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Forbidden Island New Year's Eve 2007!

Pages: 1 34 replies

martiki posted on 11/29/2007


It’s that magical time of year again!

Forbidden Island is pleased to invite you to our Second Annual New Year’s Eve Celebration!

Just like last year, this event will be an exclusive private party for just 50 people- leaving plenty of room to celebrate, relax, and ring in the New Year in style!

Plus, we are pleased to announce that this year dinner will be catered by Alameda’s own Barceluna Restaurant! Chef John will be preparing a custom menu for the occasion featuring fine contemporary island cuisine that will amaze and delight!

Each admission includes:

-Three of our famous signature exotic cocktails!
-Gourmet dinner from Barceluna Restaurant!
-The phenomenal sounds of DJ Jab!
-Champagne Toast @ Midnight!
-Party favors & more!

Tickets are just $85 for an incredible night of entertainment and dining.

Tickets are only available IN PERSON at Forbidden Island and go on sale TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4th at 5:00pm. Limit of four tickets per person. Hurry in: Last year sold out in two days! And remember there are only 50 spots available!

Don’t miss the best party in Alameda!!


Forbidden Island
1304 Lincoln Ave
Alameda, CA 94501

midnite posted on 11/30/2007

*Champagne Toast @ Midnight! *

Not liking the sound of that.

I need my phone number, quick!

Coco Loco posted on 11/30/2007

So we get to throw champagne and toast at Midnite Tiki? !!! Hmmmm.....if we get to throw toast and champagne at Midnite Tiki, will there be other beverage and toast option available for this particular event?

Oh, wait, maybe Midnite Tiki meant Midnight was of concern. Something about turning into a pumpkin at the stroke of 12 am? If so, we (or someone) will personally deliver you to your carriage (AKA BART) which stops running at 2am! :)

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2007-11-30 18:11 ]

Buster posted on 12/01/2007

Or maybe it was hanging him over a low flame until golden brown that caused him concern.

martiki posted on 12/05/2007


Thank you all!

And my apologies to those who didn't make it in time- could not believe the turnout.


gmporter posted on 12/05/2007

And I felt silly waiting outside at 4:15... Can't wait to see y'all there!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 12/05/2007

Grrrr. Showed up at 6:30 and was just S.O.L. Anyone who has 2 extra tickets they don't need please pm me. Thanks a lot!

Mai Tai posted on 12/14/2007

For the people coming in from out of town and spending the night in Alameda, I was wondering where you folks are planning on staying for that night? The reason I ask is, if enough people stay at the same location, then we could easily plan some after party shenannigans.

Last year, Conga Mike and Denise rented the "Honeymoon Suite" at the Days Inn on Webster St. The place is a little dicey at best, but we had a lot of fun, plus the honeymoon suite came equiped with a wet bar! I can't whole-heartedly recommend the Days Inn, but there are a couple of other nicer places to spend the night, including the Coral Reef, and the Marina Village Inn. From what I've seen and heard from others, these are fairly nice places to stay (but they're not the Ritz Carlton).

The Marina Village Inn is at the Northern part of the Island, not too far from Forbidden Island, the rooms are nice and clean standard sized motel rooms, and some of the rooms actually overlook the marina and the bay. The Coral Reef is on the southern part of the island, on Park St. at Southshore Beach, across the street from Southshore Shopping Center, and the Sushi House, and next door to a bowling alley. The rooms are a little older, but they are larger suite types (around 500 to 600 sq ft) with a full kitchen. I'm thinking that maybe the Coral Reef would be a little more conducive to an after party because of the full kitchen?

Anyways, those are my suggestions. Anyone else have any other accomodation recommendations? El Jabbo?

So where is everyone going to stay? Shall we start organizing a NYE after party?

bigtikidude posted on 12/14/2007

Bill, you booze hound, what the drinks at FI aren't enough?????
damn im just jealous and raazin ya.
party on my good man.
wish I was there.


midnite posted on 12/14/2007

Anyone else have any other accomodation recommendations? El Jabbo?

El Jabbo's sounds great; Dean's place is so cool. We can tell ghost stories, I'll make some waffles. He's got room for about, let's see, twelve? That should do it. It is the holiday season and all. Travelers in the night, no room at the inn, good tidings...and on Earth peace, and goodwill toward men. Ya know, WWJD?

Praise the Lord, after party? My liver just booked an after hangover. I'm about eight months in arrears to Betty Ford and that's the good news. The bad news? I just got a new sponsor:

Whichever of the twelve I am stuck on, this is probably a step backward.

le midnite

Mai Tai posted on 12/14/2007

For those staying for after party shenannigans, if you just stay a little longer the next day, then you can participate in my intervention as well.

