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Tiki Daze 2009 Graphic Designers

Pages: 1 12 replies

Swanky posted on 02/05/2008

Work just started on Tiki Daze 2009. We have a talented group of designers already, but I wanted to more formally invite those who would like to participate in this fun project to contact me. We have a deadline fast approaching, so, drop me a line right away and lets get you started. You've seen the 2008 version, so you know what we're looking for to some extent. This is your chance to work on something you can real enjoy. Bring your ideas and your skills!

frostiki posted on 02/08/2008

You know we are in again.

Haole'akamai posted on 02/08/2008

I'm just glad that there will be another Tiki Daze next year!

tok-tok posted on 02/08/2008

Very nice piece of art. I got mine (2008) a week ago and really like it. One thing: Is it possible to punch a slightly bigger hole for hanging? I looking forward to the 2009 one.

Swanky posted on 02/08/2008

Don't know about a bigger hole, but we'll make the cover a lot heavier next year. We used a heavier paper throughout, which made the whole thing weighty and they tended to rip on January if you weren't really careful. The cover was beefed up, but not enough...

If we can get the designs in, we plan to have the 2009 calendar at Hukilau in June!

Skruffy in OBX posted on 02/26/2008

very nice

bb moondog posted on 02/26/2008


VampiressRN posted on 11/07/2008

Really looking forward to the 2009 version. I gave several 2008s as gifts and have mine in my office at work. By the way, November has great celeb pictures...that Zsa Zsa always was the cocktail dress goddess!!!

pappythesailor posted on 11/07/2008

I was just wondering about the calendar as I turned the page for November. Looking forward to the next one.

Swanky posted on 11/09/2008

There won't be a 2009 version. This year's calendar was nowhere near what we hoped for. We didn't even come close to breaking even. We learned a lot and we can plan to do something again one day, but the time lines to really do it right are far from what we thought. If we had made some money, we might be more eager to do it again. But, right now, we are very busy building our home bar and other stuff, so it will have to wait.

My computer freaked out and I lost my Photoshop so I can't even update the site for the desktop wallpaper right now. Sucks.

We'll see when we are up for doing another calendar. We'll do it again, but not soon.

tikithomas08 posted on 11/09/2008

just pm'd you

jpmartdog posted on 11/10/2008

well that is some bad news.... - Have really enjoyed my 2008 calendar!
Sorry it turned out to be a bust for you!

jpmartdog posted on 01/01/2009

Just turned the page on my 2008 Tiki Daze Calendar! Ugggh! January 2009 will go by too quickly. Anyone have any suggestions for a 2009 calendar to replace the soon-to-be-missed Tiki Daze Calendar.

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