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Tiki Oasis III Aftermath & Pics!

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MakeDaMug posted on 05/16/2003

It's all a blur.

tikivixen posted on 05/16/2003

Sounds like the best weekend I ever missed!!! I don't know if looking at the pictures makes it better or worse...

Remembering what a wonderful time I had last year--and some of us didn't even know each other as well then, did we?--makes me even sorrier I couldn't go.

I AM, however, infinitely glad I made it down on Thursday evening to meet up with dear Humuhumu and HulaHula, PolyPop, Traderpup, Al 'n Shelly (thanks Al for the tour!), Spike, Shirley, and Martin and Rebecca at Bong's incredible house. I was SO happy to be there and see you guys!! Bong, your house is heaven and--sheesh, you're such a nice guy and a cool host. I'm terribly disillusioned, I'll have you know!

We were treated to a small but splendid set by the Smokin' Menehunes, who brought a tear to my eye with their rendition of "Sleepwalk" for Al and Shelly. Great sound, guys. I'll listen to you anytime.

Unfortunately, Sam's was closed as you've probably heard--but, that leaves something for next time! And Harpoon Harry's was lively. I loved it when the bartender brazenly assured me he makes a better mai tai than Sam's...I think even lessons from Crazy Al might not help that guy.

Of course we had to go to TikiTi, one of my favorite places on the face of the earth. Cantor's food afterward brought me back to earth a bit, but still, my memories of the Ti are a happy blur.

Hula, thank heavens you were there to drive us. Thanks SO much!!!

I'm glad y'all had such a blast at the Oasis, and I hope to see at least some of you at the Hukilau--I'm saving up!

till then if not before,


p.s. Michelle, you're a sweetheart. I will make it to Seattle soon!

p.p.s. I'm dyin' to see those snapshots of the police bust in 135...

p.p.p.s. What was Martha Stewart doing at the Caliente hitting men with deflated beach balls??? Boy, she really has wigged out.

PolynesianPop posted on 05/16/2003

Al, the rum you slept in was actually spilled by SCD. I handed him the new House of Tiki mug filled with Lapu Lapu. As he examined it, he spun it around and tipped it over to see if it was marked underneath and that's when he spilled the drink on the bed. Of course, he didn't even know he was spilling anything and so, looked at that damn Tiki Farm logo for what seemed like 30 seconds!

I actually witnessed this happen no less than 4 times as the mug was passed around!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 05/16/2003

PolynesianPop wrote:
Al, the rum you slept in was actually spilled by SCD...

I bet the teachers in grade school counted on you for info when they wanted to know who was shooting spitwads in class. :lol:

Ok, ok, so in no particular order: Me, SuicideSam and Stentiki, amongst others I won't name, were the exposed "spillers".

I think next year I'll bring some tarps for the beds. Rubber sheets anyone? hmmmm.....

Alnshely posted on 05/16/2003

(As I touch my Heart with my fist) The spilled rum is for my homies.

midnite posted on 05/16/2003

*Rubber sheets anyone? *

I got what ya need, no problemo. I always keep a few in the trunk of my car, just in case. Now I know I have a purpose for attending Oasis IV.

Rubber sheets and fighting old folks. My kind of party. A ritual sacrifice or two and I hit my personal tri-fecta.


johnnievelour posted on 05/16/2003

I do believe I saw Dr. Z have some spillage while standing up on the bed to get a better shot of the events.

--Johnnie the Rat

stentiki posted on 05/16/2003

Ok, ok, so in no particular order: Me, SuicideSam and Stentiki, amongst others I won't name, were the exposed "spillers".

I think next year I'll bring some tarps for the beds. Rubber sheets anyone? hmmmm.....

Hey, I totally forgot about that! Someone handed me the mug and I immediately turned it over and christened the bed with rum. I heard someone say, "he did the same thing Suicide Sam did!"

It reminded me that episode on Get Smart where Max is holding a glass of water and someone asks him for the time. He tilts wrist to look at his watch and spills water everywhere!

Sorry Al!

suicide_sam posted on 05/16/2003

Next year I suggest we carpet 135 with sponge and put plastic over everything else so that it all slips right off and collects in the sponge. the only disadvantage I can think of is the squishing sound each step will produce once the sponge carpet is heavily soaked.

Frenchy Polynesia posted on 05/16/2003

Or, alternately - have tikifarm produce a new volcano bowl in honor of Oasis 4 that seats 30 people, and skip 135 altogether! :wink:

floratina posted on 05/16/2003

SKIP 135?? GASP. Perhaps we could put that volcano bowl in there, though.

Humuhumu posted on 05/17/2003

Just got home from my road trip... what a blast! It'll take me some time to get all the pics off my camera, but I'll try to get the Oasis ones posted this weekend. I'm impressed with the restraint being shown by some of you who I know have some rather... interesting pictures of me making new, uh, friends in room 211. I would, however, love to have copies for my personal archive of my road trip, if you wouldn't mind emailing them to me.

