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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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little lost tiki posted on 04/05/2008

Hola Ohana!
what a week!
courtesy of a chemical imbalance and some ZIPFIZZES!
Jonesy-ShakaBra Kemosabe! :lol:
Thanks for visitin! hope all this new work stimulates your cerebrum!
Tiki stud?
Morning dance IS a screamer! and a shouter! and a dancer! and a Shake yo Moneymaker mornin jig!
it seems like the ones truly made with love shine thru!
I'm quite partial to the morning dance as well!
Look for more lil' fun ones coming up in the future!
Bowana-mahalos! Hearing all these stoked responses from all you talented folks is quite encouraging!
Glad i can bring so many smiles to all y'alls! See ya at the parking lot Sale!
Ravers-Thank YOU! Sometimes i like to push it and just hop over the fence and try something new
or re-examine an old style in a different genre..Lots of times it's just to keep the ol' brain from getting
bored and fusing all the synapses together....
Stoked you like those SunGreeting NOM-NOMmers!
I'll keep you and Bowana happy with those remaining Native American paintings
i found out i gots til the end of May or June to finish em....phew! see ya at the parking lot Sale!
I'm gonna have LOTS of paintings and 3-4 folders filled with ink drawings too!
Sam-Happy i can entertain and stimulate all you geniuses!
Already talked to BooBen about doing some collaborations on those embro designs
so you haven't seen the last of em!
Would love to see your version of some mustached or even mulleted Moais! :lol:
I feel the same about seeing your paintings in person! Last one i saw was the TOR at Disneyland...
lovin the brushstrokes-Mr. Precise!!!!
GROG-heard the Ronco Ruzimatics have a MAJOR DEFECT and will have to be recalled....
it seems they're not only painted with lead paint BUT are made of Lead! :lol:
Brad-you don't need a Ruzimatic-you need a HERMITator,also from RONCO!
That way you can paint in solitude for days at a time.....
Ben!-dude! Let's do it to it! let's make some GOODIES!
no dead rats tho....please?
Mooney! Thanks man! YOU are the LONO master!
time for the results of my ARTSPURT! on Thursday and Friday!
Actually was honored with a visit by Squiddles!
he always brings a sketchbook, but never draws in it enough!
Well, conversatin with him is always inspiring and enlightening!
Made good use of all of my time this Studio week
and got 8 new pieces done for the Tiki Farm parking lot Sale!
"Big Kahuna with Overbite"
(and almost a mullet! :lol:)
gouache on wood

gouache on wood

"Happy Platter"
gouache on wooden platter

Lovin these weird genetic native tiki mutants!
"get the ball! get the ball!" :lol:

"Oh my! Mutants!"

full-on Cheshire Cat grin!

"Painting inspired by Melanesian Bowls"
gouache on wood

this ones a TWO-fer!

"Tapa Fantasy"
gouache on wood with Bamboo Ben frame!
this one you can toss like a boomerang!

detail of painting...

one of my faves from this session...
"Temper Tantrum"
gouache on wood

"Tiki Abstraction"
gouache on wood

And here's my absolute favorite from this week!
"Tropical Dream"
gouache on wood on a beautiful Bamboo Ben construction!
I wanna do some more of these!

slipped a tiki in the corner!

Palm Tree

Happy Sun!

and i'll end this week's entries with a
Cool refreshing Tropical Drink! Aloha Friends!

