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Denver Tiki - General info, events, etc.

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Helz posted on 09/11/2007

Yep, we're in for sure.

Tiki Fink posted on 09/11/2007

A little error on my calendar. I MEANT TO SAY SUNDAY SEPT. 23 FOR MY BBQ.



Helz posted on 09/12/2007

Whenever Fink, we're still gonna be there!

tikibeeyatch posted on 09/13/2007

Aloha Denver tribe -

I have in my hands the 2nd Edition of "Tiki Road Trip," by James Teitelbaum, thanks to one of The Denver Post book critics. Not sure when this baby is supposed to hit sales stands - Amazon has been selling it since May, so who knows.

Anywho, in this book, Teitelbaum did a little write up of The Hut, which is scheduled to open this month or thereabouts. Here is how the write up reads:

"The Hut, 218 S. Broadway - Denver
Due to open around the same time as this book hits the stands, The Hut will be the fourth creation by the Delaney brothers, who are responsible for the delicious food at their trio of Monterey/Santa Cruz, CA, restaurants. The bar-based Denver venture was designed after the two famous Mark Ryden prints 'Exotica' and 'Pele.' The larger bar side will be in reds, oranges and browns (like 'Exotica'), and the smaller seating area will be in blues and greens (like 'Pele'). The Ryden prints will of course hang on the walls. Forbidden Island's Martin Cate is setting up the bar, so expect excellent cocktails."

This sounds extremely hopeful! Can't wait to see it in its glory.

ZuluMagoo posted on 09/13/2007

Beeyatch - Don't hold your breath waiting for 'The Hut' to open next month. I was talking with the owners trying to help them do right. This place has been in the works for well over a year and nothing has happened. They wanted to move into a spot along South Broadway, but that space has remained closed and undisturbed for over a year. I'm afraid this place/concept ran out of gas. I was really looking forward to a quality tiki place here in town. I had high hopes for this place due to the link that they had with the owner of Hula's out in Santa Cruz, California.

Images removed. I just found out that some of the artwork I was unknowingly using had been 'liberated' by another artist from the original creator several years ago. So in fairness to the original artist, I have removed the image.

[ Edited by: ZuluMagoo 2007-09-18 19:58 ]

tikibeeyatch posted on 09/13/2007


Well that just totally blows.


I think it couldn't be any more obvious here that we need to open one ourselves.
All signs are pointing to "Go!" Except the money sign. That one's pointing to, "Dear God NO woman, are you crazy?????!!!"

Nice schematic there, though, Zulu. That would've been totally awesome.

MangoRita posted on 09/13/2007

Hopes dashed once again about the Hut not opening. I'm joining in the chorus of sighs...
When I lived in the Bay Area, Hula's was a must stop every time I visited my friend in Monterey. She actually introduced me to the place and I, in turn, introduced Helz and everyone else that I knew. Hula's holds a special place for many reasons, not the least of which is that it started hubby on his quest for all things Tiki. Maybe one day we'll have our very own Hula's. Then again, I'm also hoping for Trader Joe's, Ikea...:)
BTW, great concept, Zulu...

tekoteko posted on 09/13/2007

So we can blame you for Helz showing up to everything?

You and Helz Rock. :)

On 2007-09-13 15:42, MangoRita wrote:
Hopes dashed once again about the Hut not opening. I'm joining in the chorus of sighs...
When I lived in the Bay Area, Hula's was a must stop every time I visited my friend in Monterey. She actually introduced me to the place and I, in turn, introduced Helz and everyone else that I knew. Hula's holds a special place for many reasons, not the least of which is that it started hubby on his quest for all things Tiki. Maybe one day we'll have our very own Hula's. Then again, I'm also hoping for Trader Joe's, Ikea...:)
BTW, great concept, Zulu...

burleyque posted on 09/14/2007

Hi all- this year our Tiki Burlesque show runs for 2 weekends! Hope you can make it down!
Lannie's will be transforming itself into a tropical tiki room for those nights and we'll be busting out all our tiki themed acts, including a few that you may have seen if you attended Tiki Oasis this year!

Do you all feel that chill in the air? Where has the summer gone?? We all hope you had a super sunny season! Burlesque As It Was spent their summer jetting around the country to events like Exotic World, Tiki Oasis and the New York Burlesque Festival, but for the last two weekends in September, they're back in town and they're all yours, Denver!!

September 21, 22, 28 & 29 at Lannie's Clocktower Cabaret (16th and Arapahoe), we're saying goodbye to sun and fun with an End Of Summer Burlesque Luau!! Join us for an evening of Tropical Splendor in the TIKI TIKI ROOM, featuring mermaids, tiki birds, Elvis and Priscilla in Hawaii, Gilligan with those Island cuties Ginger and Mary Ann, hula girls, tap-dancing sailor ladies, and much much more!

