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Bad Mai Tai

Pages: 1 15 replies


Last friday i went to our, well in fact, the only Tikibar in Scandinavia, the Tikiroom.
As far i have gotten very good drinks there and their Vics Mai Tai is really nice.
This time i decided to have a Dons Mai Tai..but was really disappointed.
The drink had a foul beige-light purple sort of color and the Pernod dominated the whole drink.
I believe the Pernod used by Don B was the Absinthe brand Pernod..not the anise spirit Pernod...?
Second, i have heard that the absinthe is supposed to be rimmed on the glass..and no more, just to create a tingling effect..
If mixed in the drink it will create a bad color.
I have not been able to make this one properly at home because i lack the Pernod.

jingleheimerschmidt posted on 03/12/2008

Do you trust their other drinks? That sounds down right awful. Pernod can easily ruin a drink. Who knows what else they did to it. Too much falernum or too much grapefruit juice?

bewarethe151 posted on 03/13/2008

LFT, I was thinking of the Zombie from Sippin' Safari on the 6 drops with an eyedropper, sorry.

[ Edited by: bewarethe151 2008-03-12 18:25 ]

[ Edited by: bewarethe151 2008-03-12 18:25 ]


On 2008-03-12 13:57, jingleheimerschmidt wrote:
Do you trust their other drinks?

I have had many of their other drinks and they have all been very good, their Missionarys downfall is out of this world..so maybe this one was an exception or maybe that specific bartender didnt know how to handle the Pernod.. Sometimes ill go there at a different day and time and order another one just to compare with the bad one i got that evening. If i get the same again..i`ll question their recipe...lol

cheekytiki posted on 03/13/2008

Pernod can easily destroy a drink, but it can also add that little touch of pizzazz. The Soulshakers did a take on the Zombie for Coco Club in Verbier and the Pernod was killing it, when we managed to get them to make it with a drop rather than a dash it was great.
Hey LFT, there may be another Tiki Bar heading your way, Denmark not Sweden, but it may be worth a visit as their drinks are pretty good, one of the owners is a guy called Gromit Eduarson who is creating a great menu of Classic and new Tiki Drinks.


On 2008-03-13 05:05, cheekytiki wrote:
Hey LFT, there may be another Tiki Bar heading your way, Denmark not Sweden, but it may be worth a visit as their drinks are pretty good, one of the owners is a guy called Gromit Eduarson who is creating a great menu of Classic and new Tiki Drinks.

Is that Tikibar already opened or will it open soon? do you know where? Copehagen i suppose..

bigbrotiki posted on 03/13/2008

Has anybody over there herad about the Swedish rescue expedition's efforts for the Hamburg Kon-Tiki Restaurant contents? Were they successful?



I tried to search on Swedish websites but found nothing..

cheekytiki posted on 03/13/2008

On 2008-03-13 05:43, Little fragrant Tiare wrote:

On 2008-03-13 05:05, cheekytiki wrote:
Hey LFT, there may be another Tiki Bar heading your way, Denmark not Sweden, but it may be worth a visit as their drinks are pretty good, one of the owners is a guy called Gromit Eduarson who is creating a great menu of Classic and new Tiki Drinks.

Is that Tikibar already opened or will it open soon? do you know where? Copehagen i suppose..

Opening 25th March, Copenhagen at the Fox Hotel, to be honest ,it's a Tiki-ish bar in progress,it's part of an art hotel to which they are adding Tiki elements, but the owners love the concept and have plans for another more traditional Tiki Bar in the near Future.

Chip and Andy posted on 03/14/2008

Bad Mai-Tai! No mint for you!

Sorry, couldn't resist.


On 2008-03-13 18:39, Chip and Andy wrote:
Bad Mai-Tai! No mint for you!
Sorry, couldn't resist.

:D :D :D :drink:

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 03/14/2008

I think this stuff would probably make a bad mai tai (but I don't intend to find out):

It's an unopened can of Langis Mai Tai "professional bar mix" that I got at the Salvation Army for 50¢ last week. It's at least 30 years old (because of the lack of metric measurements on the label)

Mmmm, maltol.

jingleheimerschmidt posted on 03/14/2008

On 2008-03-14 14:58, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:
I think this stuff would probably make a bad mai tai (but I don't intend to find out):

It's an unopened can of Langis Mai Tai "professional bar mix" that I got at the Salvation Army for 50¢ last week. It's at least 30 years old (because of the lack of metric measurements on the label)

Mmmm, maltol.

Maltol is what really makes a mai tai stand out. Turns Bacardi into a 20 yr old Jamaican rum.

bewarethe151 posted on 03/15/2008

Mai Tai, no! But,a great insecticide, yes!

Koolau posted on 03/15/2008

Mmmmm - maltol.


Looks like the long lost secret formula bloom booster i could use for my orchids.

Mmmmm - maltol.

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