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Ladies, Hula Kane. Who agrees this is Hot?

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Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 05/07/2008

Look at those thighs!

Halau Na Pua Me Kealoha Hula Kahiko Competition


[ Edited by: Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki 2008-05-07 12:33 ]

JanetMermaid posted on 05/07/2008

Dang, where's that strong, uplifting breeze when ya' need it. :wink:

Although a few of those guys could have used a few minutes in a spray-tan booth. :D

Very good performance, though...

Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 05/07/2008

Hummm...32 views and only one reply. I think the guys must be peeking. :D


Blowfish posted on 05/07/2008

I'll admit I peaked!

However I happen to BE a male hula dancer! If you want to see some this weekend go to the CA events page, there is a Hula festival this weekend in Pleasanton. I am not dancing, still a beginner... but I will be there and wearing a shirt that says "TheHulaDance.com"

Much aloha!

stuff-o-rama posted on 05/07/2008

mmmmmm... beefcake!

Blowfish posted on 05/07/2008

Some more Hula Kane for you...

Limbo Lizard posted on 05/07/2008

I watched an indy film about male hula dancing last night, on PBS. It's still running, some places, if you want to see more. Posted about it here.

Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 05/07/2008

On 2008-05-07 13:30, Limbo Lizard wrote:
I watched an indy film about male hula dancing last night, on PBS. It's still running, some places, if you want to see more. Posted about it here.

Hi Limbo Lizard, Actually I did read your post and that's what got me started on this. Although I have searched through Youtube in the past to watch Polynesian dancing. I can't wait to see Na Kamalei: The Men of Hula film.


Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 05/07/2008

On 2008-05-07 13:13, Blowfish wrote:
I'll admit I peaked!

However I happen to BE a male hula dancer! If you want to see some this weekend go to the CA events page, there is a Hula festival this weekend in Pleasanton. I am not dancing, still a beginner... but I will be there and wearing a shirt that says "TheHulaDance.com"

Much aloha!

Hi Blowfish, Unfortunatly I am in So Cal, to far to make it up to Pleasanton. I know they have Hula competitions and Fetes (did I use that correctly?) down here and we are hoping to attend one in future. To me, the men's hula is, among other things, a beautiful display of masculinity.


Limbo Lizard posted on 05/07/2008

On 2008-05-07 13:51, Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki wrote:
...Actually I did read your post and that's what got me started on this...


Darn, I thought it was some sort of tiki synchronicity, where suddenly, the subject of men's hula was showing up all over the place!

GROG posted on 05/07/2008

GROG always go to Aloha Expo to see Hula troupes, vendors, eat Kalua pork.
It's at Heritage Park in Santa Fe Springs (just south of LA off the 605 and 5) Free event and free parking. May 17 and 18, 2008.

And GROG love going to Imua Ho'olaule'a at Northridge Park (in Northridge).
LOTSA hula, food, vendors, sunburn. May31-June1, 2008. Free event.

Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 05/07/2008

Wow! Thanks for the info Grog. :D


VampiressRN posted on 05/07/2008

Yeah!!! That's what I'n talkin bout....I appreciate the female dancers, but I much prefer to watch the men dance. Great UTube....and nice pics blowfish. :)

Blowfish posted on 05/07/2008

Thanks VampiressRN... part of what I am doing is simply trying to preserve and promote hula. It is great to see a thread about it on TC... my favorite forum!

VampiressRN posted on 05/07/2008

Cool...I love the black and whites and they would also look great in sepia. NICE JOB!!!

beadtiki posted on 05/07/2008

I think those guys need to stop wearing those long baggy shorts is all - they were tan from the knees down and the waist up! I really enjoyed watching that - gets my heart going! VERY powerful.

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SouthBamaTiki posted on 05/08/2008

I watched! But I don't guess that's quite the same as the straight guys watching....lol...have always loved hula whether it's men or women, but I gotta admit the thighs are amazing....

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GatorRob posted on 05/08/2008

I propose that we lock this thread, sexist that I am.

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Tiki-Kate posted on 05/08/2008

Where's the tiki?

[ Edited by: Tiki-Kate 2008-05-07 18:07 ]

Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 05/08/2008

Oh geez, thanks Kate. I forgot to add this to my post.
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KuKu posted on 05/09/2008

Tikis can hula?!? Now I want one for my dashboard...

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54 house of bamboo posted on 05/09/2008

Beats of Polynesia from last year's London Luau thread!

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congatiki posted on 05/09/2008

Informational purposes...a documentary on "The Men of Hula" airs tonight
on Wisconsin public television...not sure if it's just Wisconsin.

Limbo Lizard posted on 05/09/2008

On 2008-05-09 05:46, congatiki wrote:
Informational purposes...a documentary on "The Men of Hula" airs tonight
on Wisconsin public television...not sure if it's just Wisconsin.

(Added the link to the PBS site, about this film.) It was very interesting, even moving at times. Highly recommended. I posted about it, earlier, here in General Tiki, including how to check for local show times. It slipped down the list pretty quick. Maybe someone can give it a bump, before it's over, everywhere.

[ Edited by: Limbo Lizard 2008-05-09 06:07 ]

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irishf posted on 05/09/2008

Yay! Equal opportunity for those of us who have to look at the scantily clad wahine artwork all the time that the fellas display.

I want to go to that competition. I bet the energy of it live is awesome.

**Limbo Lizard added a link to the film's site, and you can buy a copy of the dvd there (it's not showing on the PBS stations in my area). $27

[ Edited by: irishf 2008-05-09 12:03 ]

[ Edited by: irishf 2008-05-09 12:10 ]

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irishf posted on 05/09/2008

here's some of the guys from the documentary dancing in San Fran. Their outfits make them look like giant hibiscus flowers, IMO.


JanetMermaid posted on 05/09/2008

On 2008-05-09 12:25, irishf wrote:
Their outfits make them look like giant hibiscus flowers, IMO.

They do! They really do! :lol:

beadtiki posted on 05/09/2008

Nice foot close-up for those ladies with foot fetishes! And they DO look like big old flowers! LOL I much prefer the other video with the very pale thighs!

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How I love boys with Polynesian tattoos!


stuff-o-rama posted on 05/10/2008

Here's another video: Men of Los Angeles

Halau kealii o nalani (Kahiko Kane)

and a little eye candy...

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Dwyane "the Rock" Johnson performing a Samoan War Dance called SIVA MA LOU FIA SIVA in Samoa. I couldn't find any videos of him on you tube, but I have seen footage of his dance group. He also teaches kids the Samoan dance...

[insert "Smell what he's cookin'" joke here]

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