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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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little lost tiki posted on 10/14/2007

Mug's lookin good BRAD,as is the rest of the piece!
i like how the flowers have picked up the lighting from the beach!
the floating mug has a nice tiki/cthulu crossover!
I'd buy a mug like that!
and I loooooooooooooove the sparkles! :D
and I gets to see it in person in a few weeks! JOY!

ravenne posted on 10/15/2007

Oh MY GEE!!! You put the CUTE Cthulhu Mug I love! YAY!!!! :D

It's lookin SO awesome so far! I'm excited! :D

TikiFool posted on 10/15/2007


That mug is a great choice.

It belongs among the shared fantasies of that forbidden isle.

Trader Tom posted on 10/15/2007

It's about time we had a Cthulhu Mug! I think this could be the start of a whole new line of ceramics. I'm really eager to see the Tsathoggua Shot Glass and the Byakhee Bowl. Not to mention the Deep Ones Decanter!!

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."

~ H.P. Lovecraft

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/15/2007


LLT, Ravenne, Tikifool, Trader Tom, Big Mahalo everyone. Yeah, thinks for the support on doing the Squid god mug!

So, filling in..

Those "brain waves" are almost done...

Big Mahalo from the dangerous volcanic, may erupt at any moment with huge earthquakes and land slides and lava flows. (they had a special on the Big Island on the Discovery Channel!) Big Island of Hawaii!

Tiki Shark

ravenne posted on 10/15/2007

I love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE IT!

That's so awesome!


"It's like a Koala crapped a rainbow in my brain!"

[ Edited by: ravenne 2007-10-15 11:13 ]

GROG posted on 10/15/2007

"That looks like my cousin, Dave!"

[ Edited by: GROG 2007-10-15 13:26 ]

Meheadhunter posted on 10/15/2007

Lookin Good!!!.....Looks about like your ready to to start pin stripin'.....Always amazing to see your work progress.

Paipo posted on 10/15/2007

I'm really stoked you went with this one in the end and the mug looks beautiful. I can picture the real deal done in a green version of the glaze on squid's new skull bowl. I think it gives the whole painting a little more emphasis towards the mysterious rather than just tiki. With the cthulhu in the background too and now the mug, it makes you wonder who is really pulling the strings in the pic?
No need to compromise your art in favour of "what might sell" - just go with your instinct. Any mug you designed would be a hot seller regardless and besides, we've all got plenty of "just tiki" mugs - but who has a squid-faced Elder God tiki mug?

little lost tiki posted on 10/15/2007


jpmartdog posted on 10/15/2007


Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/16/2007

Thank you, everyone for the encouragement and direction.
RavenneThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank youThank you!
HA! ( I love Dr. Zoidberg!)
Meheadhunter~ Mahalo, and yeah, you can see I'm being influenced by Sam Gambino.
Paipo~ Thanks alot! Very smart thinking. With my deadline looming large, I was starting to over think and stumble, and I needed someone to nudge me back on to the path. Hey and speaking of Squidy Elder Gods, there is a very cool "Old Time Radio Show" podcast that is featuering a show of the Dunwich Horror -go to http://feeds.feedburner.com/horror it's part of their Halloween programing. I forgot that Halloween was a part of that H.P. Lovecraft story!
LLT and JPMD~ Big Mahalo my friends! Once again, my TC Art Collective mates have given me just the right words of advise!

Study of the "Brain-tender"


hewey posted on 10/16/2007

Man, the shading in that study is awesome! I love it! The mug choice was spot on too - creapy squid all the way mate! :D

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/16/2007

Aloha TC!
Hewey~Thanks buddy! Glad you dig it! This study might be up for sale along with the painting at the Bali-Hai. IF I get the painting DONE in time for the show! This week end is full, no painting time cause of my business partner's wedding. He's coming HERE to get hitched at the Mauna-Lani! Up Side, I get to hang at the really choice beach at the resort for a day.
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Da Painting...
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Paintin' da' Mug. "Gambino-esque magic pin stripping".