Tickets are $20 Get your tickets soon- our last show at Lannie's sold out!!

From http://www.lannies.com :

Tiki Burlesque: An End of Summer Luau in the Tiki Tiki Room

Bid farewell to the summer with a burlesque luau! The hula honeys of Burlesque As It Was will heat up the stage with a tropical trip to the era of tiki drinks and exotica music!

Gorgeous Dancers ---Great Costumes ---and vignettes from the sensually exotic to hilariously campy.

The whole club transforms into THE TIKI TIKI ROOM and the waitstaff joins in the fun, all decked out in hula splendor.

This Girl-riffic End Of Summer Luau is the perfect Summer send-off.

Mr. Dale posted on 09/14/2007

Tikis and girls......grrrrrrr.......drinks and tikis and girls.........grrrrrr,
My birthday, tikis, drinks and girls........grrrrrrrrr. Down boy! down!

Tiki Fink posted on 09/16/2007

Hey All!

As I mentioned before there is a little shindig happening at the ol' Tiki Fink Shack next Sunday. 8/23/07

I am trying to get a head count. So far I have only heard from Helz & Rita and Zulu. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome.

The Drill.

PM me here, email boctok01@msn.com, or just post here.

Should be fun as always, thanks to an expert crew!

We will be showing the mvie TIKI as soon as it gets dark enough to project outdoors. Pre party starts at 1:45 - 2:00pm ( gametime). If football is not your bag, you are welcome to come over any time in that time frame and play croquet or lounge around the S.S. Ratfink with a cocktail in your hand!

Matterhorn1959 posted on 09/16/2007

Hey Fink- Joyce and I should be there for at least a while. Do you need anything for the BBQ?

Tiki Fink posted on 09/18/2007


Good to hear from you!

Bring anything? Perhaps some snacks or appetizerish things. If your time is limited, I suggest you come around 4:00 and stay for the movie. It is pretty funny.


Tiki Fink posted on 09/18/2007

Here is my lame poster.

[ Edited by: Tiki Fink 2007-09-17 23:59 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Fink 2007-09-18 00:02 ]

Helz posted on 09/20/2007


I'm gettting quite excited for this weekend! Fink has graciously let me behind his bar again, and I thought I should test drive the beverages for this weekend...

Can't wait to see you all!

Tiki Fink posted on 09/20/2007


Looks like Helz is cooking up something amazing again!

Matterhorn1959 posted on 09/20/2007

Wow- looks like a toasted drink!

tikibeeyatch posted on 09/21/2007

Yarp! (HotFuzz, anyone?)

Damn it, that drink and movie both look delicious (well, the drink looks more delicious than the movie, whereas the movie looks funnier than the drink) but the hubby and I will be frolicking in the mountains this weekend.

Have a blast! Thanks for thinking of us.

A fitting end to an all-too-short summer.

Tiki Fink posted on 09/22/2007

I am excited to see everyone.

In addition to Helz drinks, I am going to test drive the Rottin' Zombie, so bring your favorite Zombie mug and bring something warm incase it gets cold later.

C ya Sunday.


Tiki Fink posted on 09/25/2007

Thanks to everone for coming over for TFT 2.5, where a movie can never get too cheesey.


MangoRita posted on 09/25/2007

Meant to post yesterday, but I forgot my password…
Enormous thank you to Fink and Mrs. Fink for another great time and their generous hospitality! It was also fun to see the posse and to share many laughs during the movie. It is one that I will be adding to my collection in the near future. Stayed tuned for some pics that Helz will post of the 2.5...

Helz posted on 09/26/2007


Thanks again to Fink and Mz.Fink for hosting a awsome shindig...and the "Rotten Zombies" are Tres Excelent.

A few quicke pics from the evening:

Good Times as always!

  • Hlz
Matterhorn1959 posted on 09/26/2007

Thanks to the Finks for being such wonderful hosts and excellent zombies. Also thank you Helz for mixing up the Pain Killers. Joyce now thinks she is an alcoholic!

Helz posted on 09/29/2007


Reconnaissance Photos:

From an independent Source...

Gotta admit, it's nice to hear some enlightened Tiki perspective in a major newspaper.

[ Edited by: Helz 2007-09-28 18:37 ]

Tiki Fink posted on 09/29/2007

Despite some of the colourful background on Boyd, this jackass Flomberg took aim at the only Tiki bar that we have had in Denver for years. I can understand the problem he had with the bar's namesake, but this so called journalist had a personal vendetta and what's worse, he elaborated on a situation and fabricated a story to meet his own selfish needs.

