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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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ravenne posted on 11/17/2007


Wow...that turned out beautiful!

The stars are so sparkly...the painting just pops out!

I love the flamin' flowers, those look stellar!

My favorite on the cannibal king is still the lips, they are so pink! it's purdy!

Aside from clysdalle's style of skulls - your style of skulls are my favorite too!

Awesome!!! :D

Tabu posted on 11/17/2007

Congrats-another beauty. He just pops right out at you against that blue background. At 3x3 this painting is going to command some attention in whatever room he ends up in. The flowers are freaking me out man. The walls..the walls.

FreddieBallsomic posted on 11/17/2007

Yo, Kinney! That painting is really spectacular.. Probably my favorite outta all the masterpieces you've done.

Chongolio posted on 11/17/2007

Boy o boy he came out pretty dang good. One of my favorite themes you have been epoundin' lately. Glad to see the poop cleaned up. A super engangin' cat the Cannibal King. Any back story on him you can tell us? Or are we all cursed to wonder who his victims were and who is going to be next?I eagerly await the next post where we all can in unison sing "How do you think he does it? I don't know."
I must go and practice now my singin' and paintin' skills.
Have a good weekend Bro.


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

Clarita posted on 11/17/2007

Beautiful! The sky, the flowers, everything!! Congrats!

[ Edited by: Clarita 2007-11-17 11:38 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 11/17/2007

Wow! Kenny, once again, a great execution of a energetic image! VEEEERRRY nice! He's so cool! I can't believe you painted something so big and scary and wild and fun so BIG! At 3' x 3', I bet it's quite a powerful piece in person!! It must dominate what ever room it's in!!

(Let's see, I'll just hang this colorful work of art in the nursery, over the baby's crib....)

Sneakytiki posted on 11/17/2007

Wow! It turned out awesome!!!! I love the green body an' funky toes, almost has a hint of RatFink style in those tootsies, incredible LLT style all over the place, alot of energy! It's huge! 3 by 3 kix ass!

I want to go really big but am limited by my automobile capacity.....

Somebody out there needs to commision an LLT mural!


little lost tiki posted on 11/20/2007

Hello Crew!
First...answers to your inquiries....
raves-thank you! somethin about those cannibal king lips!
i was gonna add some more detail to em but sometimes it's good to just leave things alone.
been doing that a lot more as the ideas for new paintings keep springing up...
I'm with you on lovin Clysdalle's skulls..no one else does em like he does!
Tabu! Thanks man! Your pieces would be the ones i would consider beauty...
mine's just frantic scribblings compared to the calm deliberate execution you display! Glad the flowers are freaking you out...i wanted something to emphasize the excitement
brought about by his Dance...a mysterious flame bursting forth to the stamps and grunts of
the Dancing king!
Chongo! Muchos Mahalos to YOU! I'm soooooo glad the poop thing came and went...You inquire about a back story on the King...still workin on it,but thinkin of incorporating him into the whole little lost tiki epic storybook...Just finished reading 64 pages on UMI the peasant king with his horn and giant friend,Maukaleole.....very cool,read a couple of others too and it struck me....why not pull out the ol' "riddle contest with the chief and the loser gets thrown in the oven" kinda storyline....
So that would mean his victims were those less capable of wit....
Speaking of which..that Searchers piece of yours is soooo Friggin Snazzy! You're just taking a theme you love and runnin with it! You're an inspiration man!
TikiShark! Brad! Thank ye kindly! It's an Ongoing Mutual Inspiration Pact....Your Turn!
Wondering and Anticipating your next masterpiece! YOU need to kick out a few 3x3's and 4x4's!
That would make some heads Esplode!
Now Hurry up with that danged Christmas Card!
Gotta Run! I gotta go paint some life-size Boogeymen on the Nursery walls!
Funny...Chongo noticed the Roth meets Don Martin stylee toes in the first King painting...
Funny how influences from your youth seep in.. as for size.....GET A PICKUP TRUCK! I remember the days in my Datsun honeybee hauling pieces jam-packed in the car! One show i had to duck my head down because of canvases over me head! Until you can get a truck......make friends with people who OWN trucks.....they're much more likely to help you haul some paintings than help you move! Go Big-just use lighter surfaces than closet doors!
as for murals....did an 8x48 footer on a fence for the Ronald Reagan Federal building as part of a group artist project (i got the biggest area and best placement!)that was slowly dismantled and stolen under the cover of darkness as well as a 12 x 10 foot area for Ciao Trattoria restaurant and a hardcore political 8x12 foot one for the long beach tinderbox festival (which was blown off the roof of the transporting vehicle and scattered on the CA freeway....
So I kinda have 50/50 luck with these murals...the scale is quite fun and it's a great workout!

