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My First Tiki

Pages: 1 15 replies

King-bilt posted on 03/28/2008

Well thanks for a lot of advice and tips everything i've read has helped in one way or another. Not only is this my first picture post but aslo my first tiki. Hopefully the pics show up.
Thanks again for all the advice.

Here's my 40in by 15 in Mexican Fan palm log

Progress after my first day

Next day refining

I only used the aqua net for the back and the fuzzies, I bought a cheap little torch for all the detail burns. I just thought this looked cool.

After Burning

A little walnut stain from a friends garage...

It's 8pm and my tiki is currently air drying...

I started with a new untouched log yesterday morning and have a tiki I'm truly proud of today. I used a variety of tools from a small electric chainsaw to an assortment of hand carving tools.

Any advice is desired and appreciated, thanks again for all the educational posts.

harro posted on 03/28/2008

great first tiki - and damn fast too!

welcome to TC, keep posting.

Trader Tark posted on 03/28/2008

Your first one ?
Its fantastic ! Good work !


congatiki posted on 03/28/2008

Looking good new tiki guy!
Welcome to the tribe.

Benzart posted on 03/28/2008

Ditto what those guys said King-bilt and COOL Finish job too.

tikigap posted on 03/28/2008

I really am diggin' the aquaNet blow torch. Nice stuff!

surfintiki posted on 03/28/2008

Beautimus! Fantastic for 1st one out. Now you know what to do, so go crank your next!

AlohaStation posted on 03/28/2008

Please tell me you didn't use the Aquanet to burn this!! Great job on this one. Now that the carving bug has bitten, when can we expect the next one?

canyonlaketiki posted on 03/28/2008

That is a killer first tiki,Keep up the good work.

King-bilt posted on 03/28/2008

I'm going to put a two tone stain on this one to finish it off, then the tiki ski is the limit. I need to either purchase a wood planner to remove the bark or something because that whole process ate up most of my time.

Does anyone have any cheaper tips than a wood planner for removing the bark?

And has anyone carved in yucaliptus, I know it burns well in my fire place but what is it like for tiki's?

Thanks again for all those who place advice on this site it is really helpful.

More finished pics to come.

King-bilt OUT...

Flat Black posted on 03/28/2008

That is an amazing first tiki!

The aqua-net blow torch made me laugh, we used to use that stuff to power potato cannons. Super flammable.

hewey posted on 03/29/2008

Great first tiki mate, you've obviously done your homework, and you've got "the eye" for it too :D

My recommendation would be to invest in a small propane torch (like the one below). You get a much more controllable flame, so you can detail the tiki a lot better. Mine cost $15 from a local hardware store. :D

And has anyone carved in yucaliptus, I know it burns well in my fire place but what is it like for tiki's?

Euc is great for carving, but damn hard! :lol: I beleive Marcus uses it for most of his tikis, shown here with "Bongo the tiki"

seeksurf posted on 03/29/2008

Welcome, simply one of the best first tikis i have seen.
Nice work.

King-bilt posted on 03/29/2008

Here's the finished product. The pics were taken by a good friend and an awesome photographer http://www.parris-studios.com/#. (Check out his blog). He came over for dinner and couldn't resist snapping a few pics, he's trully a talent. Thanks again for all the support Mahalo.

My first Tiki ever, and one to remember...

Thanks Again

Let me know what you think of the tiki and my hand painted sign.

Peace and Chicken Grease
King, out

[ Edited by: King-bilt 2008-03-29 07:52 ]

[ Edited by: King-bilt 2008-03-29 07:53 ]

[ Edited by: King-bilt 2008-03-29 08:30 ]

[ Edited by: King-bilt 2008-03-29 08:31 ]

[ Edited by: King-bilt 2008-03-29 08:35 ]

kroozzn62 posted on 04/01/2008

sweet first attempt

King-bilt posted on 04/01/2008

Thanks to everyone for the kind and informative posts. There are trully some amazing artists who grace these posts, simply inspiring..

Peace and chicken grease,

King-B out.

Pages: 1 15 replies