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Bar for My Hotel, Brighton

Pages: 1 9 replies

cheekytiki posted on 04/02/2008

Thought some might like to see the Mobile Roomservice cocktail bar we just built for aRetro styled hotel in Brighton, as some of you can probably see it is made from various bits and pieces cobbled together. The breif was a retro Juxtaposition?

VampiressRN posted on 04/02/2008

Wow...that is pretty slick looking...better than the usual mini-bar set-up. I'll have a G&T please. :drink:

harro posted on 04/02/2008

Excellent job cheeky. It would certainly be the life to be served a cocktail in your room by a barman with this beauty. Function + looks = good design.

The retro/futuristic design immediately reminded me of the classic GEC / Weltron 2007 record players which I collect back in Oz (currently have a yellow and a white one, and a JVC videosphere as well). Were these any influence on your design?

Unga Bunga posted on 04/02/2008

Lookin good.
Looks like it's made from an old washing machine.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 04/06/2008

Wow! Impressive!! It REALLY does not look cobbled at all.

It must be the "third world" pics. :wink: I really do jest. I think it is freaking awesome. :rockstar:

I bet that would sell for 500 quid. Perhaps 999? Sorry, I don't have that weird "L" pound symbol thingy.

I say, make a few more and try to sell them. Just five, in white. Then four in red several months later. A couple in a royal blue might do. Black seems to odd.

I would like a nice bottle of Bowmore for my service if all goes well. :)

OceaOtica posted on 04/08/2008

fucking brilliant!

54 house of bamboo posted on 04/08/2008

On 2008-04-02 08:54, Unga Bunga wrote:
Lookin good.
Looks like it's made from an old washing machine.

We don't have top loading washing machines in the UK - except in laundrettes (laundramats).

What was it made from???

captnkirk posted on 04/23/2008

On 2008-04-05 18:16, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:
I don't have that weird "L" pound symbol thingy.

Yes you do, just hold the alt key and type 0163

£ = Alt + 0163
¢ = Alt + 0162
€ = Alt + 0128
¥ = Alt + 0165

Trader Tark posted on 07/05/2008

Which hotel is that in? There are several "Boutique" style hotels In Brighton now a days. Pelirocco and Blanch House two origonal ones that spring to mind and have been established for some time now..

Trader Tark posted on 07/07/2008

"My Hotel" .. the clue is in the name , as in the hotel is called "My Hotel" derrrr

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