Progress on "the Journey" the Birth canvas....

Got the Heavenly Home almost finished..

I loooooove that big Meeting house/Hut!
That must be where the BIG GUY lives!

and popped some detail into the sun...

Also...Remember this ol' Cannibal Totem from months back?
Acrylic on canvas with paintpen in between the sealant coats...
Well, after finishing the Heaven part-i had a ciggie break and started to
look over at it and the fever took me...it was time!
Here's what i saw...
Never really satisfied with it...in fact i almost painted over it!
Was gonna do a long boatful of orongo birdmen...but alas!
Next looooong canvas!

Giving it the once-over and always up for a little challenge....
i approached with the intent to pop it up a bit-turn the volume up....and give it LIFE!
So.... here's what i got done in 7 solid hours!



and here's some details...
Skull stuffed with flowers....

Scary mouth and pug-nose...

Plumerias scattered about....

The bone tied to the nose....

the decorative lips and mouth...

a litle cowrie shell in the eye....

and the starting of a vine..

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2007-11-20 08:36 ]

hewey posted on 11/20/2007

I love that totem piece, very nice :D I can't beleive how different it looks with the new work added to it! The finished cannibal is awesome, and the birth piece for the journey is coming along sweetly too :D :D :D

Howland posted on 11/20/2007

I'll be derned!!!! You must have a few extra sets of hands and arms that you pull out to use when nobody is around. HEY-how about a fully animated LLT epic, featuring the entire cast of Ruzic characters and places, etc. all the way back from page 1 of your thread. That would be the $hit!!!!!!!!!!!

Stunning work as always!!

ravenne posted on 11/20/2007

Definitely don't add anything to the lips...they are so cool and stick out in such a good way because of that simplicity!
I like the new approach yer takin on with yer new paintings, it's lookin great!

The Birth canvas looks beautiful so far! The heavenly homes look great, my favorite is the transition between the clouds and wave.

Oooh I remember this tiki cannibal totem piece! The additions you've made to the piece has made a huuuuuuge difference! I love the flowers and vines coming out of the skulls! The colorful pink variants you've added look great - it really pops out!

Luigi came over tonight to have an art jam session. I was paintin with gouache and he was paitin with acrylic! yaay!
He was checking this thread out and he was blown away - he loves it so far! He also says "Hello!"

Can't wait to see more progress shots! :D
Keeeeeeep goooooin! YEA!

"It's like a Koala crapped a rainbow in my brain!"

[ Edited by: ravenne 2007-11-20 02:14 ]

Swamp Fire posted on 11/20/2007

Hey Kinney, your forearms must be huge painting all these giant pieces. The big forearms will balance the big hair.

Love the skull concept and great execution on it, as usual. I really like paintings you can get lost in and see something new every time you look at it. Keep up the great work.

Babalu posted on 11/22/2007

These need to be painted on walls down by the beach! Think big, and then think bigger. :)

RevBambooBen posted on 11/22/2007

On 2007-11-21 19:07, Babalu wrote:
These need to be painted on walls down by the beach! Think big, and then think bigger. :)


They need to take place of all those silly Whale Walls!!!