VampiressRN posted on 12/15/2007

webcamwebcamwebcam :)

Coco Loco posted on 12/16/2007

While this event is open to TC and everyone else who can get one of the 50 tickets, it isn't a TC event. Therefore, webcam isn't an option.

On 2007-12-14 20:22, VampiressRN wrote:
webcamwebcamwebcam :)

VampiressRN posted on 12/16/2007

Oh well...just thought I would ask. I missed getting tickets...took too long to think about it. Have fun all you Holiday Hodads!!! :)

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 12/18/2007

I'm still hoping two of those 50 tickets wash up on my doorstep. Anyone?

Tikitastic posted on 12/19/2007

I now have a room booked at the Coral Reef Inn for the NYE shenanigans after we are done at Forbidden Island. Anybody else staying at the Coral Reef Inn? Anyone have a suite? I'll bring some rum for the after party.

suzanne posted on 12/19/2007

FI would be pretty high on my list for NYE! I'll likely be freezing my fingers off!


gmporter posted on 12/31/2007

Hello everyone,

My partner and I will be at the FI New Year's Eve celebration, and were wondering if anyone would like to share a cab afterwards? We're heading to the Lake Merritt area of Oakland.

Safe celebrating!

Blazenhoff posted on 12/31/2007

Something I saw in the Alameda Journal:

Alamedans can take advantage of a free ride home between 8 p.m., New Year's Eve, through 4 a.m. New Year's Day. To request a free ride, call Yellow Cab of Alameda or Veterans Cab at 800-281-4488 and say Berg Injury Lawyers is paying for the safe ride home. Cab rides are being offered for people to go home, not for transportation to other New Year's Eve parties. The service is also being offered to residents living in Oakland and Berkeley.

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 12/31/2007

Thanks for the info Blazenhoff. I also found this in case you drove your car somewhere and want to get home safely.

"And, if you brought your car but drank anyway, AAA of Northern California will take you and your car home for free.

The "Tipsy Tow" program, open to AAA members and nonmembers alike, will offer a one-way ride and tow -- no more than five miles - - to the driver's home from 6 p.m. Sunday to 6 a.m. Monday throughout Northern California, Nevada and Utah. Call 1-800-AAA- HELP (1-800-222-4357) and tell the AAA operator you need a Tipsy Tow; a truck will be dispatched to get you."

Can't wait for some serious imbibing tonight at FI. Yippeee!

princessP posted on 12/31/2007

fancy attire !!

If I wear jeans that's fancy enough for me. I wear shorts every day. haha The joys of being self-employeed.

Ojaitimo posted on 01/01/2008

Happy new year Forbidden Island, Haole it was great meeting you in person at Tiki Ti. I hope you all have a moment of silence for Andy who loves Tiki, Fiona and the Scottish Clown Doctor's later tonight. Martin, Mike Sr at Tiki Ti said your rum collection is not to be missed snd I look forward to seeing your place. Happy New Year to you all at Forbidden Island.

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-12-31 22:55 ]

Mai Tai posted on 01/01/2008

On 2007-12-31 22:53, Ojaitimo wrote:
I hope you all have a moment of silence for Andy who loves Tiki, Fiona and the Scottish Clown Doctor's later tonight.

Uh, the whole Andy Landry thing was soooooo 2006! That was a while ago. MakeDaMug was still posting as Smogbreather, and other folks like rodeotiki, badmojo, and Tangaroa were still posting on TC.

Happy New Years, anyways!

"It's Mai Tai. It's out of this world." - Victor Jules Bergeron Jr.

[ Edited by: Mai Tai 2008-01-01 05:05 ]

Ojaitimo posted on 01/01/2008

On 2007-12-13 23:53, midnite_tiki wrote:

Praise the Lord, after party? My liver just booked an after hangover. I'm about eight months in arrears to Betty Ford and that's the good news. The bad news? I just got a new sponsor:

Whichever of the twelve I am stuck on, this is probably a step backward.

le midnite
(End Quote)
Scottish Clown Doctor's so 2006?
Let's say you meet Andy or Fiona like Haole got to at Forbidden Island that night. (Fiona not Andy)

"Mat Tai, would you be my counselor?" I suppose you'll say something like "Sorry kid, that's so 2006 ville". Where is your heart?

So here is a way you could make a difference.
Wildsville man is a new active member here on TC that is accused of being a troll.
He is a self described Drinking Coach and Barcardi front man judging from his recipes, Barcardi this, Bacardi that.
I asked him to please refer to Barcardi as B rum here on TC.
He really needs a sponsor before he pisses off more people and I thought of you.
We can all do a final group intervention like that A&E show at Bali Hijinks in Palm Springs this spring.
Or not.

On 2007-12-28 10:16, Wildsville man wrote:
I hope you like ANDY!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep it real,keep it simple,Keep it real simple!!!!!!!!!!DIG?

