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Tikiyaki Orchestra Nov 2 Bali hai cancelled. :-(

Pages: 1 6 replies

tikiyaki posted on 10/22/2007

Hey Folks,

It is with much disappointment and dismay that I have to inform you that, due to scheduling issues, the Tikiyaki Orchestra will not be able to perform at the Nov 2nd Tiki Magazine Bali Hai art show.

No one is more bummed about this than me, but with 8 people invloved in this musical endeavor, some things are just beyond my control.

Naturally, we will keep you informed as to when we will be making our live debut, and myself and others from the group will be attending this awesome event, enjoying the great art, Bali Hai atrmosphere, and the Smokin Menehunes, who will be performing.

Apologies to those of you looking forward to seeing us perform for the first time. :(



little lost tiki posted on 10/22/2007

Major Bummer! :(

Hiphipahula posted on 10/22/2007

F%#@ing major bummer :( now I am sad, It was a reason I was going, hope to see you soon!

bigbrotiki posted on 10/22/2007

Jim, I am sorry to hear that. Keep up the good fight to make it possible, as hard as it must be to get that many musicians together for the mere love of it. What about Sam's in the future, that should be a good venue?

tikiyaki posted on 10/22/2007

Yea, major bummer for me most of all, but it's just a minor setback. You know, "we will serve no wine before it's time", and all that jazz.

Too bad, as I was looking forward to having our likenesses photoshopped into squirrel carcasses and posted here in the near future :)

Oh, well...good things come to those who wait.

I'll keep everyone posted, and thanx for the kind sentiments.

bigtikidude posted on 10/23/2007


Kawentzmann posted on 10/23/2007

On 2007-10-22 15:39, tikiyaki wrote:
…"we will serve no wine before it's time", and all that jazz.…

I can understand that. Sure it will be served eventually! Maybe even in Europe one day?

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