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Tiki Lee's: Closed & Re-Opened! *New Pics Added-5/29*

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Well friends,
It's my extreme displeasure to announce that after 6 years of being in business, I have been forced to close my little shop at the Charleston Antique Mall. New owners came in and completely botched the whole place up.
First botch: they hired one of the ancient old lady dealers to be the "manager". I don't know why she's been given that title since she's completely incompetent and does nothing but sit at the front desk all day and write up sales tickets.
Second botch: No music in the entire store. Yep, complete silence, including my room. People were complaining about it sounding so quiet it was like a morgue in there, until I reminded them that even Morgues have music playing.
Third Botch: the new owners are a husband and wife who have a buttload of money, which for some reason, makes the husband believe he has the right to be a complete asshole to everyone and boss them around like employees. He's a fat, slimy, demeaning, rude, inconsiderate rich bastard that no one likes. Too bad, 'cuz his wife is a sweetheart.

So the straw that broke this camel's back was upon returning from a rather unprofitable Tiki Farm Parking Lot Sale, I discovered that the "manager" had sold an original work of art from my room, that was marked at $350, for $22. Someone switched tags on the item, and the old bat was too stupid to realize that original art would cost much more. If one is a manager of a store, shouldn't they have a basic knowledge of items in it? I'm not the manager, but I'm smart enough to know when something doesn't seem right and needs to be questioned. I've caught plenty of mis-marked or tag-switched items over the years when I worked the front desk. So, of course, I blew every fricken gasket that I had since that artwork was consigned to me by the artist and I now have to pay him out of pocket for it. The kicker is that the manager and the husband ganged up on me a few days later to give me grief for flying off the handle at her. Never once did they apologize for the mistake, or at least say they could understand why I was (am) so furious. Instead, they played it off like it was MY fault that it happened. MY FAULT!?!? That was it. I'm done. 6 years gone inside of two days. What really sucks is that I had JUST finished setting up my new, larger, and Improved Tiki Room and placed my first ad in Tiki Magazine.

I still have the space at Main Street Antiques, but it's tiny and boring and not even close to the atmosphere I had going at The Charleston, formerly Red Rooster. I guess it's just time to quit and sell on eBay now in little increments.
Please post & let me know what you thought of my little shop if you'd ever been there. It might make me feel a little better about the loss of building something for 6 years...

[ Edited by: Tiki Lee's 2008-04-26 23:43 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Lee's 2008-04-30 02:05 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Lee's 2008-05-14 23:02 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Lee's 2008-05-20 18:42 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Lee's 2008-05-29 22:41 ]


Oh Lee! I'm so sorry!! That totally stinks! I hadn't been able to make it to Charleston, but loved your area at Main Street.
Hang in there!

I feel your pain. Yuck. Try not to let the turkeys get you down, and onward and upward, my friend. We're putting up the Witco board we bought from you this week. I'll send you pix.


lee, i'm very sorry to hear that. your spot in the rooster was always a welcome oasis. the music totally made it feel comfy. if you need anything, call me.

Damn, sorry to hear that dude. I wish I could say I'd visited your shop but have a good excuse..

No vibes in the whole place? You're better off out of there, though realise it must really smart to have some idiot waltz in and screw up all your hard work.

Its probably not the easiest thing to accept right now, but the way forward is to see it for the opportunity that it is - What are you going to do now..? Anything you want! Will there be a 'Tiki-Lees II'? Or is this chance to devote yourself to your creative work?

Kia kaha! (literally, a demand: move forward with strength!)

Best of luck!

Tama :)


Lee, you know I always visit your shop when I am in Las Vegas. I loved your place and the music, and everything else. I am sorry for what's happened. I think I know the older lady you are talking about, I was there few months ago and she was very slow doing the paperwork. However, I also use to visit your other place, and actually liked it better. I will be visiting the other store from now on and, I will be bringing my friends along. So see you soon. :)

This stinks, I don't like it and I'm sorry. Your space was a fun spot in an otherwise stale atmopsphere. I hope the other dealers know they need to be there every day from now on or their inventory will be given away.

