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Al Bundy Hawaiian Shirt

Pages: 1 6 replies

Bogielocks posted on 12/18/2007

Hey Everybody,

My turn to try and sell something. Having hit hard times, I'm looking to sell off my prop and movie collection. I thought before I put this up on Ebay, I'd offer it here first. This would make a great addition to anybody's Tiki Bar and be a great conversation piece.

Here are a few pictures from the episode and the actual shirt. I looking to sell it for what I paid for it, but will entertain offers from anyone interested. My asking price is $250. I have a COA from the company I purchased it from. They're a well known Memorabilia dealer from Hollywood, Screenused.com

Thanks for looking and Happy Holidays..!

[ Edited by: Bogielocks 2007-12-18 15:50 ]

leisure master posted on 12/19/2007

Bogie - sorry if you are forced to be selling something you do not want to part with. I appreciate you offering it here before on ebay.

I have a question - not that I would ever consider desecrating such a treasure, but in theory, if someone were bold enough to actually wear the Al Bundy shirt, what size would they have to be?

Bogielocks posted on 12/19/2007

Thanks Leisure Master, from one Sox fan to another.

Here's a few more details I grabbed from the tag. It's a 1X, 100% cotton and tagged made by Gregory Wayne Expressly for Eagleson's.

Here's a link to the dealer I purchased it from..


The shirt was screen used in the two part episode titled "Poppy's By The Tree" by Ed O'Neill as "Al Bundy". The Bundys run into a tourist-hating ax-murderer while on vacation in Stink Water Florida.

TikiLaLe posted on 12/20/2007

Any 'Kelly Bundy' shirts?

Bogielocks posted on 12/20/2007

Nope, sorry..

Tipsy McStagger posted on 12/20/2007

..how about kelly bundy undies???...any of those kickin round the old tiki room??...any episode is a good episode with those so i'm not too picky which episode they're from.

TikiLaLe posted on 12/21/2007

You freakin 'Chi Town' freak !!!!

Pages: 1 6 replies