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teaKEY's got a Bar or two *Update*

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Tiki Duddy posted on 06/06/2007

teakey, really like it, and all of your pottery you got. im planning on making my first mug this summer. i just need to figure it out a little bit more, then get cash for the materials.
thanks for posting your art, always

kbgator posted on 06/06/2007

I was talking about the one at the top right of the first image picture, the post before to totem pic.

Anyways do you have my Tiki Oasis 6 Mug for me!!

teaKEY posted on 06/06/2007

Tiki Duddy- Thanks for the nice words. I've been thinking off and on about posting pics when the feedback is so little. I like hearing what you guys think. It could be something that I never though of/ a new perspective. I think that if out of every 50 pictures, you get half of an idea, it's worth it. All the people that have posted something, it adds up to many new thoughts.

KBgator, you must be talking about someone elses mug then. Those were the honor mentions that didn't win in the Tiki Farm contest. Mine shown were the bottom four. Event mug, I don't have that one. YOu and I are always asking around for pick-ups. My collection is pretty golden at the moment and the eye catching mugs are all I have room for now. But they are the ones that are probably going to be out of my budget. I'm trying to save up some money.

kbgator posted on 06/06/2007

Is there a picture of the mugs that made it. I never saw it, if it was posted.

Anyways on your last post picture IV sort of looks like Homer Simpson to me. But I want to say it is a monkey.

McTiki posted on 06/06/2007

Lovin the canibal!

Need more shelves now!



teaKEY posted on 06/06/2007

"Is there a picture of the mugs that made it. I never saw it, if it was posted"

You go'in make me do all the work, thats cool. What a great opportunity this contest was.

Homer Simpson. Yeah!! Who doesn't like America's favorite father. At the place I got this mug fired, people thought it was too. Just a couple of black Ms on the sides and there you go. BAck on page 13, look for the hidden link @ the bottom of the page. (Clue: Homer)

Actually a lot of the inspiration comes from one of my favorite mugs and I can't find a true Westwood version, is this mug below.


McTiki- THANKS. "Need more shelves now!" Yes, and rooms.

teaKEY posted on 06/15/2007

Solomon Island paddles.

I had the idea to create my own modern Solomon paadles to go along with my Munktiki kayak. I made them to go with another item from that area

These are not the finish product, They're finished, just never just around to snapping a picture of them yet.

teaKEY posted on 06/27/2007

strange, its a happier face and man with beard or fur collar, upside down.

:Update: I never closed up the very top of my 7 foot Moai and two weekends ago I got around to doing it. The Moai is hollow and is always going to be thinking about tiki mugs. It now has a tiki mug always on the brain or is the brain. I have a suspended PMP mug in the head of the moai with a message to my Grandma. Her nickname with Moe so the back of the moai got the name MOE and a picture of an eye under it. On the front, a three mass ship. Now this Moai is a real moai just like the other on Easter Island for what it stands for. I think in 200 years, people are going to surprize as to what they find with this one.

teaKEY posted on 01/02/2008

It's a New Year and sorting a few of my mugs and making room for the new arrivals.

Moai tiki bowl. One of my first "Moai Trio" '04 (photo by TravelinJones) SOLD

Musical "Mean Drunk"'04

More of a cup for me "Hot Damn"'04

Tiki flasks that I did as an intro to tiki years ago.'04

One of the first "Suffering Brass"'05

The second of the first group of three. A Shag look-a-like'05
The third of the first group remains hidden and remains one of my favorites. (Above two are Steven Built)

A logo tiki from the greatest tiki film that never got produced....yet! Its a full body tiki. I have never attempted a full body tiki using only hand-built methods."Armchair Traveler"'06

Tiki from Tiki Terrace, artist unknown "Tall Boy"'o6

Artist of inspiration Doug "SwampFire" Horne. And the monkey has his own tiki mug that can be filled. The back has two holes for straws and the hat/lid lifts off. A true work of art. Oh, and my dad thought that the monkey needed a right ear. "Minkey"'06