  • Boris

Lee--This sucks so badly. I'm sure you know how I feel since I've been shopping with you since...well, forever.

Very sad news indeed. I've shopped at both locations and really enjoyed both antique malls. It's such a shame that so many antique malls are either going under or to the dogs.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and it was so nice to be able to chat a bit at the Parking Lot Sale.

Now, go carve something. (That always makes me feel better when things get bad.)

I'm sorry to hear all your hard work was undermined by people that did not have the passion or knowledge about your products. Hang in there and hope this can all turn into something better for you in the end.


Hey Lee, WOW, very surprised to hear this. I just saw your ad in Tiki Mag. yesterday when it came in the mail. BUMMER!!
I'm sure that you will rebound bigger and better. You have a knack for doing it right. Just keep focused and make it happen your way. Your buddy, 8FT

PS. pm me if you still have floats, I never heard from you after you came back from Calif.

Oh no! My wife and I were just in Vegas two months ago and were thrilled to see you still had shops set up at both the Charleston and Main St stores. We always have a blast rummaging through your stuff and have bought several mugs from you in the past. The Vegas antique market certainly won't be the same!
Good luck in your next venture!

I'm with Tamapoutini on this. There are no setbacks in business, only new opportunities. You'll come out ahead in the end, I'm sure!

Lee, I never had the pleasure of visiting your shop, but I'm still so sorry that happened to you. Nothing can screw up the lives of others faster than an a-hole with money and power. But I agree with those who said take this as the opportunity it is and run with it. Wouldn't the Tropicana like to be well, more tropical? Maybe you can become their re-designer and/or have a shop there. Let your imagination run wild with possibilities.

thank god it's closed!!.... all i did there was spend money!!!..

.......seriously, it sucks to see you go....it's not like there are tons of antigue malls you can set up shop in out there.....stick with ebay for now...

that old buzzard manager that runs the place has to die sometime!! ....and then you can go back.

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-04-27 17:44 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-04-27 17:47 ]


Hey-hey Lee, as one door closes a bigger door opens. Keep eyes wide. Good luck man...

That SUCKS - I went to your place at the red rooster a couple times and also ran into there! I saw your ad in Tiki mag recently (bummer there too!) I'm sure you'll find a way unload the goods you currently have.

I'll see you out there - PS I liked the music!

Best if luck for sure!


I live here in Las Vegas and I just bought some mugs, a fantastic necklace and glass floats from your place a few weeks ago.
The place was fantastic and with the music, it was a true oasis for the few of us here in Vegas.
Those old assholes in there are idiots.....now that you're gone I will never go in there again. Is there some way to tell those fucks?
I hope your other spot flourishes or you can find a new place to keep it alive here in Las Vegas.
Thanks for all the hard work for the last six years.
Keep us posted.

Leonardo DaVelvet

Lee, that is devastating news. My wife and I have been to your booths at both antique places numerous times, and always left there a few C notes poorer. We have purchased many mugs, lamps, tiki statues, exotica albums and other treasures that now adorn our home lounge. Visiting your collection of tiki stuff was always on our list of first things to do when visiting Vegas. We were considering a trip there next month, but now my enthusiasm just won't be the same. Honest, going to Tiki Lee's was definitely a highlight of our trip. We're not gamblers!

I'll never forget the first time I rounded the corner and accidentally found your shop there. I was in awe. The music, the statues, the mugs. All this tiki!

It's amazing to me that 6 years of business didn't get you more respect at Charleston, and of course, an apology and reimbursement for that tag blunder. Unbelievable! I will not visit that store ever again. It's pretty obvious that the current owners know nothing about how to run a business.

Best of luck in your future endeavors...I sincerely hope you can expand your space at Main Street (which is a much nicer shop anyway) or possibly find another space somewhere.

