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Tiki Central / California Events

Martini Kings play Tiki Caliente in Palm Springs sun. may11th

Pages: 1 9 replies

martini kings posted on 04/24/2008

aloha friends!
the martini kings will play outdoors at tiki caliente sunday may 11th from 2 pm till 5pm.join us for a fun weekend in palm springs!
grab a mai tai and join us for some tunes!!

VampiressRN posted on 04/24/2008


squid posted on 04/25/2008

Yeeeehaw! I'll be slappin' the skins with the Martini Kings at Caliente. Stop by and give a listen and don't forget to tip your waitress.

dibroc posted on 04/25/2008

This is going to be a killer week end. After you tip the server don't forget tip the band!

Wildsville man posted on 04/26/2008

Well if the Martini Kings and Smokin Menahunies are playing I'll be thier!!!!!!!!!!!
Were will you Be?


Plus Squid on Drums for both bands?

Plus Titus!!!!!!!!!

Plus John Neira Sunday night
Plus Kekoa Yap and his Hawaiian Dancers Friday night
Plus DJN8

Plus Wildsville Man and Squid playing "Jackson" in a Duet!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW,I'll be Johnny and Squid can be

WooHooWahine posted on 04/26/2008

WOOOHOOO! We can't wait!!! Wildsvilleman are you ready for a spellcheck lesson?

TIKI-RAY posted on 04/27/2008

Ive been working my butt off taking care of orders and commisions and setting up for events and my back is killing me . My doctor wants to reevaluate me and do an MRI to see if my condition is getting worse .He said he might be talking surgery. Im just gonna set up shop, sell my trinkets and finally try to just kick back with Tiki Kinniki and enjoy the weekend like everyone else . Im gratefull that the Squidster is gonna be completeing these bands . The music alone will be worthy of making the trip .It takes a lot to bring all these different things to make these events enjoyable for all .When you all are sitting around the pool and enjoying it . Take a second to look around and appreciate all the workers , vendors artists , musicians, maids, staff and even Wildsville man . They all work really hard and spend a hell of a lot of free time trying to make each event pleasureable .Im really looking forward to enjoying this event with you all .

Wildsville man posted on 04/27/2008

That's right, listen to Tiki Ray!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Me,all of you little tiki freaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about the back, You know I'm there if you need me to move some tikis for ya!!!!!!!!

P.S. What's a Spell check?

Who the hell is this guy trying to steal my look??????????

Tiki Kiniki posted on 04/27/2008

On 2008-04-26 22:16, TIKI-RAY wrote:
Ive been working my butt off taking care of orders and commisions and setting up for events and my back is killing me . My doctor wants to reevaluate me and do an MRI to see if my condition is getting worse .He said he might be talking surgery. Im just gonna set up shop, sell my trinkets and finally try to just kick back with Tiki Kinniki and enjoy the weekend like everyone else . Im gratefull that the Squidster is gonna be completeing these bands . The music alone will be worthy of making the trip .It takes a lot to bring all these different things to make these events enjoyable for all .When you all are sitting around the pool and enjoying it . Take a second to look around and appreciate all the workers , vendors artists , musicians, maids, staff and even Wildsville man . They all work really hard and spend a hell of a lot of free time trying to make each event pleasureable .Im really looking forward to enjoying this event with you all .

You mean you're not gonna put me to work on this one???? To borrow one of my favorite phrases from an adorable young lady "Woo Hoo"!!!!!

Wildsville man posted on 04/27/2008

Put her to work Ray!!!!!!!!

[ Edited by: Wildsville man 2008-04-27 21:34 ]

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