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Most anticipated Hukilau moment?

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What is the moment that you are looking for to the most?

I think mine is the sound of drums at the Mai-Kai as the show stars and seeing all the ohana gathered around. The Mai-Kai just seems better when all the tiki lovers are surrounding her.

Our flight tonight!!!

The rest is icing on the cake!!


I gotta go with you on that. Hearing the show in the other room is magical.

I also adore trying to take a quick walk over to the Clipper to get my wrist bands and meeting 20 people on the way I have to hug and talk to and it ends up taking much longer even though I am trying to hurry. And that happens all weekend long. Biggest family reunion evar!

The pouring of the next shot of rum.

And then the next shot.

And then the next.

And the next.


Whas the kestion agin?

When I finally get the FINE ART TIKI show up!
I have only a short amount of time to do it in and I'm freaking out a little
but it's going to be pretty dam good...


For me, being a first timer and not knowing exactly what to expect, just pulling up to the Cabana and getting out of the car after a lengthy road trip sounds delightful to me!

most anticipated moment...something heavy (a giant mai kai tiki perhaps) falling on tikilale......

[ Edited by: tipsy mcstagger 2008-06-11 08:53 ]


Walking into the Mai Kai for the first time.

Seeing TikiBree and Stumpgrinder, of course :) And having a drink in the bar at Mai Kai. And buying something I do not need but absolutely cannot live without at the bazaar.

This year, that moment will be hitting the Art Show, and digging on the craziest cats ever collected. Shag, Derek, Crazy Al, Basement Kahuna and all those hep daddies sporting the swag; that scene will be way out.

The Angry Idol
"When the kava hits the lava, I'll be paddlin' home to you."

I'm anticipating all the peace and quiet,rest and relaxation that the Hukilau is famous for!

actually I agree with Angry Idol....meeting all the fellow arteests and TC Ohana!

Cuddling with my roommate Mark Bloom (Velvet Glass).


Someone get Doug a Mermaid! .................. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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