little lost tiki posted on 11/25/2007

Alohaw Friends!
hope y'all had a Great Thanksgiving! It was odd and inspiring as usual!
well, just jamming on some new pieces for the 3 Kings show with Clysdalle and big toe next month and went OFF! and did a lot of cool stuff to show y'all!
But first...
Hewey! Thanks old friend! The Totem did need some snazzing up and the pink did it! Phew!
Howland-Brad! Mahalos Man! You got the multiple arm/project thing going as well.....Animation? I'm busy enough! I have been buckling down to finish the Little Lost Tiki Kid's Book this upcoming year and i think the Cannibal King will have a part in it..
THEN i can sell the rights to Pixar and sit back/collect royalty cheques/and be able to see the characters animated without any additional work!
Enough of dream Scenarios!!
Ravers! Thanks Sweetpea! Instinct really does begin to play a part to personal creative solutions and as you get older it seems to kick in faster...Tell Luigi i said "Aloha!" He's a Good Kid!
Swampfire! Doug! A Big bout of gratitude for your kind words! I also get lost in your pieces...the wee little stuff in the background,the textures,the blue-ish off lighting you put in there..blows me away! Speaking of head-Exploding....your 2 new vert masks were stunning and left me Breathless! There's a heightened sense of drama you get with that blue lighting and black background.....Someone needs to create some mechanical assistant arms...with the KILL switch disarmed of course!
Babs and BooBen-Murals with the Cannibal king! i could cram 100 Skulls in those! I'm thinking the sides of Ben's shoppe need some excitement!
Anyways,the inspirational vacuum that is Thanksgiving is over and Friday and Saturday were pure Art Creation at the studio!
First off...those vertical museum stretched canvases...
PNG inspired Happy One!


Here's a Cannibal One...

Close-up! Smile for the Camera!

and the sides...

The wifey,out of the blue,got me a WoodBurning Kit! Hmmmmm...
Time to try out a new medium...


Very nice and vintagey!
Then, in the spirit of experimentation..I decided to do some ink tinting on it...

Not sure which approach i like better....kinda like em both....
Details para tu!

Also did some Hawaiian Weapon and Helmet studies....
I like how the feather head dress turned out...

Here's a Maori concept i have for another Swap Meet wooden fish...

Sometimes Inspiration can lead you down some strange paths...
With this I'd like to introduce "the Cave of the Cannibals"
gouache /gesso/paintpen and sealer on a Lazy Susan!
It Spins! It Moves! It's ALIIIIIVE!
not really.....but as soon as i figger out how to hang it I'll be in the money!
Any suggestions? Herro?

Here's some closer views of the Cannibals,eating,fighting and doing their little
Cannibal things....

And here's some close-ups so you can see the rough gouache coloring underneath the
sealant and paint pen layers.....

the Center...

Super Duper Close-up!

And finally finished the Cannibal Totem! YAY!
Can't wait to do the next one!


this guy totally reveals my heavy Jack Kirby influence!

and here's some Orongos of a sort...

and here's some close-ups so you can see the layers up close....

and a real blurry shot of the sides...

Peace Out!

little lost tiki posted on 11/25/2007

double post! oops! :lol:

[ Edited by: LITTLE LOST TIKI 2007-11-25 17:02 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 11/26/2007

Awesomeness Kin!!! Visions of sugar skulls dance in my head, tikis with skulls like the lords of the dead!!!! Love the canvases and new tikis, the woodburning seems so suited to your technique too!! You da MAN!!

Benzart posted on 11/28/2007

The "King" is Another Awesome piece. I don't know why I don't visit this side enough but I Really Gotta start stopping by more Often. Your stuff just Blows me away. It looks like you are having entirely too much Fun.

little lost tiki posted on 11/29/2007

Mahalos cause YOU da man! I agree with ya about the woodburning...it's just like drawing except slower and a little hotter! i got a new one coming up in just a minute!
Thank you Sir! glad you like the King!and thank you for peeking your head over in the Other Crafts area! I don't see how you have any time,cooking out the masterpieces you do! that new hei-tiki is nothing short of incredible!
well, had another "fish" made out of wood from the swap meet in San Diego a few weeks back and decided to have a go at it with the woodburning kit last night! It was already stained and varnished ,but i burnt thru it anyway! (smelled like pine and sappy chemicals as it burned! Shoulda wore a mask as my head was throbbing upon finishing it...don't try this at home kids!
It would smoke and spatter like bacon grease as the tip cut thru the varnish and then the wood...It got so hot that my tip broke off about 90% thru the piece and i had to call up a reserve tip to the rescue! Anyways,after all that-here it is....
i took a semi Maori approach,but gave the gents Hawaiian helmets so go figger....
here it is!

the head...

the body...

the tail...

