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pre - Oasis art reception and closing of the Bamboo Ben Store w/ Flounder and the Pleasants and ....

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Visiting Artists of the Month at the Bamboo Ben Hut for the month of August will be.......

Ken and Heather Pleasant from Washington!!

Flounder from Florida!!!

" THE HULA GIRLS" band...

All in person!!!

Don't ask what they will be showing.
( cocktail napkin tiki prints from the flight in??
prints or original art?? Who knows??
It's a surprise! )

A small gathering/ party will be held @ 7 p.m. -ish to
10p m -ish

on Thursday Aug. 14th.

Welcoming these out of towners ( cept the HULA GIRLS :)

Small amounts of Budweiser will be on hand, so if that makes you puke, bring something else. Food, yes. Four course meal, no. Price = zero.

And.....Don't forget to visit Now in June for

Guest Visiting Artist KEN RUZIC ( see other topic) who has slew of killer work hanging for sale!!!


Da Boo's!

p.s. this is a Grass Roots thang. No gallery fees. just art friends helping each other out and having fun doing it!

and we'll see you at Oasis the next day!!

[edited by Mrs. Boo so no one expects fresh mint!]

Bamboo Ben Custom Tropical Decor!
I build stuff for you!
Google search me and see!

[ Edited by: Mrs Boo 2008-06-03 22:28 ]

[ Edited by: Lord Farkar 2008-07-27 22:14 ]

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2008-08-09 07:02 ]

i was hoping for the fresh mint!

On 2008-06-04 08:12, little lost tiki wrote:
i was hoping for the fresh mint!

Don't you have a Mint Farm at your hut???


That's the same night as the Bali Hai Oasis pre-party. You'd probably get a bigger crowd if you did it on Wednesday night, or earlier in the day on Thursday so people can still get down to San Diego by evening.

GROG posted on Wed, Jun 4, 2008 10:12 AM

Who's this Flounder dude?


On 2008-06-04 10:12, GROG wrote:
Who's this Flounder dude?

On 2008-06-04 10:04, JenTiki wrote:
That's the same night as the Bali Hai Oasis pre-party. You'd probably get a bigger crowd if you did it on Wednesday night, or earlier in the day on Thursday so people can still get down to San Diego by evening.

That's when Flounder Flops in ( thurs eve) so we're keeping the date.


We'll post pics early August of the art and if anyone who's already at Oasis wants something, they can purchase it and the artists will hand deliver it to them the next day.

.....and, with most people down at Oasis already...that gives us at the BB hut, more beer! Maybe we'll break out the Hinano stash!!

Kevin on Slide might have a few others jamming with him too!



( who needs drums anyway!!)

Can we start another tradition?

.....and, with most people down at Oasis already...that gives us at the BB hut, more beer! Maybe we'll break out the Hinano stash!!

So you break out with the Hinano when I wont be around....and I thought we were friends!


On 2008-07-02 08:03, RevBambooBen wrote:
Kevin on Slide might have a few others jamming with him too!



( who needs drums anyway!!)

Can we start another tradition?

There is something in the works! Talks and negotiations have been started, seconds chosen, weapons selected! (Gretsch/Dan Electro, king doublebass, Fender, surfboards)

how are them talks going?
Is this show a SOLID yet?
Can't wait!


Should be a blast!!!!! here are a few items we will shipping out tomorrow along with some paintings by Heather and whatever else we can find or make.

jonesEy and i will be there. can't wait!

To be blunt-

This will be the "closing party" of the Bamboo Ben Store.

Gonna be a good one!!!

Installs are full steam-ahead!

Custom stuff too.

Just no more store.

Will know more in a week or so.....


everything in the store that has an "X" on it will be 1.00.

Saw Spike yesterday at the surf contest with my kids and he said

Diamond Head De-Lux will still play even if they have no drummer.

bring drums people.

Bamboo Ben aka Pumkin Head!!!!!!!

WHAT? :(

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2008-07-28 09:28 ]

I enjoyed visiting your store Ben.
I will surely miss it.

yes. the end of an era.

Retail is a bitch !!!

concentrating on installs and custom decor.

everything in the store with an x will be 1.00.

(Hint: everything in the store has an x on it!!! :wink:-

we'll call it the flip out sale of the decade ending with a bang!!!

many MAhalos,

The Boos.


Say it ain't so !!!!!

What am I gonna do without my Bamboo Ben store to pick up cool Tiki items for my pad ????

