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Tiki Central / California Events

March Chop - Saturday March 22nd in Oceanside!

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Monkeyman posted on 03/31/2008

you all crack me up... whats up with that photo...

is he eating from the dog food bowl?

im just there to capture what a special thing you all have kept going for so many months... people doing something they enjoy in the company of others who share some of their passion.

its a pretty neat thing and something worth remembering.

someday we will all be too old to be allowed near powertools or strong enough to push a chisel by hand.....


Billy the Crud posted on 04/01/2008

MM, we are by far the luckiest people in this state to have what we have. Celeb? Me? Nope. Just got a huge mouth, man!!(it has to be to accomodate both of my feet)

Cam, you're making me blush!

Gotta go grocery shopping.........I like grocery shopping.

T_birdman posted on 04/01/2008


On 2008-03-31 6:50, Billy The Crud wrote:

"MM, we are by far the luckiest people in this state to have what we have. Celeb? Me? Nope. Just got a huge mouth, man!!(it has to be to accomodate both of my feet)"

Don't worry about Billy's mouth, it's when he starts talking from the other end ya
gotta worry!

Billy the Crud posted on 04/02/2008

Thanks Tbird. Sorry, can't make it to Thomas' thing tonight. Got duty, man

Tiki-Kate posted on 04/02/2008

On 2008-04-01 19:33, Billy the Crud wrote:
Thanks Tbird. Sorry, can't make it to Thomas' thing tonight. Got duty, man

He said "duty." Teehee.

Billy the Crud posted on 04/02/2008

heheheheheeee....I Have duty.

Guys.......we were I GUESS featured in "Street Rodder" Magazine from either the HotRod Surf thing, OR the Prowlers car show that Bill, Buzzy, and I did. I haven't seen it yet, but I've gotten NUMEROUS hits on the Myspace page from people who saw it........and the Myspace URL was posted with a picture. Someone pick up a copy and see, would ya?

I waited until the 2nd to post this so ya'll wouldn't think I was full of shyte.

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2008-04-02 00:01 ]

CheekyGirl posted on 04/03/2008

On 2008-03-31 14:00, 4WDtiki wrote:
I can't believe I dared to click that link. :up: :o

Dang, I fell for it too!

I thought I was going to see "more" of Mr. Native Carving Village 2007.

CheekyGirl posted on 04/03/2008

On 2008-03-31 14:19, Monkeyman wrote:
you all crack me up... whats up with that photo...

is he eating from the dog food bowl?

MM...Bowanna was just tired...dog tired boss...

Billy the Crud posted on 04/03/2008

Here it is......I wish they'd used a picture of all of us, but at least they printed the Myspace page.

Babalu posted on 04/03/2008

:music: :music: Gonna buy 5 copies for my mother...Gonna see my smily face on the cover of the Rolling Stone :music: :music:

[ Edited by: Babalu 2008-04-03 10:57 ]

4WDtiki posted on 04/06/2008

Soooooooo, have we officially decided on the 26th?

And how bout the location??? My place? :D

mieko posted on 04/06/2008

On 2008-04-05 17:39, 4WDtiki wrote:
Soooooooo, have we officially decided on the 26th?

And how bout the location??? My place? :D

I think yes on both counts. Start the thread! :)

Tiki-Kate posted on 04/06/2008

On 2008-04-05 18:30, mieko wrote:

On 2008-04-05 17:39, 4WDtiki wrote:
Soooooooo, have we officially decided on the 26th?

And how bout the location??? My place? :D

I think yes on both counts. Start the thread! :)

I second that.

Babalu posted on 04/06/2008

I third that!

4WDtiki posted on 04/06/2008

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