I made the guys kind of a stylized fish/glyph shape for a swimming,flowing feel
plus it gives it a decorative air...

that's it for today!
tomorrow's a Studio night and i just bought 13 pieces of wood to burn/dremel/and paint for the upcoming show,so stay tuned! thanks for visiting!

Sam Gambino posted on 11/29/2007

Hey Ken - It's great to see you woodburning! It goes so right with tiki and seems like a natural expansion of your great style. Your feather headdress "study" is a work of art in itself too. Very intricate like an engraving.

Matt Reese posted on 11/29/2007

Ken, I gotta agree with Sam. The wood burning is a perfect extension of your stuff. Stunning work.

Babalu posted on 11/29/2007

Dude! Your on fire! That cannibal crunching lazy susan makes me all creamy like. This design would make for a killa table top.

LLT = Wood burning = happy, happy!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/29/2007


Sophista-tiki posted on 11/30/2007

Diggin it!

Chongolio posted on 11/30/2007

LLT- The cave is coooool! They kinda of look like evil little cannibal monkeys fightin' over skulls and bones. If you could some how hook up a motor and have that lszy susan spinnin' it would surely hypnotize. Think of the fun you could have!

BigToe posted on 12/01/2007

Mr Ruzic, you are a beautiful and brilliant bastard!

TravelingJones posted on 12/02/2007

WoWeee LLT, you're woodburningz have captured national attention! Keep up the great work!! :D

Tikisgrl posted on 12/02/2007

That Lazy Susan is amazing... you want it to spin & hang from the wall maybe the constructive types could help but, it sounds like if you are able to slide it into something that would stay stationary on the wall and allow for the lazy Susan to rotate you should be able to create the proper effect!

I can't believe the wood burning kit came with tiki stuff that's a pretty cool idea and they turned out great!

Did I say wow! I wish I could be on the west coast for the big show and see all these in one place!


FreddieBallsomic posted on 12/04/2007

Ya know, Bro... YOUR KILLIN IT!! That lazy susan~~~ I thought i only drank about a gal. of water today, but after starin' at that piece.. I feel Mr. Chronic was hangin' tight w/ Ballz.:lol: Maholla, my Brotha!!

little lost tiki posted on 12/05/2007

Hellooooooo kiddies!
Had a little Art spurt and decided to share them tonight!
Sam-Happy that you like the woodburning!It does seem very primitive with the look and the feel of natural wood! It feels like drawing in slow motion,and there is a little bit of resistance,especially if you hit a knot or somethin'! Thank you also for the props on the sketchbook entry...Reading a lotta books on Oceanic subjects,i'm always fascinated by the etchings of the crew artist,of the natives,their villages,dances,tools,and chiefs...just love the intricacy! The idea of a big portrait of a tangata manu birdman chief is still on my list of things to do....you happen to have a spare TIME-EXPANDER? :lol:
Matt-Mahalos!I love trying new things and this one "took"! :)
Babs-stoked you're stoked about the woodburning as well! The Cannibal Cave would make a great tabletop for a midget....i need to go garage sale-ing very soon.If I find one,i'll let you name the subject matter!
Ben-Dude! you got your own MUG! that is too RAD! You're a constant inspiration! Thanks for the advice on how to hang that Lazy Susan!You are the Jedi Master!
Sophista-tiki-Dawn! Thanks Gurl! Have you tried woodburning? You would probably be an ace at it!
Chongo-my bruthah! Don't think i could hook up a motor to that contraption BUT with ben's sage advice,i think it could at least be spun gently on the wall!
BigToe-Dude! get back to work! we got a show in about a week and a half!
shhhhhhhhhhh! Jail and I don't get along...:lol:
Tikisgrl-thanks for the advice on the LS! Glad you like it! The woodburning kit came with these crazy designs of quails,an American eagle and flag,a deer,none of the cool stuff like tikis,wizards,and rattlesnakes! I just used a water-soluble pencil,sketched it on,woodburned it,wiped it off and BAM! finished product... we'll miss ya on the 15th!
Frederick Ballz! Thank YOU bruthah man!Always an honor to have you visit this thread.Glad the Cannibal Cave buzzed you out!
Time for some new work...Been pumpin em out for the 3 kings show....the end is finally in sight!Phew!
Haven't even given these titles yet....fresh out da oven!

the Sides...

