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Basement Kahuna -New Maori Bone Pendant 3/04

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Bete posted on 04/15/2008

Great work per usual Basement Kahuna!

Bete posted on 04/15/2008

P.S. I just got caught up looking through all your new pieces posted in here since my last post, nice new pieces Man, great work!!

Basement Kahuna posted on 04/30/2008

Thanks, Bete, and everybody. Check out the new Tiki Magazine feature if you get a chance..many great mysteries revealed!

JohnnyP posted on 04/30/2008

On 2008-04-29 17:20, Basement Kahuna wrote:
Thanks, Bete, and everybody. Check out the new Tiki Magazine feature if you get a chance..many great mysteries revealed!

Just recieved my copy today!

SwankyMonkey posted on 04/30/2008

Congrats on the great article, Kahuna! I knew the name from these boards, so it felt like "family" was gettin' some creds :)

MooneyTiki posted on 05/31/2008


Basement Kahuna posted on 05/31/2008

"Huh, whaa??" ...Oh, yeah-hey guys. (Mooney woke me up...thanks, brah!) WHat I've been up to lately is four rail posts for Queen Kamahameha, the ongoing Maori house panel for Kingstiedye, a tiki for Pappy, a warclub for JTD, a Tongaroa for 'Ragin, a 4-foot Bora for TNTiki, and on, and on..Commissions seem to be the life of me. But I have found some spare time to carve some bone, earmarked for Hukilau-only sale. Three intertwined Manaia, and the Nature of Tamahae over the Nature of Kanohi.

The Cockeyed Mayor Of CarvaKaKai.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2008-05-31 10:30 ]

MooneyTiki posted on 05/31/2008

Aloha BK!!! I knew you had to B Shavin some WOOD, and I know it's somewhat secret,, but come on we want to see the magic like the old days of posting those Killer carvings. Lets see the panel for Bullet,and all those other sweet carvings. Sorry my friend got a little carried away but I dig your wood carvings and miss seeing them,Aloha Mooney see ya at the Hukilau

Tamapoutini posted on 05/31/2008

On 2008-05-31 10:30, Basement Kahuna wrote:
WHat I've been up to lately is four rail posts for Queen Kamahameha, the ongoing Maori house panel for Kingstiedye, a tiki for Pappy, a warclub for JTD, a Tongaroa for 'Ragin, a 4-foot Bora for TNTiki, and on, and on..Commissions seem to be the life of me..

BK indahouse! Jeez mate, no wonder we've not seen much of you lately - although youve also dropped yourself right in it as far as progress reports go. Now that we know what there is to see, we wanna see.. Pure praise for taking on all those commissions (theyre the death of me..heehee)

Nice bones! Love the multi-Manaia!


Congratulations BK on the mag. Good Job

Basement Kahuna posted on 05/31/2008

Thanks, Moon, Tamp and Marcus. In the words of Ali G. "mad respek". The commish stuff is all in the carving stage but for a couple of the railposts..I'll post a pic of the pieces when I get a chance. I don't like to post progress photos anymore because I don't have much time, but I usually try to get pics on here if I can as stuff gets completed (minus a piece or two that has to go out "yesterday!"). The bone stuff is easy to photo..very small.

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/02/2008

A bone Marquesan Tiki Ivi Poo "vendetta" hair ornament. Virani owns one of the others I've carved and Sven Kirsten owns the second

benella posted on 06/02/2008



Tamapoutini posted on 06/02/2008

Sweet little Marq BK! How big/small is it?

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/02/2008

I guessed at a glance about 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 x 1". Th 1" is the height laying down. You have to carve the flat sides on these so your thicker material is on the side so you can get the right depth to pierce the arms. On a piece of femur bone, anyway. I love these, though. The Marquesans had a million variants...they say no two alike.

seeksurf posted on 06/02/2008

Most excellent Marquesan Tiki Ivi Poo.
Its so cute!

JohnnyP posted on 06/03/2008

Thanks for dimensions on that very nice piece, I was wondering how big it was as well.

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/03/2008

Thanks, guys. If you can get the Metropolitan Museum book "Adorning The World, Art Of The Marquesas Islands" there are some nice examples of these to see. One of the better books on Marquesas art.

Tiki Duddy posted on 06/03/2008

whoa! dude that's wicked!

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/25/2008

Here's a little sumpin sumpin I recently added to my Paupuan artifact collection...a Mindibit Crocodile Slit Drum, Central Sepik River area. Always wanted a big one of these, as most examples available now are quite a bit smaller and sold for the tourist trade. This one is the real deal, appx. 60 years old. 11 x 55 inches! As you can see, it's neighbors in the collection are happy! Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/502/4861a279.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=969ee51c71639b9671a53cf4e070b9f0 Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/502/4861a296.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=bb41ceb520c34a20f783635761857406 Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/502/4861a2a9.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=001db584e8d595992e146ec1eaba64ee

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surfintiki posted on 06/25/2008


seeksurf posted on 06/25/2008

Very nice find. Makes me think of JohnnyP I want
to hear one of those some day in the woods.

