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NEW Exotica / Tiki blog on the net!

Pages: 1 21 replies

Herr Vorragend posted on 10/08/2007

Hey there!

Just wanted to drop by to introduce my new blog, focusing on Exotica & Tiki music.
Thought people here could like it. :)

Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to post comments/feedback. I'm always intersted in how to make things better. As I'm still new to blogland and learning how to handle things.

Herr Vorragend

[ Edited by: Herr Vorragend 2007-10-08 15:33 ]

Kawentzmann posted on 10/08/2007

Instead of just ripping cd-s and distributing them for free you could write reviews.
I would consider that an improvement. Can somebody tell me why Google is tolerating this kind of thing?


Herr Vorragend posted on 10/08/2007

Dear Mr. Kawentzmann,

if you've took the time to take a look at my blog, you would have recognized that there are NO full album posts. (and won't be in the future). The one and only album posted so far is a compliation I made by myself, featuring only one track of any artist. I also beg the listeners to buy the music of the artists they liked. So I don't know why Google or anyone else should have a problem with that.

The main idea of the site is to introduce the wonderful world of Exotica to people who never heard about it. And if Exotica veterans also like the compilations I make, well that won't be bad wouldn't it?

It should be a place to talk about Exotica / Tiki music, not to share. A place to introduce all the wonderful new Exotica music out there. But who will buy a cd "just" by reading a review, if you haven't listen to even one track? The idea of writing reviews, isn't bad at all, got think about it.

I don't want to step on anyones toes, so I'd like to know how others think about it.

Herr Vorragend

basilh posted on 10/08/2007

Great idea, BUT you MUST obtain the copyright holder's permision otherwise it's totally illegal and a breach of the artists intellectual copyright.

tikiyaki posted on 10/08/2007

On 2007-10-08 11:33, basilh wrote:
Great idea, BUT you MUST obtain the copyright holder's permision otherwise it's totally illegal and a breach of the artists intellectual copyright.

What he said....A podcast is one thing. Reproducing and giving away someone else's intellectual property without their permission is another.

I'd re-think that one if I were you, especially since a few Waitiki Members post on this board regularly, and I'm guessing would be pretty Pissed that you were giving away their music for free.

I know I would be.

basilh posted on 10/08/2007

The one and only album posted so far is a compilation I made by myself,

Have you considered the fact that the artists concerned may not wish to be coupled with the others on your compilation, you are presuming a lot, I know that if you EVER used any tracks of mine or my friends, your feet wouldn't touch the ground before you'd be in court with an injunction to desist.

How can you possibly presume that any of the artists you feature jointly would agree to such a compilation, asides from that you're probably dealing with three or four DIFFERENT record labels and companies, with whom even K-Tel would have a hard time to convince of the venture's viability.

As well intentioned as you may be, you simply can't put together a compilation of your choice and freely distribute it as "YOUR WORK" i.e. By saying that you compiled it you're intimating some form of collaboration and acceptance from the artists and labels concerned.

This is opportunism.

Now, If you had just 30 second clips of each tune, AND permission, then you may take credit for helping to promote the artistes and genre'.

Herr Vorragend posted on 10/08/2007

As I said before, I never wanted to step on anyones toes. And I never wanted someone to be "pissed off". All music I used for this is from albums I bought from my own hard earned money. I never said that this was MY work. This album is the result of many hard work done by the artist, what I respect absolutley.

I have to apologize if someone have bad feelings about it. As I also said before, I just thought this is a good way to introduce new people to this music genre. Maybe even younger folks, who associate "Spongebob" with the music and like it for that reason. Anyway.

As I also said before this nevr was meant to be a music sharing blog. I've never planned to post full albums there. Just homemade comps. to give the people an idea of what Exotica could show them.

So my apoligizes again, I'm sorry I tried to push the genre without asking for permission. I will remove the link as soon as possible and my blog will be dead from now on.

Herr Vorragend

tikiyaki posted on 10/08/2007

On 2007-10-08 15:29, Herr Vorragend wrote:
As I said before, I never wanted to step on anyones toes. And I never wanted someone to be "pissed off". All music I used for this is from albums I bought from my own hard earned money. I never said that this was MY work. This album is the result of many hard work done by the artist, what I respect absolutley.

I have to apologize if someone have bad feelings about it. As I also said before, I just thought this is a good way to introduce new people to this music genre. Maybe even younger folks, who associate "Spongebob" with the music and like it for that reason. Anyway.

As I also said before this nevr was meant to be a music sharing blog. I've never planned to post full albums there. Just homemade comps. to give the people an idea of what Exotica could show them.

So my apoligizes again, I'm sorry I tried to push the genre without asking for permission. I will remove the link as soon as possible and my blog will be dead from now on.

Herr Vorragend

No one is suggesting you kill your blog. By all means BLOG AWAY.

