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Pirate stuff now officially uncool!

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twowheelin'tiki posted on 06/12/2003

it has come to my attention that a pirate movie of quality is "coming out"(jab-jab)in the mainstream . does this sound the warning that the end is near?. If only it had been screened at sundance......arrrr!

tikifish posted on 06/12/2003

I can't keep up with this shit. 'Pirate chic' had just barely crept onto my pop-culture radar and now it's over?


Actually I am very excited about Pirates of the Carribbean. Even if it is an 'uncool' movie...

tikifish posted on 06/12/2003

Oh wait. I just got the joke.

Ha ha

"I'm from Canada and they think I'm slow, eh?"

thejab posted on 06/12/2003

I better get this in while it's still cool:

A pirate walks into a bar with a big ship's wheel tied to his waist.

Bartender: "What's that ship wheel tied to your waist for?".

Pirate: "Aaaarrr, it's drivin' me nuts!".

atomictonytiki posted on 06/12/2003

Aaaaarrr! Ya swab yea, I'll keelhaul yea fer sayin pirates ain't cool, Aaaaaarrr

Kailuageoff posted on 06/12/2003

If the Pirate movie turns out to be a stinker, go see "Master & Commander" when it comes out later this year. It is based on the Patrick O'Brien book about the British Navy during the Napoleonic era, and stars Russell Crowe. I love O'Brien's novels.
Somehow I'm expecting a politically correct pirate's of the Caribbean movie... but will be pleasantly surprised if it is a full-on feast of debauchery.

Trader Tiki posted on 06/12/2003

Ye gods

I just saw a hibiscus sticker on a car in the company parking lot, a bunch of Hawaiian shirts on sale at Target...

I may be new, but I'm curious... are we here for Poly Pop, or Poly Pristige?

Yes, joke thread, well aware, just blathering.

Tiki Baron posted on 06/12/2003

does this sound the warning that the end is near?.

In my opinion No. Mainstream in many ways is a good thing because it means more money going towards all things Tiki (or perhaps in this case Piracy). If there is demand -- supply will follow meaning more business for some on this board. I say bring it on...the die hards will still know where to "really" go when the rest of the world is drinking cheap Rum. Besides which would you rather have 20 Movies to enjoy and critize or 2 ?? Take the 20 odds are someone in Hollywood will get it right at least once.


martiki posted on 06/12/2003

A little kid goes trick-or-treating as a pirate one year. He knocks on the door of a house and sez, "Trick Or Treat!"

The lady who answers the door sez, "My, what a cute little pirate! And where are your buccaneers?"

And the kid sez, "Under my buccan' hat, lady!"

weirduncletiki posted on 06/12/2003

Q: What's a pirates favorite TV show?

Tiki Chris posted on 06/12/2003

Q: Which television celebrity do pirates think is sexy?


Thank you! Good night!

purple jade posted on 06/12/2003

Martin, that's one of my all-time favorite jokes! I can't hear the word buccaneers without giggling. The last Superbowl nearly killed me.

TikiMaxton posted on 06/12/2003

On 2003-06-12 13:42, twowheelin'tiki wrote:
it has come to my attention that a pirate movie of quality is "coming out"(jab-jab)in the mainstream .

I suppose it will be rated "Aarrrhhh"...

Frenchy Polynesia posted on 06/12/2003

And now, the Pirate Alphabet...

(hands up, who remembers this from Mike Nesmith's Television Parts?) :wink:

hanford_lemoore posted on 06/13/2003

My wife left her purse on a Pirate ship.

limptiki posted on 06/13/2003

Anything for a few dubloons - I hope no one here will be "cashing in" on the new craze.

SullTiki posted on 06/13/2003

On 2003-06-12 14:03, tikifish wrote:
"I'm from Canada and they think I'm slow, eh?"