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pia tiki posted on 06/25/2008


Great looking work! I've read over all 69 pages of this thread, and I'm not sure what I like better, the work or Basement Kahuna's poses. I hope that I am able to be this good in time. Just keep at it... just keep at it...

Cheers! :drink:

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kikekeki posted on 06/25/2008

Excellent add to what I am sure is an outstanding collection!
By the way, LOOOOVE the table and chairs!!

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 06/25/2008

They say the drumming in Papua New Guinea is a language. It isn't loud and boisterous, but almost like typing. There is a syntax to it and it communicates a lot of meaning.

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hala bullhiki posted on 06/25/2008

"it's neighbors in the collection are happy! "

....before scrolling down to see the other pics, i thought you were refering to your cat sleeping/lying in the chair in the first pic!...lol

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Jungle Trader posted on 08/11/2008

With all the fighting going on in Georgia I hope you're alright....heheh

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Tiki Terrace posted on 08/11/2008

Man! Just went to the Chicago Field Museum and could have sworn your work was there!

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RevBambooBen posted on 08/12/2008

is that a live cat

or stuffed cat

on the chair?!?

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/15/2008

On 2008-08-10 23:32, Jungle Trader wrote:
With all the fighting going on in Georgia I hope you're alright....heheh

Number one ranked team in the damned country, Sports Illustrated cover, and how do they handle it? Like college football players. I just hope there is a team once they get through.

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/15/2008

Ben, that be a live cat...14 years my companion. I love 'er. Terrace..are you serious? That's a heck of a compliment even if not. Hope all is well in everybody's neck of the woods. Had to take a shop break for a few weeks to avoid severe burnout. But my tiki batteries are nearing full again!

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/25/2008

A recent piece featuring 5 rising Manaia..Just posted it for sale on Tiki Marketplace, as I haven't offered much here this year.. Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/502/48db2029.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=5f9473bb29e8cd481156e26807184f7a Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/502/48db2061.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7db6d2e0d7ecc14baefb4f0163d7b87c Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/502/48db204c.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8492ed1b473f9a006eca1e616152aa0a Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/502/48db20ba.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=936d5f4f03dbc88a297421af76ff0af0

seeksurf posted on 09/25/2008

Sweet piece Basment! Masterfully done!

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/25/2008

Thanks seek...I know I don't get by here as much as I'd like but lots of good work being done here on Creating I can see still. Keep it up!

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/26/2008

Forgot to mention to my newer TC friends- I also have a myspace page now which has sort of eclipsed the old web site (I closed it for now). Here is a link, folks. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=279603638 _________________
The Cockeyed Mayor Of CarvaKaKai.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2008-09-26 11:09 ]

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Lake Surfer posted on 09/26/2008

Laser quality BK.

Hope things are well in your world. Nice to see you post.

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Benzart posted on 09/27/2008

BK, I Really Love your Bone Pieces, I just feel something with then I don't get with your other stuff, It's Different and you should be doing Lots of these type pieces. Actually HAppy happyHAppy to be seeing you post again and with fully charged tiki batteries hopefully well be seeing more goodies from the Master again soon? I for one would really love to see a few progress shots so I could see the steps taken to get your final beauty in place. Also I Love the coloring and I have yet to color but one bone piece and would like to see the right way to do it!

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/27/2008

Thanks, Ben..To me the flow is definitely different and somewhat challenging in bone, and flow is what any good piece is all about.. It takes a lot more of a tongue-in-cheek approach in a 2 to 3 inch piece of stock. Definitely my new favorite material.

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TravelingJones posted on 09/27/2008

Beautiful clean flowing lines BK...jaw dropping precision.

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Matt Reese posted on 09/27/2008

Very nice work. It almost looks too perfect. You sure you didn't pick that up in New Zealand?
Seriously, it's fantastic.

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bushidowarrior1985 posted on 10/06/2008

Hi your carving work is realy good i like the taiaha pics
i am quite new to carving myself and don't know where to start when it comes to carving a taiaha
so any advice would be great thanks

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surfintiki posted on 10/07/2008

I agree with Benz, LOVE to see the process. Especially cutting the Paua. Suuuuuuuuper nice.

Tamapoutini posted on 10/09/2008

On 2008-09-25 07:29, Basement Kahuna wrote:
A recent piece featuring 5 rising Manaia..

:o Wow! "full on!" I count 31 pierced holes in that sucker! Thats what I call committment. Good to see an artist who accepts no compromise - Nice job BK!

JohnnyP posted on 10/18/2008

What other masterpieces are in the works at the BK workshop?

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buzzard posted on 10/20/2008

bk that piece is a.. ma.. zing!!
now i need tools to try bone and stone

more tools more tools

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Babalu posted on 10/22/2008

DYAM! This is just crazy intense stuff BK...Your just way over the top!

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/28/2008

Thanks, guys. A lot of good work lately here on Creating by everybody. Kia Ora.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/14/2008

Here's Brent Hinds of the unstoppable metal comet Mastodon front and center wearing his BK bone carving on the Unholy Alliance tour w/Slayer! Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/502/491cff3d.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=a789b3b4de48a43e7d6ef9fff25420d5

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