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my new long house

Pages: 1 45 replies

Well I knocked down my old tiki bar and I 'm building my new tiki bar /long house. looking for any help or sugestions on my new build

here are some pic's let me know you thoughts

some walls and roof would be a good start.
maybe some bamboo, and wood too.

sorry couldn't resist.


whats that big tiki you want to help me build the walls and help with the finish work AweSOME. i will provide the drinks
cheers mate.


Congrats, Man...! That's quite an upgrade. Looks like you have one hell of a great start, nice work.


I say that when its done, not fill it up quickly with any big cheap items / crappy cheap masks. Take your time and fill it with only the stuff you really want in it. Try your hand at making the trim or a shield with a rotatory tool which there are good examples all throughout TC. Good Luck

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2008-05-19 16:29 ]


What happened to the tree that is prominent in the first picture and looks like a stalk of aspergas in the rest?! Seriously, looking good on the new base - it's going to be joy having that plumbing in there. What did you do with the other bar?

Thats a hell of a start. Are you doing a lot of the work yourself?

Is that radiant heat piping in the slab?

Wow, going luxo with the radiant floor and full utilities. I don't know what the rest of your house is like but I bet you won't be spending much time there!

The old bar had perty much had it & got chucked out with the rest . I built it will old 2x6, plywood broken tile and found some bamboo at a local spot that has asian pots and fountains.

Yeah I layed down some pex tubing for radiant heating, I'm from oz and even though the winter in nor cal is not the worst in the US, I have had enough of cold weather here! so I reckon I will bring summer indoors. .

I'm trying to make something that has an A frame in the middle and will have a flat roof on either side of the A frame .
I would love to see some pic's or hear ideas from others who have all ready built a tiki hut.
I'm not sure how I want to build the roof over hang in front. It will be tough to work out, I have 6 x 8 x 20 beams that will span the 17'0 from post to post .

I got a lotta work to do here but it will be worth it.

PS not sure which tree your talking about ?

[ Edited by: bLOCKhEAD 2008-05-22 21:58 ]

[ Edited by: bLOCKhEAD 2008-05-22 22:05 ]


On 2008-05-22 21:55, bLOCKhEAD wrote:
PS not sure which tree your talking about ?

I think they're refering to the banana palm which, if they're from a colder climate, they might not know they do their thing (making bananas) and then die. It also looks like you removed a lot of the landscaping around it.

Have you thought about a googie roof like this? :wink:

awesome pic rattiki

yeah mate there banana trees They die in winter and come big time in the summer. we have one tree with pod on on it already, I guess that'S global warming cause we have never had a pod of banana's this early

The front of the long house will lok alot like that . Great pic mate just freaking great


hey blockhead, where are you from?

nice spot ben, GREAT NOW I gotta build a bridge over me pool cause the wife saw those pic's thanks a lot :(. Trav I'm from oz . nsw. ctown. can you mail me some VB please .;0

[ Edited by: bLOCKhEAD 2008-05-27 20:48 ]

Im from the Central Coast which is as rough as Campelltown sometimes..lol.. but im in San Diego so sorry but no VB... I just found Jim Beam and cola cans here so I'm pretty stoked just with that...

yeah c/town is as rough as guts ,no doubt (AIRDS HIGH SCHOOL). I live in the sf bay area now , which well tuth be told is nothing like ctown.
How long u lived in that states , you can tooheys new and meat pies on line from a bloke in

[ Edited by: bLOCKhEAD 2008-05-28 13:15 ]


there is an Australian bar here in San Diego that serves New and meatpies etc.. $9 for a dog's eye with dead horse is a bit steep but... been here since april and still adjusting... some of the food makes me crook as Rookwood and i would kill for some fresh bread with vegemite.. how long you been in the states?

harro posted on Thu, May 29, 2008 6:01 AM

order meat pies online??

sounds like typical aussie ingenuity, hahaha

"The Australian hot meat pie , its a case of do or die ......"

hewey posted on Fri, May 30, 2008 5:18 AM

Mate, another Aussie on here :D and a Westy to boot! I'm from Penrith myself, and work in Campbelltown :D Ive previously looked into ending Bundy stateside but US laws dont allow it. Pity, I reckon I could start an export business based on Bundy, Milo, and Tim Tams.

Sweet looking bar too, looking forward to watching the progress. :D


Hewey please don't mention MILO!, i have thought about it every day this week.. thinking of skipping home real quick for a double milo with a pinch of milk...

hewey posted on Fri, May 30, 2008 8:21 PM

On 2008-05-30 16:17, Tiki Trav wrote:
Hewey please don't mention MILO!, i have thought about it every day this week.. thinking of skipping home real quick for a double milo with a pinch of milk...

Okay I wont :D

LOLO Great pic . Been here 14 years go back to oz least once a year.
when I first arrived in the states, there was no beer(aussie) SOME FOOD(aussie),no cricket and no F&^king footy.

Now i get all the cricket i want, directv cricket ticket and santna sports has league , union and if you must Aussie bloody rules.


On 2008-05-30 20:21, hewey wrote:

On 2008-05-30 16:17, Tiki Trav wrote:
Hewey please don't mention MILO!, i have thought about it every day this week.. thinking of skipping home real quick for a double milo with a pinch of milk...