Next piece is a long vertical i woodburned last Friday,then ink-tinted last Saturday...




Then i bought this wood plank with the rough bark edges for the next woodburning project...dunno what the pine bark has to do with tiki,except maybe for the kitsch value,but it makes for a fun piece!
this one actually has a title..."Tropical Night"

Up close and personal...

Dig those grains baby!

Also started on a Maori Face....

There's a knot at the top that i'm gonna have to deal with...
but for now,let the pine scent and burning wood take me away!
here's a close-up....you can see the water-soluble pencil marks....

Also did some little teeny tiny 3x5's for the show!
A lot of these are characters inspired by PNG motifs on shields,masks,etc...

this guy made an appearance in "the Arrival"..

Here's a 5x5er...

The whole process for these was a streamline/factory mode...
gesso and gouache-mix around the background-let dry....
then i busted out the black sumi ink pen and drew the outline or motifs
then it was naples yellow gouache then white then hunter green,etc....
this next one makes me smile
"King cannibal's moonlight meal"

I dig how the colors turned out on it....and the expression...:lol:
and now for something completely different...
About 3 months ago,Squid happened to find this pair of mounted bull Horns
and sloughed it off on me to "create something" with it! what a friend!
so i did...here it is so far...

and here's a closeup of the face... It was so dirty and nasty...when i cleaned it with a babywipe,it smelled like an old dog! ew...

and here's one of the horns so far...i was gonna woodburn or dremel it,but dave said it would smell really bad...sooooooooo...

Well, that's it for my continuing tale of Art addiction...see ya soon!

LOL Tiki posted on 12/05/2007

Dude! The wood-burning stuff is great, reminds me of the work on the sides of your mugs. You should start placing "Buy It Now" buttons next to everything you post.

Babalu posted on 12/05/2007

Dude who lost his small tiki,

This work makes me soooo horny! I am truly digging on the way you and Master C are using found objects as canvas...your riding the edge Boss...shock us some more!

Sneakytiki posted on 12/05/2007

I wish so badly I could see this show in person! Great work LLT, so fun to look at..... Have a blast showing off your hard work to the people!


Clarita posted on 12/07/2007

"Tropical Night"

Up close and personal...

Dig those grains baby!

a lot of great work you being doing for the show!
I love "tropical night" it looks like you have a lot of experience in this.
So much detail, but with fun lines! it's amazing! You are getting very very good at this!!! hat of!
The three kings show is going to be a blast! I wish I could be there too...

Paipo posted on 12/07/2007

Man, you are the wood burning MASTAH! It really suits your style. You need to full-body tattoo a big-assed tiki....
I love this little fella too - the different blue highlights make him POP!

Sneakytiki posted on 12/10/2007

yeah, that tiki is really good, what Paip said!!

hodadhank posted on 12/10/2007

Great stuff Kinny!

