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Tikis by Mooney...Monday 6/9 New Tongaroa pendant and more

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Tiki Duddy posted on 05/29/2008

looks great, really like the mask

greentikipat posted on 05/29/2008

man, you're a carving monster. i don't get around to all the threads like i wish i had time for. i love your stuff more and more. can't wait to meet you at hukilau. your wave carvings are insperational to say the least.(along with all your other work) where you at Benz's chop? did i just miss you or was i just out of it? looking forward to it, your friend pat.

harro posted on 05/29/2008

aloha mooney,
man you have so many different fish on the fry at the moment!!
i love the finished lono, and the marq, and well the guitar - i'm very interested in watching that one, being a guitar nut!

MooneyTiki posted on 06/05/2008

Aloha to all!!!
Seeksurf, Mahalo for the nice words,much appreciated my friend.
TikiDuddy, Thanks for the kind words.
greentikipat,pat,yes i was at bens carvin chop but had to leave early to get back to my daughters birthday party,but i look forward to meeting you at the Hukilau and seeing your Amazing Art.
Harro,2 many fish to fry and so little time till Hukilau to finish them and I dont think I'm gonna be able to finish the KOA Lono by then but will see. Mahalo for the nice words and how are you I hope well aloha your friend mooney.

Well I have a few photos to show of some carvings so here goes
First, those that have been followin know my helper Ryan (mister i wanna carve with dad and all the tool in the shed are MINE)well here is mister Ryan helping me carve a Moai pendant in Al-bee-zee-ah oh by the way his sister Hannah loves to carve also, she was busy on the trampoleen.

close up of Ryans Moai we put a New spin on the pendant by carving a Fish Hook for the nose and an A frame Wave for the ear.

Lono looking for a date with the hula girl. Finally finished this lono pendant in Black walnut.

I found this scrap piece of maple out back in the trash at a local woodshop and I thought it would make a Great wave but the wood is Way more Beautiful than I could have imagined.

maple wave check out the grain and how it goes in 2 directions!

The Maori Mask is almost finished. I just have to draw the Tattoos and carve them and he's off to the Hukilau. If you look at the nose sideways you can see a surf wave on each nostril.

well thats all the pics that I have for now, but I have a couple more to post on monday some to finish and a few New ones Mahalo to all that stopped by and may the Aloha always be at your door every day, Aloha your friend Jimmy Mooney

Howland posted on 06/05/2008

Awesome! Can't wait to see it finished and in person @ Hukilau.

Benzart posted on 06/05/2008

Excellent stuff Jimmy and I Love the wave even though the wood is Hard as nails. Perfect age to start Ryan out carving with the power tools Too. Glad I don't hafta wait till Huki to see your stuff! That Spike Tiki is really cool but I don't think you should take it with you, instead leave him here in my shop so the peeps don't get scared away from the rest of your stuff. He can hang out here for awhile, I'll let you know when he's safe!. :lol:

benella posted on 06/05/2008

Excellent stuff Mooney, especially the mask that is beautiful.


seeksurf posted on 06/05/2008

Holly cow! where to start? The fish hook face is great love the
free flowing feel.

I see the wave in the wood already. NICE

The mask is a master piece outstanding work!

You are a busy man. What a great post of pic's and tales.

congatiki posted on 06/05/2008

Holy Cats Mooney, the Maori mask is really gonna be nice. Great
work on everything that you do, but I can't wait to see where you take
the Maori. Inspiring, makes a guy wanna get back to work!

tikifreak1 posted on 06/05/2008

Wow!! That mask is something, that's gonna be awesome when it's done (it's already awesome now!!!) I really like the twisted Moai too.


Lake Surfer posted on 06/06/2008


Love the Maori piece!

Classic Mooney A-Frame tiki with some beautiful grain as only pine can give!

Hope you bring this guy, would love to see it up and personal!

Tahitiki posted on 06/06/2008

Great mask!!! I love it!.

Tikilizard posted on 06/06/2008

Love the detail on the eyes and the use of the wood grain really brings out the cheek area. Very Nice!

Paipo posted on 06/07/2008

Man you are pumping out some great stuff lately. Digging the surf-themed pieces and the freaky moai, but the mask - WOW. It has awesome presence already!

AlohaStation posted on 06/07/2008


[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2008-06-12 12:02 ]

Slave2Tiki posted on 06/07/2008

great work im totally stoked..

GMAN posted on 06/07/2008


That mask is tits! I can't wait to se the next set of pics. WOW!

MooneyTiki posted on 06/09/2008

Aloha to all!!! And MAHALO to all you that left so many very kind words it is vry humbling to me and is much appreciated!!!MAHALO my friends! I have not much time now(at work) but i will thank you all very soon each one of you, I have a few New and finishing out a few other pendants and carvings that will be looking for New homes, so here goes I hope you like.Mahalo for looking
First is of a Tang pendant in Mahagony.I put my Tattoo spin on it and it has flowing waves on it as well as a Shark sort of hidden.

The next pic is of my version of a Marqueasan with Polynesian Tattoos form Maori,tonga,hawaii,moai,and more all intermixed into the face as well as my own style in there as well. It is wood burned on a piece of birch and i have to frame it tommarrow in Bamboo plywood (really cool ).

the nex piece is me putting on the poly I just wanted to show how the Wood grain Pops out (sa-pay-lee wood)

The Marqueasan (sorry bout the spelling I'm not so good at that)pendant.I just finished the eye yesterday

And finally a pic that I call (Bring in the usual Suspects)all the pendants.the only ones not looking for a new home is the turtle(my daughter scored that) anf the small curvee Lono in black walnut (my son snagged that one).

Mahalo to all that stopped by and to all you so very Talented artists out there keep creating those Amazing pieces of art and posting them . Mahalo and Aloha your friend Jimmy Mooney

Benzart posted on 06/09/2008

Man, Lookit all this stuff you've been holding Back. Love it. That is quite a stash.

seeksurf posted on 06/09/2008

Yes look at that cool collection of pendents man.

The one looks like its made from bubble gum?

congatiki posted on 06/10/2008

Great collection of available pendants Mooney, this stuff is really
cool. You have always posted top notch work but you are really crankin'
now. Hukilau shoppers are gonna be happy happy happy.

benella posted on 06/10/2008

Very good new stuffs Mooney. I love the picture with the half "poly-ed" one.


seeksurf posted on 06/27/2008

17 day on page 2!? Back on top

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