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Tiki Porno Theatre, Los Angeles, CA (other)

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Name:Tiki Porno Theatre
Street:Santa Monica Blvd. near Western
City:Los Angeles

I have been been a fan of all things tiki for many years, but I have never come across a Tiki-themed porno theatre! As you can see in the pic, it has a tiki and eyes in the I's of the word Tiki. I did not go inside the joint, but I would guess there are no vestiges of tikidom inside. If anyone is adventurous enough, it costs $12 to get, according to the sign outside.

I thought I had seen it all, until this...

[ Edited by: jawbox 2007-12-17 14:07 ]


OK, thanks for the suggestion, pal. I ran a search and didn't come up with anything before I posted. So sorry to waste your time.


Apology accepted.


On 2007-12-17 14:06, jawbox wrote:

I did not go inside the joint, but I would guess there are no vestiges of tikidom inside. If anyone is adventurous enough, it costs $12 to get, according to the sign outside.

oh thats just the price of a couplea mai tais elsewhere.. go in and write up a proper trip report!! you know you want to. what if, its a tiki mecca inside, eh? you'd be a hero urban archeologist!

oh and post pictures. thanks.


Yeah pictures! Cool pic of the exterior BTW. Whats this about no drinks being served? Unga Bunga wrote they had Chi Chi's there.

I'm gonna go to tiki ti first then go there,
instead of there then tiki ti ha ha ha.
gotta be good times then.


WHat?!?! no more "live nude girls"!!?!?!

On 2007-12-17 16:16, Ojaitimo wrote:
Cool pic of the exterior BTW...

True! Better than my photo of it on page 23 of the BOT (too much glare on it). This place was among the first to give me an inkling that there was MORE to Tiki than met the eye...more weirdness, that is. The building used to have a cool ghost sign in the back.
Unbelievable that after all these years, I still have not been inside. When I lived in Korea town I used to drive by there a couple times a week. Amazing it's still there....wonder what the Asian writing says...when did they start using plastic signs?

save yourself alot of time..just google the damn thing...i did last night and came up with one blog review after another...one in particular was quite humorous (can't remember which, but you'll know it when you read it). also found some more pics as well....there's alot of info on this place...looks like it's on alot of L.a. entertainment guide websites too.....this one is definately a candidate for my next sign lamp replica project....in league with my previous endeavors, the aku-aku sign and the islander sign.....

It's on Route 66, you know...like a sleazy place with a cool sign needed any more than that to sell it. I blogged it here:

On 2007-12-18 12:15, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
save yourself alot of time..just google the damn ththis one is definately a candidate for my next sign lamp replica project....in league with my previous endeavors, the aku-aku sign and the islander sign.....


On 2007-12-18 12:09, bigbrotiki wrote:
The building used to have a cool ghost sign in the back.

I went back there the other day thinking there might be a trace of the ghost sign but this is the best I could do.

You could hear the Movies being played through the back wall. :lol:

Here are a couple more pictures of the front sign showing the Arrow-Star-Girls sign. Which doesn't light up any longer.

On 2007-12-18 12:09, bigbrotiki wrote:
..wonder what the Asian writing says...when did they start using plastic signs?

The characters are Chinese and it loosely translates to "Sex Party" or "Sex Event" Hello! :blush:

Thank You. Those crazy Asians...know how to throw a party!

I love that scratched-in "Tiki" on the meter box! Next, Boris: Photos of the inside!

Aside from shooting blog photos of the exterior of the Tiki Theatre in 2005, I ventured inside but saw no tikis.

Although the other gentlemen in attendence had out their point-and-shoots, I was the only one with a camera.

I resisted the urge to whip out my 7" jackalope for a picture inside the place, even though he was prepared with a rain coat.

I have driven past this place about 4 times in the last month,
But I cannot get up the nerve to go in.

one day.


This thread and 'the lope' link is a hilarious read, and well worth joining this forum to say THANX to jawbox for posting it. What cool signage, even for old LA.

Ah! Heres the right thread. Passed by this last weekend. Awesome!!!!! :D.

I wish I could go back in time when this place was built and ask the guy that opened this place up just what the heck a xymposium is and what Live Nakid Girls are, Ha ha!


amazing - just this evening i saw an old horror-movie
from 1981 on tv called THE HOWLING ...
there you can see scenes from that redlight-district
and the neon-sign in full force at night for a few seconds !!


On 2012-06-09 07:17, pbmonkey98902 wrote:
... what the heck a xymposium is
and what Live Nakid Girls are, Ha ha!

Men! Tiki men! Are we not men? For how much longer are we gonna blab about this place (now in TWO threads) without showing ANY photos of the interior !!? C'mon, who's gonna do it !?

On 2012-06-09 15:39, bigbrotiki wrote:
Men! Tiki men! Are we not men? For how much longer are we gonna blab about this place (now in TWO threads) without showing ANY photos of the interior !!? C'mon, who's gonna do it !?

I went there a couple of times few years back. It is not for the faint of heart. Every time I went I saw the basest of all human behavior there. It seemed to get progressively worse at each visit. Total unspeakable things but I'll speak of them here. It's dark, it smells like dirty asshole, the floors are sticky and the seats are "crunchy". When your eyes adjust you see men from mostly two groups - latino day laborers and dirty old white guys, the kind that wear big glasses and orthopedic shoes. These two groups are actively blowing each other in the seats or buttfucking each other right in the aisles. I'm not kidding. I did see a "woman" in there once, if you get the quotes. "she" was also bent over a seat, having fun on each end with 2 other day laborer types. That is really not the most disturbing part, this is.