little lost tiki posted on 12/10/2007

Hello fellow travellers!
Got to go tot the Tonga hut last night and had a HOOT! All the love and the laughs!
Very Rejuvenating.....Congrats to Suzy and Ernie/Dave/Holden/Ben on the killer mug! And Adriana and Crazy Al's work was off the hook as always! And he had on the coolest red pants on EARTH! TikiWineBear's pendants were glistening and purdy and badland beads was rockin some rad product! And i got the new Tiki magazine! ZING!
Anyways i left around 10:45 last night cause today was the day for final preps for the show...get it all done the weekend before and chill the rest of the week....take a night off...hang the show on tuesday and chill til Saturday....anyways,got all the pricetags done and some last minute finishing touches...
powered on thursday and friday and made a bunch of pieces for the show,so strap in......
LOL Tiki-great idea about the "Buy it now" buttons...Somebody get hanford on that! Glad you enjoy the woodburnings...i tried to apply my regular drawing style to it...I used to do a lot of hatching marks for shadows and depth (as i kid i was fascinated by Durer and Dore....what a geek!)and i guess that was the most natural approach for this new medium! Thanks again for the happy! I'll be sure to do more of the woodburning as soon as the smoke clears from the 3 kings show! :lol:
"using found objects" sounds so much more valid than "Sprucing up old junk found and donated by friends"...Besides the Clys and meself,Big Toe also likes to paint on battered up old stuff! There's always a challenge and delight in transforming this stuff into BRAND NEW JUNK! and something completely different! Mahalos!
IKI!-Thank you my artist friend! Someday our paths will collide and we will PARTAY like fine artists!(ie: geek out and excitedly discuss the Fauves...)
Clarita-Gracias! Wish you and Sneaky both could be at the show..In fact, i wish the whole TC art community could attend...What a party and honor that would be! i'm really happy that you and a bunch of other folks dig the woodburning...I will most certsinly delve into this new medium and push it to it's creative limit!
Paipo! Always a pleasure to have you visit! And really stoked you groove on the "Te arawa Tiki"- the blue shadow on there was to kind give it an otherworldly, exotic feel...i guess it kinda worked1 Thank you mate!
Hodadhank-thanks muchos man! Great visiting your shop when the wife and i were down in San diego!
well. here's those new pieces i kicked out on Thursday and Friday....
these first 2 monkeypod bowls were painted over because the designs weren't doin it for me....
So here they are!
"Smiling Face"

I really like the blue of this one...:)
A lotta these won't have the titles because they're quite long ..
for example "figure inspired by a malu board (sawos tribe-png)" and after typing up 92 pricetags i get my East Sepik Canoe prow shield mixed up with a Purari tribe PNG Ancestor Board....so if the title doesn't come to me whilst typing,i'll just moveon.org!
next piece...not so tiki..."King seahorse"

Remember this piece? "Land of the waterfalls"-finally finished dremelling a frame for it...


finished this little wee "happy hut" with a bamboo ben frame!
Go buy one of his mugs-Now!

Here's my absolute favorite of the hour!
"Running Marquesan"

"Search for the King"

Not really tiki,but a purdy piece i just wanted to share...
finally finished it! took long enough...

"the Apparition"

Also finally finished the edges of "the festival" and will have this in the 3 kings show...
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"the king's Voyage"
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and finally, the one i almost didn't do....
the one i almost gave up on.....
"Tiki Platter"
Great wood color-great grooves to catch all the juices
beautiful shape....
Originally i had developed this,but it didn't sit right...
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it was a turkey platter-teakwood-from one of Squid's thrift excavations
so I really wanted to make something that would please the master.......
So i added some ZAZZ to it!
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When approaching the pallette i decided to go with the wood instead of fighting it,so i dusted down the brights and used a dark sepia for the blackline....
I'm very stoked with this one....
also very sad....cause i know some bassard's gonna buy it and steal it from me forever! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
here's some close-ups....
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well, that's it! it's been a loong day! i gotta hit the hay! werd...

ravenne posted on 12/10/2007

On 2007-12-10 00:12, little lost tiki wrote:
Here's my absolute favorite of the hour!
"Running Marquesan"

"Search for the King"

Not really tiki,but a purdy piece i just wanted to share...
finally finished it! took long enough...