Thanks for the fun while it lasted.

totally sucks bro.. iwent to your store last year and its what inspired me to do my thing (storewise) so yeah you had a great thing going. dont let the bastards keep you down!..

well, all in all sounds like maybe its for the best to get away from them, considering the type of people they seem to be. You guys would have butted heads at some point. Dont think of it as "after 6 yrs of hard work its over" think of it more like Ive got 6 yrs of experience , I know exactly the kind of space I want, put the vibe out, and go for it!
maybe its time to just get a different kind of space. Some place where you can carve, have a gallery space, and sell vintage. why not. this is only a temporary hiatus until you bust out bigger and better than ever.

Just keep going! those butts dont have the power to screw up your life, so dont let them. Iffin ya wanna talk, Im here. Ive got tons of great ideas!

It was one of the most lovingly presented Tiki and vintage Vegas retail stalls i have ever seen in an antique mall, Lee. A real positive mana oasis in the that town that purged itself from all vintage coolness. Rebuild it somewhere else, and they will come!

So much love and support is wonderful to read about. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! It really means a great deal to me that what I tried to do in that antique mall is appreciated. Sometimes I wonder if anyone cares, and it's so good to know that some of you do.

And Now For Today's News: TIKI LEE'S IS BACK IN BUSINESS!!!

Hard to believe, but here's what happened:

I went in today to start moving my stuff out. And as soon as I snuck in the side door, I was spotted by another dealer, who in may opinion, has the best vintage stuff in the whole mall. I've learned alot from her and her sister over the years, and their expertise at finding great stuff and their kindness in sharing knowledge has been a positive influence. Anyway, this person who I highly look up to came up to me and told me how much she didn't want to see me go, and how much she appreciated ME. That about knocked me down. My "mentor" looks up to me like I look up to her! Well, before too long, word got out in the mall that I was there and all the dealers that happened to be in the store came up to me and told me to please reconsider and stay and that they'd miss me and that they like having me around, etc. It sounds really cliched, but I was really overwhelmed with emotion. I had no idea that I actually mattered to these people.

Then, the inevitable happened. The "manager" and the new owner came up to me and asked if they could talk to me. Long story longer, they apologized for the incident. I apologized for my marathon string of obscenities. We all cried. And when the tears cleared, the tape came off my doors and the light came on once again in Tiki Lee's brand new Tiki Room. And guess what else came out of all this- I GET TO HAVE MUSIC AGAIN! Hooray!!!

Now the post-script to all of this is that in the time that I was "closed", I was looking at other properties to open up my own antique mall with about six other dealers from the Charleston that are also disgruntled. I found a super-cool vintage building right at the gateway to the arts district, and it is absolutely PERFECT. Things are looking like they WILL happen eventually, so keep a wary eye out, travelers! "Tiki Lee's" may yet relocate to "greener jungles!"

Mahaloz Plenny once again for all the kind support. Thanks for making me feel like it really is worth my while to go the extra mile and do something special. If you ever stop by the mall, please let them know that you're there to visit Tiki Lee's Tiki Room! :)

YEA! everytings better!!!!now that the crisis is over Im dying to know about my art? Yea yea ea Yea heres for another cliche "keep on keepin on" Dawn


Cryfest...it's the new workplace thingy!

Lee, that is awesome! It's so nice when we learn how much we really matter to others. I'm very happy for you.


Great, hope to see you soon in both stores.

Nice! Glad to hear things are working out for you!


What have we learned here? Good things can happen when you sneak in the side door! Congrats and keep us posted.

Congrats, Lee! Just to ad to what I was saying above, because I remember that when you came onto Tiki Central you were initially shy to say you were a dealer, fearing to come across as just another commercial train jumper. Well, the difference between a dealer who knows and cares for Tiki and one for whom it is just a commercial addition was clearly visible in your store.
I have rarely seen such well done mixture of vintage and nouveaux Tiki items grouped together in such a way that even I, who rarely finds a Tiki item I have not seen before, felt inspired to search, and dig for stuff. Really what an antique mall stall SHOULD inspire. And I did feel it deserved to be in a better location with more foot traffic.


shouldnt the title of this thread now read... Tiki Lee's OPEN ? :)

glad to hear your issues have been resolved. I look forward to seeing your spots someday

Lee, can you post some pics of your space for those of us not fortunate enough to visit in person. Im all curious. I wanna see!


