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Martin and Forbidden Island in SF Chronicle

Pages: 1 19 replies


Way to go, Martin!

Nice snappie, one take Cate.

No shirt,


Hey, what happened to "No shirt, no shoes, no service"? :D

Congrats on the good write-up Martin. You deserve it. Now, off to my home bar to emulate your skills as best I can...

Congrats Martin! Interesting reading the article! have to find a way to get to Alameda..

Me too ! :) How about around the time of February 23rd ? :D

Congrats Martiki!!
We're proud of you pardner!!

pablus posted on Sat, Feb 2, 2008 7:36 PM

Nice work by the author as well.
Notice the little dig at "flair" in the article?

Martiki - you're hot - you're on fire.


Congrats Martin!


Here's the direct link to the story on Martin, which includes the recipe for "The Dead Reckoning"...an off-the-menu drink at F.I.: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/02/01/WIGQULBO0.DTL


Cheers, everyone!

I thought I'd share this brilliant email that I received about the article:

"I am a veteran Bay Area restaurant professional, I try to take my job seriously,
while providing an experience that exceeds my guests' expectations. My application
has been accepted for the Master Sommelier Advanced Course, something for which I am
proud, yet humble. I have to mention that I never fail to read the Food and Wine
sections, as well as Michael Bauer's reviews.
I always want to present the hospitality industry in the best possible light; I do
think that some people may consider restaurant employees less capable or educated
that those in other professions. We deal rather intimately with food and drinks
we present to our guests, and these guests deserve our outmost care and concern.
This includes health-related issues, the manner in which we handle products and
serviceware, our own personal cleanliness and safety and sanitation procedures,
including those prescribed by law.
I was shocked at the photo you used of the co-owner/"tiki-ologist" of Forbidden
Using the photo of a shoeless Martin Cate, was at the very least inappropriate and
in bad taste, as well as a violation of Health Department laws and standards. I
guess we know where I am never going for a drink, and I will make it a point to
let anyone else I come in contact with, whether they are other restaurant
employees or potential customers, aware of my concerns and feelings on this
subject. I hope that Mr. Cate is more concerned about appropriate (and legal)
restaurant standards and practices than his picture would lead one to believe."

In fact, that just one of two that I got saying the same thing.

So to set the record straight, no I do not tend bar barefoot.

However, in the interest of full disclosure, I don't wear pants while behind the bar.

I will personally vouch for the cleanliness of Martin's feet, as they have been tasted and approved by my Schipperke, Elsa (she-wolf of the SS!)

So, next new drink going to be the Toe Dipper?


:drink: cheers!

Dang! And this happening right before Martin was going to go public with his innovative stab at Flair mixing: The bare foot Barman!

On 2008-02-04 09:40, martiki wrote:
Cheers, everyone!

I thought I'd share this brilliant email that I received about the article:

"I am a veteran Bay Area restaurant professional, I try to take my job seriously,
while providing an experience that exceeds my guests' expectations. My application
has been accepted for the Master Sommelier Advanced Course, something for which I am
proud, yet humble. I have to mention that I never fail to read the Food and Wine
sections, as well as Michael Bauer's reviews.
I always want to present the hospitality industry in the best possible light; I do
think that some people may consider restaurant employees less capable or educated
that those in other professions. We deal rather intimately with food and drinks
we present to our guests, and these guests deserve our outmost care and concern.
This includes health-related issues, the manner in which we handle products and
serviceware, our own personal cleanliness and safety and sanitation procedures,
including those prescribed by law.
I was shocked at the photo you used of the co-owner/"tiki-ologist" of Forbidden
Using the photo of a shoeless Martin Cate, was at the very least inappropriate and
in bad taste, as well as a violation of Health Department laws and standards. I
guess we know where I am never going for a drink, and I will make it a point to
let anyone else I come in contact with, whether they are other restaurant
employees or potential customers, aware of my concerns and feelings on this
subject. I hope that Mr. Cate is more concerned about appropriate (and legal)
restaurant standards and practices than his picture would lead one to believe."

In fact, that just one of two that I got saying the same thing.

So to set the record straight, no I do not tend bar barefoot.

However, in the interest of full disclosure, I don't wear pants while behind the bar.

First off, well done Martin, second apart from the Health and safety issues, which have no relation to what your feet look or smell like, only that there could be broken glass. I have long though how cool it would be to have a city bar (people in suits) where you cannot get in unless you take your tie and shoes off, not neccesarily FI but a full on Tiki bar or beach bar.
It ain't that bad seeing peoples feet( have you ever been to the beach) and it's agraet way of breaking down social barriers.
So I say Martin, put the pants back on (only your wife wants to see that! :) ) and lose the shoes dude.

[ Edited by: cheekytiki 2008-02-04 13:22 ]


I was shocked at the photo you used of the co-owner/"tiki-ologist" of Forbidden
Using the photo of a shoeless Martin Cate, was at the very least inappropriate and
in bad taste,

And now we know why they're called "wine snobs." Jeez, buddy, lighten up. The cork from the bottle goes into the garbage, not up your ***.

On 2008-02-04 16:29, Rum Balls wrote:

I was shocked at the photo you used of the co-owner/"tiki-ologist" of Forbidden Island.
Using the photo of a shoeless Martin Cate, was at the very least inappropriate and
in bad taste,

Free up your mind from mental slavery..


That sly come-hither stare

It's strictly taboo,
el midnite

On 2008-02-06 12:33, midnite_tiki wrote:

That sly come-hither stare

It's strictly taboo,
el midnite

Strictly taboooo......


I would only be concerned if you squeezed juice or stired my drink with your feet.

Which I don't think you do.

Whoever sent you the e-mail, Can stay away , it leave more room for those of us you appreciate you.

Ahhhh, gotta love the SF high end restaurant Sommelier contingency. Live it, been there. :wink: Wow, they really are pretentious aren't they? Actually, it's kind of a compliment that they think of you as one of their own, enough to admonish. You're playing with the big boys Martin. Congratulations.

But really I agree with Princess P. Unless you're mixing my club soda, or occasional martini, painkiller, or tigersmilk with your toes, I don't care. I know the place is clean, I know you run a tight ship and understand why you didn't have your shoes on (*new years priority, sock coordination? *) :wink:

Guess they've never heard of Don the Beachcomber. :wink: Love and long live twinkle toes Cate!

[ Edited by: coco loco 2008-02-10 15:26 ]

Pages: 1 19 replies