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Pottery Barn for Kids Tiki Hut

Pages: 1 7 replies

BONBONVIC posted on 06/04/2003

I don't know if someone has already posted this goody. Here you go: Start your kids off right with their very own Tiki hut:


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 06/04/2003

Ha! It says "Bamboolike poles support the raffia-thatched roof on its metal frame.."

BambooBen is probably ready to hurl last nights drinks on the "bamboo-like" structure.

Actually, Ben has made some great real bamboo lemonade stands. It's about time for my little 4 year old girl to have one this summer!

SugarCaddyDaddy's Schedule of Stuff!

[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy on 2003-06-03 19:14 ]

Tikitack posted on 06/04/2003

Hey I think that's pretty nifty! (Start em young!)

Tiki Diablo posted on 06/05/2003

I like Ben's stuff . More soul to them. That's something you can't pull off very well with mass production. IMHO.

kingslod posted on 06/05/2003

That picture of the kid serving drinks is hilarious! I hope he's using good rum...Price is a little steep, though. Maybe I can convince my wife to have a tiki-themed birthday party for our 3-year old daughter....

twowheelin'tiki posted on 06/06/2003

did you guys notice the pufferfish lamps?. well done pottery barn!

keep the rubber side down and the gas on!

[ Edited by: twowheelin'tiki on 2003-06-05 22:36 ]

vwtikigirl posted on 04/15/2004

Just got the summer pottery barn kids catalog in the mail yesterday. They have the tiki hut again, and some really cute hawaiian bedding and surfer bathroom stuff.

croe67 posted on 04/15/2004

Oh yes - I have dog-eared SEVERAL of the pages & am just getting ready to place an order - love all of the Pink tropical stuff they have for summer. No kids in the house, but just love such fun decor!

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