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Grogalizer is back!

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Swanky posted on 04/28/2007

On 2007-04-27 17:19, pappythesailor wrote:
I hate to compwain Mr. Swanky but even with IE 7, I can't leave a ten-word comment in da Grogalyzer. On the plus side, I can go back to Firefox.

Well Fudge Stripe! Geez. Well, we found the problem today. After messing with it, it was clear. POsted with apostrophes and quotes were causing sql errors! It has nothing to do with size. A little htmlspecialchars and well be good to go again...

pappythesailor posted on 04/30/2007

Thanks for your hard work on the Grogalyzer and things tiki.

Swanky posted on 06/11/2007

I have been intending to add actual recipes into the Grogalizer, and I have started with a bang! Now on the Grogalizer, when you have the appropriate ingredients, you will be given the recipes for 3 of Basement Kahuna's personal creations, as well as the top three recipes from the Tiki Central Drink Contest. These recipes need to be utilized more often and this is a great way for the serious mixologists to get them into action.

In the future I hope to start adding vintage recipes from various books. For now, I have added these 6 winners.

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 06/13/2007

Hi Swanky,

Yesterday we (Waitiki) found ourselves in a pinch, on Block Island, about to do a show, and NO DRINKS!! (By that I mean, of course, what civilized tikiphiles the world over consider "drinks") We asked about drinks at the club, and they said, "Oh, yeah, we'll make anything you want!" I asked about cocktails and the response was, "Sure, we got a special today, Captain and Coke, $6!" I asked about Mai Tai's, and got a blank stare.

Mr. Ho says to me, "I wish there were some on-line resource we could consult here." Thinking quickly, I told him about the Grogalizer! He asked if it were handheld friendly, and I assured him that I sure hoped so. Surely, I thought, Swanky, being the practical-minded drinker that he is, as well as the thirst-irstiest of them all, would have foreseen this set of circumstances, and made the appropriate contingencies for handheld accessibility. Well, we were able to log in, get the ingredients on hand entered, but we were kept waiting for a response that never came. Is this something that can be looked into for future such contingencies? Mr. Ho uses a Palm Treo on Sprint.

On behalf of Waitiki, OKU, and the entire village of Okonkuluku, I thank you for your attention.
The Mayor Of Exotica

arriano posted on 06/13/2007

I've been at a couple of bars recently where I needed the ingredients of certain cocktails to guide the bartender. My source was http://www.wiki.webtender.com and fairly easily accessible on my Treo.

Post your own recipes if they're not already there.

Swanky posted on 06/13/2007

On 2007-06-13 10:24, The Mayor Of Exotica wrote:
Hi Swanky,

Yesterday we (Waitiki) found ourselves in a pinch, on Block Island, about to do a show, and NO DRINKS!! (By that I mean, of course, what civilized tikiphiles the world over consider "drinks") We asked about drinks at the club, and they said, "Oh, yeah, we'll make anything you want!" I asked about cocktails and the response was, "Sure, we got a special today, Captain and Coke, $6!" I asked about Mai Tai's, and got a blank stare.

Mr. Ho says to me, "I wish there were some on-line resource we could consult here." Thinking quickly, I told him about the Grogalizer! He asked if it were handheld friendly, and I assured him that I sure hoped so. Surely, I thought, Swanky, being the practical-minded drinker that he is, as well as the thirst-irstiest of them all, would have foreseen this set of circumstances, and made the appropriate contingencies for handheld accessibility. Well, we were able to log in, get the ingredients on hand entered, but we were kept waiting for a response that never came. Is this something that can be looked into for future such contingencies? Mr. Ho uses a Palm Treo on Sprint.

On behalf of Waitiki, OKU, and the entire village of Okonkuluku, I thank you for your attention.
The Mayor Of Exotica

Hmmm. Ms Swanky uses a Palm Treo as well. I will have to investigate. It might simply be an issue of speed, but I'll try it with hers and see if I get a response. If not, then look for wap.swankpad.org/grogalizer... :wink:

Honestly, it is nothing more than a table, so, no special html that won't work. The only issue might be the way the forms are posted, but, if you can log in, it is unlikely there would be any issues with that afterwards.

[ Edited by: Swanky 2007-06-13 10:45 ]

Mr. Ho posted on 06/13/2007


yea, i think it's form-related. i had to use google to look up the site - and I got googles wap-friendly conversion page served up. i logged in with tim's credentials and i think i passed it since i got the checkboxes and began selecting items. however, upon posting the form, the response was a blank page (or missing the main body area). are you using straight, validated xhtml for the site? that would be a good start...or maybe we could write a wap-friendly front-end for tiki handheld users (mr. ho happens to be a long-time UI designer too :wink:

mr ho

Swanky posted on 06/18/2007

Tried and tested with Palm Treo. Works fine, but it is slow for the page of recipes info to load. It has to all get generated before you see anything. Patience!

Swanky posted on 01/21/2008

We are working on adding Sippin Safari to the Grogalizer. We have all the new ingredients in the system, but only about 1/4 of the recipes, if that. I'll let you know when they are all there. Should be done this week sometime.

