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"Java's Cosmic Halloween Special" launches from YoYo Island! Eeek!

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Son-of-Kelbo posted on 10/16/2007

From Son-of Kelbo & The Demented Menehunes on YoYo Island, an 'extra-tiki-restrial' bit of Hallow's Eve lunacy: "JAVA'S COSMIC HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 2007"!

Yes, it's that spooky season of the year again, and YoYo Island's "Special Guest DJ", Jason Croft -- "Java", of Java's Bachelor Pad -- has another devilishly delightful show in store for all the Kreepy Kats and Kitties out in radio (and podcast) land...! Last year, Java beamed his show "Live from YoYo Island" for the first of our collaborative Halloween presentations, and this year we've got something altogether different in store for you.

Like last year's show, it's a monstrously great mix of ultra-cool Halloween-themed tunes, in Retro-Jazzy-Pop-RatPack style, plus this year's "War Of the Worlds" radio spoof, in vignettes throughout, transporting listeners from Java's "launch" from YoYo Island, to his mayhem-filled encounter at Crumpkin's Pumpkin Patch. It's a pumpkin-picking expedition that leads to nearly-nuclear madness, performed with ghoulish élan by The Demented Menehunes, who bring you a Tricky-little-Treat this Halloween season!

Jason will be broadcasting the show on WEFT Champaign, IL, later this month, and the podcast is now accessible online.

Here are two links; this first one will take you to this year's Halloween-version of Java's Guest Pad on YoYo Island:


(The YoYo Island online entertainment environment may or may not play on some systems -- please note the "viewing guide", especially for Firefox users.)

And, this second is a direct link to the show's MP3 podcast download:


(The show runs 1:21. It's a 78.5 MB podcast, which should download for you in about 11 minutes at DSL speeds.)

So turn down the lights, adjust your seats to "Lounge-Factor-Seven", set your blenders on "stun", and get ready for a fiendishly fun Halloween frolic that'll make you think twice about carving your pumpkins this year...! Oooo.

Cheers, best Aloha, and Happy Halloween '07! to all the TC Ohana,



WooHooWahine posted on 10/25/2007

WooHoo! What a Tiki-rrific Halloween Treat :)

SoccerTiki posted on 10/25/2007

Very fun...Even for us technologically challenged!

VampiressRN posted on 10/26/2007

This looks ever-so intriguing and wicked. Will be back tonight to give it a listen. :)

Ojaitimo posted on 10/26/2007

Hey SOK, now Firefox now works on YO Yo Island with the IE emulator you linked. I'll check it out tonight while drinking a Zombie. Looking good!

javabachelor posted on 10/26/2007

If you want a little something extra with your Cosmic Halloween Special, tune into the LIVE broadcast of the Bachelor Pad Radio Show tonight at 11pm (eastern)/8pm (pacific). I'll be re-broadcasting the Halloween Special PLUS I'll be throwing in a few extra swinging spooky tunes for your listening enjoyment. See you there!

Keep Swinging!

alohacurrent posted on 10/26/2007

Aloha John

A really creative podcast. The pumpkin chants are real gems.

pumpkins, pumpkins, crumpkin's pumpkins, carvin chunkins every Halloween...
Our tricks are mean our treats obscene, we crawl, we haul, we're cruel, we drool, were
ghastly little ghouls..

good stuff

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 10/26/2007

Mahalo, B & M & AlohaCurrent!

Careful though, "The Pumpkin Song" is addictive, or so I'm told...

Thanks also, Timo, for sharing the info that the Cosmic site now works (we're delighted and relieved to say) FLAWLESSLY in Firefox (even better than IE!) -- but ONLY with the "IE Emulator" add-on, available here:

Tiki Treats & Tricky Tiki's to the Ohana, and Happy Halloweeeeeeeen!



Son-of-Kelbo posted on 10/26/2007

PS -- This just washed ashore on YoYo, from "The Beach Bum":

  • QUOTE -

"Aloha JC,

Enjoyed the podcast -- vintage radio hijinks mixed with some fine tunes. Good music to mix Zombies by!