The "Running Marquesan" is sooooooooo cute!!!! I absolutely adore it, and the search for the king is very ominous.... I love the styling of your trees. Who cares if it isn't "tiki" you've done so much tiki, is great to see something different thrown in the mix! :D

On 2007-12-10 00:12, little lost tiki wrote:
and finally, the one i almost didn't do....
the one i almost gave up on.....
"Tiki Platter"
Great wood color-great grooves to catch all the juices
beautiful shape....
Originally i had developed this,but it didn't sit right...
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/475ce8ea.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=70420996f05fd08a339f28415d0d8620
it was a turkey platter-teakwood-from one of Squid's thrift excavations
so I really wanted to make something that would please the master.......
So i added some ZAZZ to it!
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When approaching the pallette i decided to go with the wood instead of fighting it,so i dusted down the brights and used a dark sepia for the blackline....
I'm very stoked with this one....
also very sad....cause i know some bassard's gonna buy it and steal it from me forever! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

The fact that you redid the platter, is great! It turned out SO much better!
When comparing the original and the one you have now...those bright pastel-ish lookin colors were just...blegh...not working at all.
Love the final results!

I am so stoked fer the 3Kings shoooow! I am going to plaster the school with the flyers!

Keep on rawkin! :D

Sneakytiki posted on 12/13/2007

The tiki platter is one of your bestest! I love it, very courageous of you to rework it, the original wasn't bad, but the redo was zazztaztik!

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Hiphipahula posted on 12/13/2007

Can't wait Ken...countdown!

little lost tiki posted on 12/13/2007

Thank you Sneakytiki,ravenne,and Kelly!
You kids keep me stoked!
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Well,here's a tale about the Tiki Platter.....finished it this weekend...posted it.....
got an e-mail from my old friends Denise and Ricky....and now it's sold!
Sold before it even hit the walls of the 3 kings....BUT....here's the exciting part....
they're buying it for their father-in-law who owns and will display it .....
get this...
in an Alaskan Lodge!
How funny is that?
Knowing where it's going offset the
3 days i had to get attached to it...
Still a bit bummed i won't be able to share
it with all of you,but i think my other 90-plus paintings
and the zillions of pieces from
the Toe and 'Dalle should keep you entertained....
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the Toe put the time at 6-10...we agreed on 8-midnight....
so now the OFFICIAL time will be 6 to midnight...
I should be cranky by 10 so arrive early! :lol:

ravenne posted on 12/19/2007

Well Kin, congrats for a successful opening! The combination of you three great artists is just perfect!
Can't wait for the closing reception Jan 5th from 8 to midnight, that right? :lol:

So........................................When're you postin' new artwork?! :D :D :D

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GROG posted on 12/19/2007

Big-assed deadline this week. GROG probably do about three hundred peices of art in last week and a half, Mister "Hey, when GROG going to get off GROG lazy ass and do some artwork?". GROG do almost 70 yesterday (until 3AM).

So, Nyeh!

little lost tiki posted on 12/19/2007

that's not art...it's cartoons! :lol:
If ya do it at your job,then it's work!
I did around 56 tee shirts in the past two weeks of 4-day weeks....
in addition to a bunch of art pieces for the show in my offtime.....
I want you to make REAL art Ernie! Gallery Art! Tiki Art!
Art from your soul,man!
Just because you got a mug under your belt doesn't mean you can retire!
:P right back atcha! :lol:

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 12/19/2007

On 2007-12-19 09:35, ravenne wrote:
Well Kin, congrats for a successful opening! The combination of you three great artists is just perfect!
Can't wait for the closing reception Jan 5th from 8 to midnight, that right? :lol:

So........................................When're you postin' new artwork?! :D :D :D

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"It's like a Koala crapped a rainbow in my brain!"

[ Edited by: GROG 2007-12-19 15:23 ]

little lost tiki posted on 12/20/2007

Can a man take a small break?
All of a sudden the art hounds are yipping at our heels!
Go bug Brad for awhile!
or suburbanpagan!
sheesh! :lol:

ravenne posted on 12/20/2007

On 2007-12-19 16:19, little lost tiki wrote:
Can a man take a small break?
All of a sudden the art hounds are yipping at our heels!
Go bug Brad for awhile!
or suburbanpagan!
sheesh! :lol:


Nah, I'm playing! Brad is busy too....

Least iki-iki is paintin! :D

Guess I'll hafta wait for you two till you make happy paintings!
Or I'll just go and paint on mah own....
or hibernate....


"It's like a Koala crapped a rainbow in my brain!"

[ Edited by: ravenne 2007-12-19 20:27 ]

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