Every single time, there were at least 3-4 crack addicts lighting up pipes and billowing out noxious clouds of crack smoke. it was cloying, chemical, thick and disgusting and made my eyes water. these crack heads would get loud and talk to eachother, totally spun and scrounging around on the ground for pieces of coke to smoke, and lighting up whatever they found. Sometimes right next to you. The last straw and why I never went back was walking into the one creepy bathroom they have and witnessing some scuzzy guy looking in the mirror and injecting drugs into his neck with a needle. I felt like I was watching people who couldn't help themselves and were getting high, getting crazy and just looking to each other to release their urges after ward. I mean picture all this and picture loud porn playing, chattering of the spun out drug addicts, hissing of crack pipes, and all the uncontrollable moaning, creaking and grunting from the seats and you have painted yourself a picture of what it was like to be there. And this was on a freakin Sunday afternoon.

I am not gonna try to discourage you from goign, because as gross and disturbing as it was, it was kinda fascinating. Check it out if you must, but defintely come with more than one person, and for gods sakes, don't ever ever bring a biological female here!!! Be safe guys.

Lets just file that one under Too Much Information!


...but...did you see any Tiki decor? :lol:

OK, I asked for it, and now we know. So THAT'S why nobody has been inside, and taken any photos - or lived to admit it. Can you spell Tiki D-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N ?

It's actually a wonderfully horrific description, kudos, it reminded me of something like an S. Clay Wilson comic strip double page...

..or a description of Charles Bukowski's home bar.

I say burn it down.


No way !! I say preserve the exterior, gut the interior, and turn it into a Tiki bar !!

And as far as I know, "Chinaski" was a drunk and a pussy hound who was not into hard drugs or anonymous homosexual activity.

what's not to like about that place?
:o :roll:


On 2012-07-19 07:23, bigbrotiki wrote:
News from the Tiki:


"It was a quick release." and starring in "The Yank." Those had to be intentional - HA!

Whoops - my comments were based on the TMZ article...doesn't make as much sense with the Fox news version.

[ Edited by: LoungeShark 2012-07-19 08:01 ]

Wah happened?

Do our undercover agents really have nothing better to do than hang out in XXX theaters?

The articles say it was a routine check of the place...and reading the previous description of what goes on there, the place warrants some checking.

That said: Even though it is on one hand funny, I feel really bad for the guy, just like I did for PeeWee. These things get blown so out of proportion. It is already sad that this is what he feels he needs to do to get off, don't mess up his career and make things worse.


I have nothing but respect for the man...in fact, his stock just went up! WAY up!

Thursday's Stephen Colbert show 7/19/2012
Opened with full mention of the Tiki Theater & Fred Willard
while also giving props to Pee Wee Herman.

Has ANY article played up the joke that he was playing with his TIKI, yet?

Sigh...if people would only read my books, they would be much smarter... :wink:

A funny/cool take on the event:


[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2012-07-20 16:14 ]

The article should have been titled:

Fred Willard caught rubbing his idol at the tiki theater in Los Angeles....


Well, finally Willard used the Polynesian Pop excuse!:

L.A. TIMES, July 27, 2012 | 7:37 am:

The 72-year-old actor appeared on NBC’s “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” on Thursday, joking about the incident that got him fired from a PBS show after being arrested on suspicion of engaging in a lewd act during a routine police inspection of the Tiki Theater.
“It's the last time I'm going to to listen to my wife when she says, ‘Why don't you go out and see a movie?’” Willard joked on the late-night talk show.
Willard said he thought adult theaters didn’t exist anymore: “I see this one, it had such a Polynesian exotic look to it. I say maybe there's hula dancers in here. Maybe there's mai tais. I went in and I realized I was the only one awake and sober and conscious.”

Me thought that that logo Tiki needed some perpetuation:

So, what do these Tikis have in common??


kiara posted on Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:32 PM

What???? This is gonna be good.

kiara posted on Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:33 PM

Did Fred Willard get busted at the Luau too?

They both portray weenies? We discussed the "looking straight at ya" one in the Xymposium Tiki, but d'you think his red knees are part of a larger version like the Luau Tiki's knees? Should this be posted under "Weenie Faces in Strange and Weird Places"?

Get da ballz outta here! Svenetti lets get some gabagool!

kiara posted on Thu, Aug 23, 2012 7:24 PM

I thought the shape of the Xymposium Tiki's mouth said a lot, but the bruised knees say a lot more. Ouch.

On 2012-08-22 22:28, Dustycajun wrote:
So, what do these Tikis have in common??


Soooo...do you have a theory, or are you just stimulating discussion? :)
Red is a very symbolic color, so the choice of it for the knees is curious....is it this?:

(Begging forgiveness for utilizing my photo of lovely and innocent Marsha in such a lewd context)

The recent media totally missed out on the phallic connotations of the word and the figure "Tiki" - and that the theater logo one is sporting his own. But then, the whole frickin' sign and building are red, which might have avery basic reason:

"Red is still commonly associated with prostitution. Prostitutes in many cities were required to wear red to announce their profession, and houses of prostitution displayed a red light. Beginning in the early 20th century, houses of prostitution were allowed only in certain specified neighborhoods, which became known as red-light districts."

But is that a male or female Tiki?

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