Sophista-tiki posted on 04/06/2008

I gotta get me one of those white paint pens Diggin the white outline! I wanna play with that toy! it looks like fun.

little lost tiki posted on 04/06/2008

hey Dawn!
Thanks sweetie!
White paint pen?
Sorry Dahling....
That whole last batch is paintpen-free!
it's all gouache or black sumi ink pen!
the lighter outlines over the dark grounds
take a lil bit of practice to get the viscosity of the paint perfect..
but then you gotta let it dry-and double check it
and repaint over the outlines where the color has come up...
If you wanna try paint pen over gouache, i suggest you
paint everything but the white outline
seal it with a spray sealant
let dry
seal again
then have at it with the white paint pen!
and drink lots of ZIPFIZZ! :lol:

Paipo posted on 04/06/2008

Tropical dream is definitely my fave too - something like that would work a treat for the upcoming swap! Next most favourite is the inverted dude on "Painting inspired by Melanesian Bowls" cause he looks like Gene Simmons!
I'd like to see some more development of those moderne/cubist abstracted fellas too - a guy here named Dick Frizzell did a groundbreaking (and somewhat controversial) series here in the early 90s where he applied some of the famous art styles to maori tikis....stoke the bowl and fill the tank with zipfizz on the Ruzimatic and crank those babies OUT!

Kahu posted on 04/06/2008

LLT They all rock. Great stuff. Wish I was free to make the Farm Sale.

ravenne posted on 04/06/2008

:o! Sweeeeeeet!

Well yer brain is definitely not bored cause these pieces are freakin A! Glad to see you're pumping out so many different styles at once. Especially the abstract pieces! And that's sweet ya got till May/June to finish some more native paintings, because those are real cool!

:lol: at the mullet overbite guy! too funny!

I love the Happy Platter piece!
Those lil native guys are so tripped out!
I like that weird morph into another human (the one who's about to munch on the ball!) it's almost like it's trying to get away from itself but then the other guy's butt is in its way... :lol:
and the guy on the top rim of the plate looks so freaked, it's so cool!
It's almost a cynical happy platter? :lol:
It's really rad tho!

I hafta agree with you and rhys about the Tropical Dream, that is my favorite piece too, I love the contrast and the colors. Especially the outlines.

I'm not sure what it is about it, but I really like the Tiki Abstraction one too! Something really fun about that piece... Almost reminds me of the over exaggerated caricatures that Looney Toons/WB would do in the 50s...

Real rad Ken!

Keep on Rawkin! :D

Sophista-tiki posted on 04/07/2008

I see, gouache , that totally makes me feel better, thats how I get my white outlines. good to know. Im also making parking lot sale pieces. I will be ;lucky if I get a fraction done of the numbr of pieces you have! Go ZippFizz

frostiki posted on 04/07/2008

LLT great stuff, love the platters with the gauche. I just picked up a starter set of the stuff and bunch of new brushes and 'm chomping at the bit to give them a try. Any pointers on working with gauche?

little lost tiki posted on 04/07/2008

Paipo-Gene Simmons! :lol:
Thanks for the Eternals link! Kirby was ON it!
peeked at Frizzell's work and can totally see what you mean...
He isn't afraid to try new styles with old concepts and even if it means freaking people out or offending them so be it-it's art! Been diggin Calder and Miro and Stuart Davis and Chagall !
They've all been enticing me...and picasso and braques and Klee and redon.......
Thanks for the inspiration! man! I need to quit this day job!
Kahu-Thank you! wish you could come too....
Ravers-Tropical dream! wait til you see the fall of Icarus....with tikis!
Dawn-Wish you and not just your pieces were gonna be at the Sale.....
frostiki-thank you....
pointers....remember it's a water medium
it dries fast ...practice your blending and overlaying of colors
brush pressure...
lighting can be as easy or as hard as you make it...
play on paper first...good paper...arches
that way if it's a masterpiece-you can sell it...
play play play!
Hope that helped!
ZIPFIZZ and OJ today!
wasting time posting-but really made a good stride in the MODERNE stuff last night...
here you go!
And remember...these will be at the Tiki farm Parking lot Sale in 2 WEEKS!
"the Fall of Icarus" with Tikis
gouache on wood

the sun...


