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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/26/2008

TiKiMaN77~ Thanks so much! I PMed u. PM me back about the layout art thing if you want.
Frostiki~evil czech absinthe? Yummy! Hey, yeah, the green fairy, and the green zombie! Wonder if you could make a Zombie with worm wood? Have not tried Czech, but I tried "evil L A absinthe" at a vampire bar in Hollywood back in the 90's. It was very interesting.
Here's da latest.

"Pig Rider"
9" x 12" ink and acrylic on paper


hewey posted on 04/26/2008

Love the dark vibe and the sense of movement :D

JenTiki posted on 04/26/2008

Whoa, Brad! This guy is totally claiming a copyright on your art! Since his profile says he's a web developer in Greece, I'm guessing he's not you. His profile says his mood is "lazy" which I guess is correct since he's apparently too lazy to create his own art.

hewey posted on 04/26/2008

The **** has even put a 'copyright' on it... :evil: Pity I cant see an email addy, I would dearly like to send him an email... :lol: :wink:

little lost tiki posted on 04/26/2008

PIG RIDER is awesome!
Love the sketchy vibe of the jungle and lighting
and the almost Asian style of the flames and boar!
good stuff!
i see a narrative developing....
and the drink and smokey skeleton misty
And please keep the zipfizz away from the rum!
Sic the ZIPFIZZ ZOMBIE on that art hack...:lol:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/27/2008

Hewey~ Glad you like the Pig Rider. It was really fun to do. Almost drew it self. Copyright doesn't mean much on the internet I guess.
JentikiYeah, someone on my-space found that guy in Greese. I can't tell from the web site if he's claiming it as his art, or just posting it as cool art. Anyways, no way to contact him with out becoming a member of that service. So, that painting seems to be the one that's the most ripped off so far. Guess I should take the hint and figure out a way to make prints of it.
Yes, I was thinking of you when I did the Pig Rider, cause it was much looser than my regular style -and I kept thinking, this is very "Ruzic"! Hey, I saw that cool photo of you and me, and everyone else, in Tiki Magazine! Fun stuff!

Roughed in the aloha shirt. Now to decide what colors to use.


Kahu posted on 04/28/2008

On 2008-04-27 12:10, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

Roughed in the aloha shirt. Now to decide what colors to use.

Actually I kind of like the dark look to the shirt. Might be just me though. Love pig rider, the gnarly loose feel to it really makes it what it is. Hope to see you explore that more in the future.

little lost tiki posted on 04/28/2008

I want a shirt like that!
so good Brad...
you could've stopped 3 weeks ago and still had a classic piece
Seems your creative energy has chased the VOG off the island!
More Pig Rider!

GROG posted on 04/28/2008

GROG can't believe LLT called Brad a Pig Rider! (Especially after some of the oinkers LLT was banging back in his military days!)

Looking forward to seeing the finished piece Sharkboy.
The inked pieces for the block prints are AWESOME!!!!!!!

You're making the rest of us look bad, damn you.
Hate you.


TiKiMaN77 posted on 04/29/2008

On 2008-04-27 12:10, Tiki Shark Art wrote:

Jentiki~Yeah, someone on my-space found that guy in Greese. I can't tell from the web site if he's claiming it as his art, or just posting it as cool art. Anyways, no way to contact him with out becoming a member of that service. So, that painting seems to be the one that's the most ripped off so far. Guess I should take the hint and figure out a way to make prints of it.

Yeah, that was me. Was lookin around to see what Tiki-ness I could find on there, and saw that piece with someone elses name attatched to it. Since I ahve an account there, I can easily write to one of the Administrators who's on my WATCH list and watch jsut how fast she takes his ass off the server.

Matt Reese posted on 04/29/2008

Every time I check your stuff I figure "That's fantastic. He's done. Can't wait to see the next one" then BLAM!... you add more to it. Stuff above and beyond my brain. Man I hate you (in a jealous sort of way). Truly amazing stuff. Thank you.

