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Spookylau! Oct. 26-Thrillville & Maikai Gents-Napa

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weirduncletiki posted on 10/14/2007

Have some Halloween fun with Thrillville and The Maikai Gents Featuring The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa at The Spookylau! It'll be at COPIA, The American Center for Wine, Food and The Arts in Napa. See carpeted dogs tricked out like giant ravenous rodents in “THE KILLER SHREWS (1959)!” Thrill to the haunting sounds of Napa Valleys own MAIKAI GENTS featuring the Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa! Chill with your TV horror host MR. LOBO and his Amazonian assistant, THE QUEEN OF TRASH! Win prizes for B-movie trivia! Aloha and Happy Halloween!
Enjoy a complimentary Judd's Hill wine tasting from 7:15 - 8:00 pm.
Admission: $7 General / $6 COPIA Member Advance ticket purchase is recommended for this intimate venue and can be procured through the COPIA box office here: http://www.copia.org/content/node/1535
*Bring your ticket or stub for a complimentary tour & tasting at Judd’s Hill the day of the show or on Saturday, October 27 between 10:00am and noon.

-Weird Unc

AquaZombie posted on 10/14/2007

This is my 7th Halloween gig up at Copia, where we're always graciously recieved, and my second Copia gig with the Maikai Gents. It'll be a blast, wwell orth the trip to wine country. I already made up the film program which in addition to SHREWS contains vintage drive-in snack ads, trailers and a scopitone, 'Web of Love" starring Joi Lansing.

KILLER SHREWS contains more hard drinking than any flick I've ever seen or shown - which makes sense, considering the circumstances: a band of neurotics stranded on an island (actually off the coast of Texas, but whatever) surrounded by ravenous dogs wearing shag coats and fake fangs, AKA "giant shrews." Cheers and Aloha.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/15/2007

**And TIKI HUNTER will be there!
Or at least a lesser incarnation of said company....as I will be shooting photos and Copia doesn't have much room for the FULL ON TIKI SALES SITE!

This show is always a BLAST and one that is open to ALL AGES for all you ghoulies with kidies! :P

Can't wait! **:D

[ Edited by: Dr.TikiMojo 2007-10-15 12:25 ]

AquaZombie posted on 10/15/2007

weirduncletiki posted on 10/15/2007

Make it a whole wine country weekend. We're having a wine-laden river cruise the next day followed by an Italian dinner (wine included, of course!). Ukulele strumming, too! Here's the information from the Judd's Hill website (www.juddshill.com). Hope you'll join in on the fun.

Enjoy a riverboat cruise on the Napa River with the Judd's Hill family.
This two-hour sail will be accompanied by our delicious wines as well as tasty morsels to eat.
Upon arriving back in port, join us for a casual family-style Italian dinner in Napa. The scrumptious meal will be paired with Judd's Hill wines.

For reservations and information, please call us at 707-255-2332 and speak to Pat. Special pricing available for Judd's Hill Wine Club members.

Cruise departs at 3:00pm
Dinner at 5:30pm

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/17/2007

Always a TREAT!

This is what last year's looked like!

Will the Gill

The Moan Die Gents

Mr.Lobo and his Amazon Woman

FUN FOR ALL!! :lol:


Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/20/2007

Things that go BUMP in the night!

I'm plannin' on being on the river boat cruise also!
How fun is that food, music, wine, cruise up/down the Napa river! :D

dangergirl299 posted on 10/22/2007

Sounds great!
I'm planning on attending and hoping to "scare" up some folks to go with me.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/23/2007

On 2007-10-15 14:27, weirduncletiki wrote:
Make it a whole wine country weekend. We're having a wine-laden river cruise the next day followed by an Italian dinner (wine included, of course!). Ukulele strumming, too! Here's the information from the Judd's Hill website (www.juddshill.com). Hope you'll join in on the fun.

Enjoy a riverboat cruise on the Napa River with the Judd's Hill family.
This two-hour sail will be accompanied by our delicious wines as well as tasty morsels to eat.
Upon arriving back in port, join us for a casual family-style Italian dinner in Napa. The scrumptious meal will be paired with Judd's Hill wines.

For reservations and information, please call us at 707-255-2332 and speak to Pat. Special pricing available for Judd's Hill Wine Club members.

Cruise departs at 3:00pm
Dinner at 5:30pm

On Sunday I went out to do some "promo" shots for the Cruise...

...they're like the boats straight out of the Disney Jungle Safari Cruise....Looks like incredible fun!

Going to BOTH SPOOKYLUA and the WINE CRUISE sounds like a GREAT WEEKEND to me!!! See ya there!

weirduncletiki posted on 10/24/2007

Yup, it's gonna be fun weekend alrighty! If you'd like to join us for the river cruise, reservations must be made no later than tomorrow, October 24. More info is here: http://www.juddshill.com/juddshill/news/events.jsp
You can call the winery to get the exact pricing. Hope you'll come aboard for adventure!

-Weird Unc

AquaZombie posted on 10/25/2007

Bumpsville, suckers. Hope to see ya tomorrow. Aloha.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/26/2007



dangergirl299 posted on 10/26/2007

I'll be there with some folks - see you all tonight!

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 10/28/2007

What a fun night!

The Mai Kai Gents played there Holloween infused classics....just too short a set!

Will the Thrill and Monica Tiki Goddess hosted the event!

Mr.Lobo was there....in "silver underwear"

We threw a wahine in the pot to boil and ate us some wahine stew!

Then there was....

NO...not those!! :up: :roll: :up:

If only we were drinking as much as they did in this movie!
What to do if there are monsters outside?
Stay inside, drink a lot!!! Works for me!!

This guy should have come on at the beginning of the movie with a Public Service Message, "If you didn't smoke a big, fat reefer before this film please step into the lobby and do so now. Then sit back and enjoy the movie!"

VampiressRN posted on 10/28/2007

Looks like it was lots of fun...hope to make it next year. I love that Jungle Cruise thang...ganna have to do that sometime too. Thanks for the great pics Dave. :D

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