Tikis and stuff!

last one looks like frankenstein Tiki! oh dear....
"Three Fish" gouache on wood


also just did a quickie fish....Seeing mile's work at the Surfbeat...so small...so friggin PRO!
yet loose...also watched Sleeping beauty/pinocchio/and jungle Book this week for background
stylistic stuff to seep into my head whilst working....very inspiring...gonna watch a Chagall documentary in a minute-so that should inspire some color combos and other things....
"Pink fish"
gouache on wood

Upcoming painting...

been re-vamping some of my old painted fabric prints...
makin em stories...

did a PNG fish study...

and some more abstractions....

GROG posted on 04/08/2008

Your latest art has been inspired. Stepped up a notch. Good stuff. :)

frostiki posted on 04/08/2008

LLT, thanks for the tips, that helped, a lot actually. I can't wait to get home tonight to practice. I don't know that I'll be able to crank stuff out at even close to the breakneck speed that you do, but stay tuned for posts coming from me and the Mrs as the Hukilau approaches.



Daves Not Home posted on 04/08/2008

On 2008-04-07 23:34, GROG wrote:
Your latest art has been inspired. Stepped up a notch. Good stuff. :)

Dave agree with Grog. Can't wait to see these at The Farm.

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The PNG fish study speaks to me ina magical and special way...

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two more done last night,and as soon as posting is done-a few more should be born....
GROG-Thank you Sir! hearing that from an animator gives it some merit!
and hearing that from such a genius as yourself sweetens the deal!
put a spring in my step! makes me want to explore this even more!
Frostiki-Thank YOU! Glad i could help...
Holler if you have any more gouache questions..
here's some mo' tips offa top of my head....
the "drier" the gouache on the brush-the better coverage you'll get...
slower brush to paper equals longer lines....
spray on sealers work good
matte-darkens color a lil
gloss-makes colors juicer
Have fun!
don't get frustrated-it's only us puny humans scribbling on paper
wait til we hear an angel's song...
Now THAT will be something!
Dave's not Handsome-Thanks dork....come visit the booth!
I'll have a chinstrap for your human hair wig!
Brad-Mahalos my Island buddy! sometimes just LOOKING at those PNG artifacts...
just oozing with time and trials and births and deaths and ancestors and infused with all that power....
I'd love to see you do some quickie brush altered PNG stuff-your brain could bring a lot to the table!
More parking lot Pieces!
gouache on wood-Bamboo Ben creation!
Thanks Ben! :)
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what a cuteyboy smile!
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and this i just LOVELOVELOVE!
i was very satisfied with this one...
and it's a TWO-FER!
"Village totem"
gouache on wood-Bamboo Ben frame!

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holding the twins.....
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spider-hand dread man!
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love the eyes under the arms! BOOGABOOGA!
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Hope to see y'all at the parking lot Sale!
I'll have Coloring books,prints, Paintings, and Clearview folders full of Drawings and some of my old fabric prints!
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Hundreds to choose from!
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Art for every decor!
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Gotta Fly!

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hewey posted on Wed, Apr 9, 2008 2:18 AM

Entering light speed!
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Hey Ken- Do you ever sleep????? Beautiful stuff that just keeps coming.... I wish I was there to see it in person!

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Thanks Hewey and Sam!
I figger if i can break the speed of light,then time will go backwards
and i'll have even more time to paint!
more parking lot Sale stuff!
"Volcano at night" gouache on wood with a finely constructed
Bamboo Ben frame
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details schmeetails....
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next one is a kind of cliche in the tiki world..
Moais paddling a boat...BUT i decided to give it
a modernist flair AND add some orongos!
"the Night Rowers"
gouache on wood with a finely constructed
Bamboo Ben frame
Sorry folks! Bifachu saw it and claimed it and bought it....
maybe i'll do anudder cause i really like the vibe of it...
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the second guy to the left reminds me of peter bagge's characters
for some reason...i like how they all have different personalities!
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birdman's bringin up the rear!
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enchanted by the moai and the challenges of abstraction
i tried two more ink drawings that turned out not-too-bad....
"Sunday morning on Easter island" ink and gouache on paper
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and this last one-which has potential to be a painting....
"Moai Music" ink and gouache on paper
i like how this one evokes a story....
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texture kids! somethin about texture.....
that's it....
stayed up LAST night til 2 gettin these done!
goodnight kiddles!