It was certainly a surprise because it is one of my favorite tikis. I think that it is one of Crazy Al's best(inspired by). Looks like a football team logo. I never would have done the full body and the back is a great shapes. Not sure what number carving this is for Al or if we will see one from him.
*There pics were PMed to interested viewers at the time of release, now showing to the rest of the world.'06
(the above are Steven built)

based off a Ben "Benzart" Davis carving. Love it."Big Ben"

Its an "Action Mug"- Smoke emits from the nose. Was for sale and it SOLD '07

Reddish black glaze like a hunk of iron, one the most animated tiki mug "Tiki Dogg"

A pic of the final glaze "Cannibal's Cannibal"'07
(Steven built)

Sold on Ebay "1/2 Head"'06

And there are a couple top-secret designs and one we finish with the shape of it today. Will release this new one on my Myspace page (click the homepage)tomorrow and then at a later date on Tiki Central. A stunner!!


[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-01-02 06:03 ]

Babalu posted on 01/02/2008

Nice work teaKey....I'm digging on the way you and Vantiki are hand building one offs only. It seems to be allot more fun than building molds and having to traverse through repetitive motions. I may have to follow you guy's lead here, and jump back to basics...It's all about having fun right!

GROG posted on 01/02/2008

You didn't indicate which ones you sculpted and which ones your dad sculpted.

teaKEY posted on 01/02/2008

Yea, the pics above are of some different shots of previously shown mugs and mugs that were only posted on Ooga-Mooga and the Crazy Al and Cannibal glazed pics are NEW!.

Thanks Babalu
"Nice work teaKey....I'm digging on the way you and Vantiki are hand building one offs only".

Yeah building one offs only and only a few guys to be doing this. I started in 2004 and I can't really think of anyone making them before that. But the one off are sorta easier and yet harder at the same time.

Haven't tried the molded mug yet but plan to start off slowly this year. I like the idea that your molded mugs get to reach more people and therefore, these people can get more excited that they too can own one. And the creating and sculpting is all there too.
The hand-built, you can build anyway you want with all the under cuts. I like how its the original piece of art. -Its the oil painting compared to the silk-screen print. Don't need the materials to make the mold or the slip to pour or a place to fire the big lot of mugs. And there is potentially more money to be made in molded mugs but I wouldn't trade the art of making one for nothing.

You should certainly give a try to it. We always need more ceramic tiki art on Tiki Central. I say, if you are going to make a hand built, make it a bigger one.

The newest mug I helped create is a mug that in a different form generated a lot of heat at the end on 2007. Will post pics in a couple days

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-01-02 10:29 ]

teaKEY posted on 01/03/2008

My weekend

(my dad working on his little table making the mug by the coil process)

Around the time of the Tiki Farm contest between the times after you couldn't summit anymore designs and before they decided on a winner, I was flipping through the Book of Tiki (BOT). The idea for the Goof struck me like lightening. It was too late for the contest and wouldn't have been an original design, although it was a clever idea. I wasn't the only one to think the mug up. Other Tiki Central members posted their versions of the Goof and they were both great and different.

The Goof is more popular now than ever with two Tiki Farm versions, a print by Derek for the Bali Hai art gathering, and the attention the Goof received with multiple blogs and of course Tiki Central.

I couldn't pass up the chance to make my own Goof. Tiki Farm's version was good, but it wasn't what I originally had in mind. I wanted a Goof that had all the qualities of that ugly head like the one on top of the building, the actual Goof. (I have to find out when that Goof was placed there cause I can't recall).

Over the New Year's weekend, my dad Steven and I built the Goof mug I had envisioned. For the first two days, he made one that was massive. Sadly, he destroyed it before I could even have a glimpse at it. I was told that it was too massive and more vase like than the usually large beer stein size mugs that we are into building. This new one that was made over the last two days and is still immense by anybodies standards, but I wouldn't have it any other way. When I'm holding it in my hands, after it's finished, I am going to feel like I tore the roof off the building where the real Goof lays. My father did the sculpt of the mug, and I did the clean up and pattern in the headdress.