On 2007-12-31 11:51, Unga Bunga wrote:
Sorry Wildman,
The jig is up.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga 2007-12-31 19:52 ]

On 2007-12-27 17:26, BastardoSaffrin wrote:
Please, someone stop this. Please.

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2008-01-01 10:55 ]

Coco Loco posted on 01/01/2008

Huh?! Whatever dude.

Okay, onto a more sane topic. Had a WONDERFUL time at FI last night! Jab's music got us dancing...company was great. An amazingly fully wonderful evening overall. We closed down La Pinata at 3:30 am...dropped TikiTastic off at the Coral Reef and drove his van home.

Rolled ourselves groggily out of bed at 11:00 this morning...picked TikiTastic up and subsequently went to Oles! Now we're enjoying doing as little as possible today. :)

Most excellent start to the new year! Happy New Years!

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2008-01-01 15:21 ]

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 01/01/2008

A booze soaked night spent with good folks at the best damn bar around.

Looking forward to next year's bash!

[ Edited by: tiki kaimuki 2008-01-10 10:31 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 01/02/2008

On 2008-01-01 15:16, TIKI KAIMUKI wrote:

:music: Oh, the girls all get prettier at closing time... :music:

danlovestikis posted on 01/02/2008

Dang it, missed a cool pary by sitting home with mom and dad watching CNN.

Mai Tai posted on 01/07/2008

Okay peeps, who else has photos? I took a bunch with a new camera, but I haven't downloaded the software to hook it up to my pc. I should have some pics up in a day or so, and I've got a few doozies!

tikicleen posted on 01/07/2008

i only seem to have this montage of the polyester clip-on tie that made the rounds.

the lesson i learned is that i really shouldnt be allowed to take pictures while drinking.

midnite posted on 01/07/2008
  • tikicleen wrote:

i only seem to have this montage of the polyester clip-on tie that made the rounds.

That fine tie brought untold sophistication and sartorial splendor to the evening. Just look at the touch of class it adds to that motley bunch of assorted rummies, barkeeps, and hipsters. That bow tie has seen the world, been worn among kings and potentates, it even brushed the rosy cheek of a Gabor cousin.

the lesson i learned is that i really shouldn't be allowed to take pictures while drinking.

Really? I learned a lot that night, too. One, don't drink from the chocolate river! Second, too much cinnamon is a bad thing. Third, everyone gets one free touch of the pants, after that, they pay to play.

I've got a golden ticket!

Wildsville man posted on 01/07/2008

On 2008-01-01 10:47, Ojaitimo wrote:

On 2007-12-13 23:53, midnite_tiki wrote:

Praise the Lord, after party? My liver just booked an after hangover. I'm about eight months in arrears to Betty Ford and that's the good news. The bad news? I just got a new sponsor:

Whichever of the twelve I am stuck on, this is probably a step backward.


Let's do it!!!!!!!!!!! Betty Ford is so boring, an intervention will spice things up alittle around here.
Let me know when your coming to the Springs and I will be free to roll with ya all.

Great pictures from the party!!! I want to party with you folk's

Keep that elbow at a 45, and keep yourself alive,DIG?

le midnite
(End Quote)
Scottish Clown Doctor's so 2006?
Let's say you meet Andy or Fiona like Haole got to at Forbidden Island that night. (Fiona not Andy)

"Mat Tai, would you be my counselor?" I suppose you'll say something like "Sorry kid, that's so 2006 ville". Where is your heart?

So here is a way you could make a difference.
Wildsville man is a new active member here on TC that is accused of being a troll.
He is a self described Drinking Coach and Barcardi front man judging from his recipes, Barcardi this, Bacardi that.
I asked him to please refer to Barcardi as B rum here on TC.
He really needs a sponsor before he pisses off more people and I thought of you.
We can all do a final group intervention like that A&E show at Bali Hijinks in Palm Springs this spring.
Or not.

On 2007-12-28 10:16, Wildsville man wrote:
I hope you like ANDY!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep it real,keep it simple,Keep it real simple!!!!!!!!!!DIG?

On 2007-12-31 11:51, Unga Bunga wrote:
Sorry Wildman,
The jig is up.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga 2007-12-31 19:52 ]

On 2007-12-27 17:26, BastardoSaffrin wrote:
Please, someone stop this. Please.

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2008-01-01 10:55 ]

Ojaitimo posted on 01/08/2008

What I'd really like to know is, where did you guys get the cool fez's?

Wildsville man posted on 01/08/2008

EBay is the way!!!!!!!!!DIG?

But the Voodoo stick of Truth can only be given to you by the Coonta Clan of the Islands, and only by the High Priest ChiCaaCaa !!!!!!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 01/08/2008

Does anyone have any more pics from the actual event? The other nonsense needs to go to another forum.

Pages: 1 34 replies