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Mai-Kai Special recipe

Pages: 1 8 replies

uncle trav posted on 11/18/2007

My wife had a few of these the last time we were at the Mai-Kai. Does anyone know the recipe? Thanks

Chip and Andy posted on 11/18/2007

I wish I could help, but unfortunately the Mai-Kai Special is a Page One drink. Being the lush that I am I rarely go below the Page Three drinks.

We are going to the Mai-Kai this week so maybe I'll start with this one and see what I can come up with.....

Drats! An excuse to go the the Mai-Kai! Damn you and your cocktail questions........ :wink:

uncle trav posted on 11/18/2007

Thanks guys. I'd go myself but I have to rake leaves before the snow blows here in the Great White North. I'd much rather have this in my hand instead of a rake. Thanks again

pablus posted on 11/19/2007

"It's like a banana in your mouth."

Kern Mattei

That should start you on the journey right away.
I'm thinking Creme de Banana, Rum, a little pineapple juice and/or apple juice, squeeze of lime, grenadine - It's kind of thick which makes me think maybe a banana syrup or maybe juice.

Chip and Andy posted on 11/26/2007

First, I have to confess that this drink was the fourth of the night so no guarantees.....

A couple of these with six people to guess at the ingredients and this is what we came up with:

Pineapple Juice
Guava Juice
Orange Juice
A medium bodied rum (I think Flor-de-Cana gold)
Some grenadine for color

And then the ingredients under debate:

I got hints of Coconut like maybe a splash of Cruzan Coconut Rum

Someone else got banana, like maybe the juice was a blend that included banana

Someone else suggested banana liquer like a splash of 99 Banana

I suggested that maybe the grenadine was really the Mai-Kai Secret Red Sauce which would include some Passion Fruit (there was a bit of tart that wouldn't come from the guava alone)

This week I will venture to the market and then behind the bar and see if I can get some measurements for you. In the meantime, start with what we have and what we think we have. combine whith what you have and see if you can get it. If nothing else, we can come up with a new drink and call it the Tiki Central Special.

uncle trav posted on 11/27/2007

WOW!! Thanks guys. Nothing like deconstructing a classic cocktail at a classic Tiki bar. I'll take the recipe down to my lab/basement lounge and play around with it. Thanks again.

Chip and Andy posted on 12/27/2007

How ya doin on this one?

We are headed to the Mai-Kai this Sunday, should I keep working on this one for you?

tikiyaki posted on 06/15/2011

SO, has anyone figured this recipe out yet ? I had one this weekend and it was amazing...my new favorite drink....yea, I like lite drinks,

Anyone...anyone....beuller...anone ?

Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/06/2011

In our ongoing quest to review 52 Mai-Kai cocktails in 52 weeks, we've just posted our Mai-Kai Special rating:

We've also taken all the great input from this thread and created this Mai-Kai Special tribute recipe:

  • 1/2 ounce light Puerto Rican or Virgin Islands rum
  • 1/2 ounce gold Puerto Rican or Virgin Islands rum
  • 1/2 ounce banana liquor
  • 1 ounce guava juice
  • 3/4 ounce pineapple juice
  • 1/2 ounce pomegranate grenadine
  • 1/4 ounce passion fruit syrup
  • 1/4 ounce Coco Lopez cream of coconut
  • 3/4 cup (6 ounces) crushed ice

Blend at high speed in a top-down mixer for up to 15 seconds, or until frothy. Pour into a frozen specialty glass.

Check out our ratings in The Okole Maluna Society and follow our progress as we tackle the rest of the Mai-Kai menu through next June:

We'll also be posting updates on Facebook, so "like" our page for the latest updates:

Okole maluna!

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