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GROG posted on Wed, Apr 9, 2008 11:01 PM

Yep.You definitely stepped it up a notch. Good stuff.

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I'm exhausted just reading the Thread!

The night rowers are reeeeeaaallly cool! Me Dig!

Tiki Shark
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[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2008-04-09 23:04 ]

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Wow ken! these are freakin awesome!
and I totally see the Peter Bagge influence, like when buddy is all surprised and freaked! :lol:

yeah i totally dig the fact each lil moai guy has their own personality

keep rawkin Kin! these are all gorgeous so far! :D

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Hey Ken

You're a tiki art machine gun. Belt fed.

Love the colour of the latest pieces, the canoe lighting is awesome.

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hewey posted on Thu, Apr 10, 2008 1:16 AM

Loving these modern/abstract works :D

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Nice stuff, wish you were bringing it to Hukilau.

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On 2008-04-10 01:16, hewey wrote:
Loving these modern/abstract works :D


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i gotta come clean folks....
All these abstract Moderne pieces
were actually made by my LLT 2000 personal art robot....
I'll shut him down after the m Modern show and download some
ore Art and History files while he's in upgrade....
BUT....seeing as you all enjoy them so much....
We'll keep em coming!
Thanks again! I know you KNOW art inside and out
and can run rings around anyone on TC...
So I'm glad you feel the work has taken a good turn....
throughout painting,you learn many styles and ways of communicating
this abstraction work kinda combines a few of these in a different way...
Plus i think watching all those Artist's DVDs on netflix at the studio has helped
Klee-Miro-Thomas Hart Benton-Frazetta-Chuck jones-Francis bacon-Picasso-Rodin
and most recently Chagall.......
so many great artists out there..
what a testament to the Human Brain and that Divine Spark in everyone!
I feel like there has always been "tastes" of abstraction
even in the early sketchbooks with hundreds of figures drawn from a single line,,,
A lotta that helped me figure out movement and lightness and flow...
same with the Surfwear stuff....allowing me to research art styles on the Companie's dime
and translate it all into a tee or a boardshort or woven shirt....
Tiki Shark-
Thanks my friend!
Sorry about my verbiosity....brain can't stop!
even now-i wanna do a series of those oarsmen.....
love chattin with you and Chongo every once in a while...
I guess the posts are just as blabby! :lol:
Night Rowers hit it...a fave...
bummed it sold so fast.....
but it will be in Bifachu's beautiful Tikified Home
amongst the Masters already hanging on his wall!
Ravers! Mahalos!
Peter bagge's "Hate" comix are a HOOT!
Figgered you and GROG were onto that
being animators and all.....
TikiRacer-Belt Fed! :lol:
Cheers right back atcha with the Huge Puffer paintings!
Love that so many narratives are springing up with all the artists!
it's settled...I will do a few more canoes-just to get em out my system....
maybe a 2x4 foot one for the m Moderne show? hmmmmmmmmm..
hewey-:smile: you're the best....
i think I've been sitting on that lovely PNG legends book you sent me
for too freakin long.....
the paintings in that are very abstract, but it never hit me...
DOI_YOY_YOY! until recently!
I'll read over my favorites and go for it..
come to think about it-this may be the way to tackle those American Folk Tales I've been thinking about...Or maybe a MODERNE study of Blake's "Vision of the Last Judgement"!
rugbymatt-thank you.You MAY see some Ken work there....
I met Tiki-Kiliki at the Surfbeat and she mentioned them doing an Art Show for the final Hukilau...
That's the last i heard...Does anyone have any scuttlebutt on dat?
Well...back to work! Thanks for filling my day with enough motivation
to kick out a few more during my studio-time....
then it's pricetags/screws and wires/doublestick tape and stress all next week...
but that's NEXT WEEK! :)