Mahalo from the volcanic Big Island of Hawaii.

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Slacks Ferret posted on 10/16/2007

I really hope that prints will be available. The combination of Tiki/Squid/Lovecraftian themes will make it perfect for the Kanaloa lounge (my future home tiki bar...or MFHTB for short).

jpmartdog posted on 10/16/2007

Whoa! Brad Whoa! That Mug looks "abso'fn mazing" I didn't think I was gonna dig it at first , but now that I see it! Wow! I love it! It seems like everybody loves it too! You should make sheets and pillowcases outta this painting, so we can all sleep with it!

GROG posted on 10/16/2007

GROG hate you SO MUCH right now!!!

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IsleConch posted on 10/16/2007

Brad...that looks sooo GREAT....can't wait to see the main Tiki with the girl get started.

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greentikipat posted on 10/17/2007

hey Brad- i haven't read this whole subject's thread yet, so if i'm treading repeditive grounds here, just point me in the right direction- what do you think of omitting the underpainting?- and have you done it for the whole piece? i remember you were talking about this on the last one.
looking amazing, -maybe my favorite one? hard to say-they're all so kick ass!

GROG posted on 10/17/2007

You really did a nice job rendering the mug, this first post he was looking a bit flat.

But this rendering just took it to a whole new level.
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Awesome stuff. (Bastard!)

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Sam Gambino posted on 10/18/2007

I love this piece, and I'm really flattered that I somehow inspired a bit of it..... Such a cool piece, Brad - These pieces of yours are tiki history in the making! :)

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[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2007-10-17 19:38 ]

GROG posted on 10/19/2007

You can always get Kinny to help you finish if need be.

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TikiFool posted on 10/22/2007

In honor of your latest, I decided to watch my copy of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" where, of course, the creature ends up carrying the girl, not once, but twice.

For 1954, the creature costume is state-of-the-art and the stunt diver who swims for up to 4 minutes without air... makes it magic.

Not to mention, all the fantastic underwater photography and choreography.

As a kid, I couldn't believe my eyes!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/23/2007

Slacksferret~ Thanks! Prints Yes! The plan is that this will be the first painting to be reproduced as a (realitively) inexpensive giclee on paper. I'd be really thrilled and honored to be hanging in your Tiki Bar!
JPMDOGBig Mahaloz my art making pirate buddy!
Yes, the triple reflected surface really changed the shape and 3-D feel of the mug. Thanks so much for noticing!
Isleconch~ Mahalo! The girl, she's coming up soon..... I hope. I'm such a weird painter, I usually paint something twice anyways! I'm seeking to stream line my process, but I'm sorta' OCD and nervous about painting still, so things get worked and then reworked. Perhaps I'll relax as time goes on.
SAM!~ Big Mahaloz! I was very excited when I found out I could do a little reflection of your cool style in this one! Thanks for the inspiration!
Grog~ HA! That's actually really cool looking! Gives me an idea for a tiki jam! Maybe I could have Kenny design a tiki for my next painting, and I could render it in my style.
Tiki Fool~ Oh yeah, baby! There's a LOT of low brow art in the world that has been influenced by that film! (I just saw a freaking amazing new painting by XNO that had the gill man snuk into it.) So glad I could move you to watch that classic!

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The painting as it stands now. Mere days to finish it!
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Here's a close up on the floating refreshment... Would you swig outa this?

So, lots going on here, I'm pulling some long days to get enough painting time in. Next few days will be important!

Tiki Shark
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[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-10-23 11:26 ]

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JenTiki posted on 10/23/2007

On 2007-10-23 11:24, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
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Here's a close up on the floating refreshment... Would you swig outa this?

