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McTiki's Store is open! (updated pics)

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McTiki posted on 04/08/2007

We don't have all of our merchandise yet, but, it's a great start. The most important thing here, is the wine! People are just smiling!

open now!

Our website will be launcched very soon as well.

Thanks for your patience.



[ Edited by: McTiki 2007-04-09 09:47 ]

kirby posted on 04/08/2007

thats great.. I would love to shop there.. in fact every store or shop should look like this,,, good luck...

Tikisgrl posted on 04/08/2007

McTiki it's amazing!! Well worth the wait to see. Whatever that is in the last picture that looks like a cabinet/bar is fabulous. Wish I could get to Cocoa Beach to come see the whole place live & in person!


GMAN posted on 04/08/2007

Wow, McT that looks really sweet. I'm liking the wall paintings. Man, it looks like you really knocked yourself out. I know Monday is gonna be a great day for you! Enjoy it, you deserve it.

Got wine?


McTiki posted on 04/08/2007

Thank You! That means alot!

I mean, when I landed back in O-town after being gone a month while this was all in the works, I didn't even go home! I went straight to the store and started. Hell, I had clothes with meh!

Every night since (March 22nd) after corporate life, I go here and work til early morning hours sometimes.

It's almost done now, and I am tired. Time for rest. We open monday!

Looking for artists now. Any takers?

mahalo Ohana!


Benzart posted on 04/08/2007

McTiki, your store looks very inviting, Does that mean I'm invited up? I need to get a bottle of that wine we were talking about earlier and go from there....Lemme know how to git it?

McTiki posted on 04/09/2007

I updated the pics!

Surf tiki posted on 04/10/2007
  1. Looks great!!

  2. Is it okay to drink wine out of a tiki mug?

  3. Where are you located? I get down to Kennedy Space Center occasionally.

Tikisgrl posted on 04/10/2007

More great pictures McTiki. But, when is/was the grand opening & if you have had it already where is the "Tiki Framed" first Buck? Show us the money!


Capt'n Skully posted on 04/10/2007

Congrats on getting the store open- Wishing you the best!

congatiki posted on 04/10/2007

Don't know how I missed this thread till now....great looking store and your
mermaid tikis look right at home. Looks very inviting, and you can drink at

McTiki posted on 04/10/2007

Aloha TC! Grand opening will be in May. We had a very quiet opening yesterday. Monday/Raining/No building signage yet, so, it was rather lackluster, but, exciting for anyone who ventured in. Hopefully, things will pick up as the word gets out.

We are located @ 5675 N. Atlantic Ave (A1A) suite # 115 Cocoa Beach, FL 32951
Right down the ave from the space center!

Thank you for all the props! It was a long two weeks putting this together for the deadline. Now, back to corporate life.

And yes, you can drink the wine smoothies from da mugz! We are considering having a mug dedicated to the store using the now copyrighted logo.



TikiLaLe posted on 04/10/2007

What's a good wine? I want to go to Miami.
Winter Joke !!!

Good going McTiki !!!

dibroc posted on 04/10/2007

the store looks great best of luck to you.

kikekeki posted on 04/10/2007

Fantastic job with the interior McT! :D
Best of luck to you!!
Will have to make a trip to your neck of the woods...
Keep us informed with the progress, and the launch date for the website!

Tikisgrl posted on 04/11/2007

You know we love mugs! Don't forget to think of the Geographically challenged when the mugs are ready!


VampiressRN posted on 04/29/2007

Thanks for the link McT....don't know how I missed your post (with all the lurking and posting I do). :)

FabulousFabulousFabulous. Your bars look so professional...great job!!! I like the mural paintings on the walls. Are ya playing EXOTICA for the shoppers?

Are you advertising, or mostly foot traffic? A frequent-buyer's club would be kewl with some wine guides (what flavors go best with different meats, fish or etc). How is business going so far?

Your store looks nice a clean and the wine is displayed well. Keep us posted...and looking forward to the website, I'll be buying from ya. :)

Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/29/2007

very cool! lotsa luck !!!!


McTiki posted on 04/30/2007

Thanks for the props. Yes, it is way different even now from the pics that are posted. We have so much positive feedback on the store, it's incredible! I am humbled. Iv'e done 3 shirt illustrations for our shirts now, (only the roothead Tiki girl exists right now, the other two may appeal more to the men [Moai and Ku drinkin!]).

Yes, we are doing well (Now that the sign is installed on the Marquis) We can't even measure how we are doing until we have a full 30 days with the sign and all of our invnetory. I think we'll be ok. It's fun to watch the locals. They are hoping we survive and are stoked we are there, yet, only 4% of the local population even know we are there. That's about to change as Local newspaper has documented the build out and the opening and are about to publish this week.

It's been a learning experience for me having lived so many years as a technical nerd type for 30 yrs. This job rocks! We were mixing different flavors together at the bar today when we got bored. We play steel drum music and reggae (No Buffet!) It just makes you think your on vacation.

Thanks again for the props! We'll be on line soon!



Surf tiki posted on 03/24/2008

Hey McTiki,

Is your place still up and going? I'm gonna be in Cocoa in May and want to stop by and check it out.

VampiressRN posted on 03/24/2008

Glad you bumped this surf...I have been thinking about the shop and wondering how McT is doing? Hope things are going well. Don't forget...once your site is up and running...I'll buy some wines for the next VampTiki party!!! :)

Kahu posted on 03/24/2008

It is a beautiful shop, let's hope it's uniqueness draws people in and support it well.

McTiki posted on 03/25/2008

Yup! Were still kickin it. 1 yr anniversary is April 9th. Thanks for the unexpected bump! Website is up too! cocoabeachwinery.com

Kahu, where are you from? Thanks for the compliments.


[ Edited by: McTiki 2008-03-25 06:17 ]

seeksurf posted on 04/05/2008

Mctiki long time no heir, I just checked out the store very nice
and congrats on the 1 year mark. I played with the map and pictures.
looks like a fun place to live, beach, sun and Surf.

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