DO A PODCAST. There are a bunch of folks on here who have podcasts. Hell, I got band members from people from hearing my music on a podcast that belongs to a TC member. Just DONT REPRODUCE CD's and GIVE THEM AWAY.

Podcasts are inherently much lower quality and in that case downloading a podast with other stuff mixed in,as well as dialogue and banter from the host is fine. It's basically a downloadable radio broadcast.

Giving away CD quality audio, on the other hand on a CD is illegal.

Hey, your passion and love for the music is admirable, and most artists want a podcast playing their stuff, you just need to know the boudaries of copyright laws, and stay within them.

I'd gladly send you MP3's for your podcast of my stuff http://www.tikiyakiorchestra,com, just don't reproduce a CD and give it away.

basilh posted on 10/08/2007

I agree 100% with the previous post and I also would contribute mp3's of my EMI Abbey road recordings for your use If you deemed them suitable.
See Here
Just do 'Podcasts'

[ Edited by: basilh 2007-10-08 16:22 ]

Kawentzmann posted on 10/09/2007

at first i wasnt going to write anything. but in one of your links theres a comp for download that i compiled, featuring two of my recordings and 13 other bands. i also designed the paperwork. i assumed you were following those examples having them on your blogroll.

[ Edited by: Kawentzmann 2007-10-09 00:16 ]

Tiki Bill posted on 10/09/2007

Oh boy, here we go again! It's simple. Just contact the artist or publisher and get permission. Most artists quite willing to give permission to use their stuff if you just ask them. While I like to be paid for my work, I'm not such a tight ass that I would say NO to a promotional thing. A pod cast is a great idea, but don't put music you don't own on a site for free download. As you can see, the artists tend to get restless!

Tiki Bill.

tikiyaki posted on 10/09/2007

On 2007-10-09 07:12, Tiki Bill wrote:
Oh boy, here we go again! It's simple. Just contact the artist or publisher and get permission. Most artists quite willing to give permission to use their stuff if you just ask them. While I like to be paid for my work, I'm not such a tight ass that I would say NO to a promotional thing. A pod cast is a great idea, but don't put music you don't own on a site for free download. As you can see, the artists tend to get restless!

Tiki Bill.

It's amazing how people view music as an inconsequential, bargain basement item these days. Especially in the film and tv world. Like it's no big deal to create a piece of music.

It's like you say...
Hey. just ASK first"... some of the people on that compilation are still alive and easily accesible.

I wonder how Waitiki feels being bandito'd like this.


On 2007-10-09 10:31, tikiyaki wrote:
It's amazing how people view music as an inconsequential, bargain basement item these days. Especially in the film and tv world. Like it's no big deal to create a piece of music.

It's like you say...
Hey. just ASK first"... some of the people on that compilation are still alive and easily accesible.

I wonder how Waitiki feels being bandito'd like this.

Aloha folks,

I haven't seen the blog in question, but I did hear that there is a blog giving away one of our songs for free. While I am thankful and honored that people like WAITIKI's music enough to want to share it with other people, music that we recorded for our albums should NOT be posted or given away in such a manner. There are many audio clips of WAITIKI available at our website from our live shows (http://waitiki.com/audioclips.cfm), and typically, these are the same tunes we recommend to those doing podcasts. Additional live show recordings are available from me upon request (send me a PM!) - if you saw a show and liked a particular watermelon sacrifice, for instance. We have also recently started recording new music on-demand for web distribution only; we would be happy to record a new tune for Herr Vorragend's blog, if so asked.

The issue of giving away free songs is particularly relevant because we sell our albums (Charred Mammal Flesh and Rendezvous in Okonkuluku) on iTunes, CDFreedom.com, and other digital distribution websites. Because those sites sell our music both per album AND per song, any offering of a free song download is a potential sale loss for us.

I respectfully ask that any blog owner please remove audio files and/or links to audio files of our commercially-available material from their website(s) and replace those files with music recorded from live shows, available at http://waitiki.com/audioclips.cfm.

Thank you to those TC members who have posted in this thread (or emailed me about it) for advocating on our behalf. I would do the same for you!

Please PM or email me ([email protected]) if you would like to talk further.

Aloha & Okonkuluku,

Randy Wong
Founder, Composer, Arranger & Bassist, WAITIKI

WAITIKI: Exotic Tiki Entertainment From Polynesia & Beyond
Videos, MP3s, and More at http://www.waitiki.com

[ Edited by: professahhummingflowah 2007-10-10 08:37 ]

[ Edited by: professahhummingflowah 2007-10-10 08:42 ]

tikiyaki posted on 10/10/2007

Hey Randy,

Sorry, I should have emailed you about this, but I'm glad someone else did. Either way, the situation was quelled.

I'm just bummed that the guy decided to stop his blog altogether rather than just do a podcast or ask prmission, or something.

Our music needs all the outlets it can get, and this guy had the right idea, he just went about it the wrong way.