(A more complete version of the Goof. The roof is included)

My plans are to create a second Goof mug (making there four Goof mugs) to display side-by-side. I think it will actually have my face, but not sure which parts will be more "Goof"-like. (hold the jokes) It will be painted too. I have wanted to do a mug of my face since I saw the Gauguin mug in the Book of Tiki and the Don Beach mug.

Sam Gambino posted on 01/03/2008

Hey TeaKey- I love that Big Ben and the drinking monkey most! Your stuff has lots of character to it.

teaKEY posted on 01/04/2008

Thanks Grog!

And who made what is kinda there and if not, guess.

Sam, yeah, the Big Ben is probably the best one I did and the monkey is at the moment probably the best one of the lot, and that one was my dad. That is going to be hard to beat, but I'll try. I think that my dad wants to move on to wood and probably puppets.

Puppets is his favorite area and the Goof really shows that. Has strong puppet characteristics and hopefully he will do a tiki puppet. As far as I know, there is no tiki puppets. My dad hasn't made a puppet in a lifetime but he can do puppets like he can do clay. Will still probably whip up a mug now in again.

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-01-03 18:52 ]

teaKEY posted on 01/04/2008

I guess I should put the best foot forward and post what the mug looks like now. A more cleaned up look. I put a quarter in there for size. I'm thinking a single color or a second for the inside (a white)

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-01-03 18:58 ]

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On 2008-01-03 18:32, teaKEY wrote:
And who made what is kinda there and if not, guess.

But we gotta know who to direct our comets at.

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Its an "Action Mug"- Smoke emits from the nose. Was for sale and it SOLD

The way you are using it it looks like the smoke should be coming out the top :wink:

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On 2008-01-04 08:35, Surf tiki wrote:
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Its an "Action Mug"- Smoke emits from the nose. Was for sale and it SOLD

The way you are using it it looks like the smoke should be coming out the top :wink:

Surf tiki, yeah it does look that way. But instead the user shares with the tiki. It has been said that a good vase should look like it has breathe. Meaning, if you were to create a thrown vase, it would have a expanding "belly" with a narrowed top, like a blown balloon. A Chinese vase appears to have captured air and the contour appears to have a force pushing out from the center. This mug surely looks to be enjoying the party as much as anyone else.

Something in the works
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My signature collection
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teaKEY posted on Sun, Mar 2, 2008 6:30 PM

Just went to Florida and I have to say that the nice weather was just the thing I needed. Too bad I can't live in that kind of weather year around like many of the TCers here.

So I was in the airport and my Dad said that he has a NEW mug sitting at the studio for its first bake. Said that he found the photo from one of my tiki magazines. "Scratching my head" Turns out that it was from an oceanic art softcover that has outlines of different works. I don't like the book all that much, too scattered.

I was told it was Pele. But this Pele isn't anything that I was thinking "she" would look like. I'm very interested in what it will look like. I haven't seen the work and can't imagine how it will workout.

It will be a first for a mug like this and you don't really see wood carvings for this guy.

Photo form the book
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Will post update when I see more

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22 days since last post
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Image on right is from a small book called Oceanic Art 1966 (Finial, Bishop Museum, Honolulu)

Went to my parents house for the Easter break and I was thinking that maybe the Pele would have been all glazed up. Didn't know the color but had a black rusty red in my mind but brown would probably by the "natural" choice. Said,"You want to see it, it's down stairs?" Sure!, went down stairs and there was something wrapped up and I knew that it probably wasn't the Pele.

Instead, it was something new. The Tiki Magazine was opened (The Mitch O'Connell issue) to the front portion of the mag. Another one-off mug by a TikiCentral artist who doesn't monkey around with his many of prints. I guess my dad is taking a big liking to this artist for it is the second inspired piece by the same artist.

I guess I was saying that he (my dad) hasn't made many full body tikis. Why, they are just plain harder to do and a large head makes for much detail and an impact on the shelf. Actually I say inspired because this mug is at least 50% original concept and based off a portion of the TC artist's work. Pretty cool mug as they all have been and I spent my Easter giving this new work some cleaning up. ((Should be able to post some pics soon)) but back to the Pele.

Pele, not final fired and still haven't seen it but I have seen something from it which gives enough clues about it.