Sweet Jeesus Lee! I should have read a little further down the thread before I sent a decapitated rooster to those little old ladies at the Charleston.

Tragedy narrowly averted, and if the building we spoke of at the Farm event is still in the works I anticipate people driving out of their way just to get a picture in front of one of the biggest grandfathered signs in Vegas! :wink:

im glad


WHEW! Ya had me scared there Lee! I go to the SEMA show every year & last year, I bought stuff from both of your spots. I didn't think the Main St. one was so bad. I gotta tell ya, it was the highlight of my trip & I can't wait to get back there. I don't really gamble, so I spend my money on kool tiki stuff & antiques. So, make sure you stock up with lots of good stuff at the end of October. I'll be there November 3 with cash in my pockets!

Thanks for the near heart attack...I'm a slow reader..and after your closing comments , as my wife was doing happy tiki dance I was gasping and reaching for a stronger drink..I've been secretly at work for the last six years transforming our home into a replica of Tiki Lees...Wife thought more time to spend in casinos with you closed...now she drinking , and I'm dancing...We both look forward to visiting both your shops each time we visit...and I convince her to go Vegas at least three times a year..and next trip planned for week of July 27th...Ive even suggest to M.Finns that if they want to run a successful Tiki Bar..they need to spend time in your shops to absorb "Tiki" culture...they could learn a lot. We look forward to shopping Tiki with you soon , thanks for the experience you provide.(please put a small bottle of rum in the booth, as wife is far more liberal with my Tiki after she had a couple of sips.)...Love ya, hope to meet ya someday!!!!


I regret I didn't know this post was on here! What an awful tragedy, but glad things are lookin' up. More twists and turns than a soap opera!

wow - what a story! I'm glad you worked it out, because I always wanted to see you space. I hope your future spot happens for you!


Thanks so much, everybody, for the support! It really means alot to me to know that something I created is actually liked by someone else, too. (sniff-tear)

I'll post a few photos of the new room as soon as I remember to bring the dang camera down there (I keep forgetting!)

I just spent most of today re-stocking the room with the stuff I took out to Caliente Tropics that didn't sell, so it's nice and full now and ready for all of you to come visit!

Mahaloz Plenny for yer luvs!

Hokay Folks!

Here's a few pictures of my new Tiki Room at the Charleston Antique Mall. It's not quite finished yet, and I didn't have the time to get "creative" with the shots or exposures, but you'll get the idea...

The opposite side of the room is for 60's & 70's stuff, and things that go along with it...

and finally, literally hundreds of vintage casino thingies...

Well, I hope that you enjoyed this quick little tour of my "shop". Come on down and visit sometime! (I work on Sundays)



Back in 'bizness' some porno on the wall and some pipes behind the glass case!!!
Nice Going !!!

Oh yeah, J/K

Thanks for posting pictures...your space does look awesome. Glad you patched things up and are back in business. :)

Well now I have a reason to go back to vegas! good times!

neato, just the kinda space that invites hunting for the perfect treasure. wish i could shop in there. I spied a couple of things that would look cool in my house.
thanks for sharing pictures.


Here's a few pictures of my new Tiki Room at the Charleston Antique Mall. It's not quite finished yet, and I didn't have the time to get "creative" with the shots or exposures, but you'll get the idea...

Love the lamp shade!

I'm gonna be in Vegas for a wedding in December! Guess where I'm going???



Awesome Lee! Now if you'll just promise not to sell any of that stuff before I get there 11/2, we'll get along just fine!

By the way. That's not porno. Bettie's a goddess!


Tiki Lee great to meet you this past week end at the Tropics Caliente Tiki
event in Palm Springs.Your pics of your booth look great with alot of cool
items.Lets talk soon.I will send you my email.
Trader Bill

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