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Tikiyaki Orchestra on Hawaiian Airlines in-flight radio.

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tikiyaki posted on 12/06/2007

I received a bit of good news via email this morning. Seems that Fluid Floyd from Honolulu's own keeper of the Exotica torch, DON TIKI is programming an Exotica Radio program for a Hawaiian Airlines in flight music channel called "the Exotica Sky Lounge Show" and has added the song "Crossing Kilauea" from the Tikiyaki Orchestra "StereoExotique" CD.

The show will be airing on ALL flights in February and March. Needless to say I'm really excited about this, as people going to their vacation in paradise will be able to hear the Tikiyaki Orchestra on their way to and from paradise.

Guess I need to book a flight to Hawaii now :P

bigtikidude posted on 12/06/2007

Congrats Man, thats way cool,


pappythesailor posted on 12/06/2007

Ditto. You earned it. That's a really great track.

Vonratnick posted on 12/06/2007

One of my faves, great track. They should do more of your stuff.

Kawentzmann posted on 12/07/2007

Man, congratulations! Now I’m jealous!

Jeff Central posted on 12/07/2007

On 2007-12-05 17:42, tikiyaki wrote:
I received a bit of good news via email this morning. Seems that Fluid Floyd from Honolulu's own keeper of the Exotica torch, DON TIKI is programming an Exotica Radio program for a Hawaiian Airlines in flight music channel called "the Exotica Sky Lounge Show" and has added the song "Crossing Kilauea" from the Tikiyaki Orchestra "StereoExotique" CD.

The show will be airing on ALL flights in February and March. Needless to say I'm really excited about this, as people going to their vacation in paradise will be able to hear the Tikiyaki Orchestra on their way to and from paradise.

Guess I need to book a flight to Hawaii now :P

That is VERY cool.

I'll never forget my first trip to the Islands to see the Don Tiki show in Honolulu. On my Hawaiian Airlines flight to the Islands the stewards and stewardess's were dressed in Polynesian garb while Don Tiki played over the speakers. They even served Trader Vic's Mai Tai's!!! :)

Congrats for getting on the playlist and a BIG thanks to Fluid Floyd for putting together an Exotica radio show!!!!!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

Mr. Ho posted on 12/07/2007


Congratuamtuations to the TY Orch! Also to Professor Humming Flower's who's original title track from Rendezvous in Okonkuluku is also going to be heard in the in-flight radio selections :wink: So far, we haven't been able to get the airline to pick up the Okonkulukukooler drink as a bevvy but we hope to at some point.

mr ho

TikiLaLe posted on 12/07/2007

Good going 'Ho' !!!

pablus posted on 12/08/2007

You guys make me sick.

In a puking with envy kind of way.


tikiyaki posted on 12/08/2007

LOL Pablus...this one completely fell in my lap. Fluid Floyd hooked me up, and yea, Waitiki is on there,as well as the classic stuff. I saw the playlist, and The Tikiyaki Orchestra track is followed by one of my favorite Martin Denny tracks "The Enchanted Sea". Now THAT'S a nice segue :)

Maybe, with Waikiki trying to revitalize it's Hawaiian roots, we may see a resurgence in Exotica Music, even if it's for the sake of nostalgia. Too bad they tore down all the cool Tiki landmarks, tho a few still remain. Maybe we can all get gigs at the Hilton Hawaiian village someday :)

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2007-12-07 19:10 ]

alohacurrent posted on 12/08/2007

way to go Jim. Keep on keepin on baby.

pablus posted on 12/08/2007

Now there's a dream to hang my makau on.

There's not a day that goes by that I don't envision myself at the Mauna Kea resort in that big downstairs area playing a tenor koa ukulele to a scattered few while the surf washes ashore just a few yards behi....

...gotta go pack.

suzanne posted on 12/08/2007

Wow. This is fantastic, and very exciting! Congrats to all of you!


Chongolio posted on 12/08/2007

RAD! Your tunes so deserve the exposure Jim. That is almost like getting "The Great Gig In The Sky"


On 2007-12-08 11:27, Chongolio wrote:
RAD! Your tunes so deserve the exposure Jim. That is almost like getting "The Great Gig In The Sky"

Yeah, except you don't have to die first. I'd much prefer being on Hawaiian for the time being! Jim, how do you know Lloyd?

VampiressRN posted on 01/18/2008

Very kewl indeed. Listening to the in-plane radio station on Hawaiian airlines is what lead me to this board. On my last trip to Kauai, a couple of years ago I found out the music I loved was the "Exotica" genre and it has been uphill ever since then. Just think...your music might influence a whole new group of wanna-be tiki fans trying to find their way to Exotica. Way to go!!!

tikiyaki posted on 01/18/2008

On 2008-01-17 17:42, professahhummingflowah wrote:

On 2007-12-08 11:27, Chongolio wrote:
RAD! Your tunes so deserve the exposure Jim. That is almost like getting "The Great Gig In The Sky"

Yeah, except you don't have to die first. I'd much prefer being on Hawaiian for the time being! Jim, how do you know Lloyd?

Funny thing is...I don't...he just emailed me on MySpace and told me he was including it in his program. It was a very pleasant surprise.

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Hiphipahula posted on 01/18/2008

How did I miss this post, that is so great! yay

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koopkooper posted on 01/18/2008

Great stuff !!! Get that cool music out there baby!!

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