You bet I would! Your citrus always looks so real and fresh! Plus, I love the bubbles! :wink:

little lost tiki posted on 10/23/2007

NOW QUIT PIDDLIN AROUND WITH THE MUG AND THE BUBBLES AND THE TRIPLE REFLECTIONS AND GET THAT MAIN CHARACTER GOING!!!!!!!! the clock is tickin! Here's where an artist gets to Push himself to the limits of talent, perserverance,and intensity! These are the best times when painting! By the way, i heeeered that there's 3 Creature from the Black Lagoon movies...is that true? Gotta go check Netflix!
Awesome painting Brad! Can't wait to caress its surface when you're not looking! :)

ravenne posted on 10/23/2007

I'd totally drink outta dat Mug! It's soooooo cute and awesome! :D

Oh man, the final moment is coming up! It's gonna be flyyy!

Can't wait!!! :drink:

teaKEY posted on 10/23/2007

Here's a close up on the floating refreshment... Would you swig outa this?

Yes it this one and no to the last. Which is kinda wierd considering the other one was given by a beauty and this one a brain.

TikiFool posted on 10/24/2007

I see your dilemma.

The brain is a #1 business type. He's up to no good and he tells you so.

The girl is a #2 business type. She's up to no good and insists she is not.

Historically, I drink from #3 types.

They insist that they are good. They honestly believe that they are good. But they end up as bad if not worse than a #1 or #2.

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IsleConch posted on 10/24/2007

....NERVOUS !!!! What da ya mean you get nervous??? If I could paint half as good as you, I'd be at the Orsay museum (Paris). Just keep doin' what you're doin'...you are an inspiration to us all. Those bubbles and sweat drops are just fabulous.

Oh yeah...and those fruits...I just licked my screen_________________

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...Castaway on the Isle of Life...

[ Edited by: IsleConch 2007-10-23 21:39 ]

GROG posted on 10/24/2007

That is looking absolutely FABULOUS Brad! I can't wait to see it (and you) at the art show.

I think a collaboration of Kinny doing a drawing and you painting it in your style is an awesome idea. I'd love love to see what comes out of that collaboration.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/24/2007

Big Big BIG Mahaloz to everyone for the support!
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Here's the tiki roughed in. See? Even when I don't do an underpainting, I end up doing an underpainting, kind of.

Basically, I'm drifting back to my first painting technique I learned when I painted monster models as a kid. (Talk about Low Brow art!) First, paint everything black. Then slowly add colors in dark shades and lighter and lighter, till there's nothing left to paint.

OK - I'm gettin' back to work!

Meheadhunter posted on 10/25/2007

This is looking sweet....your detail is phenominal, and your lighting....WOW. Your tiki designs would look awesome as a tattoo on my forearm....Permission??? Please!!! Keep up the great work....you're almost finished.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/25/2007

meheadhunter~Of course! I think it's a great complement to an artist that some one thinks enough of their art that they make it into ink!
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Here's the wide shot.
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Here's da tiki. Starting his woody texture.

More later...

Mahalo from the Big Island~

ravenne posted on 10/25/2007

:o AWESOME!!!!

The tiki dude turned out coolies, and after you finish building up the textures, waah! amazing!

So close to the finish!


teaKEY posted on 10/25/2007

That's Creepy

Looking at the main dude, his left side has that Disney animation cell look/style. The right leg, totally realistic looking like he stepped off the page. The two together, crazy. You don't usually get to see this with other artist, the in betweens.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/26/2007

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RavenneThanks! I leave Tuesday, if all goes well. So, running outa time!
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Here the tiki has texture over mor of him. Look betta, yeah?


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JenTiki posted on 10/26/2007

I'm so excited that you're finally nearing the finish line with this one! Go, Brad, Go!!!

TikiFool posted on 10/26/2007

You said, “Basically, I'm drifting back to my first painting technique I learned when I painted monster models as a kid.... First, paint everything black. Then slowly add colors in dark shades and lighter and lighter, till there's nothing left to paint.”

Nothing low brow about it. That's a brilliant technique!