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Tally Ho Folks!
Got my last six for the parking lot Sale done ...
Now it's getting em ready to hang/packin em up/makin pricetags...
all the icky stuff!
but I leave you with these new paintings
to tantalize and tempt ye to haul butt down to Tiki Farm next Saturday!
what more could you ask for?
(besides a giant robot...)
well here is another Night rowers piece....
"Night Rowers" gouache on wood with Bamboo Ben frame!
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gave this one a more active vibe...
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"Crabby Fish" gouache on wood
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"Meeting house at Dusk" gouache on wood
pushing the abstraction vibe this last session....
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next one is painted on this huge wooden carved leaf from Squid!
He's the Thrift-Master! What an eye!
thanks Dave!
"the Family Tree" gouache on wood
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Next one is another "stained glass" style abstract
"Tropical Melody"gouache on wood
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Last one is one of my faves...
"Two Palms" gouache on wood in an incredible Bamboo Ben frame!
Ben gave me this one a looooong time ago and i tried to paint it twice...
so it sat there until Friday Afternoon and it finally stuck! YAY!
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i threw some decorative south Seas-ish motifs in the Palms...
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and some Mary Blair/Chuck Jones/Stuart Davis action in there...
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Hope you like em! See you next Saturday! YAY!

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do you ever sleep ?

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Cammo posted on Sat, Apr 12, 2008 7:33 PM


If you feel sleepy, drink more coffee! Turn the Ruzic Muzic on louder! Jab yourself with a pin! Pour water on your pointy hair! Get GROG to kick you in the ass (again)!

Just keep painting! You can sleep at the Parking Lot Sale! More Buddy Tikis! Paint that wacked Buddy girlfriend that was always showing up at parties wearing the wrong stuff and moaning about some cult she just joined!

I freakin' dig those modernist paintings, man. Your stuff is gettin' too hip fer Planet Earth, cat fella. Go abstract. More abstract! No, MORE MORE MORE ABSTRACT!

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Kahu posted on Sat, Apr 12, 2008 8:35 PM

WOW! I could swear you have put out more work in a couple of weeks than I have seen others do in a year. Are you human? Again, WOW!

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stinkin swanktacular

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I love the new pieces!
I better get to the parking lot sale early if I wanna get a glimpse of them!

Keep paintin like a maniac ken!


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GROG posted on Sun, Apr 13, 2008 2:04 PM

Dude!! You are ON FIRE!!!
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(or flaming)

[ Edited by: GROG 2008-04-13 14:06 ]

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Master K,

Grog is so right! Not about the flamer part, but about the "your on fire" part. Your work is taking on some really fun turns. Keep it up brother...You have me on the edge of my seat waiting on more!


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Alrighty kiddies!
Thanks Everyone!

Mahalos Derek!
yes i do sleep...and eat...
and drink....ZIPFIZZ! :lol:
the 3-square meal for Artists who need that UMPH!

Cammo-gotta sleep...to recharge...
STOKED there's so many Peter Bagge fans out there! Go Buddy! :lol:
The weired part is that it's so fun and refreshing to re-explore an old style
but with all the knowledge gained from time spent....
Thank you Sir!

Kahu-Many Thanks!I have an LLT 2000 robot that helps me a lot!
and ZIPFIZZ! :lol:
and like i said...it's so fun and challenging to
intellectualize a painting with both narrative and stylistic challenges
and who doesn't love the Stylistics?
not as pumpin as the BT Express or os mutantes...but they coo'...

Dawn....it's way ON girl!
fun to have a fellow artist who can keep up!
stinkin swanktacular indeed! :lol:

raves! don't speed down there and get inna crash! there's more than enough to scope out...
and i have backup pieces...prolly bout 100 total....don't think they'll all sell....

