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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Not a Witco

Pages: 1 6 replies

keigs20 posted on 06/11/2008
TIKI DAVID posted on 06/11/2008

a lot of this stuff seems to come from indian rocks beach.

VampiressRN posted on 06/11/2008

Interesting verbiage "modern witco era"....gotta read the fine print. It is good to post stuff like this though for those of us that don't have the cultivated eye to know the difference. I have learned a lot from this site (and the various tiki reference books), but I still would have to get a second opinion on some purchases. :wink:

TikiTres posted on 06/11/2008

Yeah, I saw those auctions earlier and thought if anyone bought those they would be buying them solely on the belief that they're Witco, cause they're all pretty darned ugly :) It appears the one seller changed the auction descriptions because when I saw them earlier it stated in the descriptions that they appeared to be Witco but did not have any markings. Also they had buy-it-now prices which have now been removed. Odd.

TIKI DAVID posted on 06/13/2008

there is more up there now.looks like someone in Indian Rocks Beach Fla. is pumping out cheap knock offs 'WITCO' and trying to ride the 'TIKI MODERN' wave to the bank. i ,and many others know better ,but i am sure there are those that do not ......yet.. and they are going to be stuck with a piece of shit hanging on there wall calling it WITCO. just say'n

Traderbob posted on 06/16/2008

Thanks for the info about the non-ones !

Time for "Tiki modern II ... and the wild world of ebay" ? :wink:

woofmutt posted on 06/17/2008

Images from auctions in keigs20's post:

Pages: 1 6 replies