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(detail of Jade glaze)

Above is a picture of what I saw this past weekend. If you didn't know what it was, you would never guess. Would make for a good guessing game (maybe next time). The color, something with the name like Old Jade(?), and you get a since of size comparing it to the original photo. Plus its function is revealed. It's a stopper but I'm still curious as to what the entire piece will look like put together.

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-03-25 08:25 ]

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Earlier is Shout Paipo stated:

Paipo: That ain't Pele.... 13:30:20

I have been looking around for information on this "Pele" carving and couldn't come up with anything. I totally missed the posting in General where Tikimaster(.com)'s newest and coolest tiki on fire got posted 12 days ago. I have to wonder if the clay "Pele" above brought out the wooden tiki. (and actually I have to check out that website now)

I knew this tiki looked like a guy but if not Pele then what? Could it be Pele and Pele could just be a guy? Found this a week ago forgot I had it

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(*note that there are no top spikes)

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(double Post)

but I'll add this

Paipo: it was labelled incorrectly when it was collected, and so the label stuck, as they tend to with museum collections. ...and I guess it's cooler than using that design and saying "it's...umm...some dude. Don't know his name."

Paipo: if you're gonna do Hawaiian pieces, get the book 15:50:36

And if I have the money, it looks like a great resource, thanks

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-03-26 17:02 ]

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So here is the newest of the new. I really should get measurements and scale shots and all that good stuff but that will have to come at a later time.

So the Tiki Magazine was open to I believe the inside cover (Mitch O'Connell issue) to another one of Doug Horne's fabulous artwork. Opening up one page is how far my dad made it into the magazine before he saw something that caught his eye. The advertisement is for Doug's collaboration with Fender guitar. I have to say that I really like the backgrounds that give the look to the guitars. That blue for the Maoi and the green/yellow for Unquiet Village (drummer) make for a defined look. Would make me want to buy one and learn to play.

Unquiet Village is the tiki that was chosen for the new mug. Which is great cause that's a great looking tiki to do if you're going to do a tiki. Plus the style of that tiki with the "blinking eye" (how I perceive it) is totally the look of Doug. Still love the monkeys the best and my monkey mug the best but each new mug seems be a fresh concept. A direction that I can't say I would take. I know I wouldn't go there and see these ideas as possible mugs but the more mugs my dad makes the greater the possibilities. For instance, I was looking back through Meyer's Oceanic Art book and the many more artifacts that I would never see to work now could. Works with small arms and bent legs can hold a decent drink and pineapple.

The new mug (need name, need name) has the head similar to Horne's image minus the moko/ elaborate facial tattoo and the chin is different. My dad couldn't figure out what was going on there. I knew instantly but I like the way the chin is handled here. Actually aside from the cut out eye and the look of the nose, this tiki could have been an original idea for us. The feet have ankles and the shape in the back is a nice feel in the hand and shape to look at. Pant legs and shirt sleeves that you can see up a bit. I think this one would be a pain to mold.

Got a few shots of the still rough tiki. Dad's handy work (Shame to touch/ really) Glad I get to see in between stages.
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After the cleaning. Was needed to define parts and to help create the illusion which we call art. There was a good deal of time in involved but I really enjoy this part especially if I'm not drained from building. Did however leave the pants hand/tool marked and the triangle in forehead (for balance)
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teaKEY posted on Sun, Apr 6, 2008 7:08 PM


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Beauty & the Beast
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Cheers teaKEY

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teaKEY posted on Tue, Apr 8, 2008 9:40 AM

A myspace bump

On 2008-03-06 16:28, teaKEY wrote:
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You just have to click the picture. I not sure if everyone knew this image and the signature at the bottom are links.

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The glaze work in the small pic above labeled in the works is quite beautiful, nice break up

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  • OceaOtica wrote:*
    Teakey,The glaze work in the small pic above labeled in the works is quite beautiful, nice break up

Thanks & You are correct sir. Three different green glazes and all came out nice. I think I will use the OLd Jade again since its around to use. Maybe throw in some volcano ash for good measure.