It was great meeting so many new people, and it's neat to see some new folks coming out of the woodwork (Nolahini, where are you?). Those pics of the beachball fight are really funny, and who'da thunk there would be a goofier picture of hulahula than the one on the TC stickers? I think I saw a picture of the Simian Smackdown in one of the posted sets, which I was bummed to miss, but it kinda just looked like a giant hairball. Tikibob, I've got more lobster pics on my camera for you, not sure yet how they turned out.

Very cool of Casey from Caliente to pop in here to talk about their bartending situation. What a stressful thing it must have been for them! Perhaps next year there could be an official kick-off event on Friday afternoon where some of our resident mixmasters show all of us some of the tricks of the trade and walk us through some of the basic drinks. That way, we can all learn something along with the bartending crew. (I volunteer to drink the mistakes!)

The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2003-05-16 20:57 ]

floratina posted on 05/17/2003

The weekend was too short. It is really a day and a half long since people start arriving on Friday afternoon and it basically ends on Saturday night. Sunday doesn't really count because the place is mostly cleared out by noon.

I propose that next year we could start on Thursday. That would be the settling-in day. Then we would wake up on Friday at our beloved Caliente and the official entertainment and planned festivities would commence as they did this year. We'd get 2 1/2 days out of it.

RevBambooBen posted on 05/17/2003

I heard through the grapevine.......that there might be an "un-organized gathering" at CT mid summer in the "off season" for those of you that can stand the heat! But, I heard, it would be cheap! (rates that is!)Un-Organization seems to produce many fun times! (if you's get what I's mean's!)See you's there!

Futura Girl posted on 05/17/2003

yah - did anyone else get one of those freebie passes from caliente??? i think they have to be used before the end of summer?

Tiki Rider posted on 05/17/2003

I got a coupon too...I think everyone got one...it expires Sept 18,2003...one free nite when reserving the 1st nite at their seasonal rate.

Tiki Diablo posted on 05/17/2003

Let's plan to not plan this event, but we're there.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 05/17/2003

We got one too! Yes, it is September 18th for the expiration, advance reservations required, and 1 night free when paying the first night at the seasonal rate! I wonder if Casey can arrange something a little better than the seasonal rate if we get a nice little group together?

Um, ok, personal plug here....

My birthday, Al (Alnshely), Tiki-bot, and PolynesianPop's birthday is in September. Anyone else a September baby?

Hmmm...September Combo-Birthday Bash?

Humuhumu posted on 05/17/2003

I'm September! January is a cold, cold month.

I'm on picture 4 out of 488 from my trip. It may be awhile before my Oasis pics get put up, after all.

DawnTiki posted on 05/17/2003

September here too. :D

floratina posted on 05/17/2003

September 4th!!

purple jade posted on 05/17/2003


tikifille posted on 05/18/2003

September 1st. (Is this starting to sound like the ad for "Identity" or what?)

hula hula posted on 05/18/2003

who'da thunk there would be a goofier picture of hulahula than the one on the TC stickers?
whoa, love you too :wink:Hope your reffering to the head shot,I think that was my personal best.

damn girl 488 pics, you'll be on the computer awhile. Glad to here your made it home safe.


Shipwreckjoey posted on 05/18/2003

September 21st

RevBambooBen posted on 05/18/2003

I wasn't talking about those vouchers. They must be trying to get some of you out there while the rest of us are there at a different time for the V.I.P. party. Bummer! Well, have fun anyway.

TIKI-RAY posted on 05/19/2003

Just wanted to say thanks for all their help at Tiki Oasis 3 . Especially to Holden ,Crazy Al , Judy and a guy I talked to for 15 minutes before I found out he was the infamous Otto .It was my first event as a vendor and I was amazed at the positive respose I received from all . They all commented on the quality of my tiki's and how to get one . I even had a couple who wanted me to come to San Francisco to carve something in their backyard . And they werent even drunk ! Anyway , thanks to all and see you next year ! TIKI-RAY

Tiki-bot posted on 05/23/2003

I finally put a page together of for our families to see just what kind of debauchery we were part of at the Oasis. It's kinda wedding-centric, but lots of other cool shots there, too. There's 2 uncredited shots that I didn't take, but liked 'em so i posted them. If anyone knows who's they are so I can give them credit, I'd appreciate it.

It's about 80 pics and around 4 megs, so dial-uppers beware.


Captain Ambience posted on 06/05/2003

wow Tikibot, that was seriously cool!

paranoid123 posted on 06/06/2003

Tikibot, that was a great picture gallery. I noticed some Simpsons references?

stuckieshaft posted on 07/31/2003

Ok Ok so I'm a little late, better late then never though right? Here's a link below to a few pics we took. We all had a lot of fun and hope to see everyone again next year.

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