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Atlanta Trader Vic's and "Big Johnny" Teitelbaum

Pages: 1 11 replies

martiki posted on 08/27/2006

I searched and could not find this mentioned-


Nice work, John!

Jeff Central posted on 08/27/2006

Cool!!!!!!! Thanks for posting. Never seen this before!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

Chongolio posted on 08/27/2006

Yeah thanks Martiki that was cool Those big ovens are impressive. That clip it made me very hungry and thirsty.


Paipo posted on 08/27/2006

That was fun, hopefully this isn't as close as I ever get to visiting one of these places.

[ Edited by: Paipo 2006-08-27 15:34 ]

limptiki posted on 08/28/2006

Now I now where to go next time i'm looking for excape. Do they also serve expresso?

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/28/2006

hahaaahhaa!!..."john teitlbaum"!! ...those dopes could fuck up a 2 car funeral in a parking lot!!! -sorry JT....guess you can't use this clip for your resume...

tikibars posted on 08/29/2006

I didn't even know this video existed - until John Chenault hipped me to it this morning. Thanks John, errr... I mean, Jeff.


I have no memory whatseover of giving that interview!


Some of you noted that the fella talking was identified as "John" Teitelbaum. Yeah, I caught that little detail too.

My only conclusion is that it wasn't me in that video... it was my insane clone, "John".

This is the last time I let random people with video cameras videotape me, and/or my clones, especially after too many mai tais.

Yeah, blame it on the booze.

It's always worked for me, so far.

[ Edited by tikibars on 2024-02-01 18:40:37 ]

Swanky posted on 08/29/2006

I saw this a couple of years ago. I thought it was posted here, but I can't find it either. I think I first saw it around the time of the first Tiki Torch Nights in Atlanta. I think the JT part was likely shot back then at the first one you came down for. That must have been the second TTN or so.

Johnny Dollar posted on 08/29/2006

yeah, that was posted about a year ago.

tikibars posted on 10/16/2007

Here's some more Tikivision featuring yours truly.


Well, they didn't make me seem TOO much like a weirdo..!

It is on the front page right now, but I imagine that you'll have to click the 'video room' link on the left side if you're reading this post more than a week or so after the fact.

[ Edited by: tikibars 2007-10-15 20:56 ]

Turbogod posted on 10/17/2007

Good Job JT.

VampiressRN posted on 10/17/2007

Wonder what the pizza guy says when he leaves my place (I only have 1/1000th of what you have)...LOL. Nice interview.

Pages: 1 11 replies