GROG! thank you....i guess...
i wish you'd paint more and photoshop less in your spare time!
more like ON FI-YAH!
Ohio players Style!
sugarfoot's the MAN!

Babs! Thanks my Man!
I 'll keep churning em out until that scheduled lobotomy!
hurry hurry! :lol:
"You wanted the best,you got the Best,the hottest band in the world...KIZZ!"
that just popped in my head..some vestige from Kiss Alive 1 !sorry... :lol:
Anyways,today i was going thru my drawings and ink washes,etc and organizing the clearview folders
and had found a cache of olde fabric print designs i did about 10 years ago....most of em are tropical
so i scanned em and put em up for sale.....some i left as is..others i spiced up....
C'mon! i'll show ya!

" Islands in Space"
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"Moai Melody"
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"Tiki Galaxy"
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"the Echo"
sometimes these backgrounds just inspire a story!
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Here's some ,what i call "normal" tropical/Hawaiian print motifs
sometimes we'd just take a style and knock it off into a new print...
pretty challenging....
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here's a pineapple row for a stripe...
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here's a Bali-inspired one i call "Bali-cious"..
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this one reminds me of Christmas....
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Here's two more abstract/print pieces on paper...
"Abstract Mask"
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"the lost Dialect"
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"the Firewalkers"
i had a bunch of colored grounds on paper just waiting for a second go at it!
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"Five Moais"
decided to try another Moai abstract piece...
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and another!
"Moonlight Moai"
very sleepy and quiet and mysterious!
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study from an old brochure or poster...forgot the place...you all should know!
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"the Lost Shields"
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"Mask Dream"
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"Excited Chief"
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and this one inspired by page 4 ot the Tiki Modern book!
"Jungle Gathering"
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and all of these will be available for adoption at the TikiFarm Parking lot Sale!
Free hug with $100 purchase! :lol:
maybe i'll bring some ZIPFIZZES! :lol:
YAY! Now that they're all spread between 4 Clearview folders ,I can now begin my labelling!
Thanks for all the enthusiasm and Esprit de Corps!
later Devil Dogs!

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Visit http://www.kenruzic.com

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-04-14 20:23 ]

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I don't just like it I love it.

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How in the heck do you keep up the pace that you are on? Love the new stuff, and the studies and fabric samples. All top notch.

I have another gauche question for you, when you paint on the wood with it are you priming the wood with gesso or do you leave it unprimed. I'm still working up to trying it out on the paper, but I'm curious about the technique on different media. Also any advice on using paint pens with the gauche as well, or with acrylic? The paint pen questions are on behalf of Mrs. Frostiki, she picked a couple up to try out on some of her paintings.

Mahalo, Frostki

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Oh! great! I do love them! beautiful colors!! you are on fire!

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These are REALLY amazing. The last stuff just gets better and stinkin swanktacularer!

Yer gonna need a trip to the paint store soon!

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:o maan you ARE on fire...damn ken! That is so awesome!

I can't wait!

I'll be like speed racer rushing to get there!
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GO speedracer go!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Serious goodness! I am once again amazed your use of colors as well as technique, execution and prolificness. C'mon now...How many Little Lost Tikis are there really? I am guessing you have a secret stash of oompa loompa like mininons that you are training..right!?

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Thanks hiltiki,Clarita,Cammo,Raves,Chongo ,and frostiki!
just poppin in for a second to answer Frosti's question...

when you paint on the wood with it are you priming the wood with gesso or do you leave it unprimed. I'm still working up to trying it out on the paper, but I'm curious about the technique on different media. Also any advice on using paint pens with the gauche as well, or with acrylic?