Great Simpson's reference!

kahukini posted on 06/13/2003

Five pirates and one woman wash up on a desert island after a shipwreck.
Before long they are all getting pretty horny so they all make a deal.
Each pirate will marry the woman for one week at a time, at which point the next pirate in line will marry her and so on.
All the pirates get sex every five weeks and the woman gets sex as often as she wants with a different pirate each week.
The situation works wonderfully for five years. When the woman suddenly dies...
The first week after wasn't too bad.
The second week was getting sort of bad.
The third week was getting pretty bad.
The fourth week was really bad.
The fifth week was horrible!
By the sixth week it was unbearable...

So they buried her.

aquarj posted on 06/13/2003

Molten lava is officially un-cool.

The Sun is also extremely un-cool.

And I'm un-cool too, for just making one of my most worthless posts ever.


Chongolio posted on 06/13/2003

What kinda socks do pirates wear???


twowheelin'tiki posted on 06/13/2003

i wonder if shag can redeem himself by doing some pirate art before his career hits the wall!(nudge nudge), gosh I sure hope so.......(snicker)

Cultjam posted on 06/13/2003

"if Shag can redeem himself by painting some pirate art before his career hits the wall"

He's way ahead of you.

Pirate Booty: The Arrrt of Mates and Wenches

My favorite is "I like big booty and I cannot lie"

Lisa Lisa

[ Edited by: Cultjam on 2003-06-12 22:01 ]

twowheelin'tiki posted on 06/13/2003

a playboy with an eye patch aint a damn pirate!, pirates dress more........flamboyantly!

MonkeyPaw posted on 06/13/2003

On 2003-06-12 15:37, Kailuageoff wrote:
If the Pirate movie turns out to be a stinker, go see "Master & Commander" when it comes out later this year. It is based on the Patrick O'Brien book about the British Navy during the Napoleonic era, and stars Russell Crowe.

Did you say Russell Crowe???.. How did that information get past my Russell Crowe Radar? Don't you know he is soon to be my future ex-husband? Of course I'll go see that movie..but I will also see Pirates of the Carribean..with bells on my toes..I'll be first in line to get my tickets, my Orlando Bloom & Mr. Depp fix...YE ARRRRR!

[ Edited by: MonkeyPaw on 2003-06-13 01:16 ]

[ Edited by: MonkeyPaw on 2003-06-13 01:17 ]

Atomic Cocktail posted on 06/13/2003


"Twas on the good ship Venus
By Christ ya shouldda seen us,
The figurehead was a whore in bed,
And the mast it was a penis.


Friggin' in the riggin'

Friggin'in the riggin'

Friggin' in the riggin'

There was f@&k all else to do!"

[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail on 2003-06-13 11:33 ]

Cowtown Kahuna posted on 06/13/2003

Q: Where do Pirates hang out in the mall?
A: At the ARRRRRRRRRRcade!

Melintur posted on 06/13/2003

On 2003-06-12 17:20, hanford_lemoore wrote:

My wife left her purse on a Pirate ship.

Mind you, Pirate bites can be nasty.

Cowtown Kahuna posted on 06/13/2003

On 2003-06-12 21:02, twowheelin'tiki wrote:
i wonder if shag can redeem himself by doing some pirate art before his career hits the wall!(nudge nudge), gosh I sure hope so.......(snicker)

So, by that rationale, this has to be the most uncool sticker on the planet. :wink:

vintagegirl posted on 06/13/2003

How bad can a movie be with both Johnny Depp AND Orlando Bloom in it?

Atomic Cocktail posted on 06/14/2003

On 2003-06-13 16:16, vintagegirl wrote:
How bad can a movie be with both Johnny Depp AND Orlando Bloom in it?

AND Crazy AL!

Caber-Net posted on 06/15/2003

What's a Pirates favorite letter?


Caber-Net posted on 06/15/2003

How much did it cost for the Pirate to get his ears pierced?

A Buck an Ear!

I could got on but I refuse.

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the75stingray posted on 06/16/2003

On 2003-06-13 16:16, vintagegirl wrote:
How bad can a movie be with both Johnny Depp AND Orlando Bloom in it?

