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Disneyland to screw Tiki...Again..It really is a Small World, afterall...

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On 2008-03-12 11:49, Bargoyle wrote:
Hey Tom,

sorry for my help in the derailment. My point was that Yeah, it sucks that Disney keeps changing everything, usually for the worse, especially the Tiki stuff that we all love so much.... and that Uncle Walt would be making changes too if he were still around, and we'd all be bitchin' about em (alhtough I'd like to think they wouldnt be as horrible)

Still sucks.

That other stuff...sorry. Not all of us fatties are as jolly as santa. :wink: Im getting cranky in my old age too. A little more booze will settle me down, dont worry.

Here here and I too apologize - we fatties get a bit defensive at times - Now I'm heading out to Big Lots to buy cheapy-Tiki stuff (KIDDING!). LOL

Thanks Tom! I should know better than to step in the middle of a flame war. Or a lava flow. . .
My main point was that Disney does keep changing and that keeps it relevant for my kid, and her kids to come. It's unfortunate when they take something away that we like, but then they put in new things that we might just like, too. You know there are now tikis under the water on the "old" Submarine ride that is now Finding Nemo? It's a ride that's really for the littles, but at least you'll get some pseudo-cool non-movie atmosphere with your Nemo if you have to take your kid on it.
There were so many rumors about Pirates before they re-opened, but(aside from the Cap'n Jack pop-ups, admitedly lame)they added great grotto effects, more gold, a better town atmosphere, etc. And they restored the wenches and kept all the dusty old pirates with dogs, pigs and what-have-you, too. Hopefully, the imagineers, in their "wisdom", will keep the look and feel of the Small World continents while they're re-routing and re-boating, and hopefully the new parts they're adding won't be too annoying. But if not, then we can still hide out in the Tiki Room.
Now if we could get them to take that Song of the South stuff out of Thunder Mountain and turn it into Thundering Tiki Volcano, we'd have something. Hope this is on topic enough, and no more D-Land talk from me, that's a promise.

[ Edited by: Kiki von Tiki 2008-03-12 19:25 ]


Just a follow up....TMZ and L.A. Times are now covering this...The house of mouse must be feeling the pressure now! Nobody ever wants to end up on TMZ....




Cammo posted on Thu, Mar 20, 2008 8:56 PM

Hey, Tom, thanks for your obviosly sincere concern about the Small World changes. I'm glad this has its own thread, because it really deserves attention.

If you folks wanna rail on about Disneyland etc etc etc, there's plenty of room over at my "Why Disneyland Sucks" thread.

It doesn't matter if you like Small World or not. They're taking the best part of it away, the Tiki section, for no reason at all.

Personally, I love Mary Blair's work. She was never understood at Disney even in her own time. And Small World was a plea for understanding right in the middle of the Cold War, by and for the world's children. People forget how important the ride was, and still is to visitors from other countries.

It's also a ride for small kids, which is vanishing from the Disneyland of big effects rides.

This all comes at a time in the park's history when commercialism was supposed to be taking more of a backseat to fun. If this is an indication of what's to come, maybe Eisner will look good in a few years.

So thanks again Mr. Slick.

In my view, Small World was always retarded. I wouldn't care if it was sucked into a black hole.

GROG posted on Fri, Mar 21, 2008 10:15 AM

GROG second that.

I grew up near the 'World', but I feel the pain of any kind of tiki loss in Disney. Used to go to WDW every day I was off work in my late teens and early twentys. The whole reason I'm so into tiki is because of Disney.
Don't know about the WDW Small World ride, if it is the same or not (that song sticks in my head like superglue), but I'm going to have to ride it in April to see.

Your cause is getting a little more exposure, I ran across this and thought of you:

~Kiki v.

"It's a Small World" reopens.
I guess the South Pacific room survived - with the rain forest scene tucked into it.

I'm glad to see all of that is still there. They were my favorite rooms on the ride when I was little.


What about the masked drummers directly opposite the rain forest scene? I didn't see those in the Micechat photos. Can anyone confirm either way?


Masked Drummers are not in the holiday edition. I'm convinced they were sacrificed due to the cluttered and condensed rain forrest/New Guinea scene.

I was there yesterday and the masked drummers are gone. They moved all the New Guinea stuff around, and with all the Christmas decorations, it's hard to tell how much was removed vs moved. I have a video I can post somewhere if anyone is interested. There is no "salute to the USA".

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