Started this last night. Super Sculpy II. Its been in my car for a couple seasons (Michigan) Never worked with the stuff but it feels like working with a pencil eraser. Kinda crappy.

Can you guess it?
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side view
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front view

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SO if those were photos 1 through 4

Here are the next batch.

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Chin tiki.........................................................................................Mouthy

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Define eyes / full out nose.......................................................................Ears

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Fat burger,cheeks.................................................................................Boner

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Cheerio...........................................................................................Back to Basics

Feed me some feedback -teaKEY

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teaKEY posted on Sat, May 3, 2008 9:56 AM

Here is the newest piece glazed.

Turned out surprisingly good, well, my dad was surprised. Didn't have enough glaze to do a proper dunk. A new color for us yet again.

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a bad cut out. Picture taken outside

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close up on the eye

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close up on eye, detail of the glaze.

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something new

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A post started in Myspace but I will just post each day to bring a couple weeks ago to current over the next few days.

Moai for gallery

I got my lucky break in the world of tiki with the chance to prove myself a bit doing a mug for the DvA gallery. I'm just getting the mug, where some artist are finished or just finishing for the event in three weeks (Sat. June 21t). Kinda a short amount of time but a challenge that I'm up for. I'm sure if I had months to pour into this project I could have used them all. I was giving the instructions to Kill It!, meaning that I must bring some A-game.

I got some big hitters that will be swinging in that same group show. Probably everyone has a website and/ or have been in a couple galleries so I'm coming in as the underdog and will see how I compare. If I can pull off what I have in mind, I think I will do quite well.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what Joe Vitale comes up with. The two previous years he has transformed the mugs into something completely different, with not just flawless paint but sculpting the mug into a new idea. That is the most appealing part for me.

Most artist have a distinct painting style. Not me, which makes it tougher for coming up with an idea. I had to think what is it that I do with tiki that different from others. Cement Moais, hand-built mugs, and the paintings that go along with it all. The topic was especially a big interest to me. Easter Island is the area that interest me the most. And it's also the area where I first started collecting different photos on the area.

Stay tune to see some progress that I will be posting. As much as I love the Derek Moai and as hard as it is to change, I have ideas to alter the shape in addition to the surface paint.

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5:53 PM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

The Annual Gala mug is coming along but it feels like slow progress.

Before I ever got my mug, I went over to Tiki Farms website and gratefully there happened to have a pre-glazed, multi viewed page that I printed out. I printed in out to a full page and thought and rethought what to do. I drew on the printout the physical changes I wanted to make. The strange part is the drawing is still what I am using as my design and the picture seems to be better than my three feel for the mug. Meaning that I look at the idea I put down of paper rather than trust what I think without it.
Even with the pre planning that I have been doing on all the part of the alterations, I'm still finding that I will have to make changes. I guess it takes me to walk away from it and coming back with cleared eyes and the cleared mind. The epoxy that I using is like Bondo with about a hour- two hour hardening time. This stuff was hard to use at first but I feeling more comfortable with the stuff all the time. I found out by experimenting the water actually works as a good lube to help the tools the slide along the surface easier and to “melt” the material for better blending.
I first started with the brows and eyes. Even though this was planned and pictured in different references like my fav moai at the MaI Kai.

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Here I am opening the Tiki Farm package of the DvA gallery mug that was designed by Derek. I was pretty happy to see this guy as you can tell.

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Placing the eyes first to see the shape, size and placement for the right look. It was tough from the start cause the absence of eyes (crease) represented the eyes. But, once you add anything round the viewer's eyes sees those as eyes.
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Detail: I filled in the small space behind the lid. Made the illusion greater.
(Not the eyes I stayed with)

Needed a hat. Accessories! Made the hat in my kitchen and it was last minute. I was desperate to get the single firing it needed. What to do after you called every potter in your home town? Take it into your own hands

My dad said we will fire it ourselves. We will made a wood-fired kiln ((even though we never have and don't know the first place to start))

SUper Labor intensive- I had to dig a pit (you dig?), haul wood and chop logs. Attend to the fire for hours.
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The pit. It was crazy how it looked like an asteroid crash landing spot. A volcano shaped mound with a glowing ROCK in the middle sticking out. (this was after the sun set)

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Kiln close up

Trying to sleep and wondering if it worked. The blocks for the kiln were cracking from the night before and fell into five pieces later
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Success!! and Hot :drink:

Stay Tuned

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Here was the game plan that I was working from.

