an under ground lair? What?


buy the house and you can dig it up.
Old owners probably changed the heating, and never dug it out.

The house belongs to a friend of mine in Portland who financially REALLY needs to get rid of it soon.


Decommissioning oil tanks is a hoop homeowners must jump through
to sell a house up here. Most old tanks have leaks and the main environmental issue is the resulting benzene level and associated carcinogens. God help you if a leak flows onto your neighbors side of the property line. I felt lucky to get our tank certified for under $10,000. On the bright side, our sewer line wasn't leaking so we didn't have to tear up that side of the yard and spend another 10 grand. All part of the fun.

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