To further clarify my point, the bar was operated by parties other than Boyd Rice and Flomberg's shaky article on the place was unfair to everyone else involved. True, any press is good press and Flomberg probably helped business more than he hurt it, but I am sure that was not his intent.

For what it's worth, without Tiki Boyd's the Tiki scene that we have enjoyed in Denver may have been set back untold years, as it was a great meeting place.

Dave Flomberg is an arch enemy of Modern Drunkard Magazine, Tiki and in my opinion he is an enemy of local culture in general. Shit fire. Compare my critique to his. Maybe I should turn his ass in for plagerism. Moreover I am sure he didn't mind paying $14.00 bucks a drink as the paper picked up the tab.

That is my rant.

No offense Helz. Thanks for the pics and the article. I just get steamed at this guy.

Check out some of the banter over at Modern Drunkard on this.
It is old but very interesting.


[ Edited by: Tiki Fink 2007-09-29 09:59 ]

Helz posted on 09/30/2007

None taken at all. I didn't know any of the guy's backstory...I was just commenting that he seemed to at least know what Tiki is and is suppoed to be. But it sounds like he's a typical "About Town" writer...can't get after it himself, so he just "comments" on what other people are trying to do.

Matterhorn1959 posted on 10/01/2007

Hey all- Joyce and I are thinking about hitting the Shag Lounge tomorrow night. Anyone up for the experience?

Helz posted on 10/01/2007


Sounds like a blast, but unfortunately, school nights are pretty rough for me. I definintely want to give it a run with everyone, but just can't get it done this week.


Just a little something I stumbled across at the ARC this weekend I thought you all might enjoy....

There's some cool info Zulu posted about this place out here.

Tiki Fink posted on 10/02/2007

Amazing find!

I have to close the liquorama on Tues. or else I would be game.

I am curious about your opinion Matterhorn. Hope you have fun. Thank god the drinks are half price. Geez, it's not the Mai Kai or nuthin'.


Matterhorn1959 posted on 10/03/2007

Well Joyce and I hit the Shag bar last night. It was a slow night (only 9 patrons including myself and Joyce.) The bar looks pretty nice but has no soul and no passion. It looks like any number of other modern bars with exposed ceilings and an industrial look. The furniture is retro mid century modern pieces and there are exactly four tikis in the place- two small carved palm pieces at the entrance, a Moai chimnea serving as a planter on the smoking area and one mask on the wall. The best touch was the collection of fezzes and Tiki Farm mugs over the bar, although tough to see due to no spotlight or indirect lighting on the case. One of the walls is just painted with paint splatters which I guess was their attempt at being Modern. The most striking piece is in front of the bar is a solitary stripper pole. I did like the restroom and the doors with the male and female symbols.

I had two drinks the first was a Vicious Virgin which was pretty good but way too sweet with sprite and cherry flavored rum and I could hardly taste the rum. The second was I believe called the Bahia Bama and was a coconut based rum drink. Although slightly better, it did not have the shaved coconut as promised on the drink menu. Some other drinks included a take on the Mai Tai called the Shag Tai, a whole page of Martinis, a Hawaiian Planters punch, and a Sailors Grog. It appeared that the only thing the bartender does is pour the mix and add the rum. The full price cost of each drink served in a hurricane glass is $14 with larger size for 4 people priced at $35. I was glad it was half price night for the drinks.

The music was a mix featuring videos and included Reel Big Fish, U2 Sunday Bloody Sunday from Red Rocks, Bachman Turner Overdrive, the Fray, The Cure and more which were played off a video juke box. Definitely no exotica or even surf music on a supposedly tiki night. All in all it was kind of a disappointment and I do not think it will last long before it is changed into something else. If they wanted to do a true Shag bar, they should brighten the color palette on the walls and finish the ceiling and walls. And they definitely need to add some plants or trees or something more organic and living to take away the whole industrial feel to the shell of the building.

Tiki Fink posted on 10/07/2007


A little info on up coming fun.

Next weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In conjunction with th GABF, ( Denver's Beergeek Heaven Great American Beer Festival ), Flying Dog Brewery is having the ZOMBIE DANCE PARTY. Don't let the dance part fool you. Good music ala Roots! Surf Etc. $10.00 at the door gets you unlimited suds and fun. Zombie dance party @ myspace.

Next weekend...

Don't you dare miss Los Straitjackets and Big Sandy / Santiago Grande, at The Soiled Dove Underground. 8/19/2007.

Los Straitjackets have not been to Denver in a long time and this may be a rare opportunity to see something truly fantastic!!!!!!!

Who knows? There may be a cool party at the T.F. shack with them afterwards!!!!!!