Paipo posted on 10/26/2007

Right down to the wire! I think the pressure is good, cause it's bringing out the best in your work. Some of the lighting techniques in this one are nothing short of brilliant. It's very interesting going through your back catalogue of mystic tikis and seeing how far you've progressed in such a short time. Just wish I could see 'em in person :(

hewey posted on 10/26/2007

On 2007-10-26 13:07, Paipo wrote:
It's very interesting going through your back catalogue of mystic tikis and seeing how far you've progressed in such a short time. Just wish I could see 'em in person :(

Ditto all that! Now paint boy! :D

teaKEY posted on 10/27/2007

Look better?, you bet, but it was always going to get better each time.

I can totally see this painting in an Juxtapoz issue, if they know what is good. I think Jux. is slipping a bit but art like this could get it back on track. I bet they would at least put you in the showstoppers section, were they spotlight good art/artist.

I like these paintings more than a lot of Todd Schorr's stuff expect for the couple of large paintings that he has done. And then again I'm bias after seeing all these behind the sences work. It makes Tiki Central all the better for it.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/27/2007


Jen TikiThanks, let's hope I can finish! (I think I can, I think I can...)
Tiki Fool
Your metaphoric note about the "three offers" of a mysterious tropical drink was hysterical, and profound. I keep thinking about it! Thanks for the nice words about my technique, I guess I come from the "Aurora School of Painting".
Paipo~ I wish you could too! You're right about the difference of seeing an original. Ya know, I was looking at the current original in comparison to a giclee of number 11. Even though the giclee is really high quality, there's an intensity to an original, the intensity of the paint perhaps? - that is unique.
Hewey~ Mahalo!

TeyKey~ Wow, thanks so much! Juxtapoz, is something I subscribe to. I some times feel a bit isolated on this tropical island, and it's nice to have Jux as a look see at to what's happening in the low brow art scene. But, I gotta' say, I agree on yer thoughts about Juxtapoz - some of the latest issues of Jux have left me a tad unexcited. Maybe I'm getting old, but a lot of graffiti just looks like bad art to me. I think the best thing in the last issue was the ad for the XNO art work showing this month in Santa Monica. Still, I'd be thrilled to appear in Robert William's mag. He's like the father of the Low Brow Art movement. (Now if you'll just write a nice letter to their editor and let them know your opinion of my work...) :)

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Here's da whole thang.
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I started on the wahine. Tricky stuff, this anatomy and foreshortening!


Tiki Shark
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[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-10-27 11:49 ]

Meheadhunter posted on 10/27/2007

This is looking KILLER!!!! It's all down hill from here! Thanks for the honor of letting me get tattooed with your tiki designs....I've talk to my tattoo artist and he is stoked to do it....Thanks again...Wess

Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/28/2007

Malahlo Meheadhunter! Please send or post a pic of your tat if you get one done! I'd LOVE to see it! If you happen to be getting it done in Maui I know a great tattoo artist there and can hook you up.
Okay, pulled a late nighter and got most of the wahine done. Gotta finish..
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It's finally all filled it! YEAH!
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She's about there...
Then I gotta clean up the BG where I slopped paint on it.

Gotta take it o the printer tomorrow to get scanned...


Tiki Shark
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[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2007-10-28 12:44 ]

ravenne posted on 10/28/2007

TS, I love the way you painted out the Wahine!

body structure and everything is very elegant and beautiful! And the choice of colors is great!

It's there - almost there! :D!

Can't wait to see it Nov 2nd! :D

"It's like a Koala crapped a rainbow in my brain!"

[ Edited by: ravenne 2007-10-28 14:01 ]

little lost tiki posted on 10/28/2007

It's finally all filled it! YEAH!

Love that feeling! You're SO at the Finish line!
What a great and masterful painting! :D

Meheadhunter posted on 10/28/2007

I will definately post some pics of the tattoo when I get it done....shouldn't be to long from now.....I wish I could get to maui to get it done there...I sure could use a nice vacation about now...maybe sometime soon...your painting is looking supertikiabulous!!!! Thanks again...Wess

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