What is with this Orlando Bloom facination? (MonkeyPaw? VintageGirl?) I mean the guy was doing 7-Up commercials two months ago, wasnt he?
And Johnny Depp? Is he still around? I thought he bought it with a drug overdose at the Viper Room right after making "From Hell" or something...

Ah, what the hell do I know? I'm still in my 80's Miami Vice phase.
I'll go see the movie just to watch something that is different and non-chick-flick...ish.

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tikimug posted on 06/16/2003

Let's see if I can get this right?

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and... JONES
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martiki posted on 06/16/2003

Well clarified, tikimug. And with nice visual aids.

vintagegirl posted on 06/16/2003

[i]What is with this Orlando Bloom facination? (MonkeyPaw? VintageGirl?) I mean the guy was doing 7-Up commercials two months ago, wasnt he?
And Johnny Depp? Is he still around? I thought he bought it with a drug overdose at the Viper Room right after making "From Hell" or something...

Well, I'll admit that Orlando just isn't quite as hunky in real life. (I think he's got some mousey curly hair in a bad 'do or something.) But just goes to show you what Hollywood magic can do. Oh, and I think many women already found him quite alluring as the hot blond elf Legolas in Lord of the Rings a couple of years ago.

As for Johnny Depp, I've always liked him and his odd choices in film roles. (OK, so maybe I didn't exactly watch him on 21 Jump Street. But I think he got better in the movies.) Besides he was so wonderfully goth in Edward Scissorhands!

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woofmutt posted on 06/16/2003

I had no idea that Orlando fellow was so talented...But did he do the 7-Up ads in black face or Lord of the Rings in white face?

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tikimug posted on 06/16/2003

Hey woof are you forgeting about his singing career with Dawn?

This guys got more talent in his little pinky than I have in my whole pinky!

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thecardcheat posted on 06/16/2003

Wasn't "pirate" un-cool after being exploited and burnt out by Adam and the Ants???

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Unga Bunga posted on 06/16/2003

I loved the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland when I was a kid (still do). I look forward to the movie, but Johnny Depp seems kind of gay in his mannerisms (in the previews) and not as brawn as you would hope for a pirate captain. I guess Walt Disney does not want to scare the kids.
Here is a link for the official website:

Unga Bunga

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Turbogod posted on 06/16/2003

So would this be the ultimate in UNCOOL?
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tiki410 posted on 06/16/2003

I thought what Adam and the Ants was wearing was more a more of a period piece like a "Dangerous Liasons" sort of way with American Indian makup. Boy did I miss that one completely.

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Unga Bunga posted on 06/16/2003

Sing along with me Matie!
Unga Bunga

vintagegirl posted on 06/17/2003

While Adam Ant did do a tour in the early 80's that had a full-size pirate ship for a stage set, he also played a highwayman or rogue among other things, in his music videos. (It was all part of the Blitz, baby.)

And frankly, Adam can climb onto my rigging anytime.
Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3d837b3127cce89dba60fa4ff0000001610
Those sultry eyelinered eyes and glossed lips in Stand & Deliver....Oooo!!

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Biotron2000 posted on 06/17/2003

Okay, okay, my turn!

Have you seen the movie about the asteroid that crashes into the pirate ship?
It's called ARRRRRRRRRRmageddon!

Thank you! I'll be here 'til Thursday! Try the veal!

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SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 06/17/2003


Did everyone forget about our Special Agent (closet) Pirate?

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(photo courtesy of Tiki-Bot)

SugarCaddyDaddy's Schedule of Stuff!

[ Edited by: sugarcaddydaddy on 2003-06-17 09:16 ]

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Tiki Diablo posted on 06/17/2003

Pop, can you get me into Disneyland for free again? Oh yeah, congrats on the promotion, I had a feeling the "It's a Small World" ride shift was getting to you.

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PolynesianPop posted on 06/17/2003

I guess I need to cut down on the fried chicken. The sash is beginning to feel a little snug.

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