I am not sure what you will see with all the recipes that have a name only in there and no ingredient list. You may have a large number of false positive recipe hits. Sorry. It'll be fixed soon enough.

arriano posted on 01/21/2008

On 2008-01-21 07:16, Swanky wrote:
We are working on adding Sippin Safari to the Grogalizer. We have all the new ingredients in the system, but only about 1/4 of the recipes, if that. I'll let you know when they are all there. Should be done this week sometime.

I am not sure what you will see with all the recipes that have a name only in there and no ingredient list. You may have a large number of false positive recipe hits. Sorry. It'll be fixed soon enough.


Swanky posted on 01/22/2008

Ice on the roads gave us time to get them all in this morning. Have at it!

JTD posted on 01/22/2008

Thanks, Swanky. I think I will.

Swanky posted on 01/25/2008

Hmmmm.... Here's an idea. When I do a major update of the site, I might want to log in and check to see that it works! Grrrr. Sorry. I'll have it working tonight.

Swanky posted on 01/26/2008


Swanky posted on 08/27/2008

Thanks to new member oysterschnapps for pointing out some problems with the Grogalizer. I had removed Trader Vic's Passionfruit Syrup in favor of just Passionfruit syrup as an ingredient, and didn't update all the recipes, so, many dissappeared from your lists. Also, when the Grogalizer was created, there were more liquors than any other category, so they controlled the size of the table. With the new books, mixers became the most populated, and this caused the last few of them to be cut off. So, you could not select vanilla extract and others from the list.

Those two things were fixed and so, some recipes wil appear in your lists or reappear in your lists.


Swanky posted on 09/09/2008

I am in the process of moving The Swank Pad to a new host. All the Grogalizer info was downloaded on Friday. I should have shut it down then. I wasn't thinking ahead, just trying to get everything before I lost access. If you have signed up, voted, etc. since Thursday, I can't tell you that info will be there.

If the site is still active tonight, I will turn it off and download all the tables again.

So, the Grogalizer will be offline sometime soon and be down for a while. It is a fairly complex thing to rebuild a site from files and to reload a MySQL DB from files. And, I am not exactly fat with spare time.

It will be back, I just can't say exactly when.

Cross your fingers. I will never have the free time I did when I wrote all the Grogalizer code. This had better work!

pappythesailor posted on 09/09/2008

Good luck. We're all counting on you.

tikigap posted on 09/18/2008

Make it snappy.

Swanky posted on 09/18/2008

I'm closing in on it. The data base is connected, but I am having a problem with the posted variables coming through. Seems simple. I'll find the answer soon. Just get a few minutes here and there to work on it. If I have time, I should be abel to get it working tonight. Or at least, get logged in and see what else is broken...

Swanky posted on 09/26/2008

Yeah! I think it is fixed. Login works, storing items, showing recipes, comments and voting. As far as I can tell it's back!

Let me know if you notice any problems. The email function is likely out if you forget your password...

Swanky posted on 07/17/2009

The Grogalizer is crazy slow. I am not sure if it is ther server I am on and how many are sharing the resources, or if the growth in ingredients and recipes has just made the process slower. I think part is due to the server since just logging in is way slower.

I am tweaking one of the major queries to see if it speeds things up. We'll see.

But I think the long term answer is to get on a faster machine or one with better resources. That would mean a lot more money which isn't happening. Anyone want to host the Grogalizer on your faster machine? Needs php, pear and MySQL...

Swanky posted on 01/09/2010

Just got Tiki+ on the iPhone and was honored to see The Grogalizer on the second link. Thanks Bum! Will be looking into making the app an addition to the recipes on the site.

Added "Fresh Mint" as an ingredient. Will be updating recipes over time, but started with the Mai Tai. Mint is more than a garnish.

We are expecting to have the new site live in a month or so. Maybe right after I get my hands on the new Bum book. Features to be added:

Account editing! Whew! Change your email and password, give a profile, etc. You'll also be able to look at what people have voted for and their comments, etc.

Change your votes, and comments. I have changed my tastes. The drinks I loved 5 years ago may make me gag today...

Limit the recipes shown to just the books you have. No extra junk to wade through.

Show/hide comments

Show recipes you could make with an extra ingredient or 2.

Show the number of recipes each ingredient is in. Helps stock the bar appropriately.

The new site is very app-like. Hoping it will look good on your iPhone or other device and meld with Tiki+.

The site will get additions over time. Once the basics are in place, we'll let it go live and add more tweaks as time goes on.

I am very excited. The designer is Justin Bird. He's a TC member (gooneybird) and here is his site.

TikiSan posted on 01/11/2010

Very cool, Swanky, looking forward to the new site.
Than you for the work you've done on Grogalizer all these years. I use it all the time and find it a great resource.
You've made making tropical drinks easier.

Swanky posted on 03/10/2010

I can see it coming along in the distance. It'll be here soon!

Moving to our own domain. Go ahead and bookmark it and you'll be ready when it gets revealed.


Swanky posted on 03/25/2010

Merged the duplicate entries in preparation for "Remixed". Added Tiki+ recipes tot eh Grogalizer. I hope to have the new book this weekend to add all those recipes. Expect to unveil the new site soon. There will likely be a version for handheld devices as well so you can have access anywhere.

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