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Flying Saucer house to be auctioned

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Ojaitimo posted on 03/17/2008

I found this in yahoo news


This 'flying saucer' house, pictured on the side of Signal Mountain in Chattanooga, Tenn., Tuesday, March 11, 2008, will go up for auction on Saturday. The buyer needs a fascination for outer space, tolerance for gawkers and at least $100,000. Built by the late Curtis W. King in 1970, the circular house has multiple levels, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and an entrance staircase that lowers and retracts with the push of a button.

cheekytiki posted on 03/17/2008

Why when you have a house of that style would you put a lamp post up like the one in the foreground?

Atomic Cocktail posted on 03/17/2008

Dang, If I only had an extra 100 thou laying around! I love the lamp post-some how it fits. Needs a swinging car in the driveway that goes with the post, though. Perhaps a MG?


khan_tiki_mon posted on 03/18/2008

I took this picture while on vacation in North Carolina. I think this was near Cape Hatteras.

Must be a summer place.

VampiressRN posted on 03/18/2008

Too funny cheeky...that was my first thought too!!!

I was searching for interior pictures and found this:

Associated Press - March 17, 2008 1:15 PM ET

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) - A Cincinnati woman's $135,000 bid bought the flying saucer-shaped house on a mountainside in Chattanooga, Tenn.

An auctioneer who conducted the sale Saturday said the buyer, Pearl Johnson, did not want to talk about the transaction. Auctioneer Terry Posey says he thought she bought it as a second home.

Posey said Monday the auction of the 38-year-old structure on a curving road to Signal Mountain attracted worldwide attention. He was surprised the bidding did not go higher.

1 of the house's unique features is a retractable staircase, which once led to an interesting domestic dispute.

A neighbor says the former owners in the 1970s got in an argument and the wife pulled up the stairway, drove her husband's truck underneath it so he couldn't get the stairs down and left him stuck inside.

I would still like to see the inside though.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/18/2008

On 2008-03-17 13:49, cheekytiki wrote:
Why when you have a house of that style would you put a lamp post up like the one in the foreground?

..because that is all that's left of the original house after the saucer landed on and obliterated it!!!!

"every now and then ya gotta drop yer drawers and slide on the ice !!"

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-03-17 20:06 ]

Swanky posted on 03/18/2008

That house is on a very twisty, winding road up a mountian. Very steep. And then you go around this curve and there it is. No place to turn around and you wanna go back! They need a spot so people can pull over and take a picture without killing themselves...

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