I hope he reconsiders and decides to continue his blog.

Tiki Bill posted on 10/10/2007

I agree. I don't want to see his blog dissapear. And Herr, Randy, Tikiaki and I are NOT the music police! We're just giving you some advice on how to do your blog legaly. I dont want to assme here, but I bet if asked nicely, all three of us would let you use something for your blog. We need people like you to help spread the word of a great musical genre, and spread the word of our projects. Contactig the artists would help you as well. You might even be able to squeek an interview out of some of us for your blog, while asking for permission to use our material. You scratch my back, I'll scratch your's.
Please don't kill your blog, and let's try to work TOGETHER!

Tiki Bill.

tikiyaki posted on 10/10/2007

On 2007-10-10 09:55, Tiki Bill wrote:
I agree. I don't want to see his blog dissapear. And Herr, Randy, Tikiaki and I are NOT the music police! We're just giving you some advice on how to do your blog legaly. I dont want to assme here, but I bet if asked nicely, all three of us would let you use something for your blog. We need people like you to help spread the word of a great musical genre, and spread the word of our projects. Contactig the artists would help you as well. You might even be able to squeek an interview out of some of us for your blog, while asking for permission to use our material. You scratch my back, I'll scratch your's.
Please don't kill your blog, and let's try to work TOGETHER!

Tiki Bill.

I agree. I not opposed to giving something away for promo purposes. Just ASK fer chrissakes :o

tabuzak posted on 10/10/2007

This gives me a great idea. Why don't we produce an online CD comp of only contemporary Exotica artists, somewhat along the lines of the "Two Zombies Later" comp produced by the Exotica mailing List and Comfortstand? All tracks would be donated by the artists, so whoever wanted to contribute could. Legalities would mimic Comfortstand's policy.

Not that I have a lot of free time on my hands, bur I would like to volunteer to organize this, or at least be one of the organizers.

The only thing that I would ask is that the track be Exotica.

Anyone interested?

Jack Fetterman

Kawentzmann posted on 10/10/2007

Maybe it was just my music, but I had zero reactions to 2 Zombies Later…

Jeff Central posted on 10/10/2007

On 2007-10-10 10:12, tabuzak wrote:
This gives me a great idea. Why don't we produce an online CD comp of only contemporary Exotica artists, somewhat along the lines of the "Two Zombies Later" comp produced by the Exotica mailing List and Comfortstand? All tracks would be donated by the artists, so whoever wanted to contribute could. Legalities would mimic Comfortstand's policy.

Not that I have a lot of free time on my hands, bur I would like to volunteer to organize this, or at least be one of the organizers.

The only thing that I would ask is that the track be Exotica.

Anyone interested?

Jack Fetterman

Great idea Jack, but what's exotica? :wink:

I noticed my track "Exotica Revisited" was on his blog too!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

tabuzak posted on 10/10/2007

It's hard to gauge. I do know that it was featured on some underground type radio stations and a friend visiting a Tiki bar in Seattle said they were playing my Les Baxter remix (!) there. Did I get any work from it? Nope, me neither.

I saw it passsed around on different free download sites and the numbers of hits were sometimes in the 100s.

But, I think this project has more potential because it would be consistent stylistically. Someone wanting to hear Exotica could put this on and listen to every track without worrying that the next track might bum out the rum guzzlers (like myself)by being too avante garde, for example.

I think the tiki tribe is larger than the incredibly strange music clan. We also have a specific use for this music, i.e. backdrop for partying!

tabuzak posted on 10/10/2007

From my point of view, for this project, Exotica could be thought of as music that would fit stylistically with the music on Martin Denny's LP of the same name.


On 2007-10-10 09:30, tikiyaki wrote:
Hey Randy,

Sorry, I should have emailed you about this, but I'm glad someone else did. Either way, the situation was quelled.

I'm just bummed that the guy decided to stop his blog altogether rather than just do a podcast or ask prmission, or something.

Our music needs all the outlets it can get, and this guy had the right idea, he just went about it the wrong way.

I hope he reconsiders and decides to continue his blog.

I agree, exotica music certainly needs as much promotion as it can get, and definitely moreso in the mainstream. There are many tikiphiles out there, but it is not to them that we need as much exposure... the tiki community is a crafty, resourceful bunch, and will surely find each of our creative works after not too long!

I myself have an exotica music blog. Its specific purpose is not so much towards general publicity of exotica music but as a discussion of the creative aspects of its composition from a professional musician's perspective. (So, probably not of general interest!). The link is: http://randywong.net/exotica. I welcome comments on it!

Anyways, I do hope the Herr will reconsider his blog strategy but continue blogging. He stopped before I could even check it out, so I couldn't offer any compliments! Herr, if you're out there, drop me a line sometime via PM.

Thanks & aloha,

Pages: 1 21 replies