Sam Gambino posted on 04/29/2008

Hey Brad-
This guy just gets better everytime I see him.... I agree, just when I think he's done, he gets even better.

frostiki posted on 04/29/2008

MORE Shirt, MORE Shirt, MORE Shirt… Oh yeha the pig rider is cool too, and the block print and the, well it's all cool.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/29/2008

KahuTHANKS o' guardian / and or cat owner! Yeah, looks kinda cool in grays. Detail, wout too much color. I'll be leaning towards that in the final. I had a lot of fun with the looser inky drawing. More coming fer sure.
Thanks o' ZipFizzmaster! I think I gotta good color idea fer the shirt - basically pulling all turquoise and cool shades for the tiki behind him. It was about the only colors that seemed harmonious w/ the whole.
GROGThanks, I'm having a great time with the ink stuff. Sueweeeee! Piggy! Hey, I really dug your Norman Rockwell Bamboo Ben cover on tiki Magazine! AND, your funniest cartoon yet! I laughed out loud! (Cat humor always gets me!)
Hey, thanks for being a watch dog. Send me yer address, I'm sending you somethin for your trouble.
MattBig Mahalo for the hate, buddy! It's almost done, I promise!
Thanks! Just goes to show if you paint on something for about 6 months, it'll look half way decent.
Frostiki~ "I hear and obey, O wise one!"

TiKiMaN77 posted on 04/29/2008

Welp, after 292 pages on Deviant Art, these are the only 2 I could find.

Already posted this one for ya, but again..

JenTiki posted on 04/29/2008

Hey TiKiMaN77, maybe since you're registered on that site you could post comments on those pages letting the public know that the art is stolen. One of those guys is even selling prints. Sheesh! I'm always amazed at how low some people can go! :x

jpmartdog posted on 04/30/2008

sheesh that truly is unbelievable - mofo should be strung up by his XXXXX

TiKiMaN77 posted on 04/30/2008

I'm jsut gonna go to the Admin that I know and see about having her delete F**kers account. This way, whether they have any original art or not, they won't be psoting it up there...at least not under that name.

Matt Reese posted on 04/30/2008

Maybe everyone should just join the site and slam the bastard. Like a internet gang (hee hee).

Matt Reese posted on 04/30/2008

I just joined. Couldn't find it. Re checked the link from here and it's gone! I hope this means the guy got shut down.

TiKiMaN77 posted on 04/30/2008

As a matter of fact, YES....they did. At least the pieces got deleted. I haven't bothered to check the names. But yeah, I just got a message from the Admin. on my list that she's taken care of it. She thinks they were using it like Photobucket, and that's jsut a No No.

So with all that taken care of....Come on Brad....I need my Fix of your Art.

POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flat Black posted on 04/30/2008

The shirt detail is so freakin' rad.

I love the mini tributes to other pieces.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/06/2008

Hey TC,

Well, It's been extra busy at the Tiki Shark offices and I haven't had much chance to post.

Here's an experiment I've been wanting to do for a while: Hand tint and highlight a wood cut print. I did one of the very limited runs of the first image Earl carved. Not really even a run, more like some artist proofs.


tikiracer posted on 05/06/2008


Like the balance - still really noir, but the highlights really lift and add form to the tiki and the girls legs. Any news on the next noir print? Spotted your ad in tiki mag.

little lost tiki posted on 05/06/2008

HAND TINT is DA way to GO!
I get all goosebumply when i look at it!

GROG posted on 05/06/2008

Nice Brad.

Kinny called you VOG this time. At least he didn't call you VOG RIDER.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/06/2008

Thanks. I think this tinted wood cut is my favorite version of this image now. I've been so swamped with work I haven't had a chance to check and see how Earl's coming on wood cut number 2. I'll let you know when I hear something.


frostiki posted on 05/06/2008

More Shirt, More Shirt, More Shirt!!!

I like the contrast that pops on the tinted wood block, very cool.

Kahu posted on 05/07/2008

Shark, this print just gets wilder and wilder! It is like waiting for a child to be born, you feel as if you are closer and closer but somehow, it is just not time yet. Soon? It is fun to be excited to check this thread with each visit to see if there has been some new and exciting addition. And thankfully you have not disappointed.

Toshi posted on 05/07/2008

Wow, just jaw dropping awesome, I especially love your pen and inks(I dabble here and there), congrats on getting into Spectrum, I've been getting those books since the 4th edition, I'm a big fan of fantasy art, bout time they got some tiki in there!

Robb Hamel posted on 05/07/2008

I agree with everyone else, and love the Forbidden Planet element. Great movie.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/07/2008

Aloha TC,
Frostiki ~ Okee, here's "more shirt"...