Okay I wont :D

you BASTARD...! i can tasted it..

:lol: :lol: :lol: You bloody cruel bugger

On 2008-05-31 16:58, bLOCKhEAD wrote:

..and if you must Aussie bloody rules.
so we got 3 Aussie's & A kiwi time for a bbq me reckons

Room for a crayfish on that barby..? I figured Id better pull up a deckchair to help balance the scales a bit, or else my mate will never hear the end of the sheep-shearing (sharing) jokes.. :wink: Glad we dont have to discuss Aussie-rules - never got my head around that one.. footy on a round pitch? How do they know which way to run??

Great start on your longhouse bLOCKhEAD - Is that orange cable under your pad underfloor heating or just to help mesh the concrete together? If its the former, we must be looking at a world first..! :o :lol:

On 2008-05-31 19:49, Tamapoutini wrote:

On 2008-05-31 16:58, bLOCKhEAD wrote:

..and if you must Aussie bloody rules. >
so we got 3 Aussie's & A kiwi time for a bbq me reckons

Room for a crayfish on that barby..? I figured Id better pull up a deckchair to help balance the scales a bit, or else my mate will never hear the end of the sheep-shearing (sharing) jokes.. :wink: Glad we dont have to discuss Aussie-rules - never got my head around that one.. footy on a round pitch? How do they know which way to run??

Great start on your longhouse bLOCKhEAD - Is that orange cable under your pad underfloor heating or just to help mesh the concrete together? If its the former, we must be looking at a world first..! :o :lol:

2 kiwi's and 3 Aussie's , that'S enough for a game of backyard cricket ,HIT BALL OVER YOU FETCH IT. hit the back fence on the full=6 BACK FENCE 1 bounce ONLY=4 caught out of the roof, must be DONE one handed , and of course automatic wickie and slips.
I was in nz yeah before last it was sweet love northland.

On 2008-05-31 20:01, bLOCKhEAD wrote:
2 kiwi's and 3 Aussie's , that'S enough for a game of backyard cricket ,HIT BALL OVER YOU FETCH IT. hit the back fence on the full=6 BACK FENCE 1 bounce ONLY=4 caught out of the roof, must be DONE one handed , and of course automatic wickie and slips.
I was in nz yeah before last it was sweet love northland.

we used to call that tipniruns (tip and run) . If you connect bat and ball ,ya gotta run , if ya don't you're out . 'cause you might go out anyway , but ya gotta have a crack eh .

whitebait patties too , ok Coaster :)


On 2008-05-30 16:17, Tiki Trav wrote:
Hewey please don't mention MILO!, i have thought about it every day this week.. thinking of skipping home real quick for a double milo with a pinch of milk...

Tiki Trav, you might try looking at an asian grocery for the Milo. That's where I buy it in the midwest.

Welcome to all things Aussie, please remember our motto; If it's not Aussie, ITS CRAP!


dogs ear for an angry sepo


Here in the US we have a similar drink - Ovaltine. They say the same thing in their ads "kids love it sprinkled on ice cream" - LOL

Those were great links blockHEAD. When I was in Australia 2 years ago, I had to stuff my suitcase full of TimTams to bring back to my friends in the states. I was their hero (until they polished them all off)....LOL. I could shoot myself though as I never ate any meat pies while I was there (Melbourne). :(

On 2008-06-08 21:22, VampiressRN wrote:
Those were great links blockHEAD. When I was in Australia 2 years ago, I had to stuff my suitcase full of TimTams to bring back to my friends in the states. I was their hero (until they polished them all off)....LOL. I could shoot myself though as I never ate any meat pies while I was there (Melbourne). :(

try the aussie pie company he ships over night and they some of the best pies I have ever had. All my yank mates love em.

Wut iz this-Aussie central!?!? Back on topic, that looks like a great start. We're hoping to do something in our back yard here in Vegas, too. I recommend a peaked or angled roof. As for how to do the inside-get some inspiration from Forbidden Island in Alameda. :)


Uh, I don't understand a thing you guys said for the last 10 or 12 posts. Timtam? Toohey? Bundy? Footy? Wth?? :D

Anyway, your long house looks like it will be really awesome! Good luck on it. Where did the light post go? It looked like it had a lot of character. I would have found a way to incorporate it into the finished lanscaping somehow.

Uh Oh...we're in trouble now.:D bLOCKhEAD...get back to work on that tiki bar /long house and post some more pics...or no more meat pies for you!!! Is there such a thing as a swim-up tiki bar. :wink:

Hey is something wrong with my computer? None of the photos on page one on your first post will open up for me. Wendy


works for me

On 2008-06-18 20:24, VampiressRN wrote:
Uh Oh...we're in trouble now.:D bLOCKhEAD...get back to work on that tiki bar /long house and post some more pics...or no more meat pies for you!!! Is there such a thing as a swim-up tiki bar. :wink:

Hehehehehehe more pic's so where's me pies miss vampiress :)

Ooooh...that roofline is looking awesome!!!

Here ya go.....

yum that pie was tasty

Rain posted on Mon, Jul 7, 2008 12:40 PM

awesome... this project is looking great so far.

after a year worth of work I'm almost done

roofs on

[ Edited by: bLOCKhEAD 2009-04-06 12:51 ]

Pages: 1 45 replies