[ Edited by: Tiki Fink 2007-10-07 00:59 ]

Tiki-Atari posted on 10/08/2007

Hi all.
I will be in Denver on a press-check friday and saturday nights this week. Any ohana want to meet up somewhere and hoist a mug?
Contrarywise, is there any tiki scene event going on this weekend I could attend?
Otherwise I will just be wandering around seeing the sights (always better with company).

Drop me a line.


Tiki-Atari posted on 10/09/2007

Let me amend that.
Anyone up for drinks Friday, or going to the Zombie Dance Party on Sat?

Tiki Fink posted on 10/09/2007


I believe we will go to the Zombie Dance Party on Friday night. I plan to get there around 9:00. I have to work late on Sat.

It would be great to have more Denver folks out for this if possible, to welcome an out of town Tiki friend!

Here are more details. http://www.badartforbadpeople.com/

Keep in tough here to arrange an meeting time and place.

Matterhorn1959 posted on 10/10/2007

Fink- I probably will not be able to make it as I will be flying home from Salt Lake City on Friday night.

Tiki-Atari posted on 10/11/2007

Tiki Fink:

Sounds good.
I won't really know my schedule until I'm on the ground in Denver.
I'm will be staying down near where 85 and 25 meet, so I shouldn't be too far.
I will aim to be there at or around 9pm.
I'm a big blond fellow (6'1", 300lbs)in Drew Carey-looking glasses; I'll be wearing a garnet and gold or green and orange/red floral print shirt, unless it's freezing.

Helz posted on 10/11/2007

Man, I wish we could make this. But sadly the weekend has us booked with more mundane activities...

Welcome, Atari!

Mr. Dale posted on 10/11/2007

Aarggghhh.......no such luck machachos........diapers, home repairs, greasy galaxie and a broken motorcycle are filling up my weekend. But I am workin' on a TIKI! So that should be done soon and I'll post it here and ONLY here.

I have got to try and hit the Straight jackets if I don't do anything else in my life. Legendary.

Enjoy your single carefree lives ya stinkin drinkin fools.......

Mr. Dale loves ya.

elevatorman posted on 10/12/2007

I'd like to try and make it to this. If anyone wants to say hi, I'm a skinny guy with short, spiky black hair (most likely wearing at least one black thing). I'll probably be there later, since I'm going to Elitch's beforehand.

elevatorman posted on 10/12/2007

Oh, and I'm going saturday night

Tiki Fink posted on 10/13/2007

I am sad toreport that I am stuck at work at least until 10:30.

One of the managers called in on us and I will most likely have to close unless someone comes to my aid.

This totally sucks ass!

Elevator.. Did we meet you on the cruiser ride??


Tiki-Atari posted on 10/13/2007

Well, 11:00 and I just got done with a round of press checks. I will meander that way, but only have an hour or 2. I would be game for a meal at some point tomorrow (sat) and will likely hit the zombie thing tomorrow as well.

elevatorman posted on 10/14/2007

Tiki Fink,

No, I haven't met anyone on this forum.

It looks iffy to go tonight, though, as my date won't be able to go.

Tiki Fink posted on 10/16/2007

A reminder about Los Straitjackets at the Soiled Dove Underground on Friday night.

If anyone has an interest in meeting at The Tiki Fink Shack beforehand for some pre show fun, let me know. Otherwise I hope to see some of our Denver folk there!


Tiki-Atari posted on 10/16/2007

Sorry I didn't catch up with you, Tiki Fink and elevatorman (and the rest of you out Denver way). The press was keeping me hoppin' this time regardless. Maybe next time.

MoaiMan posted on 10/18/2007

Tiki Fink,
I'll be at Los Straitjackets with a buddy of mine (wouldn't miss it!). I haven't been to the Soiled Dove Underground, but he says the food isn't bad so I think we're going early to eat and try to secure a table. Let's figure out a way to meet and tip a few back.
I hear the sound there is excellent. Can't wait.

Tiki Fink posted on 10/19/2007


Looks like we, The Tiki Finks, Helz and Mango Rita, Arulu and a few more friends will be there! Look at the pics from our most recent gathering and you should recognize some of us.

Do say hello. I suspect that we will be camped out on the dance floor.

Anyone else in??? Dale you in?


Mr. Dale posted on 10/19/2007

No.....I'm not. Its just not gonna happen. Which sucks. Even with Big Sandy and all.
I remember standing with Big Sandy at one of our first rock-and rythem -billy
weekends (96?) watching Kim Lenz and laughing at some drunks. He's always been a nice guy.

Plus I would get to actually hang out with Moai man. We live around the block from each other but it seems miles apart.

Anyway.....ya all have fun.

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