A moment of silence is in order while taps plays in the backround!
I guess that small Bamboo Ben bar i have will some day be a rare comodity.
Mahalo Ben for all the inspiration you have spewed throughout the years and the cool pieces
you have created that people will always treasure.
Thats if you were lucky enough to catch his store open to make a purchase.
Talk about being on Hawaiian time!

[ Edited by: Mongoloid 2008-07-29 10:46 ]

I bet it is all Kenny's fault isn't it?

I knew it would never be the same after he ran the place!

Yup, we're gonna be playing alright. We had our first reunion practice last night.
The rumor of what the band name is, is false... The name has been chosen and will be revealed closer to the time of the show.
No drummer as of yet, but we'll play with or without one. Just like we used to.
A hint toward what we'll be playing is a mix of what we did with the Menehunes from back when I was in the band, and a leap forward to a louder more rockabilly direction.
I'm pretty excited about where this is heading. Pretty appropriate that our first show ever was at Ben's place, and now our first show with this new band is gonna be at Ben's closing...
Gonna be fun.


On 2008-07-29 10:40, Mongoloid wrote:
A moment of silence is in order while taps plays in the backround!
I guess that small Bamboo Ben bar i have will some day be a rare comodity.
Mahalo Ben for all the inspiration you have spewed throughout the years and the cool pieces
you have created that people will always treasure.
Thats if you were lucky enough to catch his store open to make a purchase.
Talk about being on Hawaiian time!

[ Edited by: Mongoloid 2008-07-29 10:46 ]

Amen....This is the end of an era !

A message from Mrs. Boo:)

Ok people, put away the tissue and dry your eyes. With every end to an era comes a new beginning. Mahalo to everyone who has called and emailed with their concerns. We are not closing, and, sorry, the building is not up for grabs....yup, someone jumped on that opportunity. I wrote this particular email to a friend/client who was concerned they might not be able to come to Bamboo Ben (the shop, not the person....it's Hurley not "Hurleys") and enjoy the atmosphere. Like I mention in the email, it's time for us to turn things upside down and all around. And, not to the tune of Taps, it's James Brown, baby!

It's all good. There will always be Ben's amazing creations in our building and hopefully a more fun, relaxing and creative way for our clients to visit our shop and view his work. See.....when Ben and I went full steam ahead with Bamboo Ben, we carefully considered "how" we were going to run the business in such a way that our children did not suffer from our workloads and hours spent away from the home (Blake was barely walking at the time). Attempting to look into the future, we decided that 10 years or so down the line, we would not regret NOT placing our boys in daycare. In our hearts we believed we would sorely regret the decision to place the business before our children. Ben and I were determined to create a balance between our family life and our business. We have been in our building for almost 10 years and our plan worked like a charm......Ben created the product during the week and I ran the store on the weekends....Dad gone during the week, Mom gone on the weekends. Retail business was booming, custom orders were booming.

Today, install business is BOOMING! Retail business for all small businesses has taken a punch to the gut. It's time for us to turn things upside down and all around......kinda like a room change out. :) We're both really excited to take the business in a fairly new, fresh direction allowing Ben to have his "studio time" creating as well as traveling the country on installation work. When he's gone, I man both business and home fort. When he's home, we're both off work (for once). We have our family time whether it be hanging at the beach with the kids, camping or climbing through caves in the California desert. Just trying to keep the balance, baby. :)

So, that's it in a rather large nutshell. :) Yes, we will be at Oasis. Yes, we will be having a gathering at the shop the Thursday before. And, yes, I will be carrying Ben's cell phone while poolside. :)

I want to give a huge MAHALO to so many who have contacted us. It's all good and it's gonna be fun! As far as "Hawaiian Time," I hope Ben might be able to enjoy that someday. As for now, he is the hardest working man in Tiki without a doubt.

Much love,

Mrs. Boo


[ Edited by: Hinano_Paul 2008-08-04 22:12 ]

teaKEY posted on Tue, Aug 5, 2008 7:05 AM

On 2008-07-27 21:35, RevBambooBen wrote:

everything in the store that has an "X" on it will be 1.00.

I guess it seems like a good deal.



I hate to miss the Thur night activities but I will be at Oasis by then!


(That is just an expression Ben - don't get out the rat traps).

Tiki Bob


again I say...
I must be livin' on the wrong coast!
dammit! :evil:
I'll be there in spirit, causing lots o'trouble

I'll be there
but not for sale....