for wood....
for gouache, i usually mix a little gesso (GESSO! not acrylic gesso-read the label-it don't work as well as the real deal....Bob Ross gesso works very well! :lol: it does!) with some gouache to give the ground something to adhere it to the wood-sand lightly after drying (if you want...) then you can go over it with more gouache....If i want a good coverage, I'll mix the gouache with water til it gets a "little wetter than toothpaste" consistency....You CAN paint on wood with gouache if it's unprimed,but you MUST sand it! haven't done it that way enough to giove you advice tho!
As for gouache and paint pens......
here's the dealio..... If you do all the solid colors/backgrounds in gouache-YOU MUST SEAL IT GOOOOOOOOOD ...then you can paintpen over it....that's how i do it...but PRACTICE first!
I still mess up on occassion....Acrylics are your best bet for a ground to lay paintpens over....but i still seal that too so i got a nice hard "slickness" to glide the paintpens over......
and always spray with a UV spray and seal one last time when finished! and Seal it in between sessions/colors of paintpens -so they don't smudge or smear into each other.....
Hope that helps Frostiki! Here's to you and the Wahine's Creative journies!

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LLT, thanks for all the pointers, even if one of them did involve Bob Ross ("Now let's paint a happy little Moai, behind the happy little tree.") Sadly I didn't get to painting yet again, it was too nice out this weekend. But I've got to start cranking things out for the Hukilau so stay tuned for updates on what I do with gouache.



visit us at http://www.frostiki.com

[ Edited by: frostiki 2008-04-21 11:18 ]

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Hey frostiki!
yoiu'll find some time soon!
Hukilau's around the corner......
been seeing a post your workspace
all over carving....let's some studio/workspace pics
on your threads kids!
You've all seen the regular studio
but here's my home/garage secret studio!
i decided to record it all messy and crazy...
post parking lot Sale/gotta get those m Modern pieces done
so fuggit on the cleaning up....

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and yes!
That is, in fact,a 15 by 60 inch new abstract of the Night rowers!
Good eye there!
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here's some details.....winging it! Hopin for the best!
what a fun experiment!
Can i translate this piece from small and gouache to big and acrylic?
Stay tuned!
here's some details .......very rough!
diggin it!
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Gotta get back to my messy cavern and easel!
Bye kids!

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And you think that's messy?
Geez, you'd prolly think I live in the slums if you saw my loft/studio area. sheeeesh! :lol:

great start on the night rowers, I still love them distorted faces! i love how some are just spaced out looking while that middle one is all smiley!

Can't wait to see more progress!


S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/51b1538ae3877d2e6efd92272755698a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Ha the mad scientists lair ! I like seeing picutres of peoples nests. with the ples of art in various stages, Ok Im gonna post mine too.

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Thanks Girls!
Would love to see your workspace Dawn!
Now that i have an original
it would be fun to see where it was created!
Weeeeeell, jammed on this til 1 last night
and here's what i got on DAy TWo!

lot more definition
and color coming thru...
daddy is pleased so far....
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i love how abstract the birdman looks at times.....
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the lighting is coming along on this...
acrylics are harder to control than gouache or paintpens
but the scale of the piece allowed some elbow-room...
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Here's some closeups of the boat that i'm trying to get some dimensionality to before trying a subtle "wood" like texture in spots...
and the water...don't get me started! shudder!

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But all-in -all...turning out quite satisfactory....
Next piece coming up for the big show....
Chinese papercut/pareau style tiki piece.....
like this....
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i'm gonna do 2 abstract tiki pieces and 2 old school Ken style totem
and Tiki Face filled with Tikis.....and i got til next Thursday mornin....
Gotta Go!

R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/19b8aa4e66d3767eaf4858842b7b6768?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Wow! I really love the night rower's piece!

the abstract moais and the birdmen look awesome!

it's gonna look kick ass when it's done!

and I like the "Chinese papercut/pareau" style!

I can't wait to see what you do next!


K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1b468859a6bf4fe8486fb7e72a69adcb?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Kahu posted on Tue, Apr 22, 2008 4:55 PM

Ken, wow, that is just a beautiful piece.

I hope who ever gets that, makes it the centerpiece of their collection.

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