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Tiki Central / California Events

October San Diego Chop Chop 13th in O'side

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Cammo posted on Wed, Oct 17, 2007 9:44 PM

I might telecyberchopcommute. These Witco things would be 10 times easier to do at my place, and I practically live at Babalu's anyway.

You folks go ahead! Email me a hot dog!


I think Kate had a vote for the 18th as well for a special occasion :), although I can't really make it that day, got a wedding to go to. Might be able to swing by in the morning for a bit. If that day works out well for a few others, I think we should go for it.


Cammo posted on Thu, Oct 18, 2007 3:36 PM

People are asking about a name for the Chop group - it's probably a good idea to start throwing names around, just for yuks.

San Diego Tiki Choppers (too motorcycle?)
San Diego Chop Chop Club (too long?)

or take the 'San Diego' out -

Tiki Choppers
The Chop Club


Well, the Myspace name is "San Diego Tiki Carvers" and the URL is myspace.com/sandiegotikicarvers .
I think just plain ol' "San Diego Tiki Carvers" is great, as it implys nothing and is right to the point. We're just an artist colony of wood carvers who chop and demo together.


Hey Dudes and Dudettes,

I'm kinda leaning that we don't really have a group per say, but more like a "gathering" each month...you guys wouldn't want people thinking that they had to join something in order to come carve would you? It's open to all...it belongs to all...the more the merrier...the world is our group, let's get as many as we can to come to a "gathering" with us.

No, I don't wear Burgenstocks, or worship crystals....I can't afford those fancy things.

Cammo posted on Thu, Oct 18, 2007 7:30 PM

Babs, don't make this all complicated!

We just need a name so when people who've never seen us before ask us who the heck we are we can say we're the "__________".

And we need something to put on a sign so we can say we'll be under the "____________" sign at the park or whatever.

What's wrong with Birkenstocks????? These look good enough to SMOKE!


Yeah Cam, them are pretty fancy kicks there...fair warning: don't wear them into Lemon Grove poppa.

Ok, ok,...but a least be creative with a name! You do realize that half our little gang is not from San Diego right?

Sorry, I missed this one. My carving tools, however, did come in handy over the weekend and I thought about ya'll. My bathroom door kept on sticking due to the 10,000 coats of paint. I whipped out my chisels and chiseled off the paint. The door no longer sticks.

I miss you guys!


I was thinking about that. Some of the best Chops haven't been in San Diego, actually - Oceanside, Lemon Grove, etc.

What about SoCal Tiki Carvers, or SoWhat Tiki Choppers, or So-So Tiki Carvers?

Or just Tiki Choppers Internationale?

Hum....names for the group. This is tough, because it started out in SD, it takes place in SD, but as mentioned half the group are not native San Diegians and not just wood carving is involved.

I think the word "artists" should be worked into the name somehow...

Aloha Carvers & Artists (ACA)
Tiki Carvers & Artists (TCA)
Wiki Wiki Carvers & Artists (WWCA)

Friends of the Friendless.....

Damn 12 hour day today with no breaks or lunch....I gotta stop while I'm behind....


I like San Diego Tiki Carvers myself. All but one chop has been in San Diego County, that seems good enough to me.
I like it because it's descriptive and simple and not stuffy. I don't want something that makes it feel like an official group that you need to join, but we need something for a website and for when we go to events.

On 2007-10-18 23:08, mieko wrote:
I like San Diego Tiki Carvers myself. All but one chop has been in San Diego County, that seems good enough to me.
I like it because it's descriptive and simple and not stuffy. I don't want something that makes it feel like an official group that you need to join, but we need something for a website and for when we go to events.

Like I said before........"San Diego Tiki Carvers" simply describes an action that a group of friends engage in and implies no club or joining. We all live in San Diego County(give or take 3-4 of us) and the chops are in San Diego COUNTY, so this makes us pretty much San Diego based.

I had a guy come up to me at the PIFA and ask me if we were the "Chop-chops" and I just about wanted to crawl out of my skin, it sounded so retarded.

I already made the freakin' Myspace page, man.

I haven't been able to make as many as I would have liked, but SoCal covers a lot of ground (my lil' piece o ground included) but you folks started the whole thing, I'll still try no matter what it ends up being named, as long as y'all will have me.


True, true, I forgot that Billy had already done all that work...sorry bro. SDTC. One vote.

Birdman, it's not will we have you, it's will you have all of us?

I'm in with whatever the group choses, I'm easy... but still think the inclusion of the "artists" would be nice, due to the diversity of the artistry involved, but no biggie.

I agree with Billy...I think we refer to the gatherings informally amongst ourselves as "Chop Chops", but it would be kind of embarrassing and lame. I'm gonna try and weed that from my vocabulary.

As soon as I can get my place somewhat presentable -- hopefully, I can invite my fellow carvers from San Diego, the Valley and places beyond over for Group Carving.



On 2007-10-19 01:02, T_birdman wrote:
I haven't been able to make as many as I would have liked, but SoCal covers a lot of ground (my lil' piece o ground included) but you folks started the whole thing, I'll still try no matter what it ends up being named, as long as y'all will have me.

"Socal Tikis" is already taken. While we are all Southern Californians and I adore the "Socal Speed Shop", every time I hear the term "Socal", it reminds me of all of the douchebag, Mike Ness wannabes up in Orange County. I'd rather spell it out than steal someone else's acronym.......and then I wouldn't want to be a part of something named "Southern California" anything, as (although I'm a native) I pretty much hate everything about this place except for the scenery and a few choice people.
No offense, Birdman, it was a great idea if I didn't have such strong reservations about it. Too many mediocre things have cheapened the term.

What happened to ya last week, man? I brought you a log and everything. If you can make the chop on the 18th, I'll have a log for you then, too.

Thanks Babs, and Billy. Believe me, I wanted to show, but with stuff the way it is with the pending writers strike and Christmas looming nearer I've had to opt for more hours at work. If they strike, I'll have plenty of time to chop! But thanks for going the extra few miles for me Billy, I do apprieciate it.

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