Well Daayyum, I Shore wish I could be there too. Best of luck from the "Other" Ben.

Thank you for the post Mrs. Boo! I'm glad to know that tiki is treating your family well and the store will continue on in one format or another.

I'm looking forward to this event!

Ken and I are so looking forward to this gathering. I can't wait to see the Bamboo Ben store. It sounds like there will be some great things happening there in the future. Congratulations on your up and coming transformation.


A lot of stuff will be a buck,

not everything.

The other stuff will be 1/2 off

or more.

We need to make room

for the future.........

Deals o plenty!!!!!

More soon........

one more thang.....

Is anyone coming from the LBC or north of the LBC?

Flounder is flopping into Long Beach Airport

approx 7 pm-ish, thurs.. and I was wondering if

anyone of you kind hearted Tiki Freaks would wanna

catch him on your way down....

pm. or email.....

Mucho MAhalooo's!

Da Boo's

Here is what I'm bringing to the Bamboo Ben gathering. Looking forward to hanging with friends and meeting new people in the California sun.

Great lookin goodies kids!
and can't wait to see some more Flounders up close....
you boys got skillz!
I'll have a few things up on the wall as well
(Ben annoited me the "house artist" and said i must represent....)
so Come on down on your way to Oasis!
Kona's is right down PCH as well, so you can have a nice meal before the MADNESS! :)

Visit http://www.kenruzic.com


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2008-08-12 08:17 ]

I heart Heather. The work shown above is that of the talented, sweet and beautiful Heather Pleasant. Heather is William Westenhaver's (Witco fame) grand daughter. Both Heather and her husband, Ken (Keigs), will be showing a few art pieces on Thursday evening. Come and enjoy.

Aloha, Mrs. Boo

2 more days!

This might help a bit to some of you who keep asking...

2nd paragraph


Join us Thursday for an evening of art, music and Aloha Spirit "Bamboo Ben style." We will be welcoming 4 artists into our Yorktown hut. Heather and Ken Pleasant from Washington (pleasanttiki.com), Scott "Flounder" Scheidly from Florida (flounderart.com) and local Huntington Beach artist Ken Ruzic (kenruzic.com) will be showing various paintings and carvings. A unique twist to Hawaiian and Polynesian Lounge music will be performed live by The Hula Girls. These local musicians grab onto their influences, ranging from Don Ho to Eddie Cochran, and GO! Like we say "Bamboo Ben style"....this is not your ordinary luau. Come enjoy art, music, friends, food and drink.

We hope you can join us to celebrate a new dawning for Bamboo Ben. As many of you may or may not know, we are taking our business into a new and exciting direction. Ben has been extremely busy with installation work. Due to this, we are no longer offering our public hours on Saturday and Sunday. We are welcoming our clients by appointment. Over the next few months, we will be transforming our shop into a paradise you've yet to see unless you've experienced Ben's installation work. We'd like to invite our clients into a world where they can comfortably relax, browse the portfolio books, order custom pieces as well as check out Bamboo Ben's recent creations of art, furniture and accessories available for purchase. We need to make room for this venture, so all existing Bamboo Ben work will be at rock bottom prices on Thursday.

Thursday August 14th

6:00'ish - 10:00'ish

Bamboo Ben Hut - 712 Yorktown Ave

714 960-1860

Aloha and Mahalo,

Mrs. Bamboo


The Hula Girls are honored and excited to be playing this gig. We are rough, untested, unpracticed....but the beat goes on!!



totally can't wait to make this side stop before hitting Oasis! :)

Unfortunately I haven't had time to do any original art so I will just have prints available. I will also bring some postcards.

Can't wait to get to Cali. I'm excited for my first Tiki Oasis!!

Thanks for the hospitality Mr. and Mrs. Boo. You guys rock.


This sounds like fun! I'm gonna try to swing by and will help get the word out.


C'mon down kids!
lots to enjoy!

What an honor to be exhibiting with the pleasants and the esteemed Mr. Scheidly! :)

I'm bringing some art.including a new one-hot off the press!
"the midnight giggle"
i think it's 16x20...maybe 20x24..
acrylic on canvas

I'll also be displaying the "Guardians of the Plumeria"
for those of you who missed it at the freakout!

and if there's any room, i'll hang up a painting in progress
for the Tiki magazine show....
Gain insight into the artistical process with just one viewing!
here's a sneak peek!

See y'all there!
thanks Ben and Vicki !
this is gonna be a HOOT!

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