(Glad I bought his books for more reasons than one! )

Cheers JB (in case you're lurking in...), and Mahalo nui nui!


VampiressRN posted on 10/28/2007

Fabulous podcast...really enjoying it...SPOOKTACULAR!!!

Eeerie, exotic, dark, mysterious....will be providing entertainment with this for years to come. :)

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 10/29/2007

Mahalo, VRN, for that frighteningly favorable nod! Glad you had groovy time, and thanks to all our good fiends for their PM's and emails...

We've still got a bagful of swag to spill, so for those discerning overgrown Trick-or-Treaters, allow us to share some free Halloween poster fun (they're not very "tiki", I'm afraid, but hey, Halloween comes but onces a year. Heh, heh...):

For those who can't resist that dark carnival that blew in just outside town (and who know that life is indeed "a circus"):
http://www.cosmicassociates.com/cp_co_poster-drlao1120.htm (228k)

For anyone who's "gone to Green Town" in their minds (that means you, Bradbury fans):
http://www.cosmicassociates.com/cp_co_poster-swtwc1120.htm (329k)

and, from "Crumpkin's Pumpkins" own poisonous little patch:
http://www.cosmicassociates.com/cp_co_poster-crumpkins1120.htm (395k)

(jpeg posters will scale to 11x17, and make very nice haunted house litter...)

The Demented Menehunes are working on some special "Tiki-riffic" Halloween eyewash for next year's 2008 pillowcase, but for now, we hope some of you may enjoy these Cosmic Treats, and if you haven't listened in yet to Java's monstrously enjoyable podcast, there's still plenty of time to "dig" it with a nice, cool zombie or two...

Carpe Noctum, Kreepy Kanes & Witchy Wahines!

and, speaking of haunted houses, Home Haunters, get this years "NHHA Awards" here:


Vonratnick posted on 10/30/2007


Thanks for the heads up. We don't do halloween down under, but I'll get on this one. Java's is the highlight of my listening week.


Son-of-Kelbo posted on 10/30/2007

No worries, Vonratnik!

Mayhaps you will be the vector by witch our Hallow's Eve hijinks will reach those who'll "dig" the show, Down Under...!

It's Spring for you, yes? So have a late Winter's dance with the Goblins and Ghoulies, and send 'em to their rest with a righteous shout-out, eh?

Tear a tinney for those of us in the States, mate!

Fabloha nui, an' Happy Halloweeeeeeeen!


Vonratnick posted on 10/30/2007


I was fortunate enough to spend halloween in the States a few years ago. I had forgotten how much fun it was...

Great listening, and I'm glad those pumpkins weren't too rough on Java!

Thanks again for the link. I'll have a Bundy for you by the barbie tonight!

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 10/31/2007

Fair Dinkum, VonR!

Toss a couple'a budgies on the barbie for me! An' treat your sheila a monster trick or two...


VampiressRN posted on 11/01/2007

HAPPY HALLOWEEN SOK...and thanks again for the great PodCast. :)

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 11/01/2007

Thanks again, VRN! Delighted to hear you had fun, and hope it was the kind of lively entertainment you enjoyed sinking your teeth into...

And, as 'The Day After’s' rising rays streak across the ribald remains of our graveyard bash, we want to howl out a very special thanks to Jason “Java” Croft, “Bachelor Royale”, for his generosity and professionalism, his hospitable inclusion of “The Cosmic Players” (aka The Demented Menehunes) in his special “Halloween Special” this year, and his exquisitely chosen and highly entertaining playlist. We think it all stitched together to make a frighteningly fun show, and a horribly good time for everybody who listened in!

We’re proud of our featured link at “Java’s Bachelor Pad's Tiki Lounge”, and very pleased to include Java’s “Guest Pad” as a groovy feature for our visitors at YoYo Island.

Mahalo to all the TCers who shared the mischief (and the links), and best wishes for a Tiki-riffic Thanksgiving '07!

Cheers and Aloha nui,


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