Got a few hours in late last night after work. Lightened up the pigs.
Kahu ~ Thank you. Yeah, this one has taken about as long as having a baby!
Toshi ~ Thanks. Spectrum is a real treat. Gives you a taste of current art techniques and the fantasy/scifi/pop culture market. I think some carvers should enter some Tikis into the "dimensional" area of the competition.
Robb Hamel ~ Thanks Rob! I'm really digging your velvet paintings! By the by, your Pele "straight on, lots of wookie" sketch with the orange glow is my favorite. Weird looking at art of Pele, while the volcano, a mere 100 miles away, is being so active. Here's hoping your new painting will placate her a bit and she'll simmer down.

Here's a wide shot.


artosaurus posted on 05/08/2008

Top notch work, Mr. Shark! :)
The painting is really looking great. I love the shirt design and the creepy
green smokey dude. Is it strange that my favorite thing in the painting is
the orange slice? That is a truly beautiful and enticing slice o' citrus. :)

The hand-tinted print is very cool as well. It has a nice vintage vibe. I'd like
see it aged with wrinkles and stains, looking like it was found in some old archive.

Sam Gambino posted on 05/08/2008

Bela's excellent all the way to the tattoo! That woodblock piece is cool as well. I always enjoy checking this thread!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/08/2008

Mr. Saurus ~ Thanks! I tried to make the orange slice look extra juicy!
SAM~ Mahalo my man. Here's the wood cut now, and now I'm done messing with it. I finished in the night sky.

Kahu posted on 05/08/2008

I think you need to get in touch with a shirt maker, I want that shirt to wear!!

teaKEY posted on 05/08/2008

that Tiki & Shark shirt plus mug set (swizzle). A nice crisp shirt

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/15/2008

Aloha Folks,

Hey my web site is going to be mentioned in the nest pod-isode of Cock Tail Nation. It should be up today or Friday. Swanky!



Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/19/2008


I had a few moments (finally) to slap paint on the canvas. STILL reworking the shirt. Almost got it.

Kahu posted on 05/19/2008



I love the tiki in the lower right corner that seems to be reaching for something, or is it, someone?

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/20/2008

Kahu~ Thanks man! Hang in there, It'll be done ... one day soon.

I got the "Artist's Proofs" of the 2nd wood cut print today from Earl.

Wow, that looks alike a lot of hand carving! There are a few things he's going to touch up - if you look close you can see some pencil lines where we were making notes on the print. I suppose 50 years from now the print we made all our notes on will be really rare and expensive. Who knows, could happen!

Anyways, it looks really great!

I was working on logos for a client today. This anit no tiki, but it might make a cool tat.


tikiracer posted on 05/20/2008

The new wood cut is looking mighty fine - any eta on that?

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/20/2008

Earl is working on the changes now. He says about a week to print the run. Then 3-5 days to ship my potion to me.

artosaurus posted on 05/21/2008

On 2008-05-20 10:04, Tiki Shark Art wrote:
Then 3-5 days to ship my potion to me.

HA! I knew you were using some sort of magic!
No wonder your work is so consistently cool.

You've been outed, Mr. man! :)

Paipo posted on 05/21/2008

I'll have what he's having - send me some of that potion! Served in a Tikishark "Creature" mug of course...
It is indeed fortuitous for us all that you and Earl crossed paths. I can't wait for my next "Tiki Noir" installment!

Sneakytiki posted on 05/21/2008

This painting is really fantastic! I love your use of light and color!

I do have to comment that there are some odd spatial things happening, the flattened appearance of the tiki behind the guy (is it a panel or a cylinder?) and the way the guy's left arm shows sleeve inside like arm is going forward and then the forearm goes behind his back, although it might be possible, it's an awkward/painful pose.

Now I await the flame posts because I dared critique an awesome painter...

The woodcuts/black and white inks are very well done, reminds me of old Tarzan and sci fi art from the 30's - 60's.

It's so great that you'll be in Spectrum!
Congrats again.


[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2008-05-21 03:30 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 05/21/2008

ArtosaurusThanks Thanks, and ah... "Potion"? What the... er... oh yeah, what do you call that... a Freudian Slip?.
Paipo - Oops, damn spell check has revealed my SUCRETS!
No worries! I post here to have my fellow tiki tribe members comment on the art as it happens. It's best you bring things to my attention now, instead of when it's done and hanging at a show. Thanks. I'm gonna take another look at that sleeve.

Tiki Shark
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5514/460dcb35.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=03137b579cdc813f9fef33f1d4369013

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2008-05-21 18:27 ]

Robb Hamel posted on 05/25/2008

The woodcut is too good to be real.

The Devil's shirt proves you're crazy.

[ Edited by: Robb Hamel 2008-05-24 17:20 ]

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