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I stuck to most of it but there were a few things I omitted in the paint round due to time. (Brow and top of nose were omitted)

Stay Tuned...

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That a boy Teaks!!

Dude, In the end, it's all about playing in fire!

A whole pit firing designated for one lid...awesome man!

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[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-20 20:35 ]

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Babalu, yeah, a whole pit which wasn't even there before I started. If I would have taken to a shop ( time premitting) it would have probably been $.50 to fire. But it felt kinda like camping and I always wondered about firing this way. Just like the Native Americans.

Roughing in & then Polished up
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A view of the nose which doesn't show up in most of the pictures. I liked it cause it would have been hard to mold a mug like this one with a nose like that. Undercuts.

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A finished shot on the raw mug before any paint. I like this shot before the top knot matches the grill it's sitting on. And I liked the colors here. The black hat on a white body.

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You can see the eyes that I went with. Really the best set after I tried different combinations. The breast ** with nipples** the ears and a lot of work went into the ears. I thickened them more toward the bottom which gave a good weight to the mug to balance out the top. I even brought the bottom of the ears forward to.

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The bird men on the back

Stay Tuned, more of the birdmen to come

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teaKEY posted on Tue, Jul 1, 2008 7:38 AM

and more on the Bird Men

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I though many of you carvers would enjoy this shot a bit. The back side
of the Moai houses the bird men. The mug would usually be viewed from
the front so the birds could stay a mystery on the shelf until revealed
by the owner. The bird men are a crown jewel of the mug because they are

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The lower two birds house jeweled eyes. The stones are a matching pair of
Garnets 4mm. I was originally thinking Rubies but Garnets are really the
red colored stone I was looking for. Their is a good back story on these but
the short version is they came from a jewelry store and cut from earrings.
And I got them free and clean.

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Full back out in the sun

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Displaying the mug next to a favorite carving. The colors between the two
are very close together. And on the other side is Tiki tOny's mug which has
always been a favorite of mine and I enjoy how it came with all the extras
just like mine. (necklace, etc.)

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teaKEY posted on Tue, Jul 1, 2008 7:38 AM


Oh the birds are painted in 14K gold paint

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-07-01 07:44 ]

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i like the back A LOT teaks!
The gold over the stone texture gives it a nice old feel
while the kitschy jewel in the eye evokes the old polypop tiki necklaces with the bejewelled eye!
Congrats on the showing and the sale of your piece!

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GROG posted on Tue, Jul 1, 2008 8:58 AM

That turned out well Teakers. Congrats.

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Nice Job Teaks!

Gems are in dude!...I'm building a mug (mong) for Buzzy right now that will have a shit load of Swarovski Crystals on it. Yours looks classy with just a few gems used here and there for the eyes....the one I am building is starting to look like something you would see at a Village People concert :-) But hey, it's for Buzzy....you know...

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teaKEY posted on Wed, Jul 2, 2008 7:31 AM

Thanks for the comments guys. LLt Yeah the old polypop tiki necklaces came to mind and are pleasantly poly. I just bought a group on Ebay for cheap a couple days ago. The Moai one is my favorite. Arigatou Grog. Babalu, can't wait to see that rhinestone cowboy. Will be checking for it.

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The color came through rich in this photo. The best part, seeing that SOLD sticker on opening night.

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Very nice.

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That came out nice. Good job!

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Thanks hiltiki, thanks Jentiki

Nothing new, can't get motivated to the point where I will actually open a bag of clay or pull
out the paints. Noticed that all the Shutterfly pics are thumbnail size and that really sucks.
All this time (years) they never turned to the little red x in a box but some of those
pics are my only copies. Going through the Fly, I found old pics (smaller now) of painted mugs
I did and only posted on Marketplace. Forgot I did one of those so it